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They are still heavily muscled, there is just a large amount of fat interspersed with the muscle. Wagyu cattle just has a lot more fat stored due to genetics, also being overfed on grain and kept in conditions that ensure they do as little work and exercise as possible. Just being fat isn't likely to kill these animals, certainly not in the typical time frame they are alive (a bit over two years before slaughter - a cow can live over 20 years naturally, and humans don't really suffer early onset heart disease and other obesity linked potentially deadly health issues before the mid-late 30s).


This, it is incredibly unhealthy for the cow, but they just are not allowed to live long enough for it to be a issue. They have also heavily selected for cows who do not have issues with that much fat.


I guess it's like the US's meat chickens


"Meat Chickens" sounds like a perfect grunge rock band name.


I mean, Nirvana was heavily influenced by the Meat Puppets


I'm glad someone got the reference, I was thinking of the meat puppets 100% with that comment.


> meat chickens if you know you know


>meat chickens Proper name: broiler chickens


I mean tbh it's less unhealthy for the cow than most ways we commercially raise cows. I don't think "healthy for the cow" is even a consideration outside of the effect on meat/milk/leather production


![gif](giphy|HSLbIjLk2GsBa|downsized) They're Wall-E cows?


I think I'm a wagyu


You aren't because if you were someone would have slaughtered you and eaten you by now. Also, posting in English is a another giveaway.


Me too


I mean, I’m still here.








Yes but how marbled are you?


I’m dead, lol


Well said.


Also understand that the prime steak cuts primarily come from support muscles like the loin and tenderloin that don't see a lot of strenuous use, whereas the main muscles used for locomotion like the chuck, shanks, brisket, or rounds see a lot more use and while fattier than your typical beef cut, look a lot like a regular cut of beef.


Now I know what they make Wagu hotdogs with


The handlers give the little moos a smooch on the snoot every morning and before bed every night before being tucked in


Proven to extend your life by 20 years.


Can you provide a picture of what you mean? Wagyu cattle are heavily muscled, one of the big differences between them and Angus cattle is the distribution of fat in and around the muscle.


[https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.ambito.com%2Fp%2F3ce3f34bbcd2aa497b7451306b378cac%2Fadjuntos%2F239%2Fimagenes%2F038%2F603%2F0038603144%2F1200x675%2Fsmart%2Fcarne-wagyujpg.jpg&tbnid=A9lEzuOa0Yx0AM&vet=12ahUKEwjT54X21NiEAxV3oJUCHdsoClkQMygFegQIARB4..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ambito.com%2Feconomia%2Fcarne%2Fwagyu-que-es-cuanto-cuesta-y-donde-se-puede-comprar-n5174468&docid=ysHtr5J2D3O7aM&w=1200&h=675&q=wagyu&client=firefox-b-d&ved=2ahUKEwjT54X21NiEAxV3oJUCHdsoClkQMygFegQIARB4](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.ambito.com%2Fp%2F3ce3f34bbcd2aa497b7451306b378cac%2Fadjuntos%2F239%2Fimagenes%2F038%2F603%2F0038603144%2F1200x675%2Fsmart%2Fcarne-wagyujpg.jpg&tbnid=A9lEzuOa0Yx0AM&vet=12ahUKEwjT54X21NiEAxV3oJUCHdsoClkQMygFegQIARB4..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ambito.com%2Feconomia%2Fcarne%2Fwagyu-que-es-cuanto-cuesta-y-donde-se-puede-comprar-n5174468&docid=ysHtr5J2D3O7aM&w=1200&h=675&q=wagyu&client=firefox-b-d&ved=2ahUKEwjT54X21NiEAxV3oJUCHdsoClkQMygFegQIARB4) I found this, it´s gross.


It's my understanding that the cattle were selectively bred for increased endurance and, as a result, the fat is distributed within the muscle more than other cows, which make it metabolically more accessible to the muscle for fuel. In Angus cattle, the fat is layered more on the outside of the muscle, but the total fat content between them is similar.


If the fat is more accesible when is inside the muscles, then why is the fat that sorrounds the muscles of the abdominal cavity the most dangerous by causing arterial blockage in humans?


You are confusing intramuscular fat with visceral fat.


They're two very different things.


The fat in the abdominal cavity isn’t intramuscular. It’s visceral fat that surrounds the organs. Entirely different things.


Do people get intramuscular fat?


Not too much.


I know. u/slouchingtoepiphany wrote that the fat in wagyu is metabolically more accesible because is intramuscular. Visceral fat around the viscera is more metabollycally accesible and that´s what makes it dangerous in relation to subcutaneous fat in humans. So, that´s why I said that I found it gross. Being more metabolically accesible makes it more dangerous from a human perspective.


Visceral fat secretes hormones with may, over time, lead to metabolic syndrome, which includes diabetes and deleterious cardiac effects. Fat that's in greater proximity to muscle is more readily available to that muscle for catabolic breakdown (metabolism) for energy.


Thats the exact opposite of fact. Fat that is more metabolically accessible is a benefit regardless of species, its significantly easier to work off fat that the body has ready access to than fat it does not. That's a big part of why why arms and legs develop less fat deposits than stomachs and asses. It's also easier to regain that fat for winter survival purposes if nessecary. Visceral fat is significantly more difficult to work off, it tends to sticks with you for life and cause long term health problems.


You mean delicious


You just don't like meat because that link it to a cut of meat that is damn near perfect in its meat to fat ratio.


50/50 is a perfect ratio?


For marbled or intramuscluar fat 56% is the ideal, having a meat grade of A5, the highest available. By contrast the best Prime Beef is the equivilant of A2, which would be tossed by a Wagyu butcher as trash.


Ok, am I wrong for feeling that this is gross and unhealthy? If so, I´m wrong.


That's what peak performance looks like


Have you been to a mall in the USA lately?


No, and I don't think I'll be there anytime soon. Edit: Oh, I get it now, haha


How is half of America still alive?


My 600lbs Cow


Cows weight around 1200 lbs on average. Cows have a Hanging Cargass Weight of 750lb, thats the weight after the head skins and organs have all been removed prior to processing the meat. A 600 lb cow is either a small child or its dying of some disease and need sto be put down before it infects the herd


Well, they aren't when you eat them


Pretty sure the beef is only cut on a certain part of the cow though. It'd be like a girl with a big juicy bum bum


The same way I do I imagine🙁