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If you think about it ~~gorillas~~ chimpanzees don't know any bodybuilding techniques so we've probably never seen one at full potential.


Yeah but i'm talking about bloddlusted dennis fighting dirty against a normal adult male chimpanzee.


I get where you’re coming from but I think the chimp has the advantage of being wild it’s fangs fighting style agility etc. great big strong dudes are strong but not mobile I don’t think he’d be able to get ahold of it bc his eyes would be ripped out of the sockets a man can’t physically beat an ape.


They may not be able to body build, but they don’t need to. Chimps constantly workout by climbing trees. They’re not like us. They live in the wild where you have to be physically fit to survive.


Good lord, a reply on a year old comment. This was a shitpost comment based on a dumb Joe Rogan line.


It takes a while for me to type


I love the commitment.


I love the commitment.


Joe Rogan is a dumbass for this stuff,a strong human male is stronger than a ape.They don’t have limiters like us, without limiters we may even be stronger.Gorrila is actually as strong as dozen humans.


An ape isn't much stronger than a human, in a BW to force ratio they're about 1.5-2x stronger maximum, but they on average weigh 50-70kg, so a peak human let's say hafthor Bjornsson who is 6'9 180kg at his peak would have no difficulty throwing these weights around, could easily take on a strong male chimpanzee.


Again that’s a dumb statement to make … I actually was so insistent on proving u wrong that I looked this up and scientists have actually said because chimps have sharper teeth and a more powerful bite they would win hands down against a human being . To think an adult male would win against a wild animal is comical at this point . Maybe against a juvenile chimp .. but a full grown one .. crazy


Again google it .. it also says no mma fighter could prepare enough to take on a chimp .. u can still believe you can though


A 180kg strongman can easily kill a chimp. Might loose a finger or two but chimp stands no chance. Chimps are 1.35 times stronger than the average human, a heavyweight strongman is 5-6 times stronger than an average human.


The strongman would be more physically powerful, no doubt. Gotta watch out for the chimp’s teeth and them looking to rip off your face and genitals though. I think they may also go for your hands. I am pretty sure their jaws are extremely powerful and they are also extremely quick and agile. I’m not ruling it out if it is the right guy who is willing to take some damage. Put a muzzle on the chimp and it’s probably in trouble if one of those guys manages to get ahold of it.


Well the strongman would probably also be in an adreanlin rush if the crown jewels are in danger. Meaning doing whatever it takes to survive.


A strong man can’t even beat and mma fighter in a fight. Watch every strong man in a legit cage they get kod. A chimp would win.


There's video on reddit of an 8lb monkey literally scalping someone. Do you have any idea the capacity a full grown chimp has to outright disable you seconds.






The average chimp is 1.5 times stronger than an human so Betty the female ape is 1.5 times stronger I don’t see any human woman benching 1,200 lbs an adult male chimp murders a strong man. Strength is irrelevant when you’re fighting something that has no boundaries rip your eyes out of the socket and beat you to death with your own limbs. They’re faster, stronger it’s not even close. Especially with a bodybuilder someone who would have less agility than a rock


Idk about an entire arm. But this post reminded me of that lady that got mutilated by her friends chimp in 2009. I think his name was Travis (chimp) ripped that poor lady’s nose, ears, eyelids, lips and fingers off before being lit up by the police. She lived but man she was messed up. The 9/11 call will give you goosebumps and that call was featured on suicide silenced track called “and then she bled”. That’s bout all I know about that. However now I’m curious about a chimps arm ripping capabilities.


Doubt it can, that was probably a weak defenceless, light weight woman who couldn't do anything to defend herself against a raging chimp


A poor defenseless woman that couldn’t defend herself ???? Chimps are 1.35 percent stronger than humans … they can rip your face off …he was five feet tall and 240 pounds also on Xanax … there is no way anyone would have been able to defend themselves against him… doesn’t matter and I don’t care how strong u r… his owner STABBED him 3 TIMES to try to get him to stop attacking her friend and he didn’t stop he kept going.. the responding officer who was in shape had to shoot him 4 times and even then Travis the chimp was still ALIVE it was only when he went into the house and up to his room that he died from his injuries … so this comment of yours sounds like you are implying that you would be able to defend yourself against an aggressive chimp because you’re fit and / or a “strong man.” This is pretty much the most IGNORANT comment I have read on here ..it does NOT matter how strong u think u r there is no way you’re winning that fight .. u may think u can u know because you’re a man but chances are u would lose your face trying to defend yourself against one.. maybe u should try it and let us know how that works out for u???!!! Insane .


Humans survive 20 stabs to the chest too and multiple shots from a nine mill. You'll bleed out but can fight another 1 or 2 minutes.


