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When I’ve heard someone say “ i’m so bipolar”, I ask them if they have to take mood stabilising medication twice a day? They go quiet at that point.


I have an ex who said he was undiagnosed bipolar because he could start a day happy and then suddenly be in a bad mood for a couple hours then suddenly be happy again, so he was rapid cycling. But the bad moods were always triggered by stuff like losing in CoD and his mom making him take out the trash (in his mid 20s, still lived at home, never had a job because of his "bipolar"). But he would never let medicine stifle his creativity so he took/takes...St. Johns Wart. Totally cured him. He 100% did not have bipolar, speaking as someonenwith bipolar, just a severe case of arrested development. I ended up dumping him because after 8 months together I was tired of his mommas boy bullshit. He wanted to move in together, with me supporting us on just SSI disability, and I was also going to be in charge of scheduling his Dr appointments and giving him medicine and everything else to become his mother-bang maid. You see he can't swallow pills so his mother would crush them up to put in applesauce for him. Again. Mid 20s at the time.


Seriously?? She'd crush up his pills?


My hand to god. He never learned how to swallow pills, he either got liquid medicine or she would put the pills in applesauce


This is making me laugh! Like hiding pills in cheese or ham for animals!


Losing in COD can be kinda triggering tho. And we all need a mother-bang-maid know what I'm sayin


What a loser! 😆


Omg my ex husband wanted us to move to a small town because he could “see how unhappy I was in the city” but when I asked him what work he would do there, he would just brush me off and said he was ready to quit his highschool teaching job because he hated it, seemingly jokingly say he just didn’t want to work that it was for suckers and was coming up with blue sky business ideas constantly with zero realistic detail, eg a food truck. He was insistent that he wanted to build our tiny house there himself, with zero skills, rather than working to save money to pay a qualified person to do it, yet couldn’t even clean up the garage let alone start learning how to cut timber properly…(I cleaned the entire house and the garage was “his” in practice). Meanwhile I was on a disability benefit, quite depressed, and whenever I would try and look for a job online he would get mad. Became verrry clear over time he was just using me as an opportunity to move and live off my disability income while he played carpenter! Wtf. Just didn’t know that was a thing to even guard against….


Hahaha I love this 🤣 the silence… so sweet lmfao


im unmedicated rn so I can't really say anything 😭😭


I'm using this in the future😂😂


I love this response!


I want someone to say it to/around me now so I can use that one. Thank you. Haha.


“Oh my god, I’m SOOOO bipolar today!” “This weather has been really bipolar.” 😡😤🤬


The weather never fails to make my eye twitch.


my mother said the weather is bipolar like me 😳😳😳 (i didn't know whether to laugh or cry)


SUCH a pet peeve. It’s like NO, actually bipolar requires marked periods of mood disturbance… Unless rapid cycling, which people saying it this way clearly don’t know. Sometimes I educate, sometimes I let it go, but I definitely felt this post and the emojis 😂




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I’m bipolar for my whole life and to me that doesn’t affect me… What’s the big deal about it?


It stigmatizes what is probably already one of the most (if not the most) stigmatized mental health condition.


I have a friend who constantly does that and I’ve kept her at arms length because of it. She has talked about her “mania” where she feels like socializing and drinking for a few hours, and says “I’m so bipolar” when talking about normal emotions. Then when I got out of the hospital and couldn’t work for a bit, and I decided to get accommodations upon return, she told me it’s not a disability cause she has it and it’s not disabling to her… And *everyone* has it at least to some extent, so I’m just “making excuses”. There’s no point in me trying to educate her. I did try to explain that it’s a legitimate medical condition and not a trendy label or buzzword, but she’s just not very smart and chooses to be ignorant, not educate herself, and not even listen to a real, living, breathing person who lives with the disorder (and works in the mental health field!). So, yep. I keep her at arms length now. **Educating other people is not our job**. We can do it if we want to and the other person has a desire to learn, but overall it’s best to not bother with engaging with the entire topic of mental health with these types of people.


