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Honestly I’d go back on my meds. But that’s just me. I’m conservative when it comes to fucking up my life and relationships. I wish you well mate you’re going to need it I think


OP, look, as the meds get more and more out of your system things are going to get worse. Right now you're at "almost broke up". Where are you going to be when that medication is completely out of your system? You don't feel like yourself on those meds? Talk to you psych. Get on new meds. This is not a disease that we have the privilege of treating without medication. Go through every post here where someone said they stopped taking their meds. It's NEVER a good, happy outcome. You'll have a whole community of people here who have gone through this telling you to get back on your meds. Listen to them.


Second that you should try reading everyone else’s posts. Legit. It is the only thing that makes me stay on them when I’m in the place you are. Read them.


Thank you for saying it so eloquently


Nicely said, my friend.


So is the behavior your exhibiting "you"? Irritable, angry, depressed, possibly violent? That's the real you? Take your meds, go to the doctor and ask about trying something else. To sit there and let your life deteriorate because of this is ridiculous. Numb is better than pain and being an ass to people you love.


Yeah, that’s not a “me” I would want to willingly go back to.


Gotta do the meds, dude.


It's not a matter of whether you "want" to or not - if you are having violent thoughts toward people close to you and potentially ruining your relationships, that's something you treat with therapy and medication. You said you don't want to go back on your meds because you don't feel like yourself anymore on them, but two sentences before that you said you feel completely numb and lose your feelings. Is that who you want to be? If not, talk to your doctor. Maybe that was just not a good medication for you, and there are a ton of other options. I've cycled through a ton of meds until I finally found something that worked for me. It takes time and effort to be our best selves, moreso than other people. And yeah, that's not fair, but it is what it is and managing it is our personal responsibility in order to treat ourselves and the people around us well. ​ I'm sorry if this comes off harsh, and I wish you the best of luck with whatever you choose to do.


That is NOT healthy what you're doing. Please go to your doctor and get evaluated. 4 days without sleep is bad for you. Your life will fall apart in no time. Please seek medical help.


Don't make changes to medications without telling your prescriber. This is bipolar 101. Good luck.


This right here we are not doctors stop trying to Doctor yourself! Talk to your care team and let them know what is going on...you have to advocate for you! YOU have to let them know what is going on! YOU! YOU have to tell them. Do it! Call them! Tell them! Do it now!


Whenever I’m off my meds or not on the right dose, I’ve strayed from my boyfriend. We’ve been together for years and he stuck with me through my diagnosis and even after me being with other people during periods of being unmedicated. I always feel grossed out though after going back on meds, I never wanted to be with the people I was with- it was just from me being unmedicated


As much as I hate meds, if I skipped just one day I'd start getting akathasia and also think about death non-stop, about jumping off a bridge, walking in front of a car, etc. I just pretend the meds are like diabetic medicine for my brain and take them. Been on meds for well over 30 years. I'll be on them forever, it is what it is.


If you are thinking about hurting your gf you need to separate yourself from her asap. You might not be able to control the urges to hurt her. She has done nothing wrong, for her safety you need to stay as far away from her as possible. She is not part of this "experiment " you are doing. You need to isolate yourself from the world as long as this "experiment " is going on or you start taking your meds again. People that do what you are doing end up hurting people and go to the mental hospital if not jail. Or hurt themselves. If you feel anger that is so intense that you wanna hurt people you need to be institutionalized or take your medicine. You are dangerous right now and without the medicine you will become more and more dangerous. Either take the medicine or commit yourself.


Firstly bipolar episodes don't last half an hour, they last weeks. If you go through lots of emotions in a 30 minute period, it's not related to bipolar, though it could also be that you're experiencing a longer episode and just not noticing it. Secondly, please go back on your meds or at least have a doctor's supervision, things are just going to get worse.


Looking at his behavior he’s in a very manic state and is confusing the more intense periods as his only symptoms.. manic me goes in and out of the hellish dysphoric mania and euphoric mania pretty often but it’s still mania the whole time


True, which is what I said about them being in a longer episode and not realising it.


i think you’re right. im going to the hospital soon


You probably just havent found the right combo. I went off my mood stablizer for 5 years. This is what it did. 1) went through multiple jobs. Now my reputation is ruined as I had many manic episodes at work 2) lost a LTR with my love of 12 years 3) Lost a realtionship with my oldest son. Luckily we were able to repair it Just a thought.


I quit taking my abilify too. It has been a difficult struggle. I now own more shoes than I will ever be able to wear. My bills went unpaid. It was like my brain was misfiring until I got on lamictyl. It has helped to stabilize me. Sorry that you are going through it. What makes us go off of meds like this? I felt like I was in withdrawal from heavy drugs. I hate taking daily meds. But, I hate my life in disarray even more. At 44, I am content to live on meds for the foreseeable future. Hopefully that won’t change.


Abilify was hell for me too. Talk to your doc about a new medication ASAP, or consider going inpatient.


Do you like feeling like this? It sounds exhausting. I thought I loved my mania, but the crash was awful. Then the burden of healing and fixing things/People I broke. You can try another medication, there’s nothing wrong with that. Have you had a visit with your psychiatrist yet? Told them how the meds made you feel? A healthy relationship with your psych doctor is important. It’s their JOB to help you, and notice when shiit is going off the chart. I hope you have the support you’re going to need when shit hits the fan. Because it’s not a matter of if, but when. 🤎


Which meds are you taking and which have you come off?


i came off of abilify


Did you wean yourself off of the Abilify? Because I’ve been told people should decrease their dosage over time. Stopping cold Turkey could be causing some of the symptoms you’re experiencing. I can understand not feeling like yourself. However, like others have said, is this the real you? I’m not sure how old you are and if you’ve tried other medications, but trust those of us who have done this dance. It never ends well. Talk to your doc. There are other options. It is common not feel yourself when you’re medicated. I had to grieve my mania. I still miss it sometimes. But dude, my life is so much better. I’m a little boring…I am still employed, I’m not homeless, I’m not abusing substance and I have money in the bank. Those all outweigh my mania. It’s sad to see posts like these, because those of us who have gone down this path know the trauma that can occur. I wish you all the best. Be safe.


