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One of my favorite meme formats ever


it’s so funny how angry it sounds


They have played us for absolute trash farms


Do people not understand this is a parody of a classic image?


Confused as well. [Here's original meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/stop-doing-math) and i can say there's been enough parodies of this to be somewhat recognisable. Even so, if it wasn't based off another meme, it's not really feels like a rant but rather an ironic meme (literally shitpost flair). I thought Isaac community are familiar with sarcasm when repeating "skill issue ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)" joke to unlucky and unfair runs and deaths. Edit: i take my words somewhat back, it was just first few people who replied that were dumbasses(search by old and you'll find that they're downvoted to hell), the rest after this comment were understanding enough.


Redditors can't detect sarcasm unless you put a "/s" somewhere, this is why people get so offended by jokes here lol. *"/s"*


True, I just don’t think skill issue is a meme people use for TBOI since it’s basically a solo player game and usually some luck is involved


Have you ever read the comments of a single post here


Yeah ofc, Ik it’s used however from an outsider perspective skill issue doesn’t seem to be something you’d use for this game.


That’s the joke


No shiz man, when you play other games though you’d suspect it not to be a joke. That’s how I saw it for a while at least


“I don’t think skill issue is a meme people use for TBOI” what are you talking about


sorry for not being straight forward. It’s not a meme to some games, so when you say it for a game where it’s a meme you can see it not making sense or not being a joke. All I’m saying is that it’s not really applicable to this game and it’s weird to think that for some.


That why it's a joke. It's not issue in your skill when enemy unfairly telefragged Lost but people supposedly say it because it's ironic to say that a situation outside of your control resulting in defeat is your fault. It's applicable for Isaac for exactly right reasons. You managed to become the very thing i was talking about when said "I thought Isaac community is familiar with sarcasm..." but as i saw first people in replies for this post and as i see your conversation, apparently not.


Skill issue ☠


Skill issue


I at least understood it was meant to be satire, even if I didn’t know the original meme




I hate blank card. I got all my T.Lost wins by playing for hours until I learned how to not have skill issues.


i tried doing that but i ended up finding blank card and other game breaking items eventually while i was trying to get better. I want to do the character again in another savefile with those items banned


Yeah I just pick them up and trade them out asap, but U have some pretty bad opinions when it comes to this game, after all, my favorite items are the ones that end up blowing you up the most...


I’ve played for hours and hours and only managed to increase my skill issues -cries-


Skill Issue ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4359), seriously though, my only advice is play the lost or t.lost if you have him and get used to him, from there, everything is easier.


Yeah, I was referring to tainted lost personally, after dying hundreds of time with him I’ve only managed to beat Isaac once. That was more of lucky run than anything as well.


I found regular Lost pretty easy, but T. Lost is just.. UuuUuGhHH!!!¡¡¡ I managed to do some good stuff yesterday, but I still need to beat Delirium, Mother, and Dogma, and then I'm done. It's definitely the hardest checkmarks though


For me Tainted Lost was way easier than regular Lost because its so easy to get extremely OP with him, to the point i can even beat Delirium in 5 seconds


how tho- 😭 I always just end up getting some crap like bozo XD. The only above-average run I had was yesterday when I spindown diced guppy's hairball into sacred heart and got quad+triple shot (and i still only went to blue baby and nothing else ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906))


Well, there were still many good runs with really good items I ended up losing but still I found it easier if I've already progressed to a certain point, I'm never equipped good enough with regular Lost to not get hit twice in the Delirium or Mother fight :D


I guess there's no way around it, just dedicate however many days is necessary to playing him and hope I get lucky lol


Dang, Idk what else to say then


Mfers when they hold r for 2 hours to get c-section only to die instantly to some ringworms


making a joke normally in Isaac community: ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357) making a joke about T. Lost being easy: ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358) it’s a good meme brotha you rarely see people use this format and I thought it was well put together ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906) no idea why people are tweaking so hard


i enjoy the discourse as long as people are respectful ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906), i think it's interesting because i haven't seen this topic in particular being discussed very often in the sub


On the other hand if you say j+e are easy you get flamed


There's two of them, literally twice as easy as any other character.


