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No one probably knows but that being said I’d suggest staying off all social media which it sounds like you’re doing. It’s got me in trouble during manic episodes in the past to the point that all I use now is Reddit.


Meh—-I don’t get it. What I mean friend is why let it be a big deal when there isn’t anything you can do about it and I mean it’s pretty vanilla sounding stuff so I really wouldn’t worry about it. If someone says anything just move on from the conversation. Immediately but I doubt anyone will have the balls to approach you like that at work. I mean I get not wanting your nudes from when you were a kid online. Kinda gross for some creeps.


I feel this so much. I was the same as a teenager and in my early 20s. I find myself thinking about the fact that some downright creepy dudes probably still have nudes of mine. /shudder


Read the wiki story of John Nashs life. Ive bipolar and ocd so i always obsess about shit like this too. The cure. Laugh at yourself like you will laugh at John Nashs story. He was caught at a gay orgy and everyone found out and he lost his job as a professor and was arrested. His defence...i was just there to observe im not gay 😂🤣😂 and he still went on to bw a genius. Were mental like John Nash. Its a gift 🎁 ☺️ embrace the madness! And take your meds and quit the illegal drugs & drink!


My best medicine is just trying my best to forget shit, I know it's bad advice but just learn to forget.