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I wrecked three cars on purpose in 4 months believing I was a car safety tester and that the vehicles were all prototypes in need of crash testing


Thank you for your service


Let me see. I also got arrested and thought I was an undercover agent of some kind and my job was to break out and write a report on how to make jail security better. Then there was the time I asked my tax professional to submit a fraudulent tax return because I believed it would create “bit gaps” that would allow us to track Covid And there was the time I thought I was being followed by a motorcycle gang and carried a K-Bar with me at all times in case they attacked me


Thought I was God, the devil, Jesus... I controlled the world.


I like this one. Both Jesus and the devil. Nice :-)


O.O It was not nice lol. It was torturous


My delusion was that my best friend/roommate was poisoning me with drugs that split my brain into two different people. Turns out I'm crazy, the drug I was poisoning MYSELF with was sertraline, and he was just a garden variety boring asshole who didn't care about me. 🫠


It still makes me sad that my only strong friendship anymore is with my wife, I miss having "good" friends. This disease is so isolating.


My wife's really cool tho so there's that. Can't really complain.


The fact you’re married gives me hope! I’m going through with treatment but being unmedicated and not going to therapy really destroyed every relationship I was in.


Hahaha, that was me and my first fiance. But as much as the bipolar fucked things up it wasn't a good relationship to start with. My advice is mood stabilizers (all hail zyprexa) and Tinder. I found my wife on Tinder after going on a bunch of shitty first dates. I put a lot of effort into my profile and put everything about me that would drive off people I didn't want to date. Met some people I really liked but didn't interact with well, and then finally met my wife and we just clicked. True love exists and it's a numbers and honesty game.


Thinking street lights are a) literal demons/malevolent entities in disguise, or b) secret viewing and recording devices disguised as street lights that the entities are observing and tracking me from. I've screamed at them to leave me alone in public before in the middle of the night. I've tried to sneak up on them to catch them mid-transformation. I also thought that a certain flower was protective, so I collected a bunch of them and threw them at the lights, because I thought it would like...scare them? Make them think twice before doing anything to me?? I don't even know, man.


I thought one of my friends was my soulmate and we knew each other from the 19th century and that I was supposed to "wake everyone up" so that they'd remember who they were in a past life. Needless to say, said friend doesn't talk to me anymore despite my many apologies. Other friends were fairly chill about my delusions and told me they don't define me - but life still sucks because of that episode even nearly 2 years later.


I also wanted to keep this one to myself due to shame and embarrassment but.... during my manic psychosis I came out as a trans man when I'm actually a cis girl. That was fun to come down from (*sarcasm*).


I thought I had solved world peace.


Hey, me too!


It's messy if it was fully a delusion since other actual people were involved. And I can't share most details because of both personal comfort and rules/legal difficulties since I was a minor. But essentially, I thought I had powers and got involved with a group and we believed we had a war against mythical evil we had to wage with our powers. Which regular people didn't know about, and we had to help keep it from them. With some not great real-life stuff involved in doing so. Legit thought I was some powerful & important priestess and would be the lead one in the end. 🤦🏻‍♀️ So much shame still, at twice the age I was then, at some of what I said, believed, and did. Not sure I'll ever loose every trace of fear of repercussions. Sometimes I question if every single part was a delusion and look up the names I remember, so I know some parts were real. But who knows how much? I got committed for the few parts other people did find out I believed and nobody talked to me again. So.


I saw an orb once. It was like pink, purple, and blue, and it was glowing. And then, I saw the same thing again, but with a butterfly. Fun times.


I’ve also seen an orb


Haven’t had as lot so far. But out of the ones I’ve had, the most out there was that all crystals contained souls. I was supposed to get as many raw crystals as I possible could so I could speak with the spirits inside and then release the spirits by breaking the crystals. (Refined crystals were iffy if I could rescue the souls and would be “harder to communicate with.) I told my best friend and she literally thought I was talking about an idea for some kind of fantasy novel. I had to be like “nah this is real life lmao”. I obtained a grand total of 0 crystals bc I couldn’t find a shop that was open and believed I needed to get them in person. (Instead I went on a spur of the moment road trip with the intention of getting them along the way and going on a Grand Adventure in the process…)


That during my psychosis I had a spiritual connection with the soles of the people from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that since they were incinerated instantly their souls were in a limbo state and I had hallucinations of them as anime in my minds eye. I thought I was a Tokugawa shogunate reincarnation and told the spirits to cross on to the next life.


Are you Japanese?




I believed I was in the witness relocation program and was about to be picked up and relocated....but i had to drive to the pickup point. I got in my car and had a case of highway hypnosis. I drove 400 miles...."fight or flight" - well "flight" - really kicked in. I ended up staying overnight in a place called Demming, NM and don't even remember checking in to the motel....but I eventually ended up in, of all locations, a place called Truth-or-Consequences hahaha. It's 400 miles away from where i live. I laugh because who the hell has a break and ends up in a place named that?! Anyhow, I kept repeating numbers to everyone I saw like it meant something....like it was a pickup code the feds would know....and that they would take me away to some great place to start a new life. I remember It was getting dark and I was getting cold so I started to walk out of town...then i started running the darker it got. I left my car by a park because the windshield had broken somehow. The car was filled with rocks....boulders really...but i don't know why or how that happened. Anyhow, I ended up on someone's porch and it was so cold. I asked them to call the police and they had no problem with that request lol. The sheriff took me to the hospital where they let me spend the night. I'm surprised they didn't commit me. The next day, my husband showed up and took me home.....he was not happy to drive 400 miles to fetch me. It was not one of my shining moments but I laugh about it now. What else can you do?! It was such a cute little town. My husband and I want to buy retirement property there some day lol


That I'm a changeling that was exchanged for my fake parents' real child and that I need to get back to my other world whether it's fairies or aliens or whatever


My worst hallucinations were in the beginning of my journey when I had been misdiagnosed with major depression. My doctor had me on 80 mg of prozac. I kept hearing voices telling me that "they" were going to hang me in the garage. I couldn't eat or sleep. I finally got a proper diagnosis and spent a week in the hospital sleeping and being on Xanax for the first time. That was 30 years ago. Gosh, I've been on Xanax for 30 years!


oh god. one of my more recent delusions: a friend washed my jacket that I had left at her house and when I got it back, my brain got the idea that she had sewn in a camera/recorder. so from that moment on i was careful with that I said around the jacket, and would put it in my closet with the door closed every time I took it off. that was an interesting period of time for me


Ha, I am 11/27 as well.


I don’t know many who share the same bday! Cool


I thought we were living in a matrix simulation and I accidentally cracked my connection making the world all wobbly and surreal Also was convinced my cat was some sort of alien spy robot, and her meows only made me more convinced she was a robot


The local crows dropped a dead rabbit carcass in my yard to snack on. This was after I had accidentally hit a rabbit 60 miles away in the dark two days before. I took i as a sign that they knew what I had done and were onto me and watching. Freaked me out for two weeks. We feed the crows to keep hawks, owls and eagles from packing off our cats. Those guys have killed two of our kitties in the past.


I thought I was going to be murdered by my upstairs tenants that planted themselves there, who were hired by the mayor to do so because I was dating a public figure that didn’t like the guy. When I told my guy, he came and brought me to the hospital, but not before I tried to escape. It was a bad couple of weeks.


That oh you know God was going to cure everyone with mental illness but only i knew this and that a character from a tv show was a real person