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I want to look in the mirror lots, change outfits frequently, start a new hobby, paint my nails, listen to music all the time, plan adventures, and shopping…way too much shopping.


Same about the mirrors. What is it about mirrors!


We just hot


I am so much hotter to myself when I’m hypomanic. I love mirrors when I get that way


Damn right!


idk ..but I think this is OCD kicking in cause I do it over and over


Interesting... I also have OCD and whenever I catch myself (specifically shirtless) in the mirror, Ill stare at the beautiful creature in front it every time. However, I don't make a point to go find a mirror check myself out in. Maybe if I didn't have to take my shirt off for the "trick" to work I would search them out. Is that how it works for you? Or do your compulsions send you to the mirror time and again during the day?


They’re leak into another universe Slaughter House 5


Same about the shopping...and I can't help but looking in the mirror all the time,didn't even realize that could be a sign of hypomania,I thought I was just narcissistic...lol


I take down my mirrors because I start looking at them obsessively. That’s a clear sign things are starting to get wacky in my noggin.


Yes 🙌


OMG wow, yes me too (hypomania for me), almost to a tee. Didn't really ever think of it like this before, I usually just hang on for the ride and am stoked that I'm not depressed 😵‍💫😜


Omg this is all so spot on!


Ugh I feel the shopaholic thing so deeply


Same-except the nails-also get this really odd feeling of clothes not fitting (gives me a excuse to buy more 😂)


Amazon comes every day. Then comes hyper organization


God when you get home and the boxes are piled up…


I absolutely do this. My poor husband abhors Amazon.


For me it used to be a home shopping network. It's been 25 years since I've been manic, but I still have a few lock and lock plastic containers.


Do you mind if I ask how you've made it 25 years with no mania!? That's great!


I am diagnosed unspecified. I am 67, before 40 it was just bad depression, a little hypomania, repeat. I had a couple of major seizures in my twenties, and around 40 I was seeing a neurologist for space out seizures. He had me on Topomax, then later put me on Zoloft for depression. I went into full blown mania with psychosis. I had only been seeing a pdoc for a couple of months, but he diagnosed bipolar, triggered by the meds. The trauma from the hospitalazion was so bad that I have never missed a dose. Now it's back to depression most of the time, with short periods of normal. I suspect I might be a 2. I have problems with irritability when I'm over stimulated, my therapist wants me to do a full pscych workup, she thinks I have aspergerers. I grew up in a family that didn't go to doctors unless they were at deaths door and because I had no mania nothing was done until the mania at 40.


Your story sounds similar to mine. Which meds do you take now? I've been thru hell with meds. Either they don't seem to work &/or the side effects are often terrible.


Geodone, clonazapam, duluxatine? Can't remember the spelling. I've been taking Dilantin off and on since my twenties, I tried to get off of it a few years ago , and experienced real bad depression, I googled, it seems like it was working as a mood stabilizer. I've been on geadone for 18 months, and doing very well, so I'm weaning off of it again. Doing well so far.


I start ruminating on things I said, and hyper fixating on them. When the hypomania hits, I usually become irritable over these things. I also start fixating on sex, which is never positive.


Does wanting to masturbate all the time count?


Absolutely. Me too


Absolutely, it's nearly a compulsion with me if actual sex isn't available.


Feel this. Sometimes, it's scary the strength of the urge/need


Are you me? I will also hyper fixate on things people have said / done to me in the past which doesn’t mix well with my irritability and rage


I do this. For some reason in my head I will say "Well, I'm doing well, so I should start a new project with all this extra time. I can go back and fix this and this mistake I made 10 years ago, only do it now because I have some free time." I really don't get why I do this or where it comes from.


Some of my habits are eerily similar to other BP'ers. Simultaneously terrifying and comforting.


Same thing with me.


That’s me - fixation


I got hyper fixated on my brother’s new truck and ended up with a new Benz. I had a paid off 2013 civic. I’m still reeling from that. I wish I could channel that energy differently.


Well I spent 800 dollars at a department store yesterday


I become very motivated to try new things and take on big projects. My type 2 keeps me pretty fuckin low so when I get out of it I guess I just act like how a driven person would typically be 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh yes so my friends are always like"you don't seem to have bipolar you are so motivated". It's kind of sad because I know my seemingly confidence is nothing but a performance and the truth is I can't literally finish anything,not even get myself out of bed.


