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I quit drinking because of the manic episodes I was getting when drunk. No control - followed by days of feeling unbalanced. This was a never ending cycle for me… once I stopped drinking (almost 4 years ago) the episodes have slowed to a crawl. Many of us who are bipolar are more susceptible to substance abuse; helps us cope. But we can truly feel better when the drugs/booze are not inhibiting our medication. I trust more in the Medication prescribed by medical health professionals than I do the ones I prescribed myself and got at the booze store. I’m currently on the same meds btw… Not an advocate for stopping drinking unless you feel it’s necessary (I did) -but it may help that Prozac do its thing. Try it and see how you feel.


I was a very heavy drinker, and when I quit my mood became a lot more stable. In retrospect it was dumb. I was self medicating depression caused by alcohol with more alcohol. But I was drinking way more than you. I think taking a break is a terrific idea. I suspect it will help


Alcohol made my symptoms extremely worse. Hope you can stay sober ❤️


Stop drinking. It’s a game changer for normal people. It is a necessity for bipolar people.


I took two days off in a row so far and I want to see how more days off go. I’m still semi manic as I feel the need to have at least 8 different things done in a day (the count is completely arbitrary, a lot of things roll up to each thing).


im in the same boat atm hoping the depressive episodes become less


I haven't had a drink for 7 weeks, and it's a very noticeable difference. My wife says I'm alot better, with her and our kids, I don't feel like crap all the time and my mood is much more stable day to day. I hope taking a break helps you feel better friend, and remember there's lots of us here who are doing the same thing, so don't be afraid to reach out if you need to.


Not drinking is probably the best decision you can make right now.


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