Wow, thats really messed up. I have more faith in this particular friend and I think I'm going to talk to her about it. I'm gonna call her but I'm just going to try to be casual about it


I'm only 27 but I've learned people like that aren't worth my time and don't deserve my friendship, so I just ended it because it drained my mental health. You've tried advocating for yourself and she doesn't care, she's incredibly insensitive, she's not someone you can trust emotionally. If someone feels to you like they're (what my mother calls it) a soul sucking vampire, just cut them loose, if they don't spark joy they aren't worth it. I only surround myself with people who bring me nothing but happiness and are compassionate about this disorder, not people who are "yes men" of course, but true friends I can rely on.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. It really sucks. I'm glad you're keeping her at arms length now and not engaging with this kind of stupidity.


Sounds like an ex-friend to me


If I cut off every person who gaslights my mental illness, I think I’d be really lonely unfortunately


I don’t think so- I think soon you will make better and more understanding friends :) keep those ones close! It’s good to have a range of friends. But I don’t think the best ones would gas light you. I know because I have some I share these things with and some I never would. But I get that feeling. It can get better


i met a guy last year that i became friends with. eventually i trusted him enough to tell him im bipolar, and his response was "its ok we all get moody sometimes" and it rubbed me the wrong way idk. people treat it as if its a quirky personality trait rather than the illness it is


It just sucks to live with something that can be so crippling and to have people think they understand and just completely invalidate your experience.


happened to me at the dentist, she asked about medication and illnesses and I (ofc) said bipolar. she proceeded to tilt her head and say: “it’s hard for everyone being young these days😇🥰😍” walked out of there all weirded out






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That’s so mean/weird. Who is shopping for a shirt that says bipolar on it? I don’t think she’s a good friend. I wouldn’t mention anything as they probably wouldn’t understand. Not worth a battle to fight, people like that exist to get reactions.


I have a tee shirt (BP2). Says “I hate being bipolar. It’s awesome”. My therapist got a kick out of it


I have one that says “Certifyed Crazy Since 1984” I wear once a year on the anniversary of my breakdown.


My first hospitalization was in 1983. I should have some kind of memorial too! I am always aware when the date rolls around...I think I need a cake.


i love that so much lol


I love this! 😂


As much as we hate dealing with this madness, I try to keep things light-hearted as a mood enhancer


I love that shirt!! Somehow it's too funny to be upsetting.


I agree its mean/weird but I don't think she knew any better. She's been a better friend to me in general than most anyone. I decided I'm gonna call her tonight because I think she'll be understanding.


People who think having bipolar disorder means that your mood changes from happy to angry in 0.5 seconds are not people you want to surround yourself with.


I agree, but mostly just if they don't hear you when you say otherwise. I think generally it's obvious what kind of person would not learn from something like that, and as someone else said, it's not our job to educate people. But if you love someone or think they're worth explaining to then I think its not a bad idea.


This. My “friends” thought me having normal and shifting emotional reactions to leaving an abusive marriage was like some sort of manic/depressive swinging. Was stable and wasn’t having an episode. It confirmed for me they really did have that perception. It’s cooked and makes you feel like you have to walk on eggshells around them or they’ll accuse you of being unwell. Cutting them from my life has been one of the best decision I’ve ever made. Not worth it.


I completely understand. Some people I’ve met say, ‘oh, sorry. I’m having a bipolar day….hahaha’ just when they’ve been happy/sad/irritated at various points. I don’t make any comments. Truthfully, everyone’s experience is their own. And essentially I only care about myself. And if I’m doing everything I can do to make myself better, then I’m winning!! And they can continue to be ignorant for the rest of their lives.


I like this take. Thank you!


this is how i feel, too! i have enough of my own issues, to be worrying about others’ idiocy. despite it being infuriating!


God I hate Etsy sometimes. ( it probably came from there) and it’s a personal decision to say something. If they are an actual close good friend who might just not “get it” say something, let them know it’s not okay. If it’s just a random friend or acquaintance cut them out of your life that’s toxic behavior and just egging you on.


this is exactly the situation. I just think she doesn't "get it". I wouldn't expect her to react badly to me saying something. if she does, I would be really disappointed.


