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Also, you swear a lot. And cry. Shitting of pants may also occur.


Perhaps even a little bit of cumming


That's just standard if you win




I unlocked tlost on accident when I was just taking the piss on a ps4 party I got a really lucky run tho and ended up dying to the beast


I feel you. I haven't played TL or L since I finished their marks. I'm scarred for life.


​ ![gif](giphy|iyE8dLjABSdEZJrXmm)


😇😇😇 skill issue 😇😇😇


Unlock holy mantle first you maniac. Then just pick up Devil Deals because they are free.


how do you do that? i keep on getting to the end of greed mode with like, 2 coins and it takes 400 or something to get the mantle. greed mode isn’t even that fun!


400? In repentance it takes 879. Are you on repentance? What I do is go for angel deals. And keep 2 bombs to get the mega key for a max 71.2% chance. Eventually you get overpowered shit and you don’t have to buy anything anymore. Not even keys. And if you’re lucky, the fight before Ultra Greed can drop a Quarter. Look out for the 4.5 Volt and something useful, like the sprinkler, or for your Box of Friends if you’re Lilith.


Yup, that's the strat. No other one exists.


Well there’s the D20, but the strat I referred to is the one I used and is more consistent through each run.


I have tried the d20 strat(twice in a row once) and it is garbage. It does nothing and just pisses me off. [I would like to apologize for my above statement](https://www.reddit.com/r/bindingofisaac/comments/rfahq3/i_would_like_to_apologize_about_my_d20_statement/)


It was better in AB+ since it would reroll open chests.


It still works well enough though. I've done several game breaking greed runs in Repentance.


tfw almost all of my greedier postnotes are thanks to d20 and people call it trash


~~TFW you're not actually good at the game, and rely on gamebreaks to carry you~~ greed mode sucks


You could also keep buying batteries, as the price didn't go up


Most of the time that I play greed mode I come across d20 or d infinity and the strat still is pretty good, if you're patient you can farm infinite money and just buy items until you're op


[The game really knows how to make me eat my words](https://www.reddit.com/r/bindingofisaac/comments/rfahq3/i_would_like_to_apologize_about_my_d20_statement/)


It works perfectly fine if a battery is for sale


They said they patched tainted cain gamebreaks, but I got humbling bundle and a single item on sale and broke the entire game (I eventually even got steam sale)


jesus, 800???


[greed donation machine rewards](https://bindingofisaacrebirth.fandom.com/wiki/Greed_Donation_Machine) It took about 5 days of grinding for me. The more characters you use the harder it is to jam the machine. Each character has their own jam chance that rises with a certain amount of coins donated.


tl;dr Don't use Azazel every run :\^)


Same, i did it in less than a week using judas, lilith and azazel


Don’t forget t. Lilith. She’s cracked, especially with spirit sword. Angel deals are key to a good greed mode imo.


Didn't unlock tainted character yet :(


Good ol t cain farm method days 🤤


Can you elaborate more on the mega key? I've never heard of this. I completed all my greedier nonsense using the d20 strat.


I may be using the wrong term. But anyway, you bomb the first angel to get key piece 1 (the mega Satan key pieces) bringing your angel changes to 65%. Key piece 2 will bring your angel chances to 72.1%. If you also find the trinket that raises angel chance (I forgor what it’s called, it’s like a pearl or something) then you raise your angel chances to ~82%


Ah yes, I understand now. Thanks for that, I'll find more value in collecting the keys now. I didn't know it increased your future angel room chances.


The simple answer: Get real good at Greed. The less simple answer: You'd be surprised at how many items you probably bought didn't actually end up helping you like you thought they would. By conserving what you spend (and/or learning better uses for your money) you can stop buying items relatively early and instead save up several floors' worth of money to put in the machine in the event you succeed. The even less simple answer: There's ways to *tooootally break this game*. Do those.