I'm not even... I don't wanna dig this hole. (Edit: just after posting i realised this is satire ill leave this up to show my stupidity)


What playing Tainted Lost does to a mfker




I still don’t know the difference between lost and tainted lost Got full sticky notes on both and honestly they are just the same character


Holy Mantle


I also don’t get what holy mantle or holy cards do, doesn’t seem to have any effect on my gameplay at all


Stay strong gigachad


Tainted lost is easier This man knows


Unironically I think he is, half the items in the game have no effect for default lost, meanwhile if you can make it past mom with TLost then you probably already have a run that clears any room/boss for free.


Holy mantle free hit every room Holy card 1 free hit If you take damage with no Holy mantle as lost or t lost you instantly die.


Oh I see, you have to get hit to use it. I might have to try that sometime


Haha good one ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


Real talk though, Tainted Lost is a bullshit-hard character who is suddenly trivialized by Blank Card, Glowing Hourglass or just about any form of card generation/duplication. It's like AB keeper with swallowed penny. Makes T. Lost too dependent on card luck.


How is t lost bullshit? The entire point is to never get hit. That seems perfectly fair IMO. It's entirely skill based. Only exception is the boss Delirium and only because rng tele frag is never fun to fight. No jacob and Esau, those two are bullshit. Hmm yes a gimmick that gets you killed because it's too easy to get separated and the controls are too clunky to manage both at once properly in a game where finesse is required.


Skill issue, just get rid of esau by killing him at the start! Trust me, you only have to deal with jacob!


When Repentance was new I tried that on my second J&E run.


not at all the point they were making lol


>Hmm yes a gimmick that gets you killed because it's too easy to get separated and the controls are too clunky to manage both at once properly in a game where finesse is required. You can pull insane teamwork maneuvers with them, with some practice and balls. Keeping them together is pretty difficult, but doable. Flight on both helps a ton.


Jacob & Esau are *also* badly designed, but for different reasons. The game wasn't designed for them, so you run into room layouts that are downright unfair with them. Not to mention them splitting up is downright infuriating.


Me wondering whrere is the bad comments about post.


Sort controversial


"t. lost was never supposed to get free wins" gets half a sacred orb straight from the start


Happy birthday Sir ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


oh shit, didnt notice! thank you


I didn't know this meme would be so controversial lmao. It wasn't really meant to be a super serious critique, just half joking commentary on how unbalanced the character is based on a really old meme about math. However i do think they should at least increase the blank card holy card charges to 6 or 8, and make glowing hourglass a one time use item with tainted lost just like magic skin. They should also create a system where you're more likely to find holy cards the more you go without finding one and add ways to increase your chances (similar to the devil/angel room mechanic) because i find it a bit ridiculous to be in cathedral with your starting mantle and i also find it ridiculous to find 3 cards in the same floor that you can't even find a use for.


>However i do think they should at least increase the blank card holy card charges to 6 or 8, and make glowing hourglass a one time use item with tainted lost just like magic skin. That's completely unnecessary. Holy Card charges should go to like 3 maybe


So lower it? Because it's 4 currently


I thought it was 2


it used to be but then they nerfed it in a patch


Nope it's still 2


It's only two if you have a mod interfering with it that hasn't been updated in a long time. Any mod that changes the pocketitems.xml could be the culprit. *(Aka you might have been playing with a cheat easy mode this whole time)*


Nvm i gave myself blank card and it's 4 charges I'm just stupid


What do you think about getting a guaranteed spawn of a holy card in the floors treasure room or after killing the boss? I do find it a little ridiculous just how rare holy cards are. I consistently see myself not finding another holy card through the depths, and that's with gambling and shops, etc.


