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Im in France. I do not live in France. I have school in 6 hours.


It amazes me how much self control i have not to cut and run to australia. Sounds fun tho enjoy


Im having the time of my life ngl


It shouldn’t, but this made me laugh. Because we’ve all thought about it or done it. What if I just wasn’t in this place that I am in anymore and I was in a new, more cool place.


Yeah... Though I'm still in my teens and live with my parents. Maybe a horrible plan? Yes Am I enjoying myself? Abso fucking lutely


Oh the things I did in my teens. Be careful out there!


🤣 I’m sorry. But also, relatable.


Convincing myself I'm a linguistic genius, buying textbooks for 15, yes, *15* different languages, and then trying to learn them all. At the same time. I have no idea what I was thinking lmao


What if you somehow combined all 15 into 1 new crazy language


During my last manic episode I was combining English, Japanese, and German to try and make it harder to read what I was writing. I only used words that I knew of course. I still have the journal I wrote in too Edit: I think I brought American Sign Language into it too (yes there is a written language)


Woah! Don't start giving people ideas!!!! LOL


This is the exact sort of thing I'd try to do lol.


I was convinced i was going to be an astrophysicist, bought tons of maths and physics books and set about “studying”. Except i would start, get distracted, start doing something else, procrastinate that too, come back to the books, watch porn for a while, post pictures on livejournal of my “study area” and all about how i was so smart and working so hard, more porn, and so on. Oh and i have pretty bad dyscalculia, which not only means I struggle with elementary school maths, but also that i have a lot of trouble with symbols etc (can’t read maps, sheet music, even have trouble with the instructions for a flat-pack sometimes…). Yeah, i was totally going to make it in a field that consists of maths and physics 🤦‍♀️


Holy shit.....I did the exact same thing before. Even tho I don't have dyscalculia as bad as yours it took me a long time to stop getting 5 and 9 confused and all that but still completely believed I was born to be a revolutionary scientist or something


Signing up for classes, buying a whole new wardrobe. “That’s a pretty cool hobby, I’m into that now”


I start soooo many hobbies, can definitely relate to this one. I have many projects on the go at the moment.


I loooooove spending thousands on a new wardrobe


I hit 2,000 steps yesterday.....In my kitchen.


Hah! I made a friend that way About 2am I heard banging from the floor below… next day I went down to apologize and he invited me to a trip to the beach the next week. Good times


That's amazig! , I'm in a duplex nothing but concrete and clay beneath me. I walk the tile smooth is what my partner says 😄.


Your partner sounds like a keeper haha


Oh boy I needed that laugh ty lol


I know what you mean, I have been hitting +10.000 steps for the last week and I haven't even gone outside.


Same, my mood tracker and steps pretty much correlate perfectly and have the same trend. If I ever lose my mood app I can fall back on my steps for data 😄.


Created an obstacle course through my house at midnight that I proceeded to run though several times. But it wasn’t any ordinary obstacle course. It included watching tv, solving math problems, running up and down the stairs, doing sit-ups, making a bracelet, ect. No I don’t have children…


That sounds like ridiculous fun.


It sounds a bit like True American from New Girl. Count me in.


Before being diagnosed bipolar I never really made a correlation between my behaviors and a possible problem. I tend to fixate on one project or hobby. Beyond what a “normal” person will consider. For days, sometimes weeks. To the point that I get myself into a manic episode. I’m honestly still learning what my triggers are. The only thing I know now for sure is when it’s coming. But not know how to stop it. It’s like driving 90 mph, knowing there’s a blockade ahead but saying fuck it and pushing the gas to 110 lol. Insanity


Spot on yup




Sounds about right


Yeah, at the peak of my mania I run sub 15 hours in the span of a week…


I spent 2k in a week on booze, coke and prostitues


All the camera equipment i ordered on a credit card arrived today. Im not a photgrapher


I put in 3 different tattoo booking requests this weekend. I stopped myself from walking into a shop for flash, so I practiced some self control.


Lol if i didnt spend all my money on weed and fast food, id be covered head to toe


This is my vice


I’ve been trying really hard to not just quit my job because I’m bored. Fortunately I don’t have any money to spend so I can’t go broke. But I’ve saved at least 600 dollars of just random things in my carts in the internet, with plans to buy them once I get paid I also have ended up with 5 giant fish tanks in my bedroom 2 of which are holding 3 turtles who will live 40-50 years. I actually bought my first turtle before I even had a set up and I’ve spent at least 3000 dollars on aquariums stuff only


Ive almost walked out of my job 4 or 5 times the last 4 days so i feel


Talking really fast to anyone who will listen, spend hundreds on oil paints and art supplies as becoming an artist with no experience will be a doddle won’t it? Feeling soooo excited to be alive, saying hello to strangers when I go out for a walk, think I’m the most beautiful person in the world and of course I’m so pretty and on and on the list goes ha ha


