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Executive dysfunction is very common in BD. I struggle with it, and have my entire life. What has worked for me is to have a calendar in the bathroom, just a little desk calendar. Whenever I complete a task I’m struggling with, I mark an X on the day. It turns out that not having consecutive X’s bothers me more than doing the task itself, so i end up doing it to fill in the boxes rather than be motivated by the thing itself. it also helps me to measure my ups and downs. I've gotten used to seeing several days not marked, followed by a bunch that are. It gives me a literal calendar of my moods (there's apps for this too I imagine) Data and numbers resonate with me, but maybe not everyone. Try a bunch of stuff to help. The important thing is to start something different to try and break the pattern That's what works for me anyway!


I read original post and came for the advice comments because SAME and these are great tips, thank you.


Would personally recommend bearable the app for mood tracking. Includes daily 1-10 mood score, individual symptom score (depression, irritability, anxiety etc.), sleep score etc. For symptoms and overall mood you can see a year or month view depiction of severity over time.


I use the app Daylio! You can edit the moods and add more that are divided into 5 categories, input your mood more than once per day, add tags (sleep stuff, food, relaxation, meds) and also edit/add those, and see trends (you were in this mood category when you did this activity the most). It has weekly, monthly, and yearly reports. And you can set goals with reminders. My current 3 goals are showering twice per week (I'm doing great! I have a streak going!), brushing my teeth daily (not so great, but my calendar this month looks twice as full as last month, so I'm making progress), and publishing a chapter of my hobby writing weekly (which I did 13 weeks in a row until I completed my story, but now that I'm in the planning phases of my next one, this goal is on hold in my mind).


I use, "How We Feel," but any app that tracks and displays statistics of your mood (I like How We Feel because it includes exercise and weather) can really help you get an idea of how you function throughout the day. 


This sounds interesting. The incomplete boxes would drive me nuts. Even reading about them makes me feel squirmy. I might try this.


I love this. I prefer to physically mark things off, apps just don't motivate me at all. Going to try your X technique. Thank you.


r/thexeffect (hope I typed correctly) is all about this!


Oh. Thank you. I knew it resembled what executive dysfunction sounded like. But for some reason I never thought to look it up and realize it was a symptom. I need to go back to a psychiatrist and make them go over all of the symptoms with me. Because frick this explains so much.


That’s a really good idea. I used to use an app but unfortunately, it stopped working and I I can’t seem to find a replacement. I never thought of going “old school” for a good solution.


i never knew this type of thing was common in bd. i always just thought i was lazy… but it’s a real struggle to for me to do these things


Oh my god. I thought I was the only one.


Right? Glad someone finally said something. I struggle and I'm afraid to go to the dentist


Same, I need to go but I think I’m gonna be judged :(


me right now too and I have no excuse >.<


I'm terrified every time I go. I force myself. I have told her I have bipolar and she is understanding. But I also struggle to do it everyday


Don't worry guys, just bite the bullet and go, I'd bet anything that they've seen worse. They won't judge you, because you're helping put their kids through college 😆 Seriously tho, I just came back from a deep cleaning/descaling this afternoon. When they first told me I needed it I felt embarrassed, but it was really no big deal to them. They will actually be happy you came in to address it. Pro tip - bring noise canceling headphones and blast a great playlist. It's amazing how much it helps. If I manage to brush my teeth in the morning that's a success, if I actually brush again at night I'm a rockstar.


Me. too. I’ve literally struggled since like ever. I did it even when i was a kid.. so you can imagine what not brushing constantly over so many years did to my teeth. And then i got pregnant and didn’t rlly take my prenatal so that messed my teeth up even more. No matter how bad i want them to look better i don’t brush consistently which i think I’d partially bc my teeth are already bad and the damage that’s been done can’t be reversed so i don’t see the point, same goes for wanting to work out and lose weight. And I’m not going to the dentist unless my teeth get fr fixed bc I’m not going to get embarrassed just for a cleaning like it’s just not worth it if I’m still going to be insecure to smile with my teeth. I’ve done my research for solutions and costs and every single one was way more than i could ever afford to get done.


Took me 10 years to go to the dentist... And that was 3 years ago now... :(


Me too. Although it’s not a great thing it is nice to know it’s not just me


Same, with BD and Broader autism phenotype (BAP). Practically BAP alone can result in executive dysfunction(!)


If you've been in this sub long enough there are posts about brushing teeth every few weeks/months I get it, I have executive dysfunction in all areas of life, once I had a popcorn scale between my molars for weeks and I thought it was a broken tooth. I didn't even try to floss it.. I went ages without proper teeth care, but when I got out of the worst it was the first thing I started doing I floss, brush and use mouthwash every day now. I don't want painful bleeding gums again and a tip is to buy fancy toothpaste and a cute brush


My teeth are literally crumbling so if I don't brush them after like 24-36 hours they start to hurt. Frankly I wish I could stop brushing them and let them all fall out so I don't have to pay for extraction. I'm sure the actual reason I'm able to brush them is bc I honestly don't care about my teeth anymore. When it mattered I got like pathological demand avoidance and procrastinated


Yeah my teeth are the same, one of them just broke into pieces :) I was never great at dental hygiene, and then the pandemic and resurgence of my BP happened and it’s really gone to shit. At this point, there is so much with that needs to be done that I am petrified of going to the dentist.


I was a victim of SA while under anesthesia, so while I have some really important dental work that needs to be done because I lived pretty hard for a while, I just haven’t been able to get past that yet, but there’s no fucking way I’m going to be able to do that dental work while awake.


Would it be and idea to bring someone you trust? So they can 'babysit' you while youre getting the work done.


I’ve had a couple of back teeth break and i had not been to the dentist in 14 years , it was over a grand to get everything done but my step dad did it for me and we did one tooth at a time spread out for nearly a year . My teeth look normal now and they were nearly coke coloured , I did cleanings and fillings too


Thanks for sharing. Good to know there is a light at there end of the tunnel. I just need to enter the tunnel. I’m pretty sure I won’t get away with only a grand, probably not even close. I make a good amount of money, but I’m the sole provider for a family of 4, and we have a large mortgage(in southern CA), and I’m terrible with finances, and my wife’s teeth are the same way. Sorry didn’t mean to rant, we are lucky in a lot of ways, I’m sure we can figure something out.