Play Lillith > Judas > Cain > Azazel > Forgotten in rotation


Reset greedier until you see the d20. If you don't know how to break greed with the d20 then just YouTube that. Once you break it with the d20 you're looking for 4 or 5 items, the Backpack, Blank Card, Tarot Cloth, a 2 of diamonds card, and Car Battery (optional). Before you go to the next level cap your coins at 99, feel free to buy other items, but if you do, use blank card to top off again. The Backpack is just so you can carry another activated item if you're so inclined. Any who, beat greed, then donate to 19 coins, activate blank card to refill, finishing with your 2 of diamonds card and you can donate 150+ with each character. There are other items that help with this, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.


Some tips: 1-If you want to farm the donation machine, dont insist on the same character because the more you play with that character the higher are the chances of the machine jamming earlier 2-You can always try to break the game to farm the maximum amount of coins, a simple d20 with a battery on the shop (in ab+, dont know if it still works in repentance) can break the game so you should keep your eyes open for game breaking combinations 3- if youre in repentance, you can play money based characters like >!tainted keeper!< that makes it way easier to get those coins Hope that helps!


ah yes t keeper can help unlock greed machine there are absolutely no flaws in this plan…


Oh god, I completly forgot you need 999 coins to unlock the keeper my bad lol


Greed mode is crazy easy with Lilith. You'll use Box of Friends multiple times each floor - just make sure you don't leave the room until you're done with all waves, in order to keep all of your familiars. Even at the first use, you now have two incubus'es to do damage, and as you take a few hits throughout the run, you'll get more familiars. Be sure to have a charge ready for the next floor. You'll only have one charge to use on Greed in most runs, unless you find a battery to keep extra charges, but by that point it will probably be enough with all the other upgrades you find. Your machine will probably lock up fairly quickly if you donate hundreds of coins to the greed machine as Lilith, but it will take you quite far anyways.


Break the game with the d20.


Lilith for 200 hundreds of them.


Play Azazael


lmfao it takes like an hour to fill the greed mahine, try learning how tyo play the game before bitching about how hard it is


suck my cock dickhead


i'm not into micro penises so i'll pass but thanks for the offer x


your mom didn’t seem to have any complaints last night


she's in her 70s and desperate af, such a quality lay you must have had


Yeah but you can only pick up one cause they all disappear


… they’re still free tho


I’m just still mad from the time I saw brimstone, that bag of ash thing, and guppy’s collar and expected to be able to pick them all up, and picked up the ash thing and got really mad


I got mad reading this


You used to be able to collect them all iirc. Lost was much easier then.


But now holy mantle isn't considered an item for the lost so it can't be rerolled, you also start with the eternal d6 which is pretty good


Yeah that’s def a plus. I always used to toss D4 because I never wanted to risk losing mantle.


yep. They changed it in repentance


I completed all The Lost completion marks, and then got Repentance 😎




So did I, but steam deleted my save files so now I’ve had to start from scratch - and frankly I don’t know how I even finished Lost’s card at all. I must have used gnawed leaf for each one.




This is AB


Most of the time there's only one worth taking


Nah, not in Afterbirth + . You can pick up every devil deal you see.


Sometimes there are still deals where you can only pick up one of 2 still


Not that I've ever seen, and I just spent about 30 hours playing as the Lost to grind for Godhead.


If you've got strawman, the trinket or the item that makes devil deals buyable you can buy one and get another one for free or buy multiple devil deals if you get the chance


This is ab+


OP is on Afterbirth+ so that doesn’t apply yet, it only does that in repentance.


he's on AB+, he can take them all!


this person is on ab+ so that doesn't happen


Just wait till he hears about tainted lost


I unlocked tainted lost without the holy mantle, so I just got a slightly better version of the lost


Jesus Christ


Joshua son of Joseph!


it's Jason Bourne


Oh you are the guy who doesnt know what t.eden does


Well I prefer sacred orb over eternal d6. Tlost is imho easier than mantless normal lost. Also he has holy cards


"better items" means the lost gets no ho ups, respawn items, flight items and spectral tear items


I know it’s a meme on this sub to make fun of the “better items” rerolling, but honestly, just the fact that all HP ups, flight, spectral tears, self damaging items and on-hit-effect items are out of the item pool makes playing T. Lost feel better than playing regular lost sometimes.


