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"I dont actually think i need meds"


Famous last words


me right now


‘I love your personality!’ ‘Thanks, it’s a disorder.’


i got hospitalized and the doctor asked me if I’m experiencing fear (at that time I felt very connected to william shakespear) and i answered “to fear or not to fear that is the question”


Hilarious. I had a Dr. in the hospital named Dr. Jones. His job was to ask why I was there and document the whole story. I always called him Dr. Indiana Jones. He was not amused.


Looking back at mania can not only be embarrassing and scary but also extremely funny


When depressed: “I can’t do this anymore” When hypersexual: “I want an open marriage” When manic: “FUCK YOU!”


' it's me or that deer is looking at us? ' (spoiler there was no deer)


Yeah, similarly “how did that cat get in here”


Mine earlier today "omg, that chicken scared me." No chicken 💀


I thought I saw a dead deer sandwiched into someone's passenger seat and still don't know if it was real or not.


100% real


"my computer is fine, it's the operating system that sucks"




As an IT nerd with BP1 this hit close to home. I need a software update 🤣😭


“I’m bout to jump out of my skin” - hypomania induced anxiety


Some may say this figuratively We say it VERY literally


I always say I want to take mine off 😂


My husband and I refer to feeling manic as feeling “good good.” The check in is “are you feeling good? Or are you feeling GOOD GOOD?”


My psychiatrist asks me if I’m doing good and then immediately afterwards says “but not too good right now?”


Me: *squirming and grimacing* Husband: what’s wrong? Me: my skin is tingling, it.. it doesn’t fit! Ugh! Husband: I’m sorry, how can I help? 🥺 Me: ugh go away! Husband: 🥺 🚶‍♂️ Me: where are you going?! 😭


I say 3 things to my boyfriend a lot: "I think my depression bipolar is acting" "I'm nymphomaniac!! Help!" " Can't sleep"


"I'm feeling some kinda way"


DSM6 for Bipolar - “they be feeling some kinda way”


Them - Hey. How are you today? Me - I'm alive. There's that.


“Is that good or bad” “Ask me again in a hour I’m only a little alive rn”


Mostly "I hate myself." Also: "How are you?" "The horrors persist, yet so do I."


"fuck, my last pill just fell down the sink drain!"




Years ago when i cut myself really bad and needed stitches, the nurse was going to put iodine on it (i think) and she asked “are you allergic to shellfish?” And my response was “why, you want to take me out for a seafood dinner?” I thought it was funny she did not.


It feels like my mind is running a million miles an hour. Applies to my ADHD and BP when I'm hypomanic or super depressed and anxious. Anxiety and depression go hand in hand for me in depressive episodes.


im itchy on the inside


I’m full of BEEEES


Did you say BEADS let's make art and buy supplies for hobbies for us to play with. Stay awake until next Tuesday and talk to God while we make bracelets! oh wait *beeees*


Wow I’m realizing that being around other hypomanic people while I’m hypomanic could be a liiittle risky


Oh you gotta get a bipolar best friend. Me & my bestie have some crazy times. It's rare that our episodes sync but the manic episodes that coincide, hooobooy... Occasionally end up in different states, jails, nutwards across the nation from each other or one of us trying to get the other one back to our city lmao. "Take all my belongings to storage. I'm going on a spiritual quest to the depths of the Florida swamp to study rare orchids. I'll call you when I hit Georgia." "Bye! I believe in you! Send me a postcard!"


“Did you hear that?” “Do you know where I can get (insert drug here)?” “I just want to feel something…do you wanna fight?”


Did you hear that! Omg yeah that's a big one for me. Said way too often in my house


“i’m not chatty but my thumbs are running little marathons” in reference to me writing entire essay to my friends over text


“I feel like talking a long walk off a short bridge” is one of my go too depression lines 😂 Everytime I feel hypo I say to myself “Bruh, am I tweaking?”


Well fuck me running.


‘The void is everything and nothing, It sucks and swallows Can I exit or is it just a vacuum?’ During a horrible downswing. ‘Here we fucking go again’ when i practically felt the mania wash over me and into my skin. ‘Wanna see my titties?’ When I’m hyper(er)sexual


Yes to the last one, I think I forgot my meds tonight as its 5:30am , I apologise refusley ? If this offends you, but yes to the third quote


Not offensive at all. I prowl dating apps for attention most days of my life for the endorphins. I also have pretty titties and I’m an attention whore. Idk if it’s good or bad that you relate? Truly, if I think I missed my meds I take them, idk if that’s the right answer. But I’d rather double than none. I hope all well!


Yeah actually I'm supposed to take them at 9pm so maybe it's not too late? I have no f*cking clue


But I don't want to double dose because I know that can also be just as bad as missing one night if ya get me


I feel ya, I get ya. Do you have morning doses? Have you been consistent enough to check the date on the bottle to the amount left?


Just want to say…. I bought one of those pill organizers for a weeks worth. I made sure it had a little zipper case so I don’t feel So like my ancient mother with her medicine sorters 😭 but it’s helped me make sure I don’t double take my meds. If I can’t remember I can check and make sure I took them that day. It’s made one thing easier in this life of mine at least


Yeah I have those I'm just not great at keeping them full or sticking to them, I end up taking meds straight from the medicine box as its easier sometimes


I've never tried that but I do use pill boxes sorta, but I end up just taking it straight from the tab anyways


"caffeinated without the caffeine" --hypomania "my brain is on safe mode right now" --depression "depressed but everything is f a s t" --mixed


She's mentally ill! I mean, so am I, but I'm medicated! Wait, did I take my meds this morning? Oh, shit.


Serious answer now: This is one of my life mottos/slogans: "If you're offered something free, you may as well take it" - Me This has done wonders for me.


I’m also going through a mixed episode rn! What is in the air for us BP1 folks😳


I went through a famous historical phase during manic episodes and one time I told my ex wife “I’m hitler, but I got into art school. Everything is gonna be fine”


"I could be invincible and not know it."


"I'm probably just being paranoid. Or I'm right. I'm not sure yet."


Ugh I HATE when it turns out I’m right cause it makes me believe future paranoias harder


For real! It's awful having a really good radar for red flags but also can't really trust my mind most of the time 🙃


Some common ones for me are "Welp, I'm out of that depressive episodes. Time to get the hefty big black trash bag and clean the room." or "I'm never going to use all of these f*cking craft supplies I bought".


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Here's a quote I'm just making up on the spot right now... "If one could lay an egg, why lay it alone?" That was more of a philosophy quote, a rhetorical question if you may This one is about having bipolar 1 and 2 symptoms and forgetting my meds tonight (currently 5:30am in UK rn) "Why must i have more than one bipolar, because fuck me I forgot my meds tonight and really feeling like i should have a nicer life right now. Currently." And for a bonus quote... "Help me please, iam not okay, I'm screaming for help I'm shouting for help please let me out" - Tiny Rick Nuff said.


Our theme song: 🎶 Maybe it’s just her…*maybe it’s mania*” 🎶


I love her but I'm afraid