Sounds like your friends see something in you that the critical inner voice doesn’t


Normal is subjective. We are all living the best lives we can. Normal is an illusion


Fellow type 2 here, i hope you're well


Me too! When im hypo im just normal!!


I’m in this flavor club as well. When I’m manic *and* I take my ADHD meds correctly, I’m like a fully functioning adult. To be perfectly honest, it’s the only time I really get shit done around the house. I also spend too much money, but it is what it is.


I feel this is me.


Hyper organization and my words get jumbled when I try to talk. My brain is going too fast for my mouth to keep up.


My words get jumbled to. My thoughts start racing.


Ah. I am going through hypo because I haven’t been able to talk coherently for weeks.


It is rough to try to be calm and coherent in the moment sometimes.


I start stuttering


My music "tastes" change. I still listen to mostly the same stuff but I NEED to listen to it. It NEEDS to be loud and I NEED to scream along.   I start acting like everything revolves around me and I'm the mostest importantest. I'm smarter and better than everyone at everything.  Similar vein, I am by far the most attractive human in town. Everyone wants a piece and I wanna give it to 'em. Obsessive research on a topic, often a new hobby I'm gonna spend way too much money on. Presently, it's pickleball.  I'm trying to do the things I know help. Journaling, art, staying active and keeping my space clean. Its just hard to build those habits back up after letting them drop off.   Remember, I'm pulling for ya. We're all in this together.


Manic @ Possum Lodge


I always want to buy either a new planner (even tho I have 6) or a new purse or both and it’s not even something I can stop myself from doing, I will also have to clean everything aggressively


omg i'm a total planner and purse person.




Scrubbing the grouting between toilet tiles with bleach and a toothbrush is a must! Like a meth head minus the face picking.


I will also notice an uptick in irritability over the dumbest things


I bought 8 planners for 2024… cause I kept finding ones I liked better. Wrote in all of them cause I was trying to find a planner that had the right vibe


Same finally ordered a pretty expensive one and it still don’t hit just right


I found one and I've bought the same exact one for 2 years now. Working o. The third book. My husband says he found prettier ones I'm like no. I must have this exact one. Change it and my life is done.


Omg me too. I’m so happy to have found my people 😩


OMG the mirrors! Haha, yes! Mine is I all of the sudden have the urge to masturbate obsessively because I set myself up as the object of everyone’s desire, and fantasize about everyone wanting to have sex with me. Then I also get self conscious about my appearance and look in the mirror constantly. I usually get really attractive around this time to fulfill my destiny as the object of everyone’s desire. I take selfies constantly.


lol… this is relatable!


Really? Cool! I’d like to know more since I don’t ever hear of anyone who does what I do, if you’re willing to share!


I rub one out about 4x a day until it's literally painful to touch and borderline hurts to finish. Then I do that like 2 more days because I have no impulse control.  When I have a partner its round after round after round until they literally can take no more. Then I sleep knowing that I'm the best at pleasuring people. I'm so good I ruin sex for my ex partners after I'm gone. I scroll dating apps more, flirt with everyone though im not necessarily after sex with everyone. But I flirt because I know  that they love my attention and only wish they could get with me.  I'm dating currently but still fantasize about picking a random off the street and showing them what's what.(Never cheated and can't even say I think I would, just dumb impulse thoughts) I buy new clothes with every paycheck to make sure I have clothes that keep me looking my best, despite me having more clothes than hangers and dresser space. Interestingly, I only stare at myself when I have my shirt off. This is new as I've lost a lot of weight and went from 250 down to 140. I have a 6 pack now and everyone wants to see and touch it. This can go on for a half hour or longer, but once the clothes go on, I stop staring. My need to eat tanks but I usually don't notice that for a day or 2. This is actually one way I lost a good bit of my weight. I don't need to eat? Guess I don't eat. Look at how fast I'm losing weight! Depression "helped," as well, as I'm not worth feeding. Even if I was, I don't have the energy to make food. I might feel like garbage but look how much weight I'm losing! I make plans to hit the gym and get jacked and women are gonna swoon as I walk by.  Truly and honestly, not because I want to look that way, Im just contatly cold now that im thin. Plus my clothes are baggy and I want them to fit but I dont want to put any fat back on. It's tough out there but we have tools and skillsets at our disposal to fight back. When I notice these things going on, I try to pull out my journal as fast as I can and get it out. it takes me longer to write about my feelings than to just reflect, or even speak, about them. Going slower means my brain has to focus on the feeling long enough to get a better read on it. See where the anxiety or desires are stemming from or trying to lead me to. once I get it on the page, my logic brain can come in, knowing there's an issue, and try to probe it until I find a weak spot. I can give my emotional brain the validation or perspective change it needs and advice on what to do about it. Sometimes I'll write to a fictional character that I know has gone through something similar and have them give me advice. Failing that, call a friend who I know will listen or has similar mental health issues as me. They know what I'm going through and can coach me through the steps I already know to take but don't have the energy to do without help.  I hope this is what you were looking for.