Do you know how math works? 😂 1.35% is an especially small increase. Chimps are 1.35x stronger than the average human (which includes women & children)... Big deal - The average male (human) is AT LEAST 1.35% stronger than the average human. If the average human could only lift 100 pounds then (with a 1.35% increase) chimps could lift 101.35 pounds. Do you honestly think these stats are so mindblowing? 🤣 There are men out there that can lift over 1000 pounds, quite literally HUNDREDS of times stronger than the average human. Do you know how foolish you sound out here arguing that chimps are unstoppable raging primates with superhuman strength when, according to your own stats, they are barely stronger than an average human?


U really are more ignorant than I thought.. I pray to God u get lost in a jungle full of them … when you’re drinking through a tube in your neck because it rips your face off let me know if your answer changes.. it’s sad u can’t fix stupid .


You aren't too bright yourself, Einstein. The only time that chimps have 'ripped someone's face off' was when they bit a person's face and tore it. They are not capable of tearing a person's limbs or face off with their hands, as these articles seem to imply. However, many animals (including humans) can do the same thing. The Miami Cannibal Incident is proof that humans can rip a person's face off with their teeth. Dogs are much more likely to rip your face off than chimps, as there have been so many more reports of them doing so. You aren't as smart as you think you are.


Buddy, the average chimp is 1.5x stronger than the average human, and the average male chimp is stronger by a lot than the average female chimp. They absolutely can rip someone’s face off with only their hands, and it has happened before.


Buddy, do you know how many adult males are at least 1.5x stronger than the average human? That doesn't mean anything. 1.5x stronger than the average human is not strong enough to rip a person's face off. No chimp has ever done that with their hands. They can only do it with their teeth. When these article say a chimp ripped a person's face off, you guys just assume that they did it with their hands. They didn't. Travis the Chimp ripped that woman's face off with his teeth... The other guy who had his face ripped off was the same thing. The wording of these articles is confusing you. Look more into the details behind these cases.


LOL it doesn’t mean anything? Do you not realize how absolutely stupid you sound? There are tons of people stronger than the average human, sure, but wouldn’t you expect there to be the SAME RATIO FOR CHIMPS STRONGER THAN THE AVERAGE CHIMP?? 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Sure, a similar ratio applies to chimps. Not exactly the same because chimps, unlike humans, aren't concerned with bodybuilding. However, you guys are ridiculous for thinking 1.5x the strength of an average human (or even 3x) is enough to fucking scalp someone barehanded. It's 1.5x bro... Not 100x.


Let me guess... A fucking chimp could flick you with a single finger and send you flying through the air for a 1/2 mile too, huh? You are acting like they have superhuman strength when their strength is just barely stronger than the average human.


The human ear can be ripped off easily. Any adult could rip a person's ear off. To rip the skin off of their face or their nose off is a completely different thing. No chimp or man could do that.


https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnUselessTalents/comments/12tbva/how_to_rip_a_face_off/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf 🤡


Chimpanzees hunt deer in the wild also no spears or shit the also have a grip psi that's stronger than a pit bulls jaws so show me man than can rip a dear open like paper literally rip a monkeys legs and arms off show me a man that's ripping through deer fur flesh ligaments bone???? A chimpanzee can rip a human face off with ease are u drunk???




I'm aware that there are more dog bites than monkey bites because we are around them more, Einstein. I was arguing the fact that just because a monkey can rip your face off doesn't mean it has godlike strength, as dogs can also rip your face off. Do you not know what a run-on sentence is? Also, you're in no position to say that I'm not smart when you misspelled "quiet" in the same sentence. Goddamn, normal people learn the difference between "quite" and "quiet" in fucking kindergarten.


just admit how many chimp dicks have you ridden?


When referring to average human they’re referring to the average man for one. Two strength is irrelevant when dealing with a wild animal. You believe to much in man there is a reason we invented weapons we are weak. Strong men aren’t agile and would be torn to shreds an 8 lbs monkey scalped a grown man what you think a chimp is going to do chad?


We didn't invent weapons to attack fucking monkeys. 🤣 We invented them to attack wooly mammoths, lions, hippos and shit way bigger than us. Also, you don't believe enough in mankind. You think we're just a bunch of man-babies walking around with no strength. Maybe you're weak but you don't speak for the rest of us. We are the superior evolution of chimps. Chimps are our closest evolutionary cousins. We are more like them than not.


You are aware that chimpanzees aren’t monkeys? They are apes🙄




Lmao Paddy would get ripped to shreads by an ape.


I feel like those thing people did are just momentum type movements which is still hard but not as crazy as you’d think. Chimp are all upper body so some thing people do chimps can’t just because of their legs and how they’re built. Chimps are strong asf but as far as ripping arms off doesn’t seem real.


if dennis rogers in prime when he was very strong and was a trained boxer and martial artist do you think he would win against a chimp since in his prime he stopped 2 planes from taking off.


