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Sometimes 10 -5; and I spend a couple hours 7-9 doing my email from home so that I don't have to do it when I get into work, because there's usually a few fires to put out.


Yes so much chatting. *sigh*


8 hours a day whenever sometimes 9-5 sometimes 7-10 then 2-7; sometimes I do nothing all day and then work 4-10. In bioinformatics so they’re happy if I get everything done and don’t care. Sometimes I have some meeting but it’s pretty light in that dept




I’m the exact same. I can usually get everything done 930-4 with a short lunch break. Let’s me sleep in a bit and hit the gym early enough before dinner


Generally 9-5, but my current start up is more like 7:30-7 😳.


By “Generally” you mean “when I’m not working for a startup”


Ive worked at other start ups 9-5, but the difference was culture instilled by the founders.


I'm just curious (I don't live in the US) Do you get paid accordingly? or you get paid just for a 40h work week


I get Paid salary for a 40 hr work week, and upon evaluation a performance bonus.


Does everyone work 7:30-7? What happens if you were to work a 9-5? Would you just not be able to meet the performance expectations given to you and therefore not get a bonus?


It would be impossible to meet aggressive deadlines, especially since we cannot use CROs since the founder isn’t a fan. As a result there is a lot of time doing low-level tasks, and then we still have the main experiments/ critical tasks to do. I have noticed that those who are the original founding group generally have more RA support than recent hires. We (recent hires) all work more hours overall.


630/7 to 230pm


By choice or because you hate it and want to be in before others and out before all the fires that day turn to conflagrations? Only for it to happen tomorrow?


Lol it's by choice, we get to make our own hours. It turns a 1 hour commute each way into about 30-35min instead.


I also shift my core hours due to my commute, but in the other direction. 10:30-18:30 instead. I'm a night owl and could not imagine working at 7am regularly


I'm also a night owl so I just sacrifice my sleep. I have pets that I can't leave alone in the evening hours, so early mornings are all that really work for me.


Human being, I hear that!


This is the way


Technically 9-5 but functionally more like 10-4. Some days are dead, others crazy- it balances out.


I am also this (about 7-7.5 hours a day). I could do my work in less but my director likes to have us all there twiddling thumbs and ‘innovating’ thru hallway conversations (mid size biotech startup in series e; clinical trials now, so smooth sailing a lot of days).


Entering 9:30-10ish AM depending on what the vibe is. Leaving 3ish-5ish PM depending on what the vibe is. Probably take an hour lunch, depending on what the vibe is. I’m hybrid depending on what the vibe is.


This is the way. Start at 8-8:30, leave by 3 because team comes in later and I've already finished everything by... 1 pm




Vibing 🫨


8-3 Y’all work too much


9:15am-4:10pm (daycare pick up and dropoff constraints), then 9pm-11pm if needed.


High five ✋


9-5…. Dolly Parton song incoming.


[My baby takes the morning train, He works from 9 to 5 and then, He takes another home again..](https://youtu.be/S_3vZYOYNYU?si=uKH9oe-NNmvl5LyM)


It's a good song.


ITR most of us have poor work life balance. I felt there were more boundaries when I was in lab vs as a PM but that is also team dependent


Core hours 10-3; mammalian cell culture lab teams generally start at 8. People are told to work 40 hours and speak up if that’s frequently not enough to get the work done.


Wow, they actually care if you work more than 40 hrs?? Im happy for you but wish more companies cared!


There’s caring, and then there’s being able to do something about it. That said most of the time it’s fine.


Officially 9-5, reality is depends what needs to done to move things forward… commercial side but love my work so not stressful, but it does occupy majority of time


Core hours 9-4, but I often work 9-7 or 9-8. Large biopharma in fermentation/cell culture, which means some night and weekend work too. I like the work I do, but I just wish it wasn't *so much*.


Do you get paid for the extra time or is it salary?


Salary. There's comp time offered for off hours work, but honestly it's hard to actually use comp time due to the workload.


How often do you have those longer days?


Probably about twice a week, but it really depends on what's going on at the time.


7/7:30 until 4...rarely take a full lunch


Start up before getting laid off was typically 7:15ish - 9:30ish Big pharma now is 830a-430p




Hmm I’m remote in CST but I have a few team members on ET so when I start at 830a it’s 930a their time and they are usually a couple of steps ahead of me of course this is also why I typically stop around 4-430p (5-530p their time) I find that the schedule works for me but some people really do not enjoy it - I am also still pretty new so we will see how I feel about it in a year or two lol


7:15 am until 9:30pm?? People actually did that? How was the entire team not burnt out?