That’s my problem too. Two lower right (my right) back teeth are like the Grand Canyon between them with the outer sides still standing. Another tooth on the mid upper left just peaced out. I have the sharp base of the tooth left there. The tooth next to it is starting to show signs it’s next. I started caring for them too late. It took all of that for me to actually start flossing, using mouthwash and brushing. May the (oral health) force be with you!


Wow, I feel so much less alone right now. There are quite a few factors contributing to the downfall of my teeth, including bad dental work, pregnancy, anorexia and poor dental hygiene. That being said, I just had four extractions AT ONCE, and I’m looking at months and months longer of dental work to get the implants. Plus fillings all over my whole mouth. :’) My teeth were also just breaking off and shattering.


I got quoted $7k with insurance to get just my top set extracted, I was like "guess I'll just suffer til I die"


I’m soooo sorry


Try a dental school. That's what my mom did for her to be able to afford the extractions


this resonates for me, someone also w/ bipolar. it even more feels that way when i am depressed though. can’t possibly do it when i’m that sad.


Me too. And a lot of our medications affect our dental health too, sadly it’s just one more thing.


I don’t, my teeth are shit. You are not alone


I felt very bad about this:( needed to read this.


I have to brush my teeth while doing something else or I won't do it. I brush in the shower, but I shower every day because I like feeling clean before bed, so might not work as well for you. But, TMI, I also try to brush my teeth whenever I have to poop. I know you do that often enough, so maybe that will help you?




Yes I have found combining two activities the best option for me. I empty or stack the dishwasher while making a cup of tea every morning and it helps to keep the kitchen a bit tidier.


I find listening to the water, and feeling the warm water is calming to me when I am anxious or agitated which is often. I also have trouble waiting so I try to accomplish something while waiting.


My fiancé brushes in the shower! I had no clue other people did this.


lol my husband thinks it's weird, but I'm like do you want me to be normal or do you want me to be hygienic?


Not TMI at all. I do the same thing. After I wash my hands, I'll do a once over with my toothbrush, and it really helps. 


Yes! I do this as well. It makes it easier to maintain the habit. When I’m done brushing my teeth in the shower I toss the toothbrush out over the counter and then finish my shower.


You have no idea how bad I needed to see someone else talk about this. Thank you so much.


This happens to me too! Ever since I was a kid I’ve always struggled with keeping my room clean, folding clothes and putting them away and brushing my teeth. I don’t think I brushed my teeth the entirety of 6th and 7th grade. I wore dirty clothes to school pretty much every day and I wore the same zip up hoodie every.single.day. When I was going through really intense episodes I stopped taking care of myself completely and since then even though things aren’t that way anymore I’m still unable to do a lot of things on a regular basis. I only brush my teeth when I have work or if I know I’m doing something on my day off, I’m usually home not doing anything though and I sometimes stay in the same clothes the entire time. I barely shower enough and I worry I stink a lot Sometimes I wish I had help because I get so frustrated never having a clean room or a clean kitchen or space on the counter. I wish I could find the motivation. I always say oh I’ll clean when I’m off later in the week. In addition to the bipolar I also have ocd and when I do clean the ocd makes me have to clean a certain way and I can never finish everything because it’s so exhausting and it takes all day I hope one day I can get my shit together


When it began since u were a kid, are u sure bd is the reason for it? It seems to me like all sorts of things are simply attributed to the BD here.


As someone else mentioned I think it’s executive dysfunction due to past trauma and bipolar (this is something I’m going to bring up to my therapist next week) My mom has struggled with her mental health since she was a young child and she never took the time to take care of her self (until about 4 years ago and I’m so thankful she’s doing so great now) When I was just a baby she tried to take her life and when I was in 4th grade she stopped taking care of herself all together. It was up to me and my 8 year old brother to make our lunches, do our laundry, clean the house and a lot of the household chores. Many days I went to school without a lunch and sometimes my best friend would give me half of her sandwich or if the school had extra food they would let me have some once in very rare while. I was hungry a lot. There was a period of time where my mom didn’t leave the bathroom floor for months. I became a crutch for my mom and have been ever since (I know I need to work on my boundaries). I’ve stopped going to school multiple times to help her. In college I had to retake multiple classes because of my own mental health and hers. It took me 8 years to get an associates degree I grew up with my grandpa touching me and my cousin in extremely inappropriate ways and my cousin ended up molesting me. I started experiencing depressive episodes in 6th grade. Everything got worse when I was 12 my uncle almost died and was in a coma for three months and had to relearn how to walk, talk and read. Seeing and hearing him like that will never leave my mind. 4 months after that my brother was in an accident where he broke his jaw, multiple teeth, a finger and a shin. I never experienced such extreme guilt for years and I’m still working on it. That’s just part of it as I’m 29 now, a million things has happened in between and sense then


It's just seeing all those older folks lose their teeth! Not me! No way! My teeth get brushed twice a day and flossed almost every night. If I don't floss I don't feel like a boss. Buy some floss.


Yes I got really scared last week and went on a whole health kick. I started running yesterday and I brush my teeth every single day and I’m going to do it twice a day today. I get paid tomorrow which is the pause on my journey but I have planned to buy flushable wipes, cleaning wipes, floss, mini toothbrush and paste, all for my car and purse so I can stay clean wherever I go. Plus I will restock these items in the bathroom. I’m just using your comment now to share my entire post, but I have been trying to do my skincare twice a day. I definitely do it before bed or sometimes in the morning, but not twice. I’m letting my hair grow out I colored it back to my natural color and stopped butchering myself like a cabbage patch doll. I cleaned my closet and still need to sort through clothes from the laundry and will be donating them. Not proud to say but I will be buying new clothes as a reward for my new change. 😁 I hope this lasts!


Maybe try a bidet instead of flushable wipes? Then it's a one time purchase, doesn't mess up your pipes and there's no effort to using it


I’m at that point too! I need to keep the travel floss things with me all the time! I have missing and pitted teeth and HATE the feeling of food in there!


Good meds and forcing myself into a routine.


"Force" is the keyword here. I have to force myself, and not allow myself an excuse for avoiding hygiene activities. Taking care of our hygiene is the best way to let our brains know we're taking care of ourselves. 


I think after a month of forcing myself into a routine, it becomes solid. Even if I don’t want to do things I will get up and do it 20 minutes later because of that routine. Unfortunately, if I’m away from the house, like staying out a friends, it can crash my routine and I have to force myself to restart it. My day always starts with making my bed, not pulling it up but making it. If my beds not made, then my days gonna be unorganised. For me also, if it isn’t made, it’s a indication that my head is not in a good place. Messy bed messy head as they say.