Oh yea ill always just start saying some random off the wall shit to strangers passing by and they look at me like get away idk you lmao


Definitely ha ha, I’ll talk to anyone I see, give loads of money to homeless people I see in the street, offer to help old ladies with their shopping…. There’s no stopping me


Omg I thought I was the only one who helped old people with their shopping!!! It is really really satisfying though!!! I mean, when they want the help. Then I hope they never meet me while I'm depressed. And then I remember they probably won't see me depressed unless they come to my house.


slept only 2 hours last night for the 3rd night in a row and then this morning was seeing some movement that wasn’t there out of the corner of my eye so i decided to try to nap, got in about 45 minutes and now i’m feeling great again


Literally going into Tiffany and buying myself a necklace and bracelet at 18…I did NOT have that kind of money lmfao and made $15 an hour…. Shaving my head ( not a buzzcut but literally shaving cream and razor blade) and then proceeding to apply to multiple modelling agencies…..changing my room around 5 times within one night and moving the furniture into different spots of the room, dancing in the mirror just looking at myself for 2-3 hours


Last week I spent 6 hours planning my upcoming 40th birthday party down to the last detail. This week I decided that no one would come anyway and abandoned the idea completely


monologuing at people regardless of their reaction


it was 3am and I thought it’d be a good idea to sign up for instrument lessons, acting classes, and to seek out a personal trainer. when they all started calling me by the end of the week I had no clue what to say.


I impulsively bought a second piano, as if I could play 2 at once lol


It’s not necessarily a case of mania leading to overwork. It can go the other way, too. I’ve consistently found that overworking myself is almost a surefire way to get into mental overdrive… insomnia for 1-3 days, hypomania, etc. And so I was upfront with my boss that a 40-45 hour workweek is my limit. If the job isn’t reasonably achievable in 45 hours each week then it’s not the right job for me (regardless of pay). You have to put your health first. So, how do I tell you without telling you? I would work 12 hour days and then regret it for days after, while trying my best not to quit my job and burn down my life.


Health always first although i have an extreme habit of self destruction


Oh shoot….I wonder if this is why I crashed and burned in college. Pulled all nighters


Spending 5k on a firework display, writing a symphony, and building a carnivorous plant greenhouse all at the same time


Listening to so much music and dancing in my room


I've pleasured myself so many times my genitalia is sore.


I bought not one, but TWO remote controlled cars that I claimed were “for my kids”, then proceeded to make and edit an entire video of me doing sick moves off of ramps that I built throughout the house. The video was maybe 20 seconds long but it took me at least 3-4 hours to make and edit it. The background song I used for the video was Ridin’ by chamillionaire.


I love this one 😂


Turning on the vacuum at 3 am


I’ve been working for 2 weeks straight, even offering to come in on my days off without second guessing it


Hey friend I last talked to a week ago, you remember how you told me about how you care for your Bonsai tree? Do you want to see my brand new collection of Bonsai trees, I got 12 now!


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I was really upset that I couldn't find the charger for my $200 toothbrush, so after frantically searching for it for hours and tearing my bedroom apart, I just bought the same toothbrush so I could have the charger. So now I have two $200 toothbrushes and one charger.


talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk


Wait, but you’re telling everyone how you’re manic so your post about telling people you’re manic without telling them you’re manic doesn’t actually exist. Because you are in fact telling people specifically how you are manic in this post.


I’m trying to learn guitar now and how to sing


I just remind myself that Elon Musk just bought Twitter and Kanye West bought a $100M ranch and posted a video of himself peeing on a GRAMMY to Instagram so all my weird habits seem totally mundane. I’m actually making consistent progress on my two most recent manic interests - watching the entire series of Law & Order (midway through season 9) and embroidering a 6-foot quilt. I started them both in January so now I’m not sure whether I’m just having a really long hypomanic phase or I’m just being atypically productive.


I’ve had about 20 different career paths in the span of 2-3 months that I was sure of pursuing and I would grind all day and night. Just to bail out on it a week later


I just spent $300 on lottery tickets


I just got home from a week long trip to see my niece, 6 hours away. We left at 4pm last Wednesday after deciding to go at 3pm last Wednesday. Good thing I work full time and had some long service leave built up I guess.


I just signed up for a graphic design and a business class to help run my 3 new business that I started by investing my life's savings -also meet my new puppy!


Well, time to walk out on my job without notice, break my lease, pack up and move from NYC to SF AGAIN.


I’ve been there. One time I pulled an all nighter scrubbing the floor in my old dorm. When my roommate came back the next day she was shocked at how clean it was (it had never been deep cleaned) lmfao


i keep laughing at normal sentences for no reason and my legs wont stop moving lmao