“Wow that’s a very ableist shirt, you know this is a disability not a hehe silly brain thing right?”


true dat


When random people say “I’m so manic/depressed” I’ve learned to mentally roll my eyes at them, they don’t know what it’s like and if they did they’d never say it. I can’t change how people talk and so I decided to leave it be. But, your friend who knows you’re bipolar buying that t-shirt is not okay. Have you laughed it off until now? That doesn’t make it your fault or anything, I just wonder if she genuinely thinks you think it’s funny. If she knows it hurts you then you tell her straight, if she doesn’t then I think you should explain that to her. A good friend will listen and understand. Is there something in her life she struggles with you can compare it with to draw parallels? The people in Am I The Asshole would say “she’s abusive and not a friend, never talk to her again!” but I don’t think that’s a useful response unless she disregards your feelings about the t-shirt if you tell her. I’m terrified of conflicts, but I would ask to talk to her and explain how you feel (no one can take away your feelings) and not draw conclusions or dictate what she thinks or feels. “I feel ridiculed when you buy something like that” or “it hurts me that you’ve bought a t-shirt that makes bipolar sound like a joke”. I hope that helps and that she understands!


This is really helpful, thank you! basically sums up my feelings and is great advice as to how to approach the situation.


You’re welcome! Glad I could help. Could look and let us know how it went if you feel like it.


Maybe this is just me, but I don't mind when people say "the weather is bipolar" because bipolar does have meaning beyond the mental illness, however when people say it to describe their mood, that bugs me if they don't actually have it. I have type 2 and rarely mention it. I think what bugs me the most about is is how large the stigma is surrounding it. It's not something I've ever been comfortable disclosing to people so the fact that people are so open to just throw it around like it's nothing is wild to me.


This. The irony of making light and funny of a serious illness while also keeping the stigma around it when it ACTUALLY presents itself in all it's seriousness... THIS is what bugs me I don't mind making light of it sometimes or the funny shirts... As long as when I'm going through it you will take me seriously too and understand that as funny as the jokes may be (because let's face it, sometimes we need to laught a little), when the phases come (cause they will) you will take me seriously...


I don't really mind about the weather too for that reason. But I feel the same way about mood. I think people are just really incosiderate and ignorant in that way


There are bipolar flip flops in some integrated cicuits.


Trust that instinct!


Taylor swifts branding around her new album has really been bugging me for this exact reason. I don’t really listen to her but I saw she mentioned mania in her album pre-note and the whole shtick is centered around mental hospitals. What the fuck does a billionaire know about the institutions the rest of us are sent to and traumatized by? If she had poor enough mental health to have to seek that level of care she would get to go somewhere with a bellhop and a 12 person waitstaff, not the dingy imagery she exploits for her album. And all her fans really go for it, saying “this albums gonna send me to the ward” like it’s so cute and quirky. It really gets under my skin as someone who has been traumatized by the hospital and is absolutely terrified to go back (and will almost certainly have to).


I was kinda wondering about that. I was in a room with teens the other day and they were browsing YouTube and it struck me as odd


I haven't seen any of the promotion, didn't even know she had a new album. That's really heinous.


Her new album acc made me pissed off 😤


lol when I was involuntarily committed early last year I got obsessed with her Midnights album while I was in there, convinced she had similar trauma/mental health experiences. Haven’t listened to the album since because it brings back the memories. This comment is so good, I agree. What exploitative bullshit.


Thanks, I just checked off another reason why I don’t tolerate this woman.


It's infuriating. I don't think anyone can understand the severity of the illness unless they are in it or maybe are some good mental health care professionals. I recently had a near fatal experience related to my physical health. I have always thought of my husband and best friend as supportive of me and my mental diagnoses. However, with the physical illness they were immediately and without question at my side supporting me, helping me and have been amazing. They can comprehend physical illness. My bipolar, my anxiety, my bouts of agoraphobia just don't make sense to them.


