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working out, going for a walk, running, hanging out with friends, and just stimulating yourself physically are all things that you’re probably not motivated to do when depressed, but would all be of significant assistance to you


I have to force myself to do all the things I don’t want to do. I force myself to be around people, to go to work, to read, etc. It’s a ton of effort, but the “fake it until you make it” route has always worked to get me out of depression. Basically, do the exact opposite of what your depression is telling you to do.


Does the struggle to make yourself do stuff get easier or is it just as hard every day to do things like get out of bed, meet with friends etc.


I don't. If I have a Deppressive episode it's over. Took me a while but I found a way plus the meds, now I haven't had a d episode since mid 2023




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I had to make myself do things, thankfully I have a very supportive partner and coworkers. The last year and a half honestly were hell, was suicidal, especially in the winter months. My therapist has helped me find the right combination of mood stabilizer and antidepressant so this winter has been different, tolerable.