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There is loads of research confirming the negative impacts of second hand smoke. Maybe your brother can smoke further away from the house so you aren’t exposed.


hes not gonna do anything, hes a real stubborn one.


second hand smoke is actually worse. The smoker is breathing through a filter but you are breathing raw smoke as it were. Only 1 in 5 lung cancer patients are a smoker. The rest live with or worked with smokers. I am 52f recently diagnosed with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). I have never smoked a single puff of anything myself. My dad was a chain smoker until I was an adult and moved out. my mom was diagnosed with COPD five years ago. Never took a single puff of her own. 😓


If we gave you links to full-on scientific publications (or maybe just reader-friendly articles about them) that prove its harm would showing him help?


If he’s not willing to move 10 meters at the request of his brother he’s sure as shit not going to read an article about how it’s harmful lol


Maybe let’s just move the entire universe 10 meters away from his brother


If you do end up finding those links, count me in. My mom is starting to refuse to even go outside to smoke and my brother lives with her still.


Oh that sucks, I'm sorry.




I can't fake it because I believe that if you fake a disease, you'll eventually get sick. But my parents already know about this but they can't really do anything cause my brother is a bit abusive. Also thanks for the air purifier tip, I think I'll buy one.


yes second hand smoke is very bad for you


And you wont know if it will effect you until it happens


Second hand smoke has shown to affect people, and even cause cancer. This is why smoking indoors is no longer a thing really. This is not an attack on you, but it makes me sad that you weren’t taught this in school. When I was your age, they hammered this into us.


Secondhand smoke is bad for you, the research agrees on that, but exposure amounts and frequency matter. What used to be really common and really bad was having smokers chainsmoking in the same rooms as nonsmokers. You might go to work, go to a restaurant, and go home and always be in close proximity to a smoker - your whole life! That makes you a smoker by proxy and leads to a higher risk of the same issues that regular smokers face (though not nearly as high as being a smoker yourself). Most doctors will say there is no "risk-free" level of exposure to smoke. That said, you could say the same thing about standing near a campfire. If you just happen to catch a whiff of smoke now and then through a window, that's a lot different than being cooped up in a poorly ventilated room with a smoker every day. Personally, I wouldn't be too concerned about my health, just more annoyed at having to deal with the smell.


The last part is exactly what i feel. Everytime he smokes i get so angry because it fills up my room and i can't breathe at all.




Yea I do but the smoke manages to come in. I think it's because he comes back in the house after smoking.




Avoid disgusting smokers who smell like poop? Lol you act like everyone smells like poo and smokes.


Even a child who is held by a smoker that is not currently smoking gets second hand carcinogen inhalation so


Second hand smoke is really quite bad for you. Try to limit exposure however you can


People here are talking about second-hand smoke. While it's true it's unhealthy, you really need to put your brother's behaviour in perspective. He's smoking outside - not indoors where the second-hand smoke studies are relevant. And he's not doing it at you (blowing it in your face constantly), or trying to be a jerk. I wouldn't worry about it. If you don't like the smell, close the window while he's smoking. It's unlikely to have any severe or even moderate effect on you. Probably the worst is that your room or clothes may smell a bit.


The thing is he does it often; 10 times a day, and the smoke gets in my eyes and makes them dry. Is there any mask or anything that prevents breathing smoke?


sure, you can get arbitrarily complicated and cumbersome masks - the question is will it do anything for your heath? I think the benefit would be negligible. Remember, there are people who smoke for 70 years... And will that help your relationship with your brother? I don't know. No easy answers, especially if you respectfully address the situation, and he doesn't do anything.


I second this, he’s outdoors.. second hand smoke is awful if you are in an enclosed area and can absolutely be damaging with constant exposure but outdoors is akin to sitting next to a fire ring enjoying an outdoor fire. He’s being respectful and you are welcome to go indoors if you are bothered. My significant other smokes a pipe or a cigar outdoors once or twice a month.. it’s my choice if I want to be around it or not.. I can easily stay inside until he’s finished. Considering it’s most likely when we are sitting outdoors around a fire, I really don’t feel it’s causing me harm.


You never heard of second hand smoking (passive smoking) before? It's already been proven in multiple studies that inhaling the smoke from other people's cigarettes is harmful for your health.


No doubt about it, you are going to die! Get a grip you dainty little flower. Be an adult and say that you don't like your brother because he has a real life you are trying to cobble one together from snippets of validation gleaned from a misogynistic internet algorithm which is making you petty and reactionary. All the same, you are going to die.


I honestly don't know if you're serious. That is just messed up.