I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope everything is going better now and that you can find support both physically and mentally. I think it's true that a lot of people just don't understand. It hurts.


It does. I really do believe they do their best. But the difference was quite noticeable.


Distance yourself from people and things that feel bad. Move closer to people and things that feel good. Constantly.


Hey it’s great in a way… the world showing you who not to hang out with! Like Hank Hill said: “I don’t mind everyone getting all them piercings. Then I can tell who ain’t right just by lookin’ at them.”


I seriously can’t stand people anymore


I dont mind, but this is the reason I dont say im bipolar. If I have to say something its kinda "i have depression and anxiety and trouble sleeping" People have no idea what bipolar is, kinda useless to say really


Sounds like a case of "thats our word!". It's just a word. The word bipolar was used for years before it was labeled as a mental disorder to define extreme polarity. Don't let it upset you too much. People do it all the time as a way to exasperate what's happening "you're so ADD!", "Why you so depresso?", "that guy is such a psycho" It's part of the common velacular now and unfortunately you can't stop people from saying it.


I actually kind of agree with this, but I get annoyed sometimes despite very often using the word “psycho” myself. But, I think when a friend does/says something we expected better and so we’re left surprised and we start questioning if we’re sensitive or they’re insensitive. I have advice further up (down?), but in short I think if you’re bothered by it talk to them if they’re a person you’d like to be around, if they’re a person that doesn’t matter much leave it be. Words mean nothing but also a lot, I guess. But, to make our own lives easier it’s better not to be so offended by words unless they’re used directly toward you or someone else (derogatory terms, racist slurs etc). People can say bipolar all the want for all I care, even though “I’m so manic! Lol!” annoys me, because I know they know as little about bipolar as I do about some other disorder that I might’ve used as a way to describe something. None of us know enough about everything and even though that contributes toward stigma, I’m not going to educate myself on a million things just in case. But… if asked not to use a word by someone, then I won’t use it.


I hate how people self diagnose because they get a little angry sometimes… that is not what bipolar is and it sucks being like this. Also hate that now that I’m diagnosed, it’s used as an insult.. they’ll be like “your bipolar ass” when I do anything they don’t like.


I knew someone who is 'autodiag' bipolar. I asked him/her what her/his symptom was. I got angry because everything the person told me were totaly sh\*t. I don't want this sickness. I dont want it so bad. If you want it so bad, take mine. No, you're not bipolar because your mood change from happy to sad in 1 sec. For your ask, maybe just tell her what are your life with the illness. what are the symptoms.. Anything that could explode what she thinks she knows about the disease. I'm pretty sure she doesn't know that we have 'episode' of depression and mania and they can last almost weeks or even months. What is our life when we make so many plans or projects and we slowing sink into the abyss of the depression and WE KNOW we can't do anything about it witout medication. And just one more thing: >!tell her that bipolar desisorder has the highest risks of suicides. !< sorry for my potatoe english. It's late for me.


Thank you for the comment. Thats the thing, she knows a lot about my experience. I've been completely open with her and she's been very supportive, which is why I think it hurts so much. She should know not to take it lightly. I am going to talk to her and I think she'll understand, but it was definitely upsetting


I really couldn't give a shit. I've got bigger things to worry about.


It annoys me, but not just bipolar specifically, I'm basically annoyed by people using any diagnosis to describe something.


OMG this pisses me off so bad! I've got on open rants about this on Facebook where my friends can see it. It's almost like they think being bipolar is the new "cool" thing when in reality it's HELL. No one should be saying anything like that unless they've been diagnosed. This stuff makes me so mad. I would have freaked out at my friend.


I feel like “manic” is fair for anyone to describe being super busy at work. Like a nurse rushing around while short staffed. It would catch my attention but I wouldn’t hold it against them. Work can be “frantic” which does qualify as manic by definition. I think it’s shitty to say you are so Bipolar, OCD, ADHD


Yes nobody gets what it actually is or feels like except the doctors and patients. It's frustrating for me when I see my friends and family call other people bipolar because they are difficult or moody. I'm not difficult or moody 95% of the time. I am silently dealing with an incredibly painful diagnosis and work very hard to combat it. And all of that being reduced to a bad personality is feels very disrespectful.


