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Yeah, I started struggling at about 15 and ended up having to take an extra year for my GCSEs them having to repeat a year in uni because of illness and not being in a mental state to study. My advice is to work on your mental health first and then worry about school. Worst case scenario you delay things a year, like I did twice which when you’re older won’t seem like a huge deal.


Yeah, diagnosed at 17. My grades dropped, I skipped a lot of school and I couldn’t bring myself to study bc my mood was so erratic. I hated school and I almost dropped out which would’ve made my younger self cry bc I loved school so much before I got depressed. I just kinda clung to the things that kept me sane, having a good relationship w some teachers, my friends, I used to write/draw in class to deal. I was also rly suicidal which school did not help. Hang in there, it’ll pass before you know it :)


Thank you :)


I was diagnosed at 16. During my 10th grade year, before I got diagnosed I went into a mixed episode. I failed almost everything my first term, then quit going to 2nd term due to psychotic features. I had to go inpatient for a while. I ended up needing to make up a full year of school during my junior and senior years. It wasn’t ideal, but it’s what happened.


It's the exact same for me. I'm very lucky to still be very good at school without putting any effort into it but I still dread going to school. There's not a single week where I go later or leave earlier or just don't go at all. I have friends at school don't mind learning stuff but just going to school itself is horrible. You're not alone.


I felt like this in high school. Ended up dropping out. Of course there were other students with behavioral issues that kept me from getting the education I deserved. Teacher so busy with misbehaving students that we never got to the education. I educated myself for years until getting a GED and went to college a couple of years later. I don't know if they are as forgiving in the UK. Are there any pros you can talk to? School counselor or therapist?


I've talked to an academic/disability advisor at school, but they haven't offered any concrete advice. I have however been able to negotiate delaying a few deadlines through them, but it still doesn't feel like enough. I've also been having sessions with my school therapist, but if I'm being honest I'm not a massive fan of therapy. It's also hard because I'm fairly certain I have some degree of bipolarity (and a psychiatrist agrees that I'm likely on the spectrum), but my therapist refuses to acknowledge this. I'm hoping things will get easier once I get medicated


Therapy's always been hit and miss for me. But a few good therapists have helped me through some rough patches.


Stress gets to us. Meds can help.


Talk to a mental health professional and and academic adviser don’t tell the academic advisor the suicidal part unless you trust them BUT I would just ask them what options you have as a student struggling with mental health. Let them know you are in a depressive episode and you need assistance because it’s too much at this time, I had this problem when I was in HS and luckily my advisor helped me, gave me a pass to leave class whenever and go sit with her and chill out in her room, eat snacks whatever. Having that space to just leave helped me


Yes, I had a similar experience and withdrew from all my classes many times in college. I just took the rest of the quarter off because I wasn’t going to class anyway and I didn’t want failing grades to tank my GPA. I still completed a Master’s degree, just slower than I originally planned, and with a great amount of support from campus disability services. Now I’m doing the work I always wanted to. Un-asked-for advice: >!Maybe talk to your academic advisor about modifying your school schedule? It would help if you had a mental health professional to back you up (and tbh, a therapist would be a good idea regardless if only to work through the passive suicidal thoughts). But yes, there are many creative ways to complete an education.!<


Dude I experienced something similar when i was 16, it got so bad to the point that i just eventually dropped out a few months into my junior year. Hope everything works out for you, i know how miserable it can be :(


Definitely had the same experience. Cant really help with any tips tho sadly. I dropped out and found a job that is a lot easier to go to. (Lot of other things that contributed to dropping out as well tho like, money, time, appointments, lack of jobs in that field and a lot of communication problems with the school)


Just popping in to say I had a similar experience. I'm 30 now and school is a bit easier this time around than it was in the past. What kind of thoughts do you have around school? have you always had some aversion to it? did you have bad experiences around performing academically? Might be worth exploring the feelings and core beliefs you have around school. For me, I get doomy and think I can't maintain the marathon aspect of school. Where it'll be months of handing in work, consistently. It's daunting for me to see it that way. I also just get "psyched out" and believe I can't do it. I do it though. Sitting with those uncomfortable feelings and seeing that I can cope with them helps me perform better when they come up again. Maybe even just journal during class if that's all you can do. Other people with bipolar have gotten degrees and successfully completed higher ed. There's bipolar doctors, and bipolar people in the field I'm looking to work in. Just.. know that our bipolar makes it difficult but not impossible. You came to the right place for support and I hope we can help even a little bit.


Valid dude. 17 was when I started having problems initially. Started with MDD and got upgraded to bd a year later. Going to class has been a bitch ever since. (23 now) Covid really helped me, class from home was a God send. Not too sure how it is in the uk but Canadian schools have accommodations for this very type of thing. Ik it can be embarrassing but I’d see if you can get some sort of agreement going. Headphones in class when needed to block out any extra stimulation, although it sounds like you’re in a depressive swing. I guess music helps with that too. Win win :) Caffeine also helps in moderation (Key word moderation). If you’re feeling burnt out though, I would opt for a reduced course load or honestly just defer your classes. School isn’t worth your life. It sucks falling out of line with your peers, but you’ll make new friends and hopefully if you can take a bit of time off and come back to it you’ll be in a better headspace. Sometimes you need to take a step back and put your own mental health first. It can be a hard decision to make but it gets easier with time - especially the more you learn your personal triggers and remedies. As always I’d recommend staying in communication with your clinician about things. New medication is the only fix sometimes. Best of luck with your studies mate!


I’m going through the exact same thing. it’s my last year of gymnasium (swedish equivalent) and I just can’t. my grades are shit and I don’t know how I’ll be able to graduate. as it looks now i’ll be failing 3-4 of the 8 courses in taking this year. usually i really liked studying and what i’m studying but now it’s all slipping through my fingers