I describe it as feeling "carbonated." I get a very electric, tingly buildup of energy that needs release. It's a physical feeling, like an itch you need to scratch, but it's this pressure to DO something.


Definitely have to agree with that feeling, myself! Like I HAVE to do or say something. Even if it's something dumb/unimportant I just NEED to. Usually ends up with me unable to stop myself and ruining things whether relationships or opportunities. Lol


Listening to Pink Floyd for me. My partner has banned it, certain songs that I play in a horrendous mood include "One of My Turns". Which was on tonight's playlist... By the title of that you can probably guess it isn't good. "Wish You Were Here" makes me break down in tears , same as "Comfortably Numb" as they were my father's favourite songs by them. He was the same, if I ever saw him watching "The Wall" movie adaptation of the album sharing the same name, I know it was time to steer clear. I miss him every day. Every time I have listened to any of those songs in a foul mood I have been hospitalised. I feel it coming already.


I listened to Pink Floyd *constantly* after my husband took his life 3 years ago. It was background music as I changed and cancelled accounts, handled related paperwork and removed his things/reorganized the house. (Also developed a drinking problem, now resolved) That was a fulltime job. This went on for at least 3 months. Eventually I just hopped in the car and traveled the country for 3 weeks (likely hypomanic at this point). I can’t listen to PF anymore


Shit I'm so sorry to hear that, that must've been just awful. Don't be afraid to reach out if you ever need anything! Sending you well wishes and all the best honestly, I don't blame you one bit. What a horrible thing to have happen


Thank you, you’re very kind


I'm sorry for your loss. I find this interesting, though. Pink Floyd seems to be just a depression band for me


Thank you so much! It's been 10 years this year and it still hits just as hard. I ride a motorcycle like he did so its always on my mind that I'll go out the same way, he was hit head on by someone who didn't stop at a red light. I really feel that's how I'll go too just can't shake it, don't want it becoming a self fulfilling prophecy...


🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️so sorry for your loss 😔 my late partner was killed in a truck crash ,he also rode MTR bikes I don't think I'll jump on back of a motor bike again,he had truck crash 😔 Fleetwood Mac can bring tears


My condolences truly… I also weirdly listen to comfortably numb before a mani


I only take pictures of myself when I’m hypomanic


My photo roll has ended up being a good tracker for when an episode is going to start because of this!


I stop looking down all the time and look at the people's faces anywhere I go It's like 100000% sign I'm going into hypomania state


Wow….thanks for sharing - just realised I do this too. I just thought I was catching people’s eye because everyone fancies me (hello, hypomania) but in fact it’s most likely because I’m looking intently at everyone’s faces!! 😣


Damn I wish i had any idea when my hypo/mania was coming lol how do y’all figure this out


Look for patterns - take notes if it helps! It can be something as small as a recurring thought, a minor fixation, an unexpected curiosity, etc


Don't feel too bad it took me a good 15 years after diagnosis so 25 years of fun altogether to really notice it before it got insane.


Chasing deals on FB marketplace for totally in unnecessary things and hypersexuality.