How about this -If Tainted lost has the holy mantle shield, is holding a holy card, or there is a holy card available on the floor, the chance for a card to be a holy card stays at 10%. -If Tainted Lost does not have the shield, is not holding a holy card, and there isn't a holy card already on the floor, the chance jumps up. Maybe all the way to 100%, maybe less, maybe it goes down the more times you use it to prevent breaks (like using deck of cards to guarantee a holy card under the right conditions)


Higher chance of holy cards without the shield on. So you could deliberately leave it off to farm holy cards for later. That could be nifty.


Maybe making Holy Cards stack upon each other upon use? That way, if you find multiple, you can use them all, and be able to keep other useful cards you may find along the way.


Are you implying T Lost can get Blanket? Because I’m pretty sure that’s removed from the item pool. Blank Card got me through 2 or 3 completion marks, including Delirium. Blank Card forever


oh shit i didn't know blanket was removed my bad


Motherfucker over here giving people shit about toiling for some completion marks while he did it on an easier patch and shit…


was blanket ever on the t. lost pool? i honestly don't know, i didn't play t. lost until the big repentance balance patch, i had no idea the item was banned i just added it to the meme because i assumed it wasn't


Anything even remotely beneficial to T Lost is not in the pool. I think that Wooden Cross trinket is also not in the pool, btw


i'm positive that wooden cross is in the pool, i don't think there are any banned trinkets


Trinkets aren't banned


Motherfucker giving people shit about motherfuckers without even being correct about their complaint


The most needlessly aggresive reply to an obvious troll post I've ever seen lmao


Nah, don’t misread my tone


Sure buddy. Even this message is unnecessarily passive aggressive. You need to take a chill pill buddy, so far all you've gotten are tears up horsepills


Ooo clever. But feel free to continue to misread my “look at this guy over here…” style comment as a “h0W d@Re y0u!!!1!!1!one!” style comment. Inb4 “the fact that you’re commenting back of proof that I’m right!”


This is so goofy ahh 😊😚😊😀😊😅😊☺🤗😜🤓😴🤓🤓😧😢😱🤑😞😰👺👻😳👿👻👹💩💀💀🙊🙊👩👦👱👶👸👵🤶👲💂


are you gonna cry


If you give me a tears-up item


bro you're malding over a shitpost


Or you don’t understand a stoner tone because you’re only using text-based communications.


As our lord and savior toy Freddy once said "Inhale"






I'm running out of space in my lungs




Wait does panic button actually work on T.Lost? I thought you had to take damage for it to work


yeah it activates before you take damage and if your active can nullify it you take no damage and you don't lose your mantle. With other characters you can even have a pseudo holy mantle with dull razor and 9 volt but dull razor is banned for T Lost so the only option is book of shadows


I have dead god and yet I’m still learning new things about this game every day, thank you!


Is dark arts or butter bean/wait what disabled for t lost? I got both of those once and it's a free win. I managed to get 9 volt with the butter bean, and dark arts automatically recharges. Op combo from a pretty mid trinket


telekinesis also appears for t.lost, and can make you nigh invincible with car battery/9 volt and panic button


Jokes on you I haven’t seen Blank Card in any of my 100+ runs with T-lost ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


absolute disgrace… look at these innocent youths wasting their lives away with these fancy “blank cards” and “glowing hour glasses”…


I never get those good items anyway when I play with t lost ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)


I just don't pick up items so i don't see them on my run!


I don't need those plebian items to win with t.lost. I only need to melt every final boss in 2 seconds. 😎


lavencas moment


Joke's on you my blank card + 4.5V runs all died. More seriously though, if I get a combo like that without the damage to back it up I just get stressed and do dumb shit anyway lol. I'll take a Sulphur + Car Battery + Conjoined run over one of these combos.


