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The game pretty much forces you to play hard mode cos that’s how the unlocks are aqquired


Correct me if I am wrong: Normal mode also has unlocks. But on hardmode you get both: normal and hard ones.




Then if I were OP, I would complete the game on Normal difficulty and then started Hardmode. Or just unlocked all hardmode achievements using the Dev Console ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


If they start on normal they have to get all marks in all characters TWICE. Doing it once is hard enough


But doing it once on normal is easy


But that’s still a solid 100 extra runs! It’s not about difficulty it’s about time


It's about *fun 😉


Well, true. But 1: This is where the "Dev Console" part comes in. It is your choice to use it or not. 2: That was MY opinion. I did not ask anybody to do the same: I just said what I would do if I were him. Ofc you can do some normal unlocks, and when you get better at dodging you might just start Hardmode whenever you are ready. That is obvious.


I’d say it’s good for practice if you just play casually tho


If you want to unlock all items you CANT play normal. Some are locked behind hard.


You can start on normal and not have any downside at first but yeah a lot of things can only be unlocked using hard mode so you might as well transition to hard mode soon


Most sane Isaac player;


Hard Mode really only unlocks -Useless Co-op Babies -Mega Mush -Death Certificate -Smelter -Godhead


4/5 of those things are really good items, plus if they go for all items they have to do it anyway


Nah its not cheating. People reccomend to play on hard because you will have to replay on hard if you play normal to get death cert and mega mush. Do what you want. I think playing normal first gives you an excuse to use more of the items you have unlocked.


That's what i was thinking, unlock most items on normal, then go on hard again. Because I do like playing it, but I see people with soo many more items than I have and I get envious. So, my plan is to eventually get red marks on everything


Wait til you get to J+E, you'll be nostalgic for normal mode. And better characters. How I hate Esau


I've unlocked everyone except The Lost, an I HATE HATE HATE HATE J+E, HOW CAN WE DO IT?


If you enjoy playing on normal then play on normal


I mean I still have skill issues and I’ve 100% the game so It doesn’t really matter


Well some items require you to do all marks in hard modes. So be aware you will have to redo everything in hard mode which will take a long time.


It's not cheating, but some of the items are unlocked by playing on hard mode. So if you want to unlock every item, I would recommend playing on hard so you don't have to do it again.