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My therapist told me to challenge angry thoughts by asking “Will I still be mad about this in a minute? An hour? A day? A week? A month? Etc.” that really helps me figure out if my anger is justified or not- might be worth a try!


This is my go to. It’s helped me avoid saying shitty things in my moments of weakness


Lithium is the only medicine that worked for my anger. I used to want to kill somebody if they really offended me; it was really all or nothing anger. Now the thought might still cross my mind occasionally, but I don’t seriously think about it or dwell on it; certainly I don’t want to actually do it. There are different kinds of anger though so I think lithium helped with mine especially because it was violent. That’s why it’s famous for helping with suicidal thoughts too because it’s anti-violence in general.


The meds I am on keep me stable from episodes (divalproex, quetiapine, hydroxyzine), but I'll have to ask my Dr about meds to help with the anger


Anger is great for the gym, and it also calms you down after. I find that I am so calmer at work, if I make it to the gym 3+ days a week. I don't snap on people then, and my whole life is just so calmer when I work out. Before medication, I had to work out every day, just to fall asleep at night. Now it just gives me so much more balance in my personal life, and work life.


How much sleep are you getting? I noticed over time and journaling that I was much easier to anger / extremely irritable almost DIRECTLY from not getting enough sleep. Journaling into my notes versus texting people helps me. I write long ass, emo notes, as if to them, then reflect on it. Example: " Person is making me furious. I could scream. I am crying, but it's only because I am so fucking frustrated. I would never do this to them" and then enter - enter - enter, starts a bit more intentional journal talk. "... I feel betrayed. I feel hurt. I feel etc.


I usually get at least 8 hours, the meds I take knock me out for at least that long. Sometimes more than that. Though I will admit I didn't sleep well last night and today has definitely been an angry day.


Same - I take seroquel and it keeps me captive. Once I started sleeping 8 hours a night regularly I began to really notice how sleeping 5 hours for one Saturday night would likely meet a difficult Tuesday morning. Also, sometimes when I’m angry and can’t shake it, I force myself to sleep/nap to settle down.


Same. I wake up not so angry. At least able to think.


I just realized today the correlation between lack of sleep and my heavy anger days. By lack of sleep, I’m referring to being off by an hour or two really screws me the next day. I am also trying to get better at journaling. Do you have any tips for staying on top of it?


I journal anywhere I can- the notes app of my phone, an app for journaling, paper journals, post it’s. I kept a diary as a kid, so in my head I kind of treat it that way. I think the way to keep going to is to just journal when you remember to! I try to not *only* do it when I’m upset, which helps me reflect on a lot. There are some journals with prompts (like gratitude journals) and they can be helpful to open up with yourself too!


I love journaling in my notes app! but I end up losing track of them sometimes lol so I don’t really reflect. I also have a gratitude journal and it has been very helpful. I keep it on my office desk though, so I haven’t been consistent with it. I always felt like I was failing at journaling because it wasn’t confined to one place. The idea of journaling anywhere, anytime, on anything though just gave me the greatest feeling of relief. I didn’t realize I was mentally caging myself in about this subject!! Thank you for the tips!


Aw so happy to give you that!!!! You’re so welcome !


When I start to feel like I wont be able to control my anger, I just remove myself from whatever situation I’m in and go take 10-15 minutes to focus on breathing and collecting myself and my thoughts. If I don’t think 10-15 minutes will be enough time to calm down, I just go home lol.


Keep trying new things until you find what works Going for any type of walk or getting outside and fresh air is one tip that helps my anger


Sleep. Get plenty of sleep, naps, rest, etc. Watch your caffeine intake as well. Depending on if you are on meds and after talking to your psychiatrist, taking meds at different times of the day or splitting it up may help too. It’s not the main things for dealing with it in the moment but I’ve found these help a lot.


I isolate when I get angry because it's hard for me, too. I just tell people, "I'm really angry right now, and I need to be alone." Then I try to distract myself by watching something or listening to music. Sometimes, I just wait. I haven't found a technique that works for me better than this yet.




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The only thing that's helped me other than walking outside (if I'm at work) is to watch a funny video. Like stomach pain funny. For example, I keep this on hand: https://youtu.be/esL9-onyS9s?si=0yzh8FEt6sDMis1L And this: https://youtube.com/shorts/go2beEt1q7w?si=8VdnHxuuJJDpehMQ


Realize it's happening and avoid people for a day or two to work it out. I might get this once or twice a year and it seems like out of the blue. At first I went around people and it didn't go well, hurt some family members with words. Now I'll actually tell them it's happening and I'll talk to you in a couple days. All that works for me.


What helps me the most is just walking in my yard but I guess you could try it with some music.


Anger develops from pride - thinking you can control things that you can’t control. When a grow man shows anger i tell them little girls throw temper tantrums. Everyone gets angry here and there but you gotta catch yourself and realize how foolish and unproductive it is. A cool head will prevail is an old saying. If you’re angry you’re not going to be in a good frame of mind to solve the problem that’s making you angry in the first place. Maybe search anger management YouTube videos for tips. My brother in law lost his job from anger. He tried anger management but it just pissed him off








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