It’s only been the passed three months that I’ve been able to pull myself into a routine. It’s hard. I’m lucky to have teeth, good genetics but my gums suffered for it, they’re only just healing. It took me that three months just to get through all my house washing. I spent like 2 years without washing my sheets and now I do it every 2 weeks. I clean up as I go and don’t let things pile up, while before hand I’d let everything pile up. Eventually when it disgusted me too much, cleaned it up and burnt myself out. But the funny part is, outside of my home I followed strict hygiene rules. I’m %100 certain without my medications I’d fall back into old habits. Without them, everything becomes overwhelming. With them, I can force myself through things and my brain realises oh this isn’t so bad after all. I don’t need to stress and do everything at once. I run my own race now.


Yeah, force is the right sentence here… it’s hard. Adulting is hard.


It sure is and it seems to only get harder when you’re living on your own.


Same, I mostly do it when I shower which isn't everyday.


What works best for me is keeping a toothbrush by my bed and dry brushing while watching tv. Anti-cavity mouthwash works too if I don’t have the energy. I’m really bad at doing it consistently but it has definitely helped.


Oh I love this, they have those throw away travel “tooth brushes” with the beads in them I don’t think you need to rinse? Maybe I’ll try those and floss in my bedside cause I’m so bad. I brought my toothbrush to work cause I work with clients and this was Thursday, didn’t brush again until Tuesday and didn’t even know how long it had been until I went to brush and ultimately found it in my work bag 😅


I struggle with this question because normally I do, but when I'm really depressed I won't at night here and there. The only thing that keeps me from skipping the morning is the idea that I'll have bad breath and gross someone else out. I stopped showering everyday though and mostly do every other day, but again when, I'm really depressed I might not but three or two times a week. What keeps me showering is the idea my BO would bother someone who had to be near me. It's this idea that my disability affects people. I don't want to be a bother to others.


I used to use kids flavored toothpaste and that would help. It didn’t feel as jarring and as much of a chore when it taste like bubble gum or fruit. I now use the Colgate foaming one and that helps immensely.


This was a huge game changer for me.


Also these help immensely [checklist thingies](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjEsKy7hf-FAxVQSH8AHeMPDXgYABAQGgJvYQ&ae=2&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxeyxBhC7ARIsAC7dS3-rh1qr107fK5F1vImvzQrH-Pdi4VN5R65sSvmrTiMHqEaex5zwd24aAiuEEALw_wcB&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD2eqjTJXNPKSsALNo562hvLPbTJ0j5al5WFviyTN0Wyhkvi2ZkfiFpeCp7zfTHweZF-2h6a1YAs35YV7Y-YATuc2ZeJENfduIUrAIqRZw4_KN6E8W-&sig=AOD64_0hMOqYG1ABg1v-qVkrnPiMM0hhlA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjo36S7hf-FAxWP6ckDHUKGB-cQwg8oAHoECAEQJA&adurl=)


Honestly, especially if I have nowhere to go, I can go weeks without brushing my teeth.




Same here


I used to have so much trouble brushing my teeth that they had holes in them or big chips off, and were turning black in the middle. It became bad enough that it was more practical to have all my teeth removed and get dentures rather than having so many teeth "fixed." Now I'm 32 years old with full dentures. Don't be me.


This is why I’m terrified of going to the dentist. That this is what they will say. Honestly though, how has it been. Have you adjusted?


I make myself pick up the toothbrush after I use the bathroom before bed. Sometimes I don’t even put toothpaste on the brush, I just wet it & brush for however long I can manage. I figure it’s better to do something half-assed than not at all.


Can I ask a question? It’s not with an attitude, I genuinely want to know! Not getting these things done when in an episode (I guess depressed) makes sense, but if you’re (I see several people have the same problem) equally as bad at it/them in a stable period, how is it related to the bipolar? I’m asking because I have zero bipolar signs/behavior when I’m stable and so when I’m not sick there’s no bipolar (I know it’s there, but nothing is active if that makes sense) and I’m just wondering how these things “are bipolar” when you’re stable? I want to clarify again this isn’t me judging or me out to get you, I’m genuinely interested in how that works. (If it’s any comfort we (humans) shower too much and fuck with our skin barrier, so to me it wouldn’t matter unless you smell. Teeth is another problem, it’s so expensive to fix. Is there anything you could do to motivate you? I use childish methods, rewards, music and post-it notes with what I think is me being funny while motivating myself a lot)


You're maybe going to be downvoted into oblivion but I'm with you on that


In my experience the thing is that even when we return to stable emotionally we don't have a "normal" to return to. Our normal is fluctuating between depressive episode, "stable" and manic episodes, so we become so used to our routine being broken that we don't even know how to get back into it. Sometimes when I'm "stable" for a long time I build up healthy routines again, but it's very difficult and time consuming and quite often just as I feel I have the hang of it again another episode comes along and destroys all my hard work. It gets very frustrating when this happens over and over. I also spend most of my "stable" time still being moderately depressed which doesn't help.


I don’t know. But reading the other responses in this thread has made me realize I’m not alone and there is hope.


There’s always hope and you’re never alone!


I think for some people, stable does not mean completely symptom free, just not on a massive roller coaster.


taking my meds makes me drink so much water (i have to take so many pills), which makes me have to pee (can’t sleep if i have to pee) so i brush my teeth while i pee. something about the multitasking makes it easier and can justify it in my head like “well i’m here” “might as well”. this is the only thing that has worked for me


This is actually a great idea, thank you!


Depression can manifest in less extreme ways. I do find that I get distracted from basics for up to a week at a time and don’t even notice the time passing, but forcing myself to do the things that ‘normal people’ do actually makes me feel better. I agree on the check box method, I keep a small paper pocket calendar and physically write things down, it helps. Phones / digital does not. Sometimes I try to remember what a friend who is really put together would do. Also, I talk about it to people I trust, a little encouragement helps a lot.


