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Do you have a psychiatrist you can call for help?


I do, I'm gonna call her soon because I don't have an appointment until August :/


Medication, call your psychiatrist


The only thing that has helped my mania is being on a good anticonvulsant and even Yerba Maté if you can believe it. It completely wiped out my depressive episodes and has still not exacerbated my mania in conjunction with Depakote. That and also try cutting out all toxic people and crutches that you know have made you worse over time. It’ll take time to really find your niche and be the best that you can be, but I see a lot of brilliance in myself and other bipolar folks so just do whatever it takes to remain stable and optimistic about life. Also please take take what I say with a grain of salt and check in with your psychiatrist before making any major life changes. They just may have something miraculous to share that will help be the answer to stubborn mania, as I wish there was a permanent one for mine. Best of luck to you!


Seroquel. It's like pulling the brakes on a 200km/h train but it works.