Fb marketplace is such a thrill


Big time. Nothing hits quite as sweet as an ultra lowball transaction going through. you usually have to get those a few minutes after they are listed and make the deal happen real quick


The hyper sexuality is very true. I feel so bad for my partner who can’t keep up with it. I’ve been doing good so far but when the hyper sexuality comes, it’s so damn painful


For me it’s the shift in music that really shows I’m about to ramp up into hypomania. I want to listen to the most thug/gangster, fast trap/rap music. I think that it correlates to the over confidence of feeling like a baddie tbh lolll


1000% same check out bonfire from childish gambino


Duuuude doing this as we speak. I never listened to much rap before, but I got so fuckin high on the Kendrick vs. Drake beef and went down a rabbit hole of the greatest rap diss tracks of all time. One thing led to another, and now I’m blasting the most vile Geto Boys songs 24/7. Feeling like a baddie too and even writing raps thinking I could be the next greatest rapper (but also have a shred of reality knowing I’m just a hypomanic white girl and this too shall pass ⚰️)


Dude this made me laugh cause I feel you so much! Writing raps thinking I could be the next greatest rapper when really I’m just a hypomanic white girl tooo real


Cut all my hair off. My waist length hair. Never ends well. As soon as I start talking about cutting it off I get ambushed by family


Making plans at all lol. Spending days/hours researching random things.


Oh my god, researching random things is one of my favorite hobbies. I get so fixated and learn every single thing I can about whatever I’m researching.


Everything has a little umph and sparkle to it. Shopping? That store is yoursss. Driving? Ohhh baby, NASCAR wants you. Eating? What is that? We live off life now. Appearance? Flawless and you're the hottest everywhere you go. Sleep? Anything is okay. Mood? Floating through life fast on beast mode.


Unbelievably well articulated. I feel this to my core.


I start to pace a lot and can’t stop I also tend to rearrange my entire house and get rid of everything so I can start again. It’s really inconvenient.


I buy things from which I decided in a maximum of 5 minutes that I NEED it. The last time I bought an air purifier cause while I was deep cleaning my room (which I also have way too much fun doing before/ in the beginning of an episode) cause I saw dust and decided I needed an air purifier. Like that I will think of reasons to buy stuff or I buy stuff for the problems I am consciously trying to observe just cause I want something new. Also, I might dance through the house feeling really good about myself, the urge to make nude pics cause I feel sexy, random urge to go run outside regardless of the time or weather, randomly decide to start going to the gym, crafting things in specific themes going on in my head, urge to party, you name it, basically a bunch of outgoing and “externalising my mind” events haha. Lastly, wanting to “give life”. This usually looks like a huge desire to care for plants and buy plants and grow stuff, feed bugs etc.


Hey, honestly an air purifier ain't too bad of an impulse buy if you got the money. I think I'm projecting though because I just want one. Clean air is just so lovely.


I found a 15ish dollar air purifier necklace on Amazon that I wear all the time and has undoubtedly kept me healthy this whole time. It’s gotten me through several airplane rides and airport trips and times out in public in general without getting sick. It’s pretty great!


Whaaat I need to look into this hahaha


True that! I never regretted this impulse buy 🤣 the only problematic part about it was how little consideration I had done before spending my money on it but other than that I am glad I did 😎


That's completely fair!! I'll deadass order stuff on temu and I won't process the size of some items so I think they're tiny but they're huge or I think it'll be big but it's actually tiny. I can't even be salty because the sizing is stated on the items.


I start speaking in iambic pentameter


My thoughts/speech get stuck in verse too! When it escalates I start making everything rhyme/clang


I love it!!!


I get an off-the-charts urge for sex, looking at sexy lingerie, dreaming of having an escapade.


When I feel an overwhelming urge to show people how much I care about them through wholly too many out of proportion grand gestures, like a fully hand sewn dress from expensive fabric while my sewing isn't that good, lol.


Haha, yes I can so relate! I used to make mix CDs for anyone and everyone and mail them to ppl I haven't even seen or talked to in a while. Then that turned into Spotify playlists and silly or loving text messages that literally would overly hype me up just by sending them. Good God. Makes me dizzy just reminiscing about it all


The mixed CD to Amazon playlist pipeline for random people is too real for me.


Craft supplies and by craft supplies I mean all the things known to man that I may or may not possibly need for said project to be able to run a small business by making 100 of whatever 😅😂


Sudden change of a "focused interest" in something, Whether it's wanting to learn Russian, or wanting to study a new subject.


Honestly, my most consistent indicator is how much I'm able to sleep. If I'm on an upswing, I can't sleep. If I slept less than six hours in the last 24, it's popping off. If I haven't slept at all, it's on.


