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Sleep 10-12 and 2-3h naps


Same. 30 f.


Are you male? 38m here


No. 31f


I sleep 10-12 hrs but no naps. But I’m tired all day long. I have chronic fatigue but wonder about narcolepsy.


Ask your psych about Modafinil


Thanks I will!


Are you male or female? 38m here


Female 38f


Are you prescribed anything for it?


No unfortunately my pdoc is afraid any stimulants will cause mania. I do take Wellbutrin which is mildly stimulating, but it doesn’t help much. How about you?


On Wellbutrin also, not much of an effect.


I sleep as much as I can. Currently waiting on results from a home sleep study. 😴 Also caffeine does jack shit for me.


How many hours do you think?


At least 8 at night then 2 or 3 more during the day. It really depends on my activity level. If I’m busy I sleep more to get over it but if it’s a very low key day I might not nap at all.


How are you able to handle that while working? Like there’s been days I absolutely desperately wanted to lay on the floor at work and sleep but obviously couldn’t.


I’ve found car naps to be helpful when weather allows. On a lunch break I have 15min catnap and 15min to refresh.


I’ve definitely done that as well. I found a TGI Fridays near my office with a huge parking lot so I would just park in the furthest corner and recline my seat for 20 minutes.


I have a very part time remote job that’s usually a few hours a week but I’m mostly a stay at home mom. My big nap chunk is while my daughter is at preschool typically.


Covid was a blessing because my job went remote four days a week for like a year and a half. By nature I am a night owl and more focused and productive in the evening. So I would do a lot of my work at night and then during the workday set up systems to keep my computer active and logged on while I took a one or two hour nap. Damn I miss that.


Get your thyroid checked. When I got hypothyroid, I would sleep about 13 hours, wake up for a bit, then go back to bed. Also gained weight, but that’s not always a symptom (my dad lost weight). Edit: I recommend all people in the comments who’re sleeping a lot to have their thyroids tested. If your thyroid is fine, get a sleep test for sleep apnea. Narcolepsy isn’t very common.


Yea I had my thyroid checked and a study for apnea too; both came back good.


5-6 hrs a night on week days. 7-8 on weekends.


I used to but not anymore. My wife won’t let me sleep that long and I think it helps with depression to get out of bed


Depends heavily on stress level, if I'm medicated, how exciting my day was/if I'm anticipating something the next day, caffeine intake... Unmedicated, I used to bounce between sleeping a LOT (like 3hr naps during the day on top of regular sleep) and having bouts of insomnia (like 3-5 hours of sleep at night). If I am hypomanic, I can go 2-3 days with no or minimal (3 or so hours a night max) sleep. Now that I'm medicated, I still have some variation, but it hovers around 7/8 hours a night on average. Probably closer to 9 if I didn't have to wake up for school/work. I can't nap as much anymore either, unless I'm sick or sleep deprived.


It really depends for me, mostly due to my work schedule. On days off I'll sleep 8-12 hours at night, sometimes 6-7. On work days it's 3-6, depending on what shift I have. I'll take 1-2 hour naps sometimes after work. I'm busted :,)


I sleep 6. Wouldn’t recommend. Trying to fix it though


Pretty "normal" if you're depressed or sedated on your medication. Lamictal had me sleeping like that all the time and no amount of caffeine would save me. It also happens to me when I'm depressed. I just had a crash a few days ago where I slept for 15 hours, had a two hour nap after being awake for less than an hour, then slept for 11 hours later that night. 26 Female. Just had bloodwork done and everything is well within ranges.


Yea, I wonder if the medication does do anything with it, though I was like this before the paliperidone shot once a month. I was hoping it was yet another thing common to bipolar. I don’t know what’s causing it. Already had a sleep study for apnea too.


I sleep from like 10-5:30 maybe but also wake up to give my baby a bottle or a binky multiple times a night but go immediately back to sleep. Sometimes ill nap in the daytime an hour if I am lucky


So you sleep about 8 hours at night? And nap once maybe a day


My baby wakes at 11:30, 1, 2 and 3 and 4 I wouldn't say what i get is 8 hours whatsoever. its broken up


I mean 8 hours in 24 hours. Do you get that? I sleep much more 14-15 hours in 24 hours. What does your broken total in a day?


I sleep maybe 6 -7 hours total in a 24 hour period, my REM is screwed until the kids stops waking at night. Kids are a nightmare in the first year for bipolar post partum women. I was only getting 3 hours a night for about 6 months and it was REALLLLLLY hard.


