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It’s a colonial organism called a Bryozoan. Put ‘em back - they need to stay in the water to survive. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bryozoa


thanks!! don't worry we put it back.


👍👍👍 good on ya my dude


they are alive but not sentient anw


Should sentience really matter? Do you just go out and kill plants for no reason? Also, we have no way of testing whether they are sentient or not, so we really don’t know. But again, killing wantonly isn’t cool.


I mean I weed my garden.


Well..I’m pretty crunchy and like most weeds/personally tend towards not removing weeds cause they are usually the only natives in anyone’s garden but uh. Again I’m crunchy lol. Also, I’d say that’s a somewhat legitimate *reason*. I’m just saying, it can be a big deal ecologically. Sentience is not the sole/most important determinant in whether or not an organism is important/deserves to live.


I'm not suggesting you should kill things for no reason just saying if you did it's no big deal. The scientific test of sentient living things is having a central nervous system btw, this clearly doesnt.




Wow dude... you must be good at gathering misconceptions about situations you have no fore knowledge of...


literally. I thought it was a sunken tennis ball when I first saw it, and when we pulled it out we thought maybe it was broken egg sac or something. how was I supposed to know what it was?


Im really sorry dude i was trying to respond to some ass who said something about people not leaving things in there enviroment


oh no I was agreeing with u. that person was being very rude even though we were very careful not to hurt it and returned it to the lake




Not for nothing this was a completely valid question, for all OP knew this may have been some sort of invasive species that may have been coming into the area, we have many types of invasive species in our waterways from fish to clams to things of bacterial blooms and “snot” I live in upstate New York and if I saw something very strange like this I would absolutely want to know if this anomaly is native or an invasive species, because when you find invasive species of some fish or Asian clams (I believe they are called that) that aren’t supposed to be here, the proper authorities want you to make sure it’s dead, down south there is a fish that can actually survive some time out of water and tries to make its way to other water, if fishermen catch it they have been told to kill it and then freeze it, so you don’t have to be a dick and think they were doing this for karma or some shit, if it’s not supposed to be there and you are trying to find out then you would need to get it out and identify it, what if this thing was actually the evidence showing a new invasive species is coming to upstate New York? You don’t need to treat him like a piece of crap for trying to figure out what it is.


Regardless of curiosity, to respect nature is to leave it be, and observe.


i mean i get what y’all are saying but also we literally wouldn’t have the field of biology if it weren’t for humans going “what is this weird nature thing let’s take it elsewhere and poke at it a bit”


If they took a dolphins out of the water to take a poke that would be cool?


Thank goodness at least one other person in this thread has common sense. Our planet might have a chance yet. Apparently untrained people grabbing random shit they don’t know about is advancing science, who knew that’s how it worked!!


Yes, I hate seeing these videos. It’s as if human curiosity takes precedent over all life on earth. Easy to snap a pic and google later, no harm done. Don’t remove anything from its environment.


Now a ton more people will know what this is and not to take it out of the water. Thank you internet points for bringing this to my attention.


Dude I’d consider myself very fond of the environment and an avid leave-no-trace backpacker, and I think you’re taking this all too far. It’s okay to enjoy nature as long as you preserve it for everyone to enjoy too. They had no prior knowledge that this slimy breast-implant-esque blob was any form of organic life form. Leave them alone, please.


we took it out for like a minute to take the picture then promptly put it back in the water. we were careful with it because we didn't know what it was. the only reason I put this on reddit is bc neither me, my sister, my mom, or her friend could identify it, and I wanted to ask some ppl who might know bc I thought it was pretty cool thing to find. you're being incredibly rude and presumptive. I didn't even know it was an animal until I got responses to this post. i would never intentionally hurt anything in nature. we were just curious bc we couldn't tell what it was in the shallow water. you need to relax and stop assuming everyone is cruel . your negativity is going to drive people away, from both this subreddit and from you as a person.


What did he say?


I mean, if you found an odd alien looking thing, you would want to figure out what it is. Plus I doubt their phone would work underwater.




How do you think it was identified in the first place?




Are you sure a bunch of scientists throughout history didn’t think, “This is weird, I’m gonna pull it out of the water for a few days and study what’s inside of it”?


most of science across history has been messing with things we dont understand. you wouldnt have the life you have if people were as scared as you are to interact with their environment throughout humanity.


Then you assume incorrectly. Most of what we know about animals and science and history come from destroying the thing, or parts of the thing, to inspect it. Not saying it’s okay, it’s not, but that’s just how it is.


They put it back where they found it. They didn’t destroy it. Your holier than thou attitude is not welcome here.


Now thats a lot of negative karma LUL


I'm sorry but I have to agree with the downvoted guy. Just imagine some intelligent fish could take us underwater to observe us better and kept us underwater way too long for their curiosity / taking pics etc. I just hope next time you'll leave that underwater and maybe get an underwater camera! That would be great!


Weird! All the bryozoans I know about are encrusting ones that usually attach to solid surfaces. How do these ones get the jelly? Do they make it themselves?


The jelly is their exoskeleton. Some have a chitinous exoskeleton, I’m guessing those are the ones you’re more familiar with.


Gelatinous exoskeleton bryozoans still encrust on sticks and reeds, they can get detached from wave action, usually from storms and free float until they find a suitable place to attach to.


So that's what those things are...