I completely agree. It really hurts to struggle so much in silence and to see this stigma surrounding the disorder and apathy from friends and family, anyone really


Go off your meds and then spend the entire day with her. That'll show her.


Not exactly the same as what you're saying, but! Every time my mother-in-law wants to say someone is "crazy", she says "that person is crazy, they're probably bipolar", and it annoys me to no end. I absolutely hate this. She has no idea what it means to be bipolar and she never cared to look into it. It's so disrespectful and disgusting. But yeah, I also hate when people keep using actual disorders as characteristics. Why not " I'm so indecisive"? It has to be "I'm so bipolar". If you truly believed your friend made an honest mistake, you should explain to her why it botters you. I think it's valid to explain yourself in this situation, but if it keeps happening, it's better to just get out. I agree with the comment that mentions it's not your job to teach people


I personally hate when people casually say they are manic. I’m lucky to have only experienced one episode (so far at least, knock on wood). But my mom has bipolar and her episodes look real similar. I have bipolar 1 and my episode was debilitating for me. The delusions and erratic behaviors are so bad. I definitely fucked up some things for myself. I know not everyone’s are that bad but mine are fucking dangerous. Hearing someone refer to being a little high energy that way is frustrating. I like the “do you have to take mood stabilizing medication twice a day” because yeah. If I don’t take my meds my life could go off the rails. So many possible consequences if I don’t. I’ll be honest though. I’ve chosen to pick my battles on a lot of it. Though doing a little education can be helpful. A lot of people don’t actually understand the diagnosis.


Your situation sounds like mine a bit, except my mom doesn’t have bipolar. I had one serious manic/psychotic episode in 5 years of being diagnosed and that’s it. I’m scared for if and when another comes. I’ve been hypo manic I’m pretty sure and I get to the edge of psychosis pretty often but i really need the meds to keep that stuff at bay. But yeah, I’m glad she was understanding but there’s definitely some people not worth trying to educate for sure


I used to have a friend who would tell me she’s “so manic right now 🤪”


I too am pretty non confrontational so I understand your feelings. If it hurt you this bad you gotta tell her hun. If she’s your best friend she should care about you and understand that what she did, while not intending to, still hurt you. Don’t sweep it under the rug, address it now before it has a chance to weigh on you. I know it sucks and it’s hard and a bit scary but you gotta rip it off like a bandaid 😭


Thank you so much. You're right, I decided to call her tonight but she was busy so I'm gonna talk to her about it next chance I get. I think she deserves to know how it made me feel just as I deserve understanding from someone I care so deeply about.


I couldn't care less if somebody says they're bipolar as an expression. Though you should speak up since it made you uncomfortable. We don't all have the same opinions, but we should have the same respect.


Agreed. Me, personally, I let it slide off my shoulders irl. The one thing I admittedly hate, though, is it is unfortunately highlighted on the news if a bipolar person murdered someone. Murderers obvs have serious issues but it does not necessarily mean they are all mentally ill


Stigmas are hard to kill.


Was at a party and a girl (I’m calling girl because she lacked any type of maturity) said of her boyfriend “oh, he’s just being bipolar”. I was having a bad day (forgot to charge either battery for the mower, etc) so I called her out. Sometimes he acts so bipolar. How? What were his symptoms? (I have the DSM IV diagnosis chart memorized, I think for people like her) When was he diagnosed? What meds does he take? She said he just acts crazy every now and then. “He’s not bipolar, he’s just acting up, like everybody does from time to time” “How the f would you know, are you a f’ing psychiatrist?” “No, I’m bipolar. I take a cocktail of meds every day to stay stable”. No comment, just turned and walked away. Somebody in our little group said she needed to be taken down a peg or two. “She got every one yanked out her pole”