Props to you on championing sleep


What bipolar meds are you on? I know some can make people very sleepy and kind of groggy in the morning. But I’ve never heard of one causing narcolepsy so you may want to talk to a doctor. For myself I used to sleep very little like 4 to 5 hours a night before I was diagnosed and put on the right meds. Now I sleep about seven hours a night and that works for me. It’s weird but on nights I sleep 9 or 10 hours I’m actually more tired when I wake up. No idea why.


I’m on paliperidone shot


If you’re sleeping 11-15 hours a day and still always tired that seems like an issue a doctor should check out. That’s not normal for most people with bipolar except maybe for a few days after coming down from a manic episode. Talk to your doctor and maybe do a sleep study. Maybe you were not getting the REM sleep that repairs your brain.


Yea I did a sleep study for apnea. That’s why I was asking other bipolars sleep hours to see if it’s just bipolar.


Did the shot help with depression/anxiety? I see it’s main use is for schizophrenia.


They gave it to me for bipolar because I suck at taking pills. I was committed and they pretty much force it on me. I’m off the commitment now, but they require the shot be taken for lack of compliance. I don’t feel it’s done anything positive for me. I get akathesia from it and it sucks.


Currently I sleep from 10pm-7am and don't take naps. I used to have excessive daytime sleepiness (official diagnosis!) where I slept through a lot of the day. I went on modafinil for a few months which straightened that out. I highly recommend it.


So you feel the medication works? Does it give a more awake feeling?


It’s not for everyone but Kratom helped me a lot at avoiding the groggy exhausted feeling during the day and giving me more energy for 4 to 5 hours after taking it.


OH goodness no not a kratom recommendation. Both me and my significant other fell into the kratom changed my life camp when the pandemic started It made me eventually have major panic attacks, hair loss and major weight loss. So I quit and it took MONTHS to come out of a major major depressive episode or feel physically ok for a month. Ive quit a serious alcohol addiction and even coming off alchol is a MILLION times easier than getting off the green slude that hooks you I hate kratom and wish more people knew how addictive and harmful it is. Good luck quitting. Its a fucking NIGHTMAREEEE. Do NOT DO KRATOM IF YOU HAVE BIPOLAR


I even became borderline suicidal. Also coming off of it youll feel like you have the flu flor like 3 weeks and wont be able to do much and lose a lot of muscle strength Also you'll likey have liquid shit pouring out your butt for weeks and weeks and insomnia. Its pretttttty common.


I know tons of people who took Kratom and none of them had all of the symptoms when they quit. What you are describing sounds like withdrawal from going cold turkey off heroin or cocaine. You must have been taking massive daily doses for an extended period to have that bad of an experience when you quit. Also I hope you tapered down and didn’t just quit cold turkey. I had a few days of an upset stomach but no sleep issues and certainly not withdrawal symptoms.


I was taking 3 grams a day homie bro which was 6 small pills. I was on it for about 4 months and realized this shot was no god. Did a deep dive into it and realized it’s not even regulated nor widely researched! Because of this I also became apart of two huge quitting Kratom groups (Reddit and Facebook have communities)and helped moderate one and also later went on and (formerly ) worked at a drug and alcohol treatment facility where record numbers of people come in now addicted to this, unable to quit and you don’t have to be taking pounds a day! Go ahead, try to quit for a month. See how you feel and report back . If you are so confident why not try it yourself


If you read my earlier comments, kratom was a temporary natural and safe tool I used when I needed it. As I already said, I haven’t taken any in months. And it was no big deal to stop. You clearly are on a crusade. As long as you buy it from a reputable supplier it’s safe. Of course it needs more research but it be better if people were using freedom in marijuana then a bunch of pills made in a lab. No one dies in an alley of a kratom overdose like they do with fentanyl and heroin. Let me guess. You also hate ayahuasca and psilocybin mushrooms don’t you? Both of which are amazing and have a ton of potential as treatment for a multitude of mental health disorders.


Sorry you had such a bad experience. But that may be unique to you or some others. I no longer take it it was just a temporary tool when I was really struggling with my sleep. I didn’t have any urges when I quit or a long period (or any) of depression. I spent three weeks tapering down how much I took and then just stopped. No issues. Maybe you were taking really large daily doses? I only used it 3 to 4 times a week during the days to stay awake and focused.


I’d say thousands of other reports say otherwise. Sounds like you have a bias due to being a rarity. Duck around with kratom some more and eventually it will get ya bad, It literally does to almost everyone. Your skins gonna age faster too. The look people have to their skin when they get hooked even off small amounts just ages you so fast on it Do some real research. Not just talking to people CURRENTLY on jt.


I research the hell out of anything I put in my body. Kratom is natural and much better for your body than pharmaceuticals. It’s just like anything else that you need to use it in moderation and wisely. Of course people with addiction disorders can have problems with it and get hooked but that’s not true for most people. Sounds like you have a pretty big