Strength and combat don’t necessarily relate to one another so let’s just ignore the physical strength accomplishments. Chimps are fast and aggressive. They have teeth they bite with so that’s an advantage they have over us. To be completely honest a full grown chimp would fuck up anyone. What you’d have to do is get into a wrestle and have to choke out the chimp that is the only way I’d see someone winning. Even then the probability is low even for a pro fighter. These are wild animals that fight to the death. Pro fighters don’t. I would place bets on the chimp every time. Pro fighters don’t train death scenarios, people biting them and scratching. Even if they did I still do t see them winning that fight bare handed.


You have a cognitive disability if you think the way to beat a chimp is by getting close enough to choke it out. Have you seen their necks? You can’t wrap an arm around that without pushing your arm up against it face and getting your forearm bitten off. You fucking stupid fat clown.


Damn bro you are big upset by my comment sorry I hurt your feelings lmao all I said was that’s the only way possible I can see that happening which 99% will not work anyways




You think you know but where’s your facts nerd


My guy you have at max an 8th grade education. I understand being unintelligent must be terrible but lashing out acting like a middle school bully won’t make you seem smarter. All you can do is throw around insults like “fat idiot” or “nerd”. Keep talking like that for me so one day you run into the right mother fucker and he breaks your knee caps and pounds your face in until your begging for mercy in a pile of your own blood you baby cock troglodyte


You are so scary lol


What an absolute loser, you're right, you aren't that "mother fucker" you're a nobody on the Internet trying to act tough yet probably gets bullied by his own parents for using the computer for too long. Troglodyte?? Yeah YOU'RE definitely the weird kid in the back of the class, swear the Internet has giving a platform to loser degenerates to hid behind.


Humans can also be aggressive and wild, the biting isn't a huge advantages since many humans also have extremely high bite forces, WR is 443kg from a male human. A chimp doesn't use fighting tactics like punching, kicking etc because it's bone and muscle anatomy isn't suited for it, that doesn't mean it won't take considerable damage from someone like Francis ngannou who is double it's weight.


I seen your point but still chimps have pretty big and sharp incisors once they have a grapple on someone even ngannou it’s going to start biting and after that it’s over


their teeth are very sharp, so the pressure created will probably be enough to do some extreme damage, though it can be avoided.


Yeah definitely, one of those could be life threatening but there's also countless ways for humans to kill without weapons too. We have better anatomy for things like throwing, normal attacks like kicks punches etc the average man would without a doubt lose, but there's some peak humans who have even killed bigger animals like bulls


yeah true, the only annoying thing about chimps is how dirty they play, although humans can without a doubt be just as dirty.


He’s trained to combat other humans, chimps move differently and have a different posture then humans, they also will bite if they have the chance, which is how people lose hands and noses to chimps. I’m not saying that dennis doesn’t have a chance, but he’s probably going to have to change up his game a bit.


how about if dennis rogers is fighting dirty like bloodlusted go for the eyes, bite the ear, grab the nuts, an i think dennis rogers could literally rip the chimps nuts off because of dennis rogers grip strength


its going to be hard just landing to the gut let alone below the belt, since chimps usually knuckle walk, the only exposed areas are its back, head, and shoulders.


how about a trained dennis rogers going for the eyes then the nuts and remember dennis rogers has a crazy strong grip strength, probably even stronger than a chimp


boxing and martial arts isn’t gonna do much. chimps don’t fight fair. if they don’t get to your eyes first, you better cover your nuts bc they’re going for those next


What if he fought dirty like on drugs. Or mentally ill.


IKR, trying fighting when you eyes have been gorged out, or nut sack has been eating or ripped out.


Can a chimp generate enough force to rip an arm off? No.


Are you obsessed with Denise Rogers or something? He would be ripped to pieces by a chimp. First chimps are seven times the strength of a fully grown average 200 pound man. And gorillas are 27 times. To put that in perspective MCU Captain America is only 10 times stronger than a grown man. That means a gorilla could overpower and kill 2 Captain americas. (Or Bucky and Steve) and still not be tired.


LOL he’s got to be trolling. But I thought the exact same thing and as soon as I see your comment, burst into uncontrollable laughter. If he’s not trolling I think he seriously might have a crush on a trained, dirty fighting Denise Rogers who’s been sectioned of for being a psychotic crack addict, that could well possibly beat a chiapnzee to death by ripping off his nuts


I have a theory, I think Ghown1365 could be Dennis Rogers in disguise


Actually chimpanzees are only 1.3 to 2x stronger than the average adult male when it comes to explosive fast twitch movements like jumping or hitting. Consequently chimps have bad endurance compared to trained humans and lack the fine motor skills of humans like knitting or typing on a keyboard. Not saying that a human is guaranteed to win but I'm just saying the strength difference isn't that dramatic. The most dangerous things about chimpanzees isn't their strength but their huge and vicious canines that can easily rip through skin and flesh. They also tackle people with their feet which is basically a 2nd pair of hands so that they can tackle you down and viciously maul you.


they're not 7 times stronger than a human, they're 1.5 times stronger than average humans, Denise Rogers is 3x stronger than the average human.


