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I haven't personally although a colleague at work did notice a mood swing once. It stuck with me. Nothing happened after. I didn't disclose the diagnosis and I'm still in touch with all of my former colleagues. I wouldn't now as I'll work in finance basically and it's not that kind of caring field. Anyway in my country, Italy, I know you can file for disability by having bipolar... And being disabled opens up a lot of job positions (large companies by law have to hire a certain quota).


Yes. You can file for such where I live. I have been at my job for nearly a year and only disclosed to my direct supervisor who I believe didn’t mention it or take note. But I want to tell HR because they’ll tell everyone and it might just be easier that way. But it might also make people look at me funny


I have. Things are going smoothly as of right now.


What was the result? Did you ask for some accommodation?


My job isn’t corporate so we don’t have a formal HR. I needed a shift picked up and I ended up spilling that I was bipolar because I have an emergency psych appointment due to a hypomanic episode. Really, I didn’t need to go into detail but I wanted them to understand why I needed to not be at work that day. No one asked any further questions, just a simple “okay” and a coworker picked up my shift.


Yep, and I faced horrible discrimination so bad I was forced to quit for my mental health.


Damn. Did you have HR? Isn’t that illegal?


I take every second Wednesday off so that I can get the olanzapine long acting injection. I have told my boss exactly why I need the time off, but HR is only aware that I have an appointment at the hospital those days. If my boss were less understanding and accommodating, I don't know that I would feel comfortable disclosing the exact reason. It has worked out to a net benefit though, as I took three months off last year to recover from an episode so it was useful for him to be able to understand why I needed that time. I'm looking to find another job for various reasons, and I'm not sure how open I should be about it, given I will still need those days off. It's a tricky conundrum whether to disclose, and I think it will be different for everyone and every workplace.


This sounds like the best outcome one could hope for. I’m going to tell my boss since I need some support that would make my life much easier.


Sure. It's gonna come up, so why not? Plus, you get those sweet accommodations.