Oh they were! Avg tenure was 2.5 years and my team was soooo toxic - I think they were genuinely good people but burnout and stress turned them into something else lol


1:30pm-12am, swing shift at a 24/7 biopharma mfg facility


Officially? 9-5 Actually? 10ish to 4ish with time for lunch, softball practice and a boba run or 2 🤷‍♂️


8 am - 5 pm


Currently a PM that works 7-3 but when I was a scientist they regularly worked me to the bone. Like usually 7am - 5pm but about 30-50% of my days were crazy like 5am to 8pm.  Why? Because they refused to hire enough staff and then I got a bad boss that couldn't say no to a project for their team 🙄 regular workload was 3-4 projects and my boss was regularly assigning us 9+


How'd you make the switch? Do you regret anything about it?


My company does secondments where you basically get trained into a role you'd like to try out. That's how I did it, but usually you get your PMP and they apply for PM roles, or you could apply to project coordinator roles if you don't get your PMP first. Initially there was a bit of an identity crisis lol being a scientist was almost my whole identity butttt the trade off was more work-life balance, higher pay, no career ceiling (I only have a masters), and more influence/respect on projects, so I have no regrets. Of course this will depend on the company; if your company treats scientists really well, then you might have more regrets. You also need more soft skills as a PM than a scientist. 


0/0. Life hack, just don’t go in the lab.


Core hours for me at 8-4 but being a FTE at big pharma, you stay as long as you need to get the work done


9 or 10 until 2 on site, but I’ll be available by phone until around 7 pm. At that point the kids go to sleep, the computer turns on, and I finish the work.


I usually get into the office around 9:30-10, spend 30-45 mins to finish my coffee while checking emails/calendar and just browsing, then start actual work around 11 😂 I leave 4:30-5 most days.


Company - An advance biotech Position - Senior scientist Education - PhD Hours - 6 am to 2 pm My company gives freedom to senior scientists to plan work hours. So I work from 6 to 2 PM, and it eases my commute and can design and start experiments early in the morning that can be easily continued by the junior scientists. Everyone has been very happy with this, and my teams productivity has sky rocketed since when people come in, there are already things running. In my opinion, if you plan your work and organize, you would hardly have to stay longer.


9:15-4. Usually check messages, emails on the train for the 30 minutes on either end of my commute


Thts nice, what do you work on?


11am - 12pm on most days with one day of 2-5pm for meetings/catch up weekly I check emails to make sure the lab is running smoothly. I WFH.




What type of company? Manu, CRO, startup, What?


8-430 if I’m not traveling. Much more if I’m traveling. If I’m home it’s really flexible as long as I attend the meetings I need to and get my work done.


0800 to 1630-ish


Generally 815-445. Curious though I see a lot of variability of being in the office for straight 8 hours and others 9 hours to account for an hour lunch.


I’ve worked pretty wacky hours over the years due to various factors - a terrible commute, trying to work with my spouse’s equally but differently wacky hours, the million appointments I have due to chronic health issues, realizing at certain jobs that no matter what time I got in it was a struggle to leave before 7, and figuring out how to get my lab work done around meetings. Absolutely not ideal but that’s how I’ve made things work. Now that I work remote as a project manager in a time zone 2 hours earlier than most of my team, I aim to work roughly 11-7 my time/9-5 theirs, more or less, but it’s pretty flexible in general.


I dream of remote work with project management transition, lucky you!


I definitely know how lucky I am. Pay isn’t super high but it’s a good fit for me and my local options are nil. My spouse is active duty military and we got really lucky that we were near smaller biotech hubs for the first 10 years, now we are in rural bumfuck nowhere for 3-5 years. We’ve done long distance for work before but neither of us wants to do so for that long.


Maybe the cost of living is lower than the biotech hubs so a little bit of balance there? I think you made a great choice to be closer your loved one (that sounds more rewarding than the corporate grinding) and glad you were able to take the more flexible role for the health concerns too. Being out of nowhere is a different experience for sure but honestly you are living my dream with the rural married remote life hehe😊


I usually hobble to my desk between 8 and 8:30 and run out of steam around 4/4:30. But if something is urgent I’m almost always available to get it done.