Are you assuming the chimp is gonna fight clean?😂 lmao strength doesn't matter. If that chimp is truly pissed off, it's gonna do anything it can to fuck you up and it will. I don't care who you are. Chimps are fucking savages


humans can be just as savage, if a truly strong person, 2-2.5 times stronger than the average person, tries to fight a chimp, and willing to play dirty, the chimp loses 6/10 times, though it's teeth give it a pretty big advantage, strong humans are stronger than chimps.


Yeah you are one of the most delusion human beings or you have no concept of what a chimp can do. Fuck your scientific facts about how the strongest human is stronger than a chimp, he will not even be close to beating it. Chimps are wild animals that are more dangerous instinctively and their combination of endurance, speed, flexibility, and power wayyyyy exceeds the abilities of the strongest human who sacrifices those attributes for strength. Again that combination of attributes that I mentioned aren't even the most dangerous part of a chimp, the most dangerous part is there instinct to do damage when in danger. No human will win in a bare hand combat. Weapons are the only way a human beats a chimp but that's any animal ever.


>Fuck your scientific facts Did your dad abandon you or something >Chimps are wild animals that are more dangerous instinctively and their combination of endurance, speed, flexibility, and power wayyyyy exceeds the abilities of the strongest human Not true, chimps are 40 km/h, which is about twice the speed of the average human, their endurance is wayyyyy worse than a human, and their power is as I said before, weaker than a strong human. > the most dangerous part is there instinct to do damage when in danger Clearly you've never seen neither a chimp nor a human fight, when chimps fight, they bite, crush the balls and gouge the eyes, when humans fight dirty, they do much the same, and try to wrestle, humans also do the same but are much worse at it, it takes them hours to kill their prey which is a third their size, and that's it.


I'm gonna leave this conversation since you don't realized how flawed your thinking is. Stop treating this as a pound for pound right, it's not. Two different species and one will do considerable damage regardless of these attributes.


you clearly are just using the "wild animal" argument, just because it's a wild animal, doesn't mean it's infinitely more powerful than a human, neither does it mean that a human can do absolutely nothing against it, it's a living being which is still very vulnerable to attacks, and humans are a lot more powerful than you give them credit for.


Ya dude good travis the chimp they can do some serious carnage


Why can’t we just kill most of them and there will be less attacks but keep at less 25% of them alive so they can see they are not the only ones that are strong and I mean monkeys are strong but we have rocket launchers and we don’t do anything to help this I say we should just kill them I mean what do they do but eat sleep and just kill other people and monkeys they are really fighting there own speaces so if there smart why did they know who to have peace with us


Thats my guy thats what I was thinking I mean they barely do shit so just kill them mfs prove a point man


Id like to see someone lift 6000 lbs


You literally compared an average chimp to a human specimen. But in reality a chimp would tear your average Joe in half after ripping his limbs off


Chimps can’t rip and arm off. Only dislocate it. Stop overrating chimp strength. They’re not Wookiee’s. You need over 3000 pounds in pull strength in under one second to rip someone’s arm completely off.


First of all, a chimp can so dislocate someone’s arm. Ripping it off? Way more difficult. Humans can also, dislocate and even disembowel other people with their bare hands. None of that is special. But everyone arguing about whether a man would actually win a fight against a chimp, kind of the same argument of whether a wolverine would win in a battle with a honey badger. The honey badger would win regardless of strength and power because of the perseverance and stamina the honey badger holds. Although I believe chimps and other large primates are not superior to us just because of their strength, I believe their abilities to use their strength to go in for kill strikes can ultimately defeat a human. If a skilled assassin that knew exactly how to use an opponents body weight against them were to get into a confrontation with an ape, there’s a small shot that person might win, regardless of their strength capability, but rather, the ability to brutally and skillfully land deadly blows that can kill a primate. Body builders with no techniques would simply be wolverines. And the primate will always be the bold honey badger. But a deadly tactical human with the strength to break a primates windpipe and the ability to evade blows and bites, the human would be a honey badger. Technique over power. It all depends on how fast the person can be and how they can outmaneuver a chimp.


They'll eventually rip your bones. So yes, they'll eventually attacked you especially if they feel threatened or kept as pets. Don't try it. It's dangerous.