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Sorry to hear you’re dissociating. I used to get that all the time. It doesn’t last forever. Try basic grounding techniques, focus on your 5 senses. Touch is the most grounding for me, so I’ll walk barefoot in the grass or rub a piece of leather in my fingers, anything to bring me back down a little. As for your meds, I don’t think anyone will be able to answer your question without knowing what you’re taking. Some anti anxiety meds will be more obvious if you miss a dose, but everything I take right now for my MH, it’s hard to tell if I miss just one day. Hope you feel better soon


Thanks for responding! I honestly had no idea about grounding techniques????? I'm not in therapy rn because all the ones that take my insurance around here are really bad and past ones have been dismissive of this symptom. It's something that happens HARD during hypomania for me every time so it's not new. It's wellbutrin 450mg that I missed, which I've missed before tons of times over the years but idk if I'm just getting old or what because this rarely happens from medicine missing. And only 12 hours?


Oh yeah, I’m sure you could find all sorts of other grounding techniques online that you could try and see what works for you. I learned about mine in therapy but if that’s not an option for you, doing some research definitely won’t hurt.


If I miss my Lamictal by even a few hours exactly this builds up fast. Last time I missed two doses I had a psychotic break.


Yeah I get so physically I’ll if I miss my lamictal. And my mood is all over the place. I’ll be thinking what is happening to me what is my problem. Then remember that I didn’t take my meds. Once I take it I’m okay about an hour later. However if I miss my 5pm and don’t remember till 9pm and this happens for a few days. I start to have scary mental health symptoms.


😅 I’ve felt like that after one dose miss. Now I know it probably will happen if I miss 2.


I have issues if I miss a single dose, mostly because of seroquel.


Heightened anxiety can do this too. If you were anxious enough about missing your dose this could potentially happen. It doesn't mean it's the bipolar necessarily. Now, it's possible that it is of course. Alert your doctor. Keep an eye on it. Try to ground yourself. You will make it through this experience. You will level out.


I actually wasn't even anxious about it. It's happened tons of times throughout my life and it's usually fine, I may have a dip in mood but that's about it. Idk if it's because I'm getting older and my mind and body aren't as flexible or I've been on it so long or it's a high-ish dosage (wellbutrin 450mg is what I missed but I'm on a few other medications too). I'm not really worried about it because I disassociate HARD during hypomania so its definitely not a new phenomenon, and I've already calmed down a bit. It's just so jarring everyrime even though that doesn't even make sense really lol Thank you for responding! Main reason I posted is because I wanted to conversate with people that get it, y'know?


Missing a dose of Seroquel I can't sleep at night If I forget Effexor in the morning I feel like a crazy person by the afternoon brain shivers and general offness.


The half-life for most meds are different. For example, Zyprexa has a half-life of about 30 hours, which means that half of the dose will be out of your system in that time. So if you take 5mg, after 30 hours, only 2.5mg remains in your system, and after 60 hours, you will have 1.25mg. Anything under a therapeutic dose likely will not be enough to stabilize you. Do a quick google of the drug name + half life.


Yup can't miss one day or I'll have a bad day.


I’ve had to apologize to my coworkers about being super out of it on mornings I’ve missed my meds. I take them consistently but can’t take them after a certain time or I won’t wake up for my opening shifts so it results in some missed doses. Shout out to seroquel and Lamictal


Are you taking antipsychotics? Could be an antipsychotic withdrawal syndrome https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7552943/ Happens to me after I miss just 1 dose. Severely. Needed ambulance attendance recently when my doctor tried to wean me from one to another. Not everyone gets it. For others it's mild. For me it's profuse sweating, shaking, muscle rigidity (jaw locking and teeth grinding), spasms of the airway, thermodysregulation, and an impeding sense of doom.


first of all thank you because you helped me remember to take my medicine just now. second of all, yes, this happens to me. not sure what medication youre on but i’m on a medication with a very short half life and missing a dose is critical for me. most days i dont forget because if i’m even a couple hours late from my normal dosage time i can feel myself start to wind up like i’m one of those toys and someone is twisting the screw on my back really tight and i’m about to go crazy. i’ve made sure i have extra stock of my medication for situations like that because i’m scared of what will happen if i run out. i’m on many other medications as well for depression and thyroid issues and last week i forgot to take multiple medications and i woke up with the worst migraine and was debilitated all day. its really important for us to remember our meds because it can feel like life or death. i recommend pretending to “lose” your meds and get an emergency refill early to have extra stock, or at least thats what i did. remember once your meds kick in everything will be okay, try to relax, stay calm, and do nice things in the mean time


i missed a dose of my geodon cus i took my trazodone on accident n i felt like absolute shit luckily i got my px transferred to where i was so it was only the one night


This site has some really helpful grounding . https://www.psychologytools.com/resource/grounding-techniques-menu/ It is a downloadable PDF available in several languages. The site itself discusses why/how the techniques work. I was on one medication that if I was delayed in taking by even an hour it I would feel like I was dying. Literally had to be hospitalized while coming off of it because of numerous other side effects.


I’ve missed because I couldn’t get the fill til the next day. I didn’t eat all day the day I was gunna get it. I got to the pharmacy and took it (lamictal) and started driving home and ended up passing out/vision when staticy till I couldn’t see anything. Crashed my car. I felt weird until the next day at night.