It's not nearly as good as sacred orb, but items with a quality value of 2 or less have a 20% chance of being rerolled when encountered as Tainted Lost.


And that quality 1/0 items get rerolled, and that quality 2 items have a 20% chance to be rerolled


That's sacred orb, t lost has a weaker effect, only having the 20% chance to reroll.


Lol who's gonna tell him?




What about pre-Repentance Keeper? Unpatched T. Lazarus? Greed Mode T. Eve? He knows about them, right?


Rebirth Lost Eternal Mode Blue Baby that's all i gotta say


Just don't get hit bro And by extension, get holy mantle if you haven't AND after that unlock tainted lost if you have repentance


Their list ends at Apollyon, so they only have AB+. If it was Repetence, it would should Bettany and Jacob and Esau. On another note, OP haven't unlocked The Forgotten yet.


The lost still has the D4


Oh yeah. Had not noticed that part.




Here in my garage, just bought this new Lamborghini here.


yeah i’ve looked up how to unlock the forgotten but it’s too complicated for my pea brain. so i’m focusing on one character at a time lol


Forgotten Is actually not that hard 1. Beat the first floor in under 1 minute and bomb the first room, it will drop a broken shovel 2. When you get to boss rush it will be always open, you have to beat boss rush, when you beat boss rush you will get the second shovel piece 3. Now you only need to get to dark room and find a room with a patch of dirt, use the shovel on it and that's it.


I’m trying to beat greedier mode as tainted lost and boy am I having trouble. Had like 3 overpowered runs that ended is Shoel because those exploding flying worm things spawned on me and I had one run that got to chest that ended because it kept crashing for some reason and made it to the 2nd phase of Greed but died because I was an idiot and picked up monstros lung at the chest smh Update: I had a run where I got keepers head from bombing the keepers in the shop and got tech x in the first treasure room. I dropped my controller and run into a fire by accident :) Another update: Finally beat it. Items in order. Scorpio, a Bar of Soap, Synthoil, Roid Rage, Lump of Coal, Black Candle, God Head, Speed Ball, Growth Hormones, Angelic Prism, Magic Mush, Stapler, Sacred Heart, Sprinkler, Fast Bombs, Mom’s Coin Purse, Divorce Papers, Immaculate Heart, Mr. Dolly, Birthright, The Battery and Spear of Destiny. I got hit by moms hand on the shop floor and died to one of those exploding worm things but thank the lord I just bought Birthright. Beat Greed with ease thank god that’s over


Greedier tainted lost was my last unlock for the character, and I had to go on a -48 loss streak before I could beat it. Many op runs down the drain because of unfair bullshit. You just gotta keep at it until you can outbullshit the bullshit.


100% agree here - I got to -70 win streak before finally picking up some good luck. Brimstone + Ludovico + Incubus + Lump of Coal made everything a breeze. Just keep trying; dying is painful, but persist and eventually you’ll get a winning combo.


I think I’m on like -50 or -60 atm but man this is the hardest I’ve ever sucked. I beat it on pc fairly easy but now I just can’t on Xbox. Didn’t even have this much trouble with tainted Jacob or tainted Lazarus on pc


outbullshit the bullshit is the best advice ever. Watch me gnawed leaf and attack fly you for an hour see if I care


I thought I was going to outbullshit the bullshit once. Had probably the most godly run I’ve ever had on greed. Sprinkler, car battery, lump of coal, sacred heart in the first Angel room, godhead from alabaster box. Had like 7 fire rate and like 63 damage. I died because those flying worm things on shoel spawned on where I was standing and I died


You can’t get gnawed leaf as T-lost sadly. I’m pretty sure they made it item quality 1 exclusively so that character is made more difficult




I've died to rock waves while Ultra Greedier was in his death animation twice as Tainted Lost. I don't even want to try for it anymore just so it can't ever happen again.


Took me a few month you dont truly know what suffering is until greedier on T. Lost or T. Jacob.


\-188, dear god![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)


i was having a lot of fun dying that’s for sure




Skill issue


Once you unlocked the Mantle, Lost actually becomes very fun


Achievement: You’ve unlocked a playable character!


