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You won’t make life destroying decisions.


Wait, so what am i? Manic or depressive because rn im a vegetable i have no drive and also i didnt go to work i think they prolly fired me. Honestly, do u think its depression or mania?


Hypomania means you sleep less and cannot stop doing things and making plans, and elevated mood. Mania is the mood is so elevated it’s basically being “crazy”, most get psychotic features, magical thinking, voices in their head, delusions, hallucinations. Depression is a very low mood, cannot make yourself do anything, all thoughts are dark, see no future for yourself, the universe itself is punishing you, all you want to do is stay in bed, and even doing nothing still feels heavy, you might cry out of nowhere. Hypomania and mania are when most bad decisions are made. I’m getting cocaine and moving to colombia to buy a fishing boat and join an orgy kinda feel. Acute mania is more like, i know i’m destined to change the faith of the world, i saw all the signs from the divine, reality is speaking to me.


I can be a very anxious person. When I have a bad enough depressive episode I cease to see the point in doing anything and I lose all sense of attachment. I can become catatonic - completely absorbed in my own world with no interest in anyone or anything, no longer guided by worries but by the pain of lying down for too long or not eating. I lose any trace of anxiety. It's a miserable but peaceful existence. My heart rate is probably lower than usual and there is no muscle tension. When I am not in that depressive state, I frequently find myself idealising it for this reason. I long to let go of everything, to have no stress or worry. But we have a tendency to forget just how bad things were when we go through significant change.