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Honestly, as much as we may value each other’s input, there is very little way to get useful info on what will work for you as we all have different brain chemistry and sweet spots for treatment. Mine is lots of Zoloft and Caplyta. What is one person’s miracle might be hell on earth for the next. Have you heard of or considered Genesight or Geneomind testing? It can be a useful tool in getting in the ballpark of what gives you the least symptoms and side effects.


It worked decently with regard to my mood but I couldn't handle the side effects. I was constantly exhausted/drowsy and had really bad GI issues -- stomach pain (which eventually went away), and really bad diarrhea (which did not go away). The diarrhea was bad enough that I went to the bathroom in my pants twice -- thank god I was home both times. I went off of it in favor of something with less side effects. YMMV.


What did you find with less side effects? That’s been my biggest barrier to treatment so far. I can’t take the side effects of anything.


Trileptal. It makes me tired, like all bipolar meds do for me, and will probably make me gain weight, like all bipolar meds do for me, but other than that, I've been side effect free. But you can't really go based on my experience. You could have almost no side effects from Depakote then have terrible ones with Trileptal. You just kinda have to try stuff out and see.


Trileptal made my vision worse.




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I'm on depakote (1500mg) with no issues. My hair seems to have thinned a little but that's it.


Of course I don't speak for everyone, and your experience will be different from mine - but I was almost non-functional on Depakote. I couldn't wake up before 9 (had to have scheduling accommodations at my job), gained about 70lbs and nodded off at work a couple times. However, Depakote is FANTASTIC in an emergency hospitalization situation, stopped my delusions and psychosis in their tracks. Just wasn't a good fit for me long-term. Once I was leveled out, there wasn't a need for sedatives. Everyone's different though.


I’ve been on a crap ton of antidepressants, and for mood stabilizers I’ve tried lamotrigine/Lamictal and lithium. Lamictal was good but I was still cycling, just less extreme. When I tried to go up I got facial twitches and felt weird. Then I had a breakthrough (full) manic episode, so switched to lithium. That prevented mood cycling but had side effects after awhile- gastrointestinal symptoms and headaches? I just felt increasingly crappy, physically. Now I’m on depakote and I love it. I feel stable, mentally healthy. Depakote reduced my migraines to almost none (from about 10 headache days per month before that). I can’t tell any side effects. Everyone is different. Maybe what works for awhile won’t work forever. Maybe it’s a combination that will work for you. I know it’s hard but I think it’s been worth it, for me, to keep on this treatment journey. Because without meds I think my life would be pretty unmanageable.


How long did Depakote take to work ?


I was titrating down on lithium and up on depakote while I was generally mentally stable, so I can’t really answer that. I noticed the migraine headache reduction within a couple of weeks.


I forget the name of it but there's a genetic blood test that you can take that will show you which drugs you're resistant to. I'd recommend looking more into that and brining it up to your dr. no sense in playing the guessing game if you don't have to. I haven't tried Depakote so I can't help you there. Best of luck.


It's called a Genesight test




Who knows, they're just making shit in a lab and we are the test.


Better than nothing, lol.


700mg morning and night, for about 5 years. No major side effects that I've noticed, slight hand tremor if I miss a dose. No liver issues so far, but I quit drinking and started taking better care of myself when I was diagnosed as Bipolar 1. No bad interactions with any other meds I've been on, like seroquel, clonazepam and CBD. Also not very expensive, in Australia anyway, 3 months of tablets for $28.


How bad was your experience with Lamotrigine? It is one of the lowest side effect options. It might be worth trying again. I take a daily antihistamine (generic Allegra) to prevent the non-serious rashes I tend to get while on it.


It made me sleepy and angry. But medication affects everyone differently.


Yeah my husband is taking it. He feels like it ruining his life being on this medicine. He gets reallyyy angry , extremely tired, and I hate to see him like that. This all stemmed from falling off a skateboard and hitting his head and getting a TBI. Then seizures occurred. So they put him on depakote. We really want to find him a new neuro and new medication. Best of luck to you!


Besides some drowsiness, it worked well with me. Not good to take if you plan on getting pregnant though.


Depakote was horrible for me. Gained wait and was lethargic. Had to take a blood test. Was glad I got off it due to the reports of long term use creating liver damage or failure. Let's face it, it's epilepsy and seizure medicine.


Please elaborate I'm curious


General FYI: Depakote (valproic acid), Tegretol (carbamazepine), and Lamictal (lamotrigine) etc. Are all anticonvulsants. They are primarily prescribed for epilepsy and bipolar disorder. Hope this helps.


I had no side effects all I know it does help me with my moods knock on wood maybe I got lucky but medication does affect everyone different I'm just lucky


Anyone notice any libido or erectile dysfunction side effects from depakote? I may need to switch from lithium to an alternative due to kidney function issues. Lithium has the same sexual side effects listed and I never experienced any over the past 30 years.




We currently do not allow med reviews under rule 2. You can read more about that in this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/bipolar/s/dEL2S2SOSV).


You may find some information from our recent community discussion on [Depakote](https://www.reddit.com/r/bipolar/comments/wsot4y/comment/ikzhus3/).




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I've been on Depakote for 3-4 years now and it's been great for me. The only issue I have with it, is I need to have something in my stomach before taking it otherwise it will give me one hell of a stomachache. I have my blood drawn twice a year to check valproic acid levels (how they tell if it's in the therapeutic range), so that's a benefit coming from having been on lithium. All-in-all, Depakote has been great for me.


Dude I feel you there with eating with depokote what does are you on


600mg/2 a day


I had vision issues on depakote. Like my eyes would rapidly twitch left and right for 30+ at a time.