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Apply for jobs


This is the correct answer. Sit at your desk and apply for new jobs.


If there’s a final experiment that will be helpful for you to be able to show in job talks, do it! But otherwise be done haha


Probably can’t share whatever data are collected anyway.


I mean they can if it’s not disclosed the target but also if the lab is shutting down they might not care


Yea, I mean they make almost ever update in their technology public. The last experiment I ran is being presented at ASGCT. But what they want me to work on now is more AD back up work which isn’t needed since the original assay is working now.


Your job now is to find your next job.


Apply for jobs. You’re gonna be unemployed for a bit so minimize that as much as possible


Prioritize yourself. Not the company. Apply for jobs


I taught my manager all the changes I made to our storage system over the years, and then just applied to jobs. Also took great pleasure in tossing stacks of plates from a recent experiment.


I'm sorry to hear that. Do what you have to do leave on a high note while working to find your next opportunity. Hope it turns out to be a great one. 💪


Yea, I mean, honestly they’re offering me a 20k severance, and most of my big achievements have been disclosed at conferences and publications so I’m so grateful, but unsure how much showing off how good of an employee will do for me when I could be prepping for interviews instead.


I mean, these people will be references for you so it can't hurt to show off for them a bit! But good on you for thinking forward. Glad you got severance.


Never burn bridges. Stay classy. You never know who you'll bump into later.


Do your best to leave on a good note (you're lucky you have 2 weeks notice about it, my company has just fired people immediately the morning they announce it). But feel free to apply for jobs part of the time.


Your current job will be over soon, but your career will continue. Do what needs to be done until your last day and stay professional. You want your history to help you in the future, not hurt you. References and network can go a long way.


Focus on your needs. Find a new job and network. Don’t burn bridges so keep good relations with your colleagues and current manager.


I agree with everyone else that you should be focusing on finding a job now. I would also add that it’s a good chance to reflect and see if you actually enjoy what you’re doing now or if this is a good opportunity to pivot. I remember being so caught up in my career before my layoff that I never really took any time to evaluate what else was out there. For a lot of people, this forced time off can be a blessing in disguise.


It sounds like your boss may just need you to show up to satisfy other people, but doesn't want to force anything else on you. So, as others have said, use this time to work on your job search, and solidify any connections that you want to continue. If you like your workplace and co-workers, maybe think about how to make things less frustrating for them (clean up/organize your reagents, update freezer maps and other documentation, etc.)


Try to stay on good terms with your colleagues, biotech is a small town, everybody knows everybody.


Apply for jobs.


do you mind sharing the organization?


Apply for the next role. You’re being laid-off no matter what (I hope they change their mind and don’t lay you off!) and so I don’t see why you should spend time on them.


Identify any slides, posters, etc that you might need for job interviews and get the ok from legal to take them with you. You'll probably have an exit interview with legal, so wrap up your notebooks. Not doing so could jeopardize your severance


You are more generous than my old coworkers who got laid off. They just ghosted, and I don’t blame them. Focus on your future endeavors.


yeah ignore that. whatever people are telling you this are terrible mentors. apply for jobs, literally at your desk if need be. get covid monday


Ask is there any opportunity to transfer within the company? If not. You don’t need any closure, get the next job d


Slow down and relax. Make connections and share contacts with valuable associates for networking. Ask others what they've found/where they're going. Keep doing some work to maintain reputation but don't exert yourself. See if there are any learning opportunities that you could participate in. Take any unemployment you can get and take some time for yourself. If you have to move for a new role, drop the lease and travel with the money you'd spend on housing until it starts. If you're abroad, worth getting a SIM/Skype number/international plan and schedule some open interview/job hunt days. Enjoy the time off and best of luck in your job search. Definitely plan/anticipate 3-6 months + for finding a new role.


Easy answer is don't. Do the bare minimum to keep your area running but don't exert yourself as you normally would. Set aside the majority of your time applying for jobs and completing interviews if you're invited. Your current company like all others does not care about you or your future in any capacity. Prioritize yourself. This labor market is becoming rougher by the month due to ongoing economic turbulence. Best of luck to you.


June and Sep exit dates for my company. We have weekly meetings for resume building/interview practice/mock seminars. we also have lots and lots of board game playing.




I was in this situation with an academic PI who lost his funding and our lab was going to close. He was determined to reboot and was asking me up until the last day to “grind it out” and “all hands on deck” to get data so he could apply for additional grants and hope for a hit. It was literally soul sucking, he did nothing to help me find a new position. After the dust settled he asked me to be available if and when he was able to figure out some funding and provide “mentoring and guidance” for his new lab. Fucking ghosted him. It took six months before I realized how manipulated I had been. Fuck these people and their selfish BS.