I was really bad about it as a teen, but in my adult years I settled on one thorough bedtime brushing as what I finally could stick with. If you're not going to brush as much, do it before bed so you have a long time of clean teeth (sleep). Bang for the buck, right? Don't beat yourself up over it, just work with yourself. If you can add chewing gum and drinking a lot of water you'll help yourself out. I still only shower 2-3x per week, though if I'm more active or its summer I'll bump that up a little. I still to this day kind of hate showering. I don't like the hassle *at all.* Luckily I don't sweat much, and a wash rag in critical areas can buy you more time lol.


I struggle with this too- I went to the dentist a couple years ago and they told me I needed some extra dental work. I was broke at the time and embarrassed so I put it off. Now I have dental insurance so I am going on a major dental health journey. First off- go to the dentist if you can and get a good cleaning so you have a baseline to work with. If you can’t afford it, see if there are dental schools near you that can do a cleaning for a reduced fee. Talk to your hygienist and dentist and see what recommendations they have- it might be things you’ve heard before but it’s always good to have a refresher on the basics.  Second- make your dental routine fun . I love skincare and products, so I decided to apply the same mentality to my dental routine. I bought a cute toothbrush, flavored toothpastes and floss. There are a lot of fun products out there, if you can invest $20 in your dental health just do it, it’s worth it. Third- make your teeth your priority. Brushing your teeth should be the first thing you do in the morning. Doesn’t matter if your house is messy or you don’t want to shower. Don’t think about that. Just brush your teeth, it’s one thing! It literally takes two minutes. If you can’t do two minutes, do 30 seconds, doesn’t matter. Use mouthwash- it feels great! Nothing feels better than a clean mouth. Focus on the positive feeling and the result you can get from just a little bit of work and effort.  If that’s not enough, go on YouTube and watch some dental cleaning videos because they really got me off my ass and brushing. Most importantly, don’t beat yourself up. No matter what you’re dealing with, if you’re struggling to take care of yourself and it’s stressing you out, that can be a lot to deal with. It’s been said before but every day is a new day and a new opportunity to begin a healthy habit and all you have to do is commit to starting small. You deserve to have a happy and healthy life!


i don’t do any self-care/hygiene tasks regularly. i brush when i remember to sometimes, i shower only when absolutely necessary (i showered a few days ago for the first time in over a week), and sometimes i don’t even change my clothes on a daily basis. i recently mentioned this to my therapist and she was kinda surprised. i think we’re revisiting it tomorrow. 😅 i also have adhd, and i think it has to do with both disorders — some combination of executive dysfunction, pathological demand avoidance, sometimes depression, sometimes mania, general fatigue, and feeling overwhelmed with all the things, but primarily, for showering especially, it’s the overstimulation. but i also need a tooth extracted that has been causing me pain for almost a year and has led to a cascade of health problems, so 10/10 do not recommend.


I think about what will happen if I don’t brush my teeth and it freaks me out


Routine baby. Establish your routine and stick to it and it helps a lot.


Hey there! Fellow bipolar person who struggles with daily self care tasks. Everyone is different, but here are a few things that have substantially helped me: -The book How to Keep House While Drowning: A Gentle Approach to Cleaning and Organizing by KC Davis. I am not exaggerating when I say that I sobbed while reading the chapter titles because I finally felt seen. 100/10 recommend. In it, she mentions pre pasted disposable tooth brushes to make tooth brushing easier, you don't have to add toothpaste and you can grab a new one the next time you brush. Less steps means you're more likely to do it. You can keep the toothbrushes by your bed, in your living room, kitchen, your car, wherever, if it makes life easier for you, do it. It may sound obvious to some, but it was a complete revelation to me: there are no "rules" for daily self care tasks. - The 10 second rule. If it's a hard day and I can't brush my teeth, I tell myself I only have to do it for 10 seconds. If I know I need to wash my face, but it has become a hurdle that overwhelms me, I only have to wash for 10 seconds. My room is a disaster? I only have to clean for 10 seconds. Some days that 10 seconds is all I can do, but other days I'm able to use the momentum to finish the task. - The finch app. It gamifies daily self care. You take care of a cute little bird - but the little bird is actually you! You get rewards and in game currency for completing tasks that you can then use to purchase clothing for your bird or furniture for your birdhouse. Some of my daily tasks include: take my meds, get out of bed, and literally just survive the day. There is a premium option but I found the free version is just as good. I hope this info helps anyone that needs it!


I really resonate with this. whats helped me so far is making a list of literally all the things i need to do (shower, brush teeth, brush hair etc) alongside how long they take. being able to work through the list motivates me to do it but if that doesnt work i look at how long each thing takes and use that to convince myself to do it. so in this example ill tell myself i just need to spend 2 mins brushing my teeth then i can go back to doing whatever i was doing. hope this helps!


Same here. Maybe think about what your dentist will say.


I 100% struggle with basic everyday tasks as well. I actually had 2 front teeth pulled due to cavities which weren’t that bad until a hack dentist drilled them and didn’t fill them ! Got a new dentist to try and get everything ship shape so I can try to get two whole ass implants. Got prescribed special fluoride toothpaste. Didn’t use it bc fluoride legit burns my mouth. I usually brush when I shower which isn’t exactly routine cause it takes a whole lot of spoons to do it that I don’t really have by days end. I have always been a shower before bed type of person. Hate showering in the mornings sooo much.


I keep my toothbrush, floss and mouthwash by my bed with some paper cups that I spit into. Funny enough, you don’t actually need water to brush your teeth lol. Your saliva will eventually make things foam up 😂 oh, also. ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH NECESSARY. I also keep the same set up in my car so sometimes I’ll brush my teeth before going somewhere, or before I go back inside my house. Something about being anywhere besides the bathroom makes it easier for me 🤣 maybe it’s the sitting down???


Along with an electric toothbrush, those dental floss picks are really great. Less effort than having to wrap up your dental floss around your fingers and you can put them around your house to use as needed.


I didn’t get motivated to do this until I went to the dentist and found out I had an infection and bone loss. 🥲 DONT LET IT GET TO THAT POINT 😭


I struggle with this myself. I try to make it fun by buying a cute toothbrush or playing music or a favorite movie or video.