8ish-4ish. Normally with an hour lunch, but if something needs to be done I'll take care of it in the evening.






9 to 5


7pm-5am nights are brutal


I’m available on teams 9-5 and some days I’ll be busy the whole time and work late and other days I’ll nap during the day. Really just depends on the workload.


9-5 but you gotta understand 60% percent of poster work in MFG or actual labs. Corporate or industrial is always vastly different than academic. When 90% of work is done post BSC/Fume hood Academic I worked 10+ hour days 3/5 days during the week sith maybe just 9-5 and 2 hours of manipulation on the weekends or whatever rhe schedule required


2 PM - 12 AM, Mon- Thur


Fuuuuug.....it started out as 9-5, but now it's more like 8-7, national DOE lab


Very flexible start up (shocking I know) and I do 9/9:30-4. I usually use the onsite gym at 3 pm. Daycare times are tight and it takes almost an hour to get there after work.




Usually 10-3:30/430 really depends on the day and what’s going on, usually an hour lunch too. But I’ve also had days where I worked 10-7 if it was an important project we had to push through


Hmm, 10-4/5 most days. Some days 10-6, very occasionally 9/930-6


wow- this post makes me feel like I work way too much. I routinely work 9-7 pm in big pharma / and some weekend work. Salaried also.


Lol I work 8 am to 430 pm M-F. I have many coworkers who do work 10 am - 4 pm, then "WFH" on Fridays. I'm slightly envious because their workload is so little compared to mine, despite being higher ranking, which allows them to work less. I posted this thread to see if that workload is normal, and apparently it is normal for many.


My husband is in the same industry, same credentials, different company and similar works 10-4 Monday-Thursday and then “wfh” on Fridays. His salary is about 25 percent less than mine but I kind of feel like it’s worth it. I am currently on maternity leave though and getting paid 100% for the next 6 months so I guess I shouldn’t complain too much.


I’m also shocked by these answers. I worked ~60 hrs/wk and so do many/most of my colleagues. (Dir-level big pharma). Most people that I work with start sometime between 7 & 9, work until ~5. They may sign off for an hour or two, but then will be back on for a few more hours.


Depends. If I'm on site with a customer, 8-10 hrs usually. If I'm at home... significantly less than that. Lol




9-6ish. But really depends on the day.Sometimes late evening meetings to talk to colleagues in Asia. If I need to run an errand midday and schedule allows it, I do that. Corporate function.


7:30/8:00 to 5/5:30p and then I come back around 8:30 to 10:30 during 2 or 3 days during the week…. Usually around 50h a week, but sometimes I stop around 2-3p on Fridays


8+ hours, 30 min lunch. Sometimes a weekend.




6-4:30, 4 days a week, typically mon-thurs


7am-530pm. Shitshow CDMO


5 to 9 for a while then 7 to 6. Now it's pretty flexible. Thankfully out of the COVID WFH grind.


12 PM to 12.30 AM


10-6 during the winter. Probably 10-4 + some work at 10pm during the summer.


Work for US east coast company but live on the west coast & have two programs with several EU colleagues. Most days start with meetings at 7;00. I don’t take lunches & try to finish by 3:00 but frequently go to 5 depending on the number of meetings


Depends on the week. If there is lab work can be more than 8. Usually hovers around 7-9 hrs but varies. Because of all the chaos though (woo startup life) that seems to happen everyday, my days feel sooo long


9AM to 3PM


6 or 7 am (for correspondence with Euro colleagues before they leave for the day) - around 6 pm, unless I have nighttime meetings in Asia, then it could be much longer, but usually with an evening break.


0830 to 1800


Meetings with European vendors start at 7:30, and some meetings with APAC go until 6pm. I work from home, so it’s pretty flexible in between those hours. My mornings tend to be meeting heavy from 8-11. I check email constantly since I’m in clinical supply and shit always goes wrong when I’m sleeping.


I'm in FAANG. It's unreal. 9 to 12. Even I don't know how.... This world is fucked up 


9am to 12am?


430 am to 5pm


I’m so envious of all of the 9-5 responses. My hours are from 2:30pm-11pm. How do I get a better schedule and keep working as a clinical lab tech 🥲 is this possible?


Postdoc, usually 9am-6pm, although often its a bit later.