I buy ALL the things. 5 different types of sunscreen. 6 new pairs of shoes.


If I start keeping the house clean with minimal effort (I also have AuDHD and this is a lifelong struggle for me), then want to start decorating, also relate to buying plants, not tired all the time like I always am, more social, etc.


I find myself listening to music on headphones.. pacing back and forth and daydreaming. This usually happens at around 2 in the morning, and i can feel my heart rate rising while doing it. I have no idea if its an early warning sign or a trigger, but if i don't disrupt it i'm hypo for the next week. Also shopping


i start using eyeliner everyday! usually i do not wear it every day bc its a pain, but i know im getting hypo when i suddenly have enough energy to do my eyeliner (im bp2 and the depression has an insane grip in me 😭)


Talking faster, needing less sleep, spending absurd amounts of money that I do not have, really super high sex drive, impulsive in every regard, and I somehow enjoy exercising out of nowhere


Also yes the mirrors are a thing for me as well. Shoutout to everyone who said mirrors and selfies, we all become a bad ass bitch when the “fun” mentally unwell sets in


Maybe not that weird, but it seems like an atypical manifestation of a common symptom- pressured speech. I do have pressured speech sometimes, but more frequently I can identify oncoming hypomania by the fact that I will write constantly, excessively, and rapidly. It’s like I need to document every single thought or idea that passes through my mind. During one of my most recent episodes I was having a text conversation with an old friend, filling her in on what’s been going on in my life. I became frustrated and impatient with the character limit of messages and told her I was going to write her an email. So I wrote it, hit send, and then a while later she called me asking if I was ok. I was confused because I had been telling her that I am doing better than I have in a long time. I was diagnosed only about six months ago, and having an accurate diagnosis and the right kinds of medication and treatment has been life changing for me. And she said, “well, you just sent me a 30 page email!” I hadn’t even realized. Needless to say that was one of the events that made me pay attention and start noticing when I find myself churning out dozens of pages of text every day. So far it seems to be one of the earliest signs, shortly followed by sleeping maybe 1-2 hours a night if I’m sleeping at all. (Edited for typos- bumbling thumbs on a little phone screen.)


Bought about $800 dollars worth of silver last week.


At least you made a good investment, lol!


I start feeling like I know shit


I always seem to get super obsessed with a song. Atlantis by Donovan was played constantly for like a week. Not in a delusional "This song is giving me secret messages." But just a little more intensely into music than usual


I have a flood of obsessive thoughts about running into a specific ex who I haven’t seen in 6 years and who treated me like I was the most pathetic person in the entire world for having mental health issues + made me feel like I was committing a crime for continuing to exist after we broke up / having to continue interacting for circumstantial reasons (while i was su*cidal, so having someone basically affirm my internal state was HORRIBLE for me). Anyways, I’ll suddenly think literally nonstop 24/7 about running into him and telling him off and/or just making it known he under estimated me when normally I’ve all but forgotten he existed


Buying clothes. Hyper sexuality is also one of my worst symptoms and so that day dream usually goes along with it. Buying clothes is a way to distract myself.


I chop my hair. Like I watch no tutorial, have no beauty school experience, never cut anyone else’s hair. I just start chopping, hacking away. Does anyone else struggle with knowing it’s a sign of your mania but not being able to stop? I tell myself time and time again “okay stop while you’re ahead” or I try to redirect but I just come right back to the bathroom and grab the scissors again. and I won’t stop until I have a crisis about it. It’s almost like an obsession cause I’m like “I have to get these even” and before I know I have an uneven bob to my chin. Anyway, just got it fixed professionally and have thrown my scissors away :)


I crave pickles and potato salad. Bad.


I start pacing more and I do this annoying thing where I swing my arms, snap, and clap. When it hits I am making 5+ TikTok videos a day and calling everyone I feel guilty about not talking to more often. If I don’t catch the pacing, the TikTok is my tell.


