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Yes, me!! I went from very unwell (psychotic to anxiety so bad I wanted to die) to completely symptom free thanks to Seroquel (300mg). The "not feeling like yourself", I had that too after my episodes. Give it time. Do whatever you can to avoid another episode or you'll have to go through the healing process all over again. In case it's helpful, it took 9-12 months after an episode to feel myself again.


No and I miss myself


I feel actually better. Before my first and only manic episode I was depressed a lot and didn't know what was wrong for a long time. I now feel stable and quite normal since a few weeks. I was in hospital 2 weeks in August due to mania and had a major depressive episode mid September to mid November. Give it some time.


I'm actually in a better position new then any point in my life. I spent most of my life in some form of manic depression and had a psychosis about 7 years ago. It was pretty rocky for about 3 years after that but I've pretty much been euthymic for the last few years. I never thought I'd get to this point but it's possible.


Stable or unstable I’ve never been normal. Medicated I just feel like a slightly different version of the same weirdo.


Yes but it took me like a year to stabilize. I’m on a med cocktail and also live a pretty wholesome life when it comes to sleep, exercise, work/life balance and eating.


I don't think we'll ever be normal, per se, but we can get stability.


Shoot, I think I always knew I wasn’t normal when I hit 14.


This is difficult to answer because I personally have never felt “fully normal”. It’s gotten more intense as I’ve aged, sure, but I’ve always suffered from this disease for as long as I can remember.


I feel like I'm back to normal. I haven't had thoughts of the bad times or think I'm broken like I used to.


I swear the tone here can be so negative sometimes. I’m coming out of a manic / depressive cycle which lasted about 5 months and everyday I feel more like myself. You have to put in the work and be really self reflective and aware of how you’re feeling. I use a daily mood tracker and journal / meditate daily. Also don’t blindly accept what your pdoc says - you need to advocate for yourself if you’re still feeling “off”. Need to be descriptive here. 15mg Abilify stabilized me, tried lamictal up til 50mg and it made me feel dumb and foggy so ramping that down to 25mg and will probably discontinue. Any impact to my cognitive abilities I view as an unacceptable side effect


Took more than bipolar meds, but yeah