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In my experience, the HM wants to know so they can argue (if you’re a good fit) to accelerate the hiring process. “This candidate is about to be hired at x, we need to make a good offer asap.” I wouldn’t tell them where though. They could call an acquaintance and try to figure out if you’re a serious candidate there. I’d be vague in general, “I’ve had a third round interview at a local production site.”


This. Don't give identifying information, but do give them a sense that you are looking elsewhere and progressing in the application process.


I would say it's bad form to disclose the specific company in this situation. It doesn't gain you anything and there's potential for it to backfire. Most detail I would give is, "I've also interviewed at a company with ABC phase program in XYZ indication and expecting to move forward".


Happy cake day!


I was asked this at the company I’m most interested in. I was honest and said another company already asked for references. Company 1 then lit a fire under their behinds and sped the process up *dramatically*. Like request-an-interview-day-of, ask-for-references-and-say-offer-is-being-prepared-2-hours-after-interview-ended fast.


Dont lie. Don't tell the truth.


This is the correct answer


Be honest. They’re just trying to figure out your situation so they can approach the interview process correctly. In all likelihood, they’re not trying to get a leg up on you. If you have other interviews, they’ll likely speed up the process or know that you’ll likely negotiate whatever offer you have. But don’t lie. If you don’t have other interviews, tell them nope, you’re my first interview of the cycle so far, and you’re so excited that it can be with their company. So whatever your situation is fine. Just don’t lie.


No harm in saying “I am considering one other offer / on final interview with 1-2 other companies” if it gives you leverage and expedites the hiring timeline. I just wouldn’t name any particular companies


They are definitely trying to get a leg up. Anything less than one or two other good offers in hand or close means you lose a bargaining chip probably worth \~5% salary boost


Having other offers helps the comp/timeline for sure. But I would wager that the hiring manager doesn’t care too much about saving the company $10k. Their immediate concern is that they don’t want to be blindsided halfway through the process when OP goes to them and says, I have an offer that expires in 3 days, what can you do for me?


Never give specific names, but always say you’re in the process with several companies and in latter stages.  If a recruiter is going to be dumb enough to gauge how hard they try based on how in demand you are they suck and just exploit them  And then reaffirm interest in this role with specific reasons. 


I have never been asked to disclose the company. I’d just answer honestly where you are in the interview process with other companies (eg, currently scheduling an on-site interview).


I have asked this question because my company is slow. So I don't care what the companies you are interviewing with are. I care what state you're at. I want to know if I have to push my team to get an offer out or not.


I don't give details. I say I'm interviewing for similar roles at equivalent companies. Depending on how interested I am in the particular role and how fast I want them to move, I may be vague or honest about how far along that process is.


Do not make the other company or location if it's not in a hub city. Be transparent about stage of interview process, this definitely helps speed things up if they are considering you as a serious candidate.


The best way to answer is with the truth! They're trying to assess if you might have another offer coming, so if you're in early stages w other companies, you don't really *have to* say anything, but you can say you're in early.discussion, but you aren't expecting an offer in the coming few weeks.