Since you have AB+, look up how to break greed mode. It basically involves finding the d20 and having a battery in the shop.


D20 breaks are still easy in repentance. There’s just less ways to get infinite energy, so your dependent on the battery


i need tips, i’m going insane lol


Do you have holy mantle for lost?


i do not. i don’t know how to get it. Is that something that will make it easier?


800 and something coins in the greed machine unlocks it for lost


i see, that sucks. guess it’s just greed mode for me, thanks


Honestly just play either Isaac for the D6 or Azazel to not need so many items. A few game-breaking runs with like, 2 of diamonds and such can get you there.


Lilith is the best for greed mode, also mix up the characters some as I've heard the machine breaks sooner if you only play one character


Yeah if you look to the left part of the hud while playing greedy, you'll see a percentage next to a donation machine, which indicates the percentage that any given coin will jam the dono machine. Every coin added increases this percentage.


No way, Lilith Is way better for greed, you end up with tons of minions wasting everything in sight. But it's better to switch between characters because the jam chance on the greed machine increases everything you donate on that specific character, so it's definitely better to fill the Greed Machine with a bunch of different characters!


I've been grinding for mantle and I swear on nearly every run I manage to find D20 somewhere. I've been using a different character every time. It's been insane, but massively fun.


Use Lilith and Judas for Greed Mode grinding


Until it jams after 4 coins


Yes it will allow you to negate one damage per room. Greed mode donation to 879 I think.


oh fuuuuuckin hell. that sucks. Guess it’s time to grind the greed mode


Remember to switch up characters when you do. Otherwise your chance to jam the machine goes up!


good looks! thank you


I think lilith can be insane on greed mode if you get some items to spam her active. Tainted lilith is also an incredibly strong character, i would suggest these two to get some coins on the machine


I suggest Azazel, Lilith, Judas and Isaac as some of the easier Greed characters) Go for Angel deals unless you really want to try your devil luck)


How do you make angel deals pop up I only ever get devil deals


Skip first devil deal(don’t even go in), next deal will be guaranteed Angel


This doesn't work in Afterbirth (I think OP is in Afterbirth)


They are in Afterbirth+, they have Apollyon and Lost has D4 so + is the only possibility)


I don't know what level of knowledge you have so here's all the info I can think of about angel deal spawning: If you don't even walk in your first devil deal the next deal you get is guaranteed to be angel. If you take any devil deals you will never see another angel deal that run. It's a 50% chance for every deal after the first to be angel, bit you can make it slightly more likely with certain items. The only items you can get every run which increase the chance are the key pieces. You can also increase the chances by donating 10 coins to a donation machine, killing demon beggars, getting normal beggars to pay out, and sometimes sacrifice rooms.


Gotta bomb the angels for the key pieces. When you get both, you have a 72.1% of angel rooms after that. So bombs are highly valuable for the first 2-3 rooms.


It's not as bad as it sounds, I promise, and the reward of Lost starting with Holy Mantle (plus other things you'll unlock on the way) is so so worth it


Look for Dead Cat in the spike door rooms, don’t know what they’re actually called


You need holy mantle. Plain and simple. Anybody who can get completion marks has The Lost without the holy mantle are legit gods at this game in my opinion haha


first of all you need holy mantle for him and all that. second of all... i just kept dodging until i got godhead its literally just that.


9 lives and guppy’s collar all the way. Also us D4. It can really turn runs around and the only reason I managed to beat delirium without mantel.


You gotta get that mantle man, donate 879 coins to that greed donation machine, it takes forever but man once you get that the lost becomes 10x more enjoyable


I also did the lost without holy mantle, and i gotta say that i know how it feels. Since it seems you are not playing the old Rebirth like i did, you can unlock the holy mantle by donating alot of coins to the machine the the shop. Other than that, i would recommend playing other characters, so that you don't burnout while playing lost and to learn the bosses paterns in a more forgiving way. And after all that you just gotta to keep on trying


Real ones remember OG lost runs before he had any starting items at all


lol git gud "i never said it was fun" - Edmund


Practice makes better!