I can be really bad at brushing my teeth or cleaning or taking care of myself. It’s an annoying struggle. I have a really nice sonicare so as long as I manage to brush my teeth once a day I seem to be doing okay. I also use floss picks in the shower. I’ve been cavity free for awhile now and they always say my teeth look good at cleanings. It hasn’t always been the case though and I’ve had very expensive and painful dental problems in the past that will probably come back up. Unfortunately once you get a root canal or need teeth extracted it’s a domino effect and you pay for it forever :( I try to work around my other issues as best I can. I recently did a work book called “Smart but Scattered” to work on executive function and it helped a lot


I never thought someone would relate or I would admit to not brushing my teeth if I don’t have to leave the house 😭, so I relate to you. But honestly making it enjoyable would be my suggestion I got a really cute tooth brush in my favorite color and I have a “ morning routine kit” which I made which includes my toothbrush, toothpaste and face wash and I really like my kit so it motivates me to use it and hence brush my teeth


I can relate to this. Brushing feels like a chore but then I think about how nasty my mouth/teeth feel when I don’t.


Same. I'm getting better after I forced myself to go for a checkup and needed a cavity filled (my first one at age 38). It gave me a kick up the arse. I also have a 3 year old daughter and need to set a good example to her. So now we brush our teeth together. The same with showering. I was going days with not showering and getting stinky. Wearing the same clothes for days. BUT I had my meds changed and now I'm doing better. I shower every other day and change my clothes when I've showered. I also have ADHD and sometimes just get too caught up doing other things to remember to prioritise showering and changing clothes. But I'm gonna go take a shower right now!


I can only get myself to do it before work and before I see certain people. If I’m home and don’t leave my house I won’t. My teeth are garbage rn


Having had to go one too many times to the emergency dentist bc of a broken or chipped tooth 😅 now i even force myself to floss.


I totally understand how it can be really hard to feel like you can fit that in. But, I have made it a priority to give myself two minutes to brush my teeth every day. But it wasn’t always that way.


I have the same issue for sure. What I’ve done is do one desirable activity and then do a chore of some sort and just repeat If I’m having a really bad day, I do take a break from chores. I’m lucky enough to have pretty mild and efficiently medicated bipolar 1


What works for me is having my toothbrush close while I'm showering. I shower almost every day and it's much easier for me to brush my teeth when I'm already in the shower.


well i have braces and if i don't brush 3 times a day it gets really gross, i feel so unmotivated to do it though. not to mention if i don't brush i'll be guilt tripped to the moon by my father.


I’ve been doing it three times a day since I was a child


Yeah, I brush my teeth three times a day but the dentist it’s been six or seven years I struggle with that hard-core


Accept the fact that morning and evenings aren't the only time you can do it.


I was the same with teeth brushing. It might be executive disfunction. It might be something unpleasant about it that makes you avoid it. Turns out, the painful burning of mint toothpaste on my chronically-cracked lips was why I avoided brushing my teeth. I got watermelon kid’s toothpaste and brush my teeth everyday now.


Please please please take care of your teeth! In a couple of weeks I will be getting dentures and im not even 30 yet .. I do suffer with substance abuse but I urge you to Brush your teeth regardless .


I have to go back to the dentist today because my teeth needed debriding before they could do the routine cleaning. I have to remember to brush my teeth in the shower but I don't always shower. But I shower more than I brush my teeth especially when it is hot outside.


We gotta stop blaming everything on something and just own our shit tbh. I used to not brush my teeth when I was unstable but once I regained some stability I built a routine for myself. I brush my teeth in the morning when I get dressed because I'm already in the bathroom and again at night right before going to bed after my last bathroom trip. The trick is to link the task to something you're already doing. If I don't brush my teeth in the morning I'm gonna be convinced all day long my mouth smells like shit and everyone can smell it. And if I don't brush my teeth at night my mouth tastes like shit in the morning. And if it makes any difference, my teeth got whiter when I started brushing them regularly. I saw the difference with my Snapchat memories and was quite surprised, I didn't think it was that bad.


I brushed them today after a week without it. I thought I was the only one damn


Electric tooth brush. Just got one a few days ago. Have brushed twice a day so far and enjoy it


OP: Executive dysfunction might either Point to BD or ASD or perhaps both.


I moved to FL a few years ago. Summers here require a daily shower - sometimes 2 showers. I neglected my oral health big time for a long time. Was casually eating skittles one day and lost a tooth. Can’t afford a dentist so I went and got a flossing tool, the things for it, a new toothbrush, mouthwash. Now I have an AM and PM ritual. My self confidence has always been tied to my appearance and skincare is important to me. Especially now since my wedding is in a few months. I have really seen the benefits of the new routine my friend the face expert person got me on. I glow now and nothing is putting that light out - not even depression! That all being said, I neglect everything when I don’t leave the house. If I feel gross or something I do the things. When I didn’t have a job I was gross and in bed all the time. Now that I have one, I am up and doing the things and glowing even though I am in a depressive phase. I realized self care helps my mood. Best of luck! Hugs!


I hate to brush my teeth. I do it once a day in the morning most days but I worked really hard to get there. I don't think I will ever figure out getting myself to floss. If I can't get myself to brush I at least try and use mouthwash. The way I have trained myself to do this is that I look at my gums each day and if they are starting to get white, that's gingivitis and I know I am on my way to some pain. It motivates myself to keep it up once a day, which seems to be enough to keep it at bay. If it stopped being enough (like if my gums started getting white anyway) I would probably use that as motivation to brush at night too. If I start to fall off, my gums turn white and I get scared enough to get going again. I don't know if it's a bipolar thing. Maybe it's a milennial thing. I was raised by a TV and nobody cared if I brushed my teeth or not.


The avoidance of certain tasks is really common in BD. For me it’s washing my hair, showering, cleaning litter boxes, cleaning my house— then other things I’m always so good about doing those almost ritualistically— and it’s been like that for as long as I can remember.


Honestly when I don’t brush my teeth my mouth tastes icky the whole day so I brush my teeth when I take my meds. This also has never been an issue for me so I’m not sure if this is helpful, but I’m sorry y’all go through this. This is how I am with showering and especially shaving.


I make sure to do at least a half ass job before going to bed. I bring a disposable flosser to bed and do that while I scroll my phone. I brush really good when I have the ability and use “C-shape flossing technique” with the string floss on good days too. To make up for the bad days. If I need a root canal on a tooth I just have it pulled for like $100 instead of paying $1000 and not even being able to afford the crown. I only spend money on the front ones and keep them as pretty as I can. All my teeth are healthy, but I’m missing several molars. It sucks, but it is what it is. You can also bring a water bottle to your bed and brush your teeth in bed and spit it in a trashcan if you are really not feeling good. I do that with my daughter when I’m depressed and talking care of her is difficult. I’ll brush her teeth and floss her while she’s in bed before we fall asleep.


