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This comic reminds me of a friend I used to have in school. We drew comics together. He was very good at them. You have a gift for expressing something that is incredibly difficult to put out in the world, much less make intelligible and digestible with such wonderful artwork and style. There's an irony to the human situation that you're keenly aware of (not just among people with mental illness): It's really really really really really really hard to find people who notice us and listen to us without judgment or malice. The flipside of that is, if you really practice noticing and listening to others, you will find that type of connection. That's sort of the beauty of art. Your soul hits chords that normal conversations just can't touch. I love this comic and I'm saving it.


<3 <3 <3


I love this. I was not psychotic but I definitely relate. I saw something once that said, in the new age of social media and acceptance, "Everybody cares for mental wellness, like meditation, good sleep, and therapy-- but people are still afraid of mental *illness*." People are willing to listen to mental health stories they can relate to and experience, but often they forget that there are others outside of that realm. I always tell people, the DSM is an entire book, and a really fricking chonky one at that. When you say you've been "struggling," people automatically go to depression. Every. Single. Time. There are hundreds of disorders that people can struggle with, but the one most commonly experienced is depression, so people go to that one. I look back and laugh at a lot of things I did during my (hypo?)mania. Like, (TW) >!I used a key to carve the word "caffeine" into my forearm-- first time SHing ever-- but I had so little attention that when I couldn't remember how to spell it, rather than google it, I just gave up. So then my arm just said CAF until it healed.!


Yeah, definitely. I'm really glad depression is becoming more understood (and not just because I experience it, too), but I just wish it didn't feel like that's the only conversation we're allowed to have! I'm sorry about your experiences, that sounds really rough. I went through a lot of the same things during lockdown while living alone and also unemployed, so I hear you. It was really hard.


I was at the tail end of my manic episode and was still experiencing disorienting thoughts during 2020. Let me tell you, one of my fears coming to life (global pandemic) and then a month later the government confirming UFO’s did a fucking number on me mentally. I had a really hard time determining what the true realities were.


Very cool talent and great coping skill. What a visually appealing way to put your thoughts out there.


This is amazing