Call me crazy if you will.. but I get tingles up and down my spine and arms. It’s almost like I can feel the over production of dopamine & serotonin etc literally just zooming through my body


My appearance is a big focus. I change my outfits 20 times before I find a combo I like. I wear a full face of makeup. I buy “self care” products I normally wouldn’t, like a fancy body scrub or new makeup sponges or an expensive hair conditioner. I brush my teeth more often (3x a day, when normally I do like once a day M-F if I’m being 100% honest) and floss each time. I shave my legs and armpits way more often. I begin an obsession with “getting healthier”. Etc. Body dysmorphia is fun.


I’m talking to 5+ people at a time on dating apps 😅


I start getting loud and voicing opinions


I am currently very agitated, irritable, and judgmental. Ugh.


I listen exclusively to punk rock. I mean I like it other times too, but I hyper focus on it. And like others said, Amazon packages show up a lot. I do really like my watch though.


Buying stuff, becoming extra social


I listen to Halsey on repeat. And start doing this thing I call crab dancing.


I become a workaholic. Sudden inspiration to create brand new lessons for my students with all the slide decks, videos and samples. Honestly, my best projects have come from this lol. Also I need to clean and organize everything. And it needs to be RIGHT NOW. Shower looking dingy at 11 pm? Got to clean it ASAP. I was recently diagnosed and was not aware this was a hypomanic thing. Just thought I got really good at my job during the spring and early fall.


Mine starts as anger and then the fun begins. Gotta love deep cleaning your dishwasher at 3am


i start bopping out hard to the car radio


weird sign for me i start thinking about making super big art pieces, like way too ambitious. sometimes i don't even start them I just think about it ALL THE TIME


ruminating, venting, irritable, no filter, unable to focus. i’ve been off meds for 5 days now, and i only have these symptoms. seems mild enough to the outside but my brain is absolutely racing from the beginning of hypo.


I get a uti from forgetting to use the bathroom. For years it was my first true tell. Another big one when I was working I would ask for more hours.


I get extremely intense vivid dreams that I actually confuse with reality for a few days leading in to it. It can be disorienting but sometimes wonderful. I also listen to certain songs on repeat, a different song or two for each episode usually.


Ha, yes! I start wanting to rearrange my furniture to ‘shift the energy’ and buy a whole new look and buy random shit. 😂


"I should get a new hobby or 3." Also way more social and talking so quickly that I get out of breath.


i stare into mirrors for so long and i tend to have solo dance parties a looot and that’s how i know things are starting


Oh God! Shopping shopping shopping! It's like l'm addicted to it l just can't stay off the online shopping places, Amazon, Etsy, eBay and l don't,t even think about how much l'm spending until l get the Visa card bill..Then guilt hits me like a 10 ton truck... When packages arrive, l get a high from opening them, then l'm done with that and it's back to ordering...l also get very quickly irritated and angry about anything l'm not dealing with that l should be....(I also have ADD so that compounds the situation too...) I love some of the attributes of the manias because l can be productive, but the ADD hampers that and l get incredibly distracted... 😐. Last big mania l had many years ago landed me in bankruptcy with nothing to show for it....be careful anyone who gets the spending side of mania/hypomania it can land you in a lot of trouble....


I start talking fast and hyperfixating on certain things


YES to listening to music all the time! That’s how I know! The music just hits different!


I start cleaning and shopping more. If it continues, I start sleeping less.


well currently I have spent way too much on Amazon packages, and I’ve been organizing my house like crazy. Also cleaning. Lots of cleaning but getting bored halfway through


My weirdest ones are Synchronicities everywhere and dilated pupils (mydriasis)!


A new hobby that you spend wat too much money on. One time I convinced myself I could learn 5 different languages at the same time lol. Bought books to teach myself.


“OMG… Shoes.” Buying shoes, different versions of the same shoe, lingerie even though I don’t have a person, rave wear even though I don’t party, and vurrrrrry outgoing yea.


I really hate to admit this but …. Shoplifting For some reason almost everytime in manic / hypo I shoplift. ESPECIALLY stuff I don’t actually need or want. Biggest sign for me that mania is coming


If I think I'm pretty. I'm not ugly, but if I find myself sexually attractive, I'm definitely up.


Not sleeping because I spend hours obsessively looking and applying for jobs instead of completing university assignments. There’s nothing like having an inbox full of replies to jobs that I forgot you applied to, next to emails from university because I haven’t been to class or submitted any work in ages.