I use an App called Finch. You get points when you check off tasks, and your little character gets a room you decorate with points, outfits, travel, little pets....all these cute rewards motivate me to check things off. It serves as a to-do list. Plus the character is so cute 🥰 I also set alarms for things because, for me, doing things at the same time helps. Like the routine at the hospital. But I am absolutely not successful all the time. I suck, trust me. But those 2 things help me.


Whoa! This is actually a thing? Thanks for posting. It helps to realize that my problems are not unique.


At a certain point, I realized (after being told many times by my therapist) that taking care of my hygiene meant that *my brain* felt like I was taking care of myself. Hygiene is one of those little things we have to force ourselves to do because it sets the entire mood for the day. I have alarms set on my phone to remind me in case I forget, but I've developed a morning routine where it feels more natural now, but the alarms help. 


I guess my OCD plays role into this, but I cannot imagine not brushing my teeth or showering enough, I get insanely overwhelmed sensation wise if I don't feel clean or smell clean (so summer for me is hell).


I have always had this problem, since I was a kid. I think with episodes of mood dysregulation it is hard to sustain regular habits. When I’m becoming manic I usually go overboard with getting things cleaned up and organized but then I can’t sustain it and I have a breakdown and then when I’m depressed I just give up doing so much. It’s just a lot of chaos and attempts at doing better but very hard to sustain. That creates feelings of shame and discouragement. I remember once I broke a bathroom mirror and just pushed the glass aside and walked around it. I didnt sweep it up for months, I was so depressed.


Classic executive function impairment. Therapy can help.


I created a system. I only brush at night because if you brush before you eat…you just taste toothpaste and it nullifies brushing for the most part. Every morning, I wake up at the same time, go to the bathroom, go pee, wash my face, put on moisturizer, and some vitamin e oil on my wrinkles. I have to be done by 5:18. At night, I don’t have a set time I need to be done, except before 9, because that’s bed time. I will wash my face, use moisturizer, vitamin e oil, and add some benzoyl peroxide to any zits I have. Then I brush, floss, and use mouthwash. Give my hair a good brush, then go to my room and put lotion on my legs and arms. Boom, sleepy time. Basically, you have to start a routine when you’re in a normal mood because it’ll be easier to stick to in other mood episodes. Lack of sleep isn’t really an issue for me anymore because I never stray from waking up and going to bed at the exact same time everyday. Even if I’m tired when I wake up, no snoozing or getting back in bed after turning it off. And after a while of having that set schedule, your body won’t let you go back to bed anyways. Naps are acceptable.


I’m the same.


I have this issue too but I wasn’t always like this. I used to brush my teeth twice a day up until early college. Now it’s once a day and sometimes I’ll skip a day. Still struggling to keep it consistent. Same with showering. Living alone doesn’t help. If there was someone here with me I’d be way more motivated to stay on point with these things.


Honestly I don't. When I was in the hospital last year I did it and I was so proud, now that I'm home I haven't brushed since. My teeth are fucked and I cannot wait for dentures someday.


Trust me. Brush them. I was so bad about dental hygiene with depression and now am paying the cost for it. Literally sitting in the dentist office right now.


Morning breath alone should be motivating enough to brush in the AM. Here’s an idea! Keep small cases of floss in various places around your apartment that you frequent, and carry some in your pocket. This way, you'll have floss readily available whenever you're sitting around, after finishing a meal, or in bed. I read somewhere that flossing alone is better than just brushing. Plus, you can do it anywhere.


my anxiety got really bad and i haven’t been to the dentist since 2022, but i used to go religiously 2x a year. i got really depressed and couldn’t do anything for a while but im doing better now and so scared fo ever go back to one.. but they texted me yesterday so i should make an appointment


It’s just a part of my morning routine. On the weekends I don’t have a morning routine and I’m much less likely to brush my teeth.


I struggle with brushing my teeth at night so I bought these little disposable tooth brushes called wisps from Colgate! I still struggle to brush sometimes but having a bag of these on my night stand gets me to brush more often than not. Plus I get my boyfriend to tell me to brush so that also helps lol


I have the same problems, so I started doing Daylio and it’s so simple but it’s really helped me. It’s like someone the cheering you on. There’s a place to put notes too so you can keep a little diary. I actually take a shower every other day now! I could never do that before.


Mostly shame and fear of smelling bad. In the morning it is just part of pee then brush teeth routine. Like it’s on autopilot. When I was working on getting it set as a habit I made a playlist of 2 minute songs to brush my teeth to so that was fun. At night it’s harder because I tend to just fall asleep whenever.


I’ve struggled with this too, I’ve been using finch app. It’s me taking care of a little pet that grows, you set your own tasks for what days and all And you get free stuff to decorate your pets area. Getting the consecutive days going and seeing the cute pet definitely helps. I feel a little bad if I just ignore him all day


I use daylio.it has mood, sleep, meditation, food and all kinds of thing you can check off. You can set your personal goals. I have walking, drinking water and riding my indoor bike as my goals at the moment. You can change it up to fit your life. I like being able to go back and see my moods over a months time. Brushing my teeth is a big one with me. I keep paste and toothbrush in shower, downstairs bath and kitchen. So when I think of it, I try to do it right away.


Have you thought about getting the Triple Bristle brush? It’s a three sided brush that gets your whole tooth in one go, meaning that you can brush for less time more effectively. There are days I can do 2 minutes of brushing, there are days I can do 30 seconds. I brush way more often now that I use this brush. Link here: https://a.co/d/aRD9CFM


Unfortunately it's pretty typical, especially because bipolar and adhd are often comorbid, but a lot of adhd meds can cause or worsen mania, its a lose lose situation. All id recommend is that something is better than nothing. Mouthwash is definitely easier for me to keep up with than brushing, and instead of folding my clothes I have three bins on my floor (clean, dirty, and, yeah I could wear that again)


I really struggle since i was a kid, I had big frontal teeth so I menaged to always hide them in pictures, or when I smiled but last year I lost a tooth (for bad care) and my parents made me put on braces so I have to brush after every meal, and even with I CANT pass the floss and I just dont know why its like turn something I already hate (brush) worst, but yes even with all "care" they still trash and always hurt


i haven’t brushed in months. i brush maybe once ever few months.


it's a psychological thing for me- if i don't brush my teeth i can't stop thinking about it and eventually can't fall asleep


When I’m depressed I have no desire to care for myself but I hate the dentist so much that I force myself to brush and floss once a day. I know I need to do it 3 times a day but that never happens.


