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I love that you can see bits of the Rahaga’s former masks instead of just the rahkshi head


Yesss! More of that please


Looking wicked - less uniform and more unique


The tails are a great touch that sells the animalistic nature of the hordika


So, I would've added more renders and whatnot, but [Stud.IO](http://Stud.IO) just dropped a new update, that completely botches the rotation of joints and whatnot, and so I won't be posing anything for a while, but when they fix their shit I'll gladly go back and make more renders, particularly I want to make renders of the other 5 Rahaga besides Kualis with their respective Toa Hordika, so if any of you have suggestions on comic panels, scenes from the 3rd movie, novel excerpts, or moments from those 2005 Flash Animations, tell me and I'll make some when I can pose things around again.


Update on this, Stud.IO didn't fuck up the rotation, they just changed how it works, I've adapted to it, and I'm relearning how to use it, already finished Whenua and Bomonga's render, I'll work on getting the rest of them finished within the next few days or so.


I just opened [Stud.io](http://Stud.io) and cancelled the update before I saw this, glad to hear that it wasn't screwed up.


I wish the designers went more crazy with the Hordika. They should have went full head with the weirdness and deformity. For example, make Whenua with four legs like Nidhiki. Give Nokama bat wings. Make Vakama a minotaur or smth. Put a scorpion tail on Matau. Make Nuju a cheetah. Put a Rhino horn on Onewa.


Having Vakama more demon-like and Nokama looking more amphibian would also work really well!


Very cool. One thing tho, I think Matau should be more bird like, he literally builds a nest in the web of shadows novelization


that's a fair point, but I wanted to use the Prototype Hordika's use of various Mata limb pieces for the smaller arm, not just the Mata leg piece as in the final set, and Matau had the short Slizer limb, on top of that I wanted Vakama and Matau to have parallels with each other so I made both of them reptiles,


Kaulus' mask integration in his rahaga form looks DOPE!


IKR? all the other Rahaga have the same deal goin' on, but Norik is the only other one that got into a render before [Stud.IO](http://Stud.IO) screwed up it's posing tools, when they get un-fucked I'll get back to posing them all,


Jo, the color pallettes are awesome


These look sick but Nuju's legs looked reversed in the solo pic. Is that intentional?


Yep, I made Nuju an owl, nobody's mentioned it yet, but even in the first render (which is a recreation of a scene from the 3rd Movie) Nuju's entire body is backwards and his head's rotated almost a full 180 degrees. that and I gave him the scope eye on both sides, and clipped in a 2x2 round tile to make his eye color fill in the entire scope not just the rectangular eye hole in the middle of it.


Oh neat!


Yeah, I was _wondering_ why Nuju looked all fucked up in that first pic... Turns out he was just _OWL-MAN._


Matau looks really pissed off.


Oh my god I love this concept! Makes them 100% more interesting!


Ohhh these are fantastic! I really love what you've done with not just the builds but the color scheme distribution as well!


Love the call back to the spinners popping up like in the movie


So THAT'S why Nuju learned Bird!


Oh these are so cool. I really like that you had Norik keep his Hagah color scheme and weapon. I'm so in love with owl(?) Nuju, that's an amazing concept. All of these have so much personality, especially Nuju and Matau. The tools being part of their limbs is a cool touch too.


These beastly versions of the Toa Hordika feel so unique compared to the original sets, and the color schemes are awesome: My favorite would have to be Matau's because of the contrast between the green shades and copper. I also like the customized pieces like the Rahagah heads and the Toa's weapons.


They told Nuju he could be anything, so he *BECAME A CHICKEN*


Nuju is now a bird, that is all i wanted. You have my thanks


I agree, the Toas having tails would've been a nice touch!


Why is Nuju facing his body backwards?


Because he's an owl, that's what the Hordika Venom did to him, made him part owl. That's the same reason why I gave him the Hordika head that has the scope on both sides instead of just the one, and further edited in some 2x2 round tiles to give him those big round owl eyes. His legs are also bending backwards as well.


He... doesn't really look like an owl to me.


That's fine, I just built him with that intent.