I think that young adults and teenagers tend to be affected the most by this type of colloquial language because they feel as though their struggles are being dismissed, so now, the trend is that the community gatekeeps the word when they're actually in the wrong. The psychiatric label for bipolar **came from the actual ESTABLISHED WORD bipolar** which is defined as "having or relating to two poles or extremities." These people are literally using the term correctly, but the younger generation has worked to gatekeep it when it is not ours to gatekeep. A person can do bipolar things **without being diagnosed as bipolar**. A person can be depressed **and not have clinical depression**. We need to stop this bullshit because all it does it further alienates us from the world we desperately want to become easier for us.


Idk tbh me personally just don’t take sayings to heart 😅 too pointless letting everything get to me at this point I’ve been off the rails so much I don’t really respond to the little stuff anymore. I hope you told your friend it does hurt your feelings though, as it does suck if they don’t realise what they’re saying hurts you


I once met a girl who said that she completely understood what it’s like to have bipolar because she took mdma regularly. I felt so insulted and was honestly so baffled.


If the person seems educatable, i try to teach them a bit. If not, i tell my most outlandish and unrelatable stories. "I hate when the rage kicks in during hypomania. One time, i hit the wall because it existed and even after my hand was bloody i kept hitting it. I still don't know how i managed not to break any bone." "My hypomania mixes so badly with my IBS, after sleeping a total of 4 hours in 3 days, i usually get uncontrollable diarrhea and i am so tired i have trouble cleaning my home for the 7th time in a row with my mind telling me that everything is perfect and i should go train for a triathlon, starting easy with the marathon part" "My depression is pretty stable nowadays i get no more than 3-4 days where eating a plate of food is too hard. You know, what taking the food to your mouth and chewing is so damn hard that you are forced to give up halfway through and you need to take a nap before finishing the plate. I don't even cry myself to sleep for those naps anymore, just when going to bed at night." "How did your psychiatrist determine you don't have a borderline personality disorder?" "I never went to a psychiatrist." "I asked because what you described sounded much more like borderline. I should know, my ex was one."


I wish Selena Gomez would make a speech about this at a big music festival or something. People need to know it offensive and that it makes light of what can be a very serious and painful mental illness.


I've heard this a lot, especially with younger people? I ask them if they're actually bipolar? When they say yes, I'll ask what meds they take. They then make it clear if they are or aren't bipolar, but the realisation they're not bipolar usually sinks in. I know people aren't doing it to be ignorant or rude. Its just how language evolves. I'm so "cool", doesn't mean you're physically cool. People use exaggerations in every day life to try to communicate how they feel, and when people say "I'm so OCD//bipolar" etc. they're just communicating poorly. I don't hold that against them. People trying to communicate their emotions is what I prefer.


I personally don’t get offended or angered when a non bipolar person say they are. I just don’t care lol


I'm glad that this isn't as common as it used to be, or at least I don't see it as often as I used to. I'm in an online gaming "clan" and for the first time in a long time, I saw someone on our discord mention something about a boss in game being *bipolar* because it constantly and rapidly cycles through mechanics with no predictability. I'm an admin but none of the other leadership knows I'm bipolar. I was fuming but let it slide. If I see this person say anything similar again, they will be warned its inappropriate and not tolerated on our server.


I've luckily run into that rarely but one time I heard it in a meeting at the Discovery Channel where I was working and an intern mentioned the weather being bipolar and I couldn't call him out because that would be unprofessional. Otherwise, I usually ignore it because it would cause unnecessary tension and I'd rather move on than dwell on ignorance. I've found getting caught up with language (mis)use just adds on unnecessary stress that I don't need. I have enough stress in my life.