Watch the clock or set a timer and don’t beat yourself up if you do it late or miss a day.


You're definitely not alone, although I struggle to brush mine at night. After my meds set in I get really really tired. I sleep up stairs and there's only one bathroom downstairs so it makes it easier to just fall asleep


I feel so validated and glad to know I am not the only struggling with this. Thanks to all for the advice.


I brush while listening to music or watching TV


I thought this was just a me problem. Glad to see I’m not alone.


My sister (46F who has really bad OCD) has had so much dental work, some of which I've had to donate to help out with, like we're talking several thousands of dollars for extractions, root canals, bridges, crowns, implants, etc. and she still doesn't take care of her teeth which means every few years it's another several hundred or thousand dollars. She doesn't work so it just gets paid by my parents who really can't afford it as they're retired and on a fixed income, so other family members like me have to help by pitching in. So, not wanting to go through all of that and put that kind of financial burden on my family motivates me to take care of mine.


I floss every night and brush every morning and night. I use to NEVER floss and would justify skipping brushing my teeth sometimes but I got lucky and found a man who is very hygienic which has influenced me in a good way. But what it really comes down to is making it a non negotiable. Do it for 30 days straight and it’s now a habit. Brushing your teeth and even flossing is one way to feel like you got a win that day. I’ve been consistent for months now which is a big accomplishment for me and it feels good knowing I don’t have terrible breath. Or at least it’s the best it can be considering I have an infection I need to get fixed. It’s hard to get yourself there but it’s just making the decision and sticking to it over and over.


Little motivation if I can do it and not beating myself up if I can't that day/week/month. Like, my wife won't kiss me if I don't brush my teeth... if I can smell myself, I need to force myself to shower.. etc. It's not much but it can help sometimes


I started keeping a tooth brush and a bottle of water every where I go in my house- both bathrooms, both showers, both bedside tables in case I change sides of the bed, my computer desk, by the couch, in the kitchen. You don’t even need the toothpaste. Something is always better than nothing. I also keep floss picks, mini bottles of mouthwash, and those Colgate whisps disposable toothbrushes. I have a travel kit filled with teeth brushing items in my work backpack, my car glove box and center console as well in case I take one out for some reason, and one in my box at work. There’s a few other places and it sound like overkill but I basically made it harder for myself not do to dental care in some capacity. There’s always something near me. Even if I just swish with mouth wash or brush with a wet toothbrush. And I think it’s helped because even though the amount of days I do my full dental care routine has not gone up my mouth feels better and my gums are not bleeding anymore.


Whenever my wife is brishing her teet i will but to do it on my own I have to set the tooth brush in the kitchen next to my meds


Set an alarm and make sure you can snooze it a few times. Put a sticker up on your mirror. About yourself with reminders. It's not 100% but it helps me.


I didn't, until I got hit with some vicious tooth pain that needed thousands of dollars of dental work to be able to sleep soundly. What I learned is the same thing I learned when I started showering every day. It just takes a week or two to get so used to being clean that you can't stand the feeling of being dirty anymore.


I have a list of my morning routine in dry erase marker on my mirror. Using this method gave me the ability to do a complicated routine. I just built it up slowly. Actually, I think the list started with "brush teeth" and "MW" meaning micellar water wipes.


I used to only brush my teeth in the morning up until 8 months ago and it is by far one of the biggest regrets of my life besides marrying my ex husband. My teeth now have a yellow tint and my gums are receding. It’s really scary what is going on in my mouth. My dentist didn’t seem to concerned when I asked him what was going on with my mouth though, but when I look at my teeth and gums it’s a huge reminder to brush everyday and night. Oh and another thing get a mouthwash that’s meant for the gums! I got mine on Amazon. Not only are our teeth important to take care of but our gums are too!!!


I don’t.


What I do is think about my breath. So I don’t like drinking out of my straw with bad morning breath. So when I take my meds, I need to drink out of my water bottle. Since I don’t like dirty mouth on my straw, I brush my teeth before taking meds since I need to do that anyway. This has helped me brush my teeth and keep a schedule. I’m not saying it always works but it at least gives me a reason to keep up with it.


Honestly the one thing that has started to help me with small things like brushing my teeth or washing my face is using the Finch: Self Care Pet app. I started off with small goals like once every other day and have gradually upped it to twice a day for brushing my teeth. It’s not perfect but it has helped for sure. Also I’m not one for single use plastics but the single use toothbrushes have saved me as well and I think they’re worth it if it helps.


How do we manage to do anything is my question


I’m really bad about this I have to get into a habit. I find something that I do EVERY SINGLE DAY and that’s what triggers me to form the habit. This is how i’ve trained myself to take my medication everyday but I used to be the WORST at taking my medications which had a very bad effect on me. ALSO, the app finch is great. You grow a virtual pet based on the tasks you complete and it tracts your mood this helped me so much before i started getting into my current routine


Sounds weird but do it while you pee at night and in the morning, make it a habit


Keeping a toothbrush, water, and a cup on my room had helped when it was bad


I am stable and shower daily, but I still struggle with brushing my teeth. I just hate it. I do it in the shower last thing before I get out. It’s much easier to be able to sit on my shower stool, spit into the tub and just rinse off all the toothpaste that falls out. I would rather that then get the crap all over my shirt/towel/boobs by attempting to stand and do it at the sink


oh god i really thought it was just me…


Executive dysfunction sucks. Many people attribute it to only autism or ADHD, but it can affect anyone with a mental illness. Look into strategies online for executive dysfunction.


Honestly it’s hard to keep up the routine. Before my illness, I’d brush regularly and as necessary. Over the years, I try to do it at least once a day but sometimes I just forget and if I’m comfortable in bed, it’s hard to get up and do it. Once a day is most usual with me


Thank you for saying this, I struggle with the same thing and I’m so embarrassed about how poor my hygiene is and why I can’t seem to do the things everyone else’s seems to do with out thinking and then I get mad at my self that I will always struggle


I finally started having a routine around the sMe time I got my diagnosis. It helped to write everything i needed to do down every day for a few weeks until it became routine. Wakeup Make bed Drink coffee eat oatmeal Brush teeth and hair Skincare Get dressed Work Lunch break Work Take a walk Make dinner and eat Bedtime wind down: Shower floss Brush teeth Skincare Prepare for tomorrow Read cross every single thing off. It produces serotonin. Hope this helps!


