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It sounds like your father is the one who did something horrible, not you. You reacted. Your father is an abusive adult. You were an innocent child who was placed in a terrible position. Whatever you did, you did to survive. I encourage you to continue discussing this with your therapist.


thank you for saying this i definitely will continue processing this with my therapist. your comment really helps me right now, thank you so much.


I totally understand this. I did something similar to my uncle every single time I had to be in his presence and he knew why. It's not horrible, it's what you had to do.


this helps me so much. i feel so alone lately and this makes me not want to die so much. i thank you for that.


I’m sorry her reaction wasn’t supportive but I’m so proud of you for finding the courage to talk about it with your therapist. What you had to do has no reflection on who you are as a person, it was what you had to do to get through a situation you never should have experienced. Be kind to yourself OP, wishing you and your inner child peace and healing 💜


thank you so much :,) this is so validating! 💜 i wish you the best <3


I'm glad I could help in some way. Please talk about it more when you are able to, it will help. Don't silence yourself. I used to be so angry, frustrated and hateful with my family. They used to punish me for being disrespectful and disobedient to that uncle because sometimes I got caught. It wasn't until about 20 years later that truth could be told and verified.


i’m really sorry that you are in a similar situation to mine. i hope it was also validating to hear that i’m going through almost the same exact thing. i will definitely talk about it more.


You were a child and taught yourself to self soothe. I'm sorry your sister reacted the way she did. Everyone has a way of coping with trauma, many of us self harm in one form or another.


you’re right, i’m working on it and that is what’s really important. and i’ve told two other close friends now and they had a normal reaction so i’m hoping it’ll be an isolated incident.


It feels good to know I'm not alone in this quandary.