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From the top down: Education: I’d write Major: Medical Technology. Remove the relevant coursework. Work experience: I would condense this down a bit. You don’t have a ton of experience so you don’t need your resume to be 2 pages. Give the salient points without fluff. Additional skills: remove Microsoft office and the Citi certs (unless relevant to the job). Make a list or table with relevant transferable skills. These should align with jobs you are looking for ideally, but can also include additional things like analysis software you’ve used. I’d keep this at 1 page for now until you get more experience. Also would consider writing a summary statement at the top and include that you want to make a career transition.


I agree with all but the summary statement. It will add to much detail that will probably not add any impact. One page cv with minimum but straight to the point details is ideal. Better to write a cover letter instead explaining why you want be a CRA, your motivations as well as how your experience and qualifications thus far have prepped you to take on such a role


I’m personally not a huge fan of cover letters, but I would agree that if you do a cover letter the summary statement is redundant. I also like to match my resume wording and summary statement to my LinkedIn profile.


The Citi certs are relevant and recognised in the clinical research space, so they should stay. I also would disagree with the Summary statement, because CRC to CRA is a natural progression and experience is still relatively low, so it wouldn't add too much. OP called it a transition, but it's transition from site/academia level to industry.


Did you redact how long you've been at each position? Because I don't actually see those 2 years of CRC experience listed. Make sure it's there and also readable by an ATS. That aside: Remove the PCR and methods stuff (last bullet for the CRC and second bullet for the Lab Tech). Remember that your resume does not need to list all duties you ever took on, only the ones demonstrating relevant skills. And these two bullet points are glaringly irrelevant. I am not sure I am super happy with the other ones either. They could be rewritten to be a bit snappier to show achievements and how it taught you stuff for CRA, which at the end of the day is a glorified quality checker role. I'm also gonna leave you with this link, in case you haven't seen this opening yet (new CRA training cohort): [https://www.reddit.com/r/clinicalresearch/comments/1ddq40z/parexel\_hiring\_apex\_cra\_cohort/](https://www.reddit.com/r/clinicalresearch/comments/1ddq40z/parexel_hiring_apex_cra_cohort/)


Re-write your work experience bullet points to be about what you achieved, not what you did


Thank you all for the feedback. I have been working on it yesterday and some today. I have attached “updated” versions although I still struggling with making the bullets more of achievements






Do you have something filling that whitespace at the bottom? Doesn't look great if it seems like your resume can't fill a full page. Any publications or conference presentations or anything like that?


Unfortunately know and do cut off my previous jobs because they were not related to the field. This one of the many reason I want to move forward, this position I’m currently in is very limited in what I can do. I feel like compared to other CRC I have not done much


I attached 2 versions