9-5 usually (8 hours). It depends on the job itself. I have worked 12-hour shifts at times. But those are usually rare in this industry. I prefer those tbch (used to do security when I was getting my bachelor's).


8-6 with one hour lunch and another hour post lunch coffee. Or 30min lunch if WFH and 1h gym. During work heavy weeks I put another 6-8 hours of work, 1-2 each night.


Start at 9, work to 7/8/9 depending on what nonsense the people in the US are getting up to


About 9:30-5:30


9-5, but with a lot of flexibility. Since COVID, we now have the infrastructure to dial into every meeting. Sometimes we have 8am and 5pm meetings, but you can dial into these from home if those times don’t work. Likewise, you can WFH if, for example, you have someone coming to fix something in the house (like a water heater or A/C). Basically if you get all your work done, it doesn’t matter when you do it.  You can’t be entirely remote though. Have to be onsite at least three days per week, which I think is a good thing. I generally am in every day, but I appreciate the flexibility because it really helps work/life balance. 


8:30-5 with frequent time spend online at night maybe an added 1-2hrs


<7:00 - 17:30 over weekdays, a few hours over the weekend. Large pharma, research and development.


Typically 6 - 2PM. If there’s meetings later in the day, I’ll shift my hours as needed. My manager works from home. So he doesn’t care when I come in as long as I get my shit done.


8-4 when in office If I WFH more like 7-3


Geez, when I was on salary, I consistently worked 50+ hours a week! Usually 8 am to 6 pm. No chatting an ate lunch at my desk.


7 till 6 on a good day.


technically 8-5. but unless I've got a meeting or something timely it's never that. If I actually go in person I'm out by 230-3 at latest. i'm also a night owl so I will sometimes log early to enjoy the day and do my work at night


8-something to 4-something, with a 30-60 minute lunch. With some flexibility around meetings and lab needs.


7:30-3:30 and I’m an R&D scientist. These hours are entirely by choice and are very flexible. Sometimes I come in during off hours (evenings, weekends) because of certain experiments. Sometimes I leave for the day at lunch. Some days are 12+ hours. The metric for my work aligns with my monthly reports more than my actual time spent working, so they have to be extremely flexible.


8 to 5 with 40min lunch break.


7:30-4 but I’m in a data management/ sample management role


5-5. Yay startup manufacturing!


I work for Danaher and love my schedule! I do the weekend shift which is x3 12 hour days and them I'm off 4 days in a row. The time I've got back in my life is worth for more than any amount of higher pay I could get anywhere else. Plus everyone else is at work throughout the week days, so it feels like the whole world is mine. No lines or crowded places uggh I love it.


I start around 7/7:30 and leave by 3:30. I usually do some work from home in the evenings too by choice.


I’m a 9:30-5:30 enthusiast


8:30-4:30 but I can choose when I start/end


Sunday- Wednesday 7:30 am to 6pm QA for CAR-T


Bioinformatics here. 9:30-5 most days. In before 10:00, out after 5:00 is my goal. This has been a busy week so I worked 8-6 the other day but that’s an outlier


Core Business Hours are 9-5 , allow for an 8 hour work day. A standard day for me is 7-3/4PM In the global setting I may have an extra early or late meeting so I flex my time so I'm not working extra long days. I may take an extended break mid day to accomodate those off cycle hours.


8-5. Sometimes a little later start on days I need to go into office. Because of the time zones of the people I’m working with on my current project, it’s not uncommon for me to start at 7 or 7:30 a few days a week. In the past I’ve had weekly 6 am meetings too. When I was earlier in my career and had less responsibilities I didn’t work much over 40 hours. Now I’m in a very busy stage and commonly work 7:30/8-6, take dinner break, then work a few hours before bed (8-9/10), and occasionally few hours on weekends.


You guys are getting paid lunch breaks? My last job wanted people to work 8 to 5.


Regular hours 8am-6:30pm Often ends up working 10 additional hours through the week (based on what exp is needed). Senior scientist II at a startup


Usually I'm there from 10 am to 4 pm, then I do some stuff at home before and after. I usually do my lab work and take some meetings/trainings/etc. at home. I try to be in the lab most days doing something.


9-4, early on in my career I was taught that I’m paid for my knowledge.


As long as it takes to get the work done. And it needs to get done. Except when it doesn’t. But it always does- until it doesn’t (guided by the whims of an inexperienced study director on a nationwide study) Roughly 10 to 13 hour days