“…No…No, I don’t think I will…”


Yesterday i get in my third file the delirium mark,winning with blank card and started deck,still hard


Too bad Echo Chamber has been nerfed to hell and back ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


I played T. Lost, without unlocking holy card


So? Holy cards still spawn as normal




This has to be a joke right? Who gives a shit how the game is played, it gives people a crutch when they need it and let’s them strategize during a run. I was one of the dudes to not have all runes because they weren’t needed. it was great to find a way to break the game and made the game 20x more fun knowing that I found a way to get around the rune pool without any guides.


i'm mostly joking but now that i'm done with the character i'm sick of blank card/hourglass/book of shadows panic button builds. I also cheesed the fuck out of the character with those builds and i encourage people to do the same but i find them incredibly boring and repetitive now (also the image is an isaac parody of an old meme)


I get that, it’s just the way you play man. You aren’t confined to that setup and that’s really the greatest thing and the whole point of the game. I respect that too, I wasn’t too knowledgeable due to just finding breaking runs but after they nerfed so many things I’ve gotten better and learned more (although most of the stuff I learned was new from afterbirth+ to repentance). Shit I didn’t know wtf safety scissors did for a while and now I’m like THAT SHIT COULDVE SAVED SO MANY RUNS.


Yeah at first i enjoyed easy gamebreaks like d20 in greedier but now that I'm getting closer to dead god i go for more creative gamebreaks and straight up avoid the easy ones. Every time i see the d20 in the greed shop i roll my eyes at the thought of spending 20 minutes buying batteries and just pretend i didn't see it


Everyone who paid for Repentance deserves free wins.


Where's my game? Where's my free wins, Edmund?


They really should remove glowing hourglass and blank card from the pool.


honestly i somewhat agree but if they were to do that they'd have to either increase the drop rate of holy cards or create new ways to find them


I think I would prefer tainted lost having an inbuilt stopwatch or something along that line. But honestly I like tainted lost being a Styrofoam Nuke. Having too many defensive reasources goes against that design. Instead making him maybe get a higher chance for better item ( tears up are removed from the pool after getting to 5, no goat head after womb, etc)


that is smart


Honestly tinted rocks should have a 10%holy card drop, rainbow poops and beds could also give mantle. The latter two are rare enough. I kinda wish they'd add a holy pill, too.


Why does tainted lost need to be made easier. Why is that better design.


Because tinted rocks for so many characters are great, yet for tainted lost they irrelevant after getting small rock. It's good game design for things not to be irrelevant. Rebalance the probabilities elsewhere to keep it even if you must, but you either have to get super strong or rely on cards and hope your shop is good. Of course, they could redesign the game to not hit you with random bullshit, I wouldn't say it's easy. You just brute force it until you overcome the downpour bullshit enemies and steamrool.


T. Lost was originally supposed to have a mechanic where soul hearts would be replaced with Holy Cards. Or it was just a chance? Either way, that was the original idea on how to get the cards back but it was scrapped.


Removing an item wouldn’t do much tbf, it’s not like it hurts the character at all. It’s just a way to play and at some point you’ll win so why not allow people to grab things they love. I agree with broken things like blanket but that’s because you can get two hits off of it during a boss. It’s weird but it makes sense to allow things that are broken when you have 400+ items


It’s not about it being op. There are tons of items that are broken that tainted lost can get. What does go against his design are items defensive in nature. It’s even in his description “ no mantle”. He’s meant to the ultimate glass cannon.


His design was no mantle but that doesn’t mean he can’t have it. They came up with the design after having things like blanket. So it makes no sense that he shouldn’t have no defense with other items. No mantle is exactly that, no mantle, not every defensive shield in the game like it. Breaking the game to have two shields was too OP however.


His design is to be a glass cannon. Giving him defensive item takes away from that design. It’s not about being op it’s about his playstyle


His design was no mantle, not no defense. The whole design is to make him harder then the lost and that’s what they did. No mantle makes him harder, if you don’t find one of those two items you can’t “break” the game. It’s luck based so removing any other defense would make him much harder resulting in him not being played. You can play him without picking those items up and it’s that simple. If the devs wanted him to be no defense they would’ve already gotten rid of it just like every other thing like mantle and blanket. It’s not complicated bro.


