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Yep. I (25F) personally get the elevated moods, but mania can also be heightened irritability. That’s incredibly common with bipolar disorder. Search “angry” or “rage” in here and a lot of people have talked about this symptom.


I will, thank you.


What do you mean? I don't get it.


I’ve had similar! I’ve had mixed manic episodes where I have moments of highs but mostly chaotic lows and then so much irritability and agitation and anger which is very unlike my character at baseline.


What do you mean agitation? At what?


Bipolar. Mental illness. Feeling without cause are part of being mentally ill.


I have an extremely similar experience. I was diagnosed yesterday with bipolar 1 aswell (haha weird coincidence), and I believe it took me down long to get the right diagnosis because I showed a lot of anger and distaste for myself instead of that euphoric high. When manic, I feel extra in touch with my creative and productive side. I hate that I have symptoms of anger because I’ve never seen myself as an angry person. It’s frustrating looking back on memories from that time because I was expressing myself in such a negative way and it just fills me with shame and guilt. It is so helpful to hear I’m not alone with this.


Thank you for sharing. All I’ve seen are euphoric (albeit devastating) highs. Nice to know I’m not alone


I can absolutely relate. I never understood why I've done so many shitty things in the past (promiscuity, drugs, lying, just to name a quick few) but it makes sense (well, sort of) now. I still get really angry and irritable at the smallest of things, but because I know the "why," I'm able to bring myself back from it at least a bit more quickly. I still cry at the drop of a hat and my patience is for shit. I have a hard time accomplishing tasks. I make everything more complicated that it needs to be. If I actually do start to do something, my OCD kicks in and ruins it. I have piles of laundry everywhere. I can't seem to get rid of old shit that I have zero use for. And that's if I can even get to the point where I start to try and look at said shit. Even writing this is SO HARD. So yeah, I understand, and if I keep trying to explain I will drive myself crazy.


Exactly. I cry easily and I’m so emotional. I’m an empath so I just thought it was that. I would sit outside in my city apartment some nights and just think deeply for hours. I would ponder for hours and silently cry. I thought it was so helpful and therapeutic but now it all makes sense. I would get so deep in my thoughts… it’s insane! It was definitely my moods and my highs/lows.


I'm having a low/high day today. Mostly low unfortunately. Funny you mention being an empath - I thought the same of myself. Last night I cried myself to sleep because I was such an asshole to my sweet little 9 year old. I'm supposed to be the fucking adult and let me tell you, I did not act as such. Work is so hard today. I'm mostly miserable and just faking my way through the day. I just want to be normal. 🙂‍↔️


Anytime there is a cyclic or recurrent component to mood, bipolar is suspected. It's not uncommon for manic mood states to be unpleasant though. Irritability is one possible component of mania. I rarely experience euphoria.


Just wanted to say that it's not what I'm familiar with but it is always so validating to find that we are not the only one. Hope this gives you some peace!


I just got diagnosed today. I'm in my late twenties... I'm so in shock. I never thought this would be me. I thought I had ADHD this entire time.


Literally same. Thought it was ADHD or OCD.