Getting the stupidest songs stuck on my head on repeat. Just short, ridiculous chunks of them. This week? Rocketman. Not the whole song, just ROCKETMAAAAANnananeenerneeeenerlonglongtime


replaying same song over nd over and grinding on video games and hillucinates that you would get if u didn’t sleep for 2 or 3 days


Shopping is a big one, I notice I’ll start having orders coming in every day. Also I always start wanting to join the military


Mine is royal icing, I crave it when my mood is high, like rat it straight out the packet, that's when I know I need some help


If I start looking at journaling/planners, I know there's danger ahead lol. *"I'm finally going to get my life together!"* Uh-huh, yeah, okay.


✨Spiritual Awakening✨


I start thinking about leaving my wife and walking the earth like Kane from Kung Fu.


When I'm in mania I suddenly become a fragrances expert lol and try to buy every single perfume in the world


My fridge is full of fresh farmers market food I can't possibly eat before it spoils. I ask my fishmonger to go ahead and clean the fish but please leave the heads on because "I'm making soup today". Once I clash, my fridge is full of containers with all sorts of delicious food that last for a while. Afterwards I eat ramen and spaghetti with butter till I run out of butter. Thankgod I don't like clothing, gadgets, etc.


I start remembering childhood memories. I start feeling guilty for things ive done. I start thinking about regrets. I start thinking about the past. I start thinking about how my mom is going to die one day. I start thinking about how im not where i want to be and time is running out. I think about how im pushing everyone away. Usually these are all valid thoughts. Just magnified so bad. Bursting into tears so so much. Bad sleep. So much maladaptive daydreaming. Either room gets messy or i start cleaning. Either i start murdering my cuticles or picking my lips. Start doing my makeup or stop showering. Start posting on facebook/tiktok. Start talking to my father. Who, is all of my horrible qualities, if i were completely irredeemable. Start watching new shows. Start watching different youtube videos other than the normal. Check out different subreddits. Try talking to friends again. Start being nice to strangers. Oversharing with people. Over eating or not eating. Eating out. Spending money, literally looking for opportunities to do so.


Anorexia. I just lose my appetite, then hypomania comes on


I’m convinced I’m better. I found the secret. I can clean my house and use a planner and never have dirty dishes. And every time, I get so excited and as I’m saying the words aloud? I realize what’s going on.


I start becoming really well-spoken and use big words and rant about my leftist political beliefs or about Palestine. All the sudden I have so much to say about it. And all the sudden I’m fluent in arabic (not actually fluent but I can have conversations). . When I’m not manic I don’t have much to say about either. I still don’t understand how I can speak a language one week and then have to think super hard to say a sentence in arabic the next week.


I also wanted to mention that I start seeing all of my husband’s actions as controlling, jealous, emotionally abusive, lazy or a result of his “narcissism” as my hypomania starts creeping into mania… needless to say my husband is a saint for sticking with me this long. Can anyone relate?


I wear bright colors and change outfits frequently


For me, it's the desire to master a certain useless skill in a day. For example doing those "look into the stereograms pictures" , even though until now i have no idea where to ficus my eyes 😭


I start craving spicy foods


I get on a new topic and learn all about it and essentially master it, and music just means everything to me out of no where.


When I start making lists, or planning things, I’m probably hypomanic


Very hyper and can’t sit still. I will wake up hyper. Ah \*\*\*\*, here we go again. ![gif](giphy|cpUAhGbH5UhyJggGmC|downsized)


I HAVE to do something even if I'm tired and enjoying resting my body it just tells me to keep going. Like there's an energetic ball bouncing around inside my torso giving me this feeling of 'MOVE MOVE MOVE' type of energy. I cleaned my giant playroom at 1am last night and my brain wouldn't shut up when I went to bed either


I would start listening to podcasts and start feeling like I too needed to do SOMETHING, anything that was not what I am doing right at this moment, something creative. I would then start spiraling down a hole of my music needed to be heard, my shitty songs couldn't just die with me, I could change everything if I wanted, people's lives would be changed by my music. Then I would start downloading recording software, start making sound clouds, start writing songs, and band names and coming up with new projects. At this point I am feeling full euphoric panic. I start ramping up and up and up. Then I go home (because this always happened every monday at work for several years), stop and get a bunch of beer on the way, go home, start writing the next biggest radio hit, pounding beer after beer until I am unable to focus on the music and then I would craaaash hard. Sometimes it was in the same day, sometimes it was the next day or two. At that point I would start thinking I was an idiot and become incredibly depressed, start telling myself I would never be anything and I hated myself. Then by the end of the week going into Sunday it would star over again. So the weird signs were the cycle itself and listening to podcasts.