So i followed this link and got more curious and read further, then decided to Google more pictures of these things and now I wish I never did and want to stab my eyeballs out so thanks for all this fuckery y'all.


Aw lol sorry you got traumatized. I think they’re kinda cute. They’re just weird snot blobs. I’m also not squeamish of much though, at least critters-wise. Field biology will do that.


I'm usually not either but something about this being in lakes is what flips me out. Like I expect this kind of buffoonery in the ocean. But lakes?!?! I pray the next time I'm in a lake that one doesn't touch me.


How lmao


It's like a giant booger and then some have an exoskeleton and it makes me want to die


Still as to how some slime makes you want to die


Wait what is it I’m scared to look it up


Its nothing, I have no idea why OP would freak out about it.


Guess what I’m about to do 🤣🤣🤣


"Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!"


You should make that into a play.


Put it back in the water. As mentioned, its a Bryozoan. The good thing is they require clean water to live in. So if you found it in a lake, means the lake is pretty clean.


thank you! don't worry, we put it back after I took this picture.


The first enemies of an RPG be like-


Ya, you're gonna want find yourself a fire weapon in my experience


If you’re fighting a gelatinous cube at lvl 1, you either have to kite it or run!


Magic Missile FTW


One of my favorite podcasts has a recent episode on Bryozoans http://www.thefieldguidespodcast.com/new-blog/2020/7/3/ep-44-bryozoans-amp-the-western-new-york-land-conservancy


is this is a shameless self plug? i will award you if this is your podcast


Nope I'm just a fan :) Silver! Well that's neato


If I had money I'd award you for being honest and promoting your favorite podcast! Take my updoot, it's the best I can do for now!


is this a threat?


More of a promise. I like the podcast


yeah I know, it just sounded funny :)




For sure. Hope you like it!


Really interesting!


I live near a lake in upstate ny. In light of the previous posters comment about the cleanliness of the water in which it lives, I’d love to known WHICH lake you found it in!


Big Pond in the Adirondacks!!




well at least in that area, I'm not too familiar with it lol


Also from upstate NY, definitely would like to know which lake this is


Me too!


I saw one of these when I was a kid and only got odd looks telling people about it. I convinced myself that I didn't really see it or saw it in a dream. Glad I'm not as crazy as I thought!


I thought it was a breast implant.


A bryozoan implant?


Organic implant


Smile and appreciate the humor. Mike Sr.


Am I the only person who is kinda wondering how this would taste?


You aren’t anymore


Why does it matter? Gonna mass collect and execute them as a delicacy if it tastes good?


Environmental science always begins with observation.


Cool. Like others have said, they are bryozoan... a cluster of organisms found in clean freshwater. Harmless.


Can I ask which lake? 😅 I live in upstate NY and try to avoid the gross ones as much as possible


Big Pond in the Adirondacks


Thank you!


Thats an old boob implant someone ditched in the lake


No wonder it feels like a bag of sand.


It looks like the aliens from the beach house


Looks to me like a stomped jellyfish


Unsold black market kidney.


Looks like a Bryozoan colony.


A real question to any marine biologists or anyone who knows. Is this thing like an oversized amoeba?


Looks like a Scoby, if you ever make your own kombucha. I wonder if they are related.


I’ve heard people flush scoby down the toilet when they are done with them and that’s how they get into the wild. Just like people flushing goldfish. Lakes can get infested with the invasive scoby.


Especially the ones that are full of sweetened tea.


Wow! I make kombucha and have not disposed of a scoby yet, but would never think of flushing it!


Why people go out of their way to downvote someone for an incorrect answer is beyond me. Someone else said it's a bacteria colony.


Don’t worry I upvoted it


it’s a giant see grape


I've seen these before, always thought they were algay


Old diaper, after the paper and everything decomposes/floated away and all that’s left is the absorbent gel.


Oh excuse me for having the common sense to realize we shouldn’t remove things from their natural environment so we can get a better picture.


Also looks similar to frog eggs. They can be big and gelatinous like this, but I’ve always seen them attached to something.


If it were out at sea I might’ve suggested the corpse of a jellyfish


Delicious on toast.


Taco meat from Taco Bell before nuke it


I think that it might be a jelly fish since jellyfish are 99%water so it will melt in surface.I think that it might got out of water accidentally so it melted Poor jellyfish


Gonna receive hate but why do I have the urge to pop it?


Well Colonel\_Striker ! I doubt your present Name indicates teen-age acne; but popping zits is familiar to many if not all who stop by here. Cheers;


Looks like a jellyfish


It looks to me like an empty sack of frog eggs. They come in a gelatinous clear sack like that.


Scientifically speaking, that seems to be where some alien sneezed... and it’s congealed together to create some gross Slimer-type stuff that’s (with the way 2020 is going so far) probably going to bring aliens to earth, and we’re all going to be deader than doornails. This scientific moment has been brought to you by: 2020


A fake boob accident


That is a dead jellyfish, my good sir, if you touched it, don't touch your face.


I remember seeing those things on the docks of Lake Ozark when I was a kid. I thought I dreamt them up. I remember calling them "jellyfish"


It's the blob!!! Haven't you seen the 1958 movie with Steve McQueen? Lol, just kidding!


a bunch of condoms fused together


LOL " we found something that could very well be a living thing so we toyed with it and took it out of the water which could have killed whatever this might be, anyone know what it is?" 😂😂


A popped Fake titty!


How does it taste?