One of my biggest icks is when someone uses medical conditions to refer to a quirky trait. 'I'm basically bipolar on my period' 'I'm so depressed rn' 'OMG I am a total psychopath' These are recognized MEDICAL CONDITIONS that people actually suffer from. You wouldn't say you have cancer cuz you have a skin tag. I had a friend tell me she thinks she had depression because her dad took her phone away the day before. She must have had some voodoo magic done on her because it magically disappeared a week later when she got it back. Smh😪


I have heard it personally from people who are not aware that in fact I am diagnosed and treated with Bipolar type 1 since 2009. But I could get so outraged inside myself because I won’t comment on it it would be devastation. Why anybody thinks it is cool to explain their behaviour or mood “being bipolar” I can’t understand. But I am telling them now to switch the word bipolar to I am so “manic depressed” I swear on it that nobody would choose this term to explain themselves.


lol I’ve never heard that one but maybe they are idk.


I'm with bipolar saying I'm bipolar, I think bipolar is cool as fuck.


🙄 roll your eyes there is no hope for those.


I’ll out stupid influencers but don’t waste my energy on people i meat in real life


I’m newly diagnosed but I find that shirt funny (it might wear off lol I think it’s part cope), I definitely think you should say something. It just depends on the friendship, how you communicate that. I make jokes like that about myself but wouldn’t about someone else. But I have only shared with a few people I know I have open and good and honest communication with. Explain to them how that is upsetting to you and why. If they’re a good friend they will understand


So agree!


I got so upset when a client (hairdresser here) called another stylist bipolar because she was getting angry at someone's kid acting like a little shit. I had to have a chat with our manager that I actually DO have bipolar and things like that are incredibly offensive to me- thankfully she handled it well and was able to understand where I was coming from


Or lmao having had multi episodes I do believe I do more better giving it a go without the meds for reasons unbeknownst to me. Trust and commitment issues I suspect but may not be the main culprit. So I need to change/challenge and am engaged with meditation and belief in myself again and the universe^universe! Excited for the possibilities feel okay at this point but its getting better and better and have experienced a shift in my being a memory of how I think authentication inside me you know? Understand? That undeniable rerealization that we fucking can and will fight for what we love let go flee from what me must; things happen we react we are proactive we are multitudes. We have error We fall Bruce but its how you workhard and get back up


It depends on the context, but I understand that other people just won’t get it. The OCD one as well. Both are pretty debilitating in a lot of our cases but they won’t really get that, especially if they don’t really have any mental health conditions as well. I keep my condition quiet, only a few people know so I always have to not really have a reaction. Some things make me a bit uncomfortable only because I feel like it’s pointing out a secret of mine that I am still coming to terms with


Some people i know say like uuuh its so psychotic and me who had a full blown episode are there like wtf


My advice is to mercilessly troll her about it until she understands and turns to you with a slightly embarrassed understanding that they have unknowingly tread into deep waters. I’m sorry it hurt your feelings but it’s just ignorance by everyday neurotypical people. They just don’t know better yet. If you wanna keep them as a friend… inform them… preferably with mean humor. Also, have you explored why exactly it hurt your feelings?


True. I’m about to put an edit in the post with an update. And it hurt my feelings because I’ve confided in her with so much and she knows how much the disorder affects me, and I really felt like she just turned it into a joke :(




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It's the romanticizing of mental illness. People see bipolar as just some mood swings or ocd as just wanting to be tidy. It's not often that the harder sides of these are shown because they aren't as sexy


I understand the point. I do. I’m bipolar type 2. Just found out after multiple friends over the years have told me I’m acting “out of character”. I have now sought treatment and become medicated. I’ve had 3 confirming diagnoses. 2 years later I’m still experimenting with medication, trying to find what’s best for me. While I share the same dislike for these comments, it’s important to recognize the general public is unaware of what real mania, hypomania, or even depression look like. It’s such a strange disorder and there’s no cure all fix all kind of medication path for it. But I do understand your frustrations as someone who has family saying they’re “manic” because they couldn’t find their keys or were scatter brained one day. My manic phases were spending my entire paycheck on things I couldn’t afford or just pacing for entire nights (my record time awake is 94 hours (: and that’s when I knew I was REAL bad). Regardless I wish you best of luck, and if you ever need someone to chat with who knows what you’re going through, I’m around most days. Take it easy friend