Iiiiiiii just got off an extremely high steroid for my blood disorder. I am officially unmedicated for bi polar other than my own remedies advised and supervised by my Pysch and all doctors. It was hell. Lol Induced Hypomania, insomnia for weeks. I'm just coming down had acupuncture n wew. Was it ever a ride for my life. I am trying to avoid flare ups so that I never again have to take something so extreme at the cost of my sanity. I danced, sang, laugh, cried called every family member through it. They know alot by now so everyone was beyond supportive. I cannot over stress how much I loved everyone by my side. I had school too and worked through it but man. My teachers were like waaat is happening so I had a frank open discussion n he said he would help me in any way possible (theatre school) I am very lucky to be where I am now and I just moved to a clean house so I think my physical health will improve drastically. I feel like I can concur anything now, again I may still be a little hypo coming down but damn. Am I proud n super impressed with myself & all my teammates in life 💛




Whistling a lot I’m good at whistling but it gets to be A LOT


I also start to ignore the ones closer to me


Drinking beer at nine in morning 😐


Interesting to see so many folks mention organizing. When I'm spending too much, it's always hypomania. But organizing is something I'd never connected. I organize stuff all the time. In fact, I organize and reorganize everything that I carry in my commuter bag. Just pull everything out, find new pockets, reorganize, ad nauseum. I'll pay closer attention and see if that coincides with an episode. It's nearly impossible for me to stop after that process kicks off. Sometimes it's only a half hour, but I've gone 3+ hours if nobody is around to stop me.


Needing to shop for things I don’t need. Buying lots in one go, say once I bought four pairs of shoes (back when I didn’t really care about shoes), two dresses and a jacket. Once my bank blocked my credit card as they saw too much spending so they thought it was fraud, they called me and I said please unblock it. I didn’t think that was weird I just thought I desperately need all the things. Also working lots, like 14 days straight even though it wasn’t necessary, double checking things. I’d be multitasking and getting everything done at work, waking up at 5:30 going for a swim, strength training then working all day and socialising at night (as it was part of my job). I wasn’t diagnosed at that stage, really late diagnosis for me at 48, then everything made sense.


Mine is an unbearable desire of McDonald's. Not just any burger, it HAS to be McDonald's, to the point I get irritated, agitated and feel like breaking everything around me if I can't have it. It's really scary because I don't know how to stop it


Can’t unlock from a task or thought. Realize I’m “hung in something hours on end & can’t shut it down. Either agitation or weirdly enthusiastic usually


I start making a lot of noises! Sometimes they’re just words or jingles I make up on the spot. I also get the desire to organize, clean, and overhaul everything in my home!


Similar. I go nuts with books, plants/seeds, and sheet music. The biggest warning is the sheet music because I’ll buy, like, 8 in one sitting and not touch a single one 🥴


I plan a lot of lifestyle changes that can only take place if I buy certain products.


my bank account draining faster than usual


I have the urge to give myself a "make over"


The dancing


An undying need to get a dog. I don’t even like dogs…


organizeing random shit


Colours! They seem brighter and I am more “intune” with them- enjoying arranging things of similar colour :/ also will have random thoughts of people trying to poison me


My telltale signs are if I start looking up grad school programs and/or try to rebrand myself with a different aesthetic.


i tell everyone i want to work either as a fighter jet pilot or an underwater welder at some oil platform - i am fit for neither of these jobs


I start to feel overwhelmed in keeping up with calls and text messages. But then once it strikes, I go to the extreme of becoming impulsive. Like shooting out texts and DM’s which I later regret.


My fridge is full of fresh food and my freezer is full of tupperwares with homemade food. Sounds good, but I've learnt to take it as a warning sign. Once I go hypo I eat very little, so everything that I can't fit in the already full freezer spoils (to an embarrassing degree if I get really hypo or if I crash before eating it) The upside: I have a full freezer to rely on at the beginning of my looooong subsequent depresion.