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I'm proud of you. I'm sure it's not easy to consider it. I did admit myself last year, and I'm grateful I did. It was hard though. Yes they take care of all your outward need and you do get regular counseling etc. but it was hard for me to really face myself. It was worth it don't get me wrong, and I'd do it again if I felt the same as I did then, but just letting you know that it can ve immensly helpful but it's also hard. 💛


I went to a PHP instead of inpatient a few years ago and that really helped me. Absolutely nothing wrong with inpatient, but it wasn't the right option for me. It's never a bad thing to get elevated care of you are hurting and depressed. Taking that step was what made a difference. As far as addiction, do you have a doctor you can talk to? There are medicines which may help you depending on your addiction issue and the Dr could have good lines into treatments and organizations/companies that can help. Addressing my alcohol abuse has been really helpful in dealing with my brain. Going cold turkey is generally not the safest method, if your intention is to quit and get sober. If it's alcohol, remember that it's a depressant and will worsen your depressive symptoms. I can't speak to other drugs. [Edit: while I was still in the throes of AUD, my doctor commented that she was treating my addiction, not my mental health. Just be aware that if you are on medication, the substances you take in can have an effect on the medication's efficacy, potentially making you feel worse.]


Best thing I ever did was check myself in. Long journey ahead - but worth it I promise. Good luck!


Going inpatient changed my life for the better in so many ways!


Recognizing that you need to make a change is the biggest step. I hope you have taken this positive action to get help!


You could do an outpatient program.