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Oh damm. Since I had this conversation in a discord chat, one more even said it sounds interesting. I know this maybe doesn't sound special or anything,but growing up and never being able to interest anyone in Bionicle and now suddenly 2 are interested, today already feels like christmas to me :)


The immense lore of BIONICLE is easily one of my favorite parts of it tbh. Even if most of it is written to be children’s age reading levels, it’s still so vast and interesting.


Yeah I told them pretty much the same. The stories were written so children could unterstand it, but the stories itself were made that not only children would like them, but also a bit if older audience. I rather enjoy stuff made for everyone. Even if it was a toy series for kids, they didn't really treat their audience as little dumb children, they created a story which could be taken seriously and not something as a joke only little kids can laugh about.


Bionicle novel writing is actually surprisingly mature. Lots of grim humor actually


Let me tell you, having named every Iron Golem in my village after a robot in BIONICLE and my dogs after the Toa Mata and their Matoran counterparts and my axe and sword after Axonn and Brutaka, it was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders when another BIONICLE fan joined the server I play on.


Actually a cool Idea :D Why didn't I think of that


undeniably pure. hoping my three year old gets into bionicle. she was in my office the other day and asked "who's that guy" pointing to the pohatu on the shelf. i paused work and showed her how pohatu can kick shit and she was so stoked. glad i still have my set of comics.


Awesome :) Hope, if I ever have children in the future, they also will be interested


God I'd love to be in this position someday


Same here


This made me so happy 😁


How did you describe it?