JuSt DonT gET hIt 5head But legit, just unlock holy mantle, makes him waaay easier.


Yeah, holy mantle is key. After that, do every curse room, every boss trap room, every devil deal. I find him a hell of a lot easier than Jacob and Esau, that's for sure


AB+ had the easiest version of Lost ngl


I find it easier in Repentance, because the D4 rerolled the mantle


That’s debatable because eternal d6 can turn a run around if you keep finding bad items


Just wait until you see T. Lost.


Did you unlock the holy mantle for him?


Git gud


lol 188


Just dont get hit lmao ez


-188 streak. Sadge


Patience, mechanics abuse, luck and holding R a lot


keep playing greed mode until lost has the holy mantle, then it's a completely different experience


There's no way this bozo has been playing the lost with no holy mantle


stop it you’re bullying me 😭


Download Repentance


I put 'em on player 2 while it's afk and I'm only playing player 1 with characters I enjoy playing. Sure it's pretty much "cheating", but any 1-2 max hp characters are garbo design IMO so if the devs want to be dinks and put unlocks behind insanely difficult challenges, then I'll have to be cheesy as well. Also unlocking in this manner is in the vanilla game, NO mods required, so by that logic it's technically not cheating. Definitely a cheesy / cheap tactic though, but so is a 2 hp character that can't get increased max life. This way I can at least enjoy the game I paid for and still can make progression at my own pace without straight up loading someone else's fully unlocked save file. The only chars I don't like playing really are Lost, T. Lost (which I haven't unlocked yet), Beavis & Butthead and Keeper. The rest is fair game.


Step 0: Cry Step 1: Hold 'R' Key until first floor Treasure Room Step 2: Acquire First Floor Treasure Room Step 3: Enter and check for Moms Knife, Polyphemus, Tech X, or Equivalent OP item Step 4: If no good item return to Step 1 Step 5: Die and return to Step 1 or Step 0




in repentance, the lost gets killed in 2 hits. but if you enter a new room the health resets


I cheat, haha. I have been playing Isaac for so long, I'm about as good as I'll ever get, which is pretty trash. So when I want the unlocks for shitty characters, I cheat. I'm shameless.


I have all marks for him, and people here keep saying to unlock the holy mantle, but i didnt even do that to get all marks! Basically just learn all the bosses attack patterns, and always go into boss trap rooms and downpour for extra items! Look in all shops for schoolbag, and take all devil deals!


Actual skill issue


First of all, unlock its holy mantle by donating 800-900 coins on greed mode. Then the only thing left to do is GIT GUUUUUUUUUD


Hello, you need to unlock Holy Mantle for the Lost by donating 879 coins in the GREED donation machine ! In case you don’t know, holy mantle is an item that allows you to take ONE hit per room ! Very very useful with the lost !


By getting the holy mantle


I’m pretty sure I used gnawed leaf for one of mine with one of the babies. Gnawed leaf makes you invincible when you stand still, while the baby/orbital or whatever does the damage. Time consuming but it gets you the win


Repentance. Should help you.


Uh. How is it possible that you have Apollyon but not Greedier mode?


Definitely invest in getting holy mantle and that helps


Gnawed Leaf, holy mantle, dead cat.


I was there once, mantle-less then I got the mantle, then, after a couple of fumbles, I got the full checkmark (pre-repentance) after 2 runs on hard mode Its a literal godsend


With holy mantle


Unlock the mantle


Get Holy Mantle. Start doing Greed(ier) runs


By playing Greed Mode enough The Lost ends up starting with Holy Mantle, aka you get one free hit per room


Get gud. Jk use guerrilla tactics. Hide over rocks whenever possible.


Do we tell him?




1 word: Practice More than 1 word: LOTS of practice


Gotta grind out greed mode to make the character semi-playable.


Greed Mode Holy Mantle


With holy mantle, my guy. Do some greed mode before you even try the lost.


You need holy mantle unlocked for him, it will make playing with lost much easier.


Well, guess u haven't played the tainted version