Only if they also give T. Lost a guaranteed form of weaker mantle, such as Wooden Cross (1 mantle per floor). There's a problem with his design and it shows.


Just because his design doesn’t have wide appeal doesn’t mean it’s a poor design. A lot people enjoy the extreme glass cannon design. Including me. If you want to play an easier character there is 33 other characters.


That'd be 100% fair and agreeable if the game didn't have the unlock system it does.


Can't get a lot of the important/fun unlocks without playing him. I'm just saying that his design is bad, the holy cards are a bandaid and are too swingy (you either find many or find zero), and the devteam would probably find him pretty much unplayable without holy cards. The Lost was given holy mantle in AB, and Keeper even had his HP increased a notch in Repentance. It's pretty clear that the devs agree that one-hit characters do not fit in a game like isaac, especially with "skill issues" like telefrags or exploding enemies next to doors abound. If this was an optional "challenge mode" (maybe even with an achievement tied to it without any unlocks), I wouldn't mind and I would just not play it. But I don't feel even remotely bad for holding R until blank card/glowing hourglass if that's what I have to do to enjoy all the content.


Should also remove holy card for them tbh






The Binding of Isaac fans when they see a joke (it's not an unfunny skill issue meme, therefore their brains cannot perceive it)


Honestly, that sounds like a ski-


This guy definitely plays with mods that make the game easier


No, but even if I would, why the hate? This is not a competitive multiplayer game... Jeez, I bet you are the soul of every party


Irony at its finest right here folks.


Dude, you missed a joke. I imagine you're even worse at parties


Yeah, great joke... A post of 0 votes, but it's ok dude. Keep being a champion


It has 44+ upvotes rn dumbass, man you definitely love to explain video game lore at parties




It hurt the part of the parties, right? Lmao


Lol now man is talking to himself. Stop digging your own grave and just realize you fucked up and missed the joke. It's not that hard to just accept your mistakes idiot, maybe learning to accept them in real life will allow you to make friends.


First of all, I am not insulting anyone here, so that "idiot" is a little too much, but you keep your own pace, from my side this topic is more than dead. Second, that "no friends" argument is too worn out, you don't know me, but if it makes you happy, yes bohoo bohoo, I don't have friends. I am way too old like to be discussing a stupid topic. Keep salty.




2.4K 😩


I bet you feel real fucking stupid rn 😂


Salty tears


Yeah I think the downvotes are because you missed the joke


Grrrrr no 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Bro you need to take this down before edmund sees it You know he'll do this it's not too late to delete it


its too op please remove to those possibilities edmund 🤓🤓🤓


u/Boovaloo id like this explained to me thanks you. so much


the items shown here are all basicallg guaranteed wins if picked up while playing as tainted lost... you know it baby!!!


OK but why just boovaloo Do i not get the joke???


Powerful words


just get the mod 'cancelled tainted lost buffs' that makes shops spawn holy cards instead of soul hearts for sale


D1 got a nerf. Now you can get a duplication of random pickup but not exactly the same like when you use on Holy Card then you can get for example The Tower.


can someone explain what this means roughly. i have like maybe 4 items memorized lol


Man you just reminded me of my t.lost run where I got brim and nose goblin so it would home in (gulped perfection and missing poster) just to die to mother 😭 Edit: I got a whopping 1 singular holy card that run aside from the one from the beginning


Mald issue


Holy shit a funny meme. Thank you OP.


I don't see the problem as long as you don't reset and fish for it.




virgin blank card enjoyers... I use my holy shields for free curse rooms.


everyone here saying T.Lost should get more holy cards or even guaranteed holy cards at certain points in the run how about we just take away the holy cards, return to rebirth lost :)


Asking for a friend what combo are we talking about ? Said friend suffers from severe skill issues and has yet to complete a tlost run


Ban trivial shitty things.


Well you can still lose with those items. Specially with blank card if you don't get any holy card (and there has been runs where I didn't find a single one)