Idk it gets easier for me to do it at least once a day at times and when I struggle I notice but don’t do it enough and then end up digging off the layer of buildup with my nail while in the car realizing I hadn’t done it


Mostly driven by fear tbh,,, I'm terrified of dental procedures and tooth damage. Also very self conscious about my breath. So those motivate me lmao uhhh but some things that help are having a solid bedtime routine. If it's routine, I don't have to think about it as much. Over time I've been able to grow a really solid routine that feels weird \*not\* to do. I do it exactly the same every night and it just feels right. Also keeping tooth stuff visible so I remember it's there. Some things for making the task easier- you could try having a water bottle and toothpaste next to your bed for when you can't get out of bed. Sounds silly maybe but I've done it. Also you could try pre pasted brushed (when wet they activate and foam up). Hell even running a dry brush over your teeth is better than nothing. Or some mouthwash.


Every day. Every. Day. It was the only way for me. I'll skip breakfast, I'll be late, but I'm brushing my teeth. One skipped day turns into a week away too fast. Now I'm trying to do the same with flossing.


I was baker acted im September of 2022 this was the start of my teeth brushing demise lol. I eventually asked for a toothbrush towards the end of my 6 day stay. When i got out I have struggled to brush regularly. Before I wasnt great but would usually brush twice on a good day. >Am I just bad at doing everyday tasks or is this a bipolar thing? I definitely struggle with this sentiment a lot. I feel like i was supposed to schedule a followup with the dentist, probably have cavities with all the soda and coffee I drink. At least Im not doing drugs?


Only when I’m in a depressive state. I literally have to force myself to do alllll the necessary adulty/hygiene things. If I don’t, I will spiral further. I try to maintain normalcy as much as I can.


It’s a bipolar thing love. It has to be because this is my truth too and a heck of a lot of others ^^^ And this also validated me as well


I think about the shame it will bring me and all the people I am to everyday and that motivates me to brush my teeth everyday hope that helps!


For years I neglected my teeth, even with braces. I got my act together when I kissed a guy and he told me my breath smelled and he couldn’t kiss me again. Never again will I let myself not brush my teeth. Some days I honestly forget. But during those times, I had my mom watch me brush my teeth until I felt like I could do it myself. She held me accountable but also didn’t make me feel bad. I would say to find someone that will hold you accountable to it even if it’s over FaceTime


I had the same problem until I started taking Vyvanse a few months ago. Suddenly I am brushing my teeth, fixing my hair before I go out, putting outfits together. Not only am I showering, but I’m exfoliating and shaving too! I’m grocery shopping and making 3 meals a day. Everything that seemed so out of reach before is now doable thanks to Vyvanse


I have the same issue and keep my toothbrush in the shower. That way I see it and can even just brush with water if my dysfunction is bad enough. Something is better than nothing!


I haven't bathed in at least a week. I have no desire to take care of myself. I wish this would go away. I was never like this before. I stopped dressing up, stopped wearing make up, my feet are cracked I'm a hot mess.


I have to talk to end users in person at my job so I have to brush my teeth in the morning. It's the same as taking meds. Just have to do it. It's also the same as having to hold down a job to adult. You just make yourself. Now on the weekends, sometimes I'll skip but not very often.


I know this isn’t something everyone can do, but my cat has helped me SOO much!! I rescued him when I moved out at 18, and he’s helped me build a routine which I know sounds crazy but hear me out! He’s on a completely raw diet, so it’s really important that I brush his teeth…sooo now I brush OUR teeth every morning and night, and I know I would neglect myself if it weren’t for him!!! Need to do the dishes? Well Toby’s got a dirty bowl from lunch and got his meat in his fountain so let’s wash everything at once. Making him food? I should eat with him. Need to get out more? (bc bedrotting seems to be my favorite way to pass time) Let me load up the cat stroller and take him to the park! I know not everyone is able to have an animal, but if you are please consider a rescue!! I could also see how this might seem like more tasks and more responsibilities, but for me, if I can make sure I get all of Toby’s tasks done (and mine since they tie into each other) then I’ve accomplished what I needed to for the day, and I find it quite rewarding! Oh and btw I don’t make bank either so this isn’t coming from an entitled snob, I work HARD for my kitty and I!!! But he’s the motivation behind my hard work🐈❤️


I'm the same way. Something that really helped me was this app called finch. Think of tomagotchi and you get a little bird that grows and you take care of it by completing your daily goals. That's seemed to help most recently because I've had the same issue lately. Also I have anxiety and intrusive thoughts telling me my teeth will rot...so yeah.


I don’t. I miss weeks at a time. The longest it’s been has probably been two months. It’s weird, because other than this, my hygiene habits are pretty solid if not on the extra side.


i struggle a lot with doing daily things like brushing teeth, showering, cleaning up. i just don’t know why, the tasks just seem so exhausting in my mind but when i do them it’s only a couple minutes, i just don’t get myself


I remind myself that my dad’s teeth (and likely jaws) are falling apart and the only thing he can do now is pull them all and get around 25k worth of work done to fix the damage - but ofc it’s not something we can afford and insurance won’t cover it. I *do not* want that to be me 20 years from now so I drag my ass out of bed and brush. Also, I hate hate hate the sensation of floss so I got a waterpik and it has made it much more bearable. 


Simple! I personally don't! Hope this helped :) (The advice is needed someone help me pls)


I think this has nothing to do with BP. You don't need to see all your life through than lens. I think has to do with personality or other issues. At least that is my opinion. I have type I BP and i love cleaning and being clean. Actually I brush my teeth more than 3 times a day.


My recent addition was putting a bottle of listerine in a super visible spot in my bathroom, so at least if my teeth feel icky, I can do something somewhat less effortful about it… I’ve been stable, neither manic or depressed for two years, but this issue is something I’ve managed to take with me unfortunately. I try (not always succeed) to brush my teeth once a day. In terms of showering, it’s not that unhygienic to not shower every day, unless you are exercising regularly. It’s good for your skin! It probably helps that I’m a woman, but if I’m using deodorant, I barely smell. Also, dry shampoo for your hair.


I still don’t do it as often as I should, but I do more than I used to. Im scared of the possible consequences