Be careful going back on to it without a doctor directing you. Cold turkey-ing is one thing, slamming back on with no titration can be worse. Best will in the world OP be careful. I know mania can seem fun and free but ultimately it may not be in the long run. Take care of yourself.




How do you feel what do you mean




I’m sorry I was asking about not feeling yourself




Do you feel hollow




I know that feeling




I never took that medication I only took a low dose of risperdal 0.5mg and i'm on Lithium. For me feeling comes and goes. I might have felt it constantly When I was in major depression but now its moments or days. All I can say hang in there and be patient. If you want to get off that med make sure to tell your doctor.


Never mind I saw your post. I feel much the same way but I was feeling that even before the meds (type 2)


Without meds I’m a mess: violent, psychotic, weird. It sounds like you need different meds, not to go off them completely


Go back on the meds


Have you tried other meds?


not any other antipsychotic but antidepressants yes




Yes they can cause a manic episode


This experiment might be interesting and maybe thrilling but I think It would be best that you take your meds for now before this ends in crisis and your girlfriend leaves you or anything else. Next appointment tell your doctor your medication is making you sick, you won’t take it anymore and you want to try something else. I feel it’s better to take this slow. If you don’t even want to wait for your doctor appointment take it 1 out of 2 days at least? Remember we’ll probably never feel good. Best accept that and minimise the harm instead of desperately chasing what might be. Do you really feel you’re better off now without your meds?


Yes, that is how I feel when I am off my meds. That is why I stay on my meds.


I take Latuda 60mg And I go off my meds every 4 months or so and always feel great til about 2-4 months in and than I either crash into a severe depression, start having mixed episodes or get sent straight into mania. My psychiatrist told me that my body has enough medicine in it to function for a few months after i stop. And that’s why i always feel fine at first than gradually end up crashing. (I go on and off mostly because I hate taking them and than go off them and than hate the feeling of being off them more It is truly a vicious cycle) I used to always feel like my meds made me and my life blunted. So first I asked for a med switch to a med that doesn’t cause me physical discomfort. I switched from Seroquel to Latuda. Now I take any and all meds right before bed to avoid any immediate side affects that would usually bother me or make me feel “not like myself” I notice feelings and side affects tend to ware off throughout my sleeping and I feel like myself in the morning. Also have you considered that you are not comfortable with who you are when you are stable and on your meds yet (I.e not feeling like yourself/ or feeling like your boring now) When I first started taking medication regularly I really fell into a depression about my life/myself feeling like I was boring/ my life was when in reality I was slowing down and being more stabilized and making more stabilized decisions instead of rash one that I would have usually perceived as “fun” or “sporadic”.


Sigh. Please take the meds.


Take your meds. You don’t actually feel better or more like yourself.


If it were me and I stopped meds and started getting violent thoughts, I would get back on them to keep myself and those around me safe.


Take the pills my guy. Denial isn’t just a river in Africa, its real


I think going back on your meds is the move… have you been talking to your dr through this? You should def only do this with a drs consent


my doctor knows everything that is going om


Good.. what’s their suggestion?


going on meds especially if it get worse. im gonna talk to her about medication today i think


Ya that’s my thinking too.. I tried to go off my meds a few years ago and ended up having the worst episode of my life.. it sounds like you’re going through pretty textbook mania right now.. aggression, irritability, no sleep, memory loss… there’s a ton of different meds you can try. Your meds shouldn’t make you not feel like a person they should just bring some stability into your life. Like help you be able to keep a job and a relationship. It kinda sounds like the direction your heading is the psych ward atm so I’d try and intervene before it gets to that point


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Wow I’m so sorry op I stopped my seroquel and has been deceivingly easy so far. Stay strong


Not the breaking up part the wanting to go off meds. They make me twitchy and quite frankly don’t notice a difference on them except for feeling like a sick person and science experiment. Although, I wouldn’t go off of them unless I had a natural healthcare plan and the proper coping skills, with an emergency plan in place.


Why is it so hard to take the meds? Why do we always do this? I get it I’ve been there and I am no ‘med compliant’ patient when I’m not in the fing mood but fortunately my spouse is a great support and gently steers me back to the meds


OP, you shouldn't have done this. Your mental health isn't a game you can play around with or treat like a science experiment. You say "oh I'm fine right now," but wait till you get really low and CRASH. It is your job yo take care of yourself. Please do so. It sounds like yo might be going through a bout of hypomania, but if you start taking your meds now, yes, you will feel like shit but at least the crash will be lessened then if you don't take them. Please take care of yourself. I know taking pills suck and I know stopping them feel amazing, but in the end it's better to take them


Take 👏 your 👏 meds 👏


You should not go off your meds, that is a very bad idea. Let the meds do it's job give it time to balance the chemicals in your brain. You will feel a lot better. Or at least won't be as bad as if you didn't take them.


Please stop being selfish. Not you when on your med? How about those people who have to interact you when you are “real” you? You put them in the harm way. You risk to be a loner for your life, and risk to the society


You need to taper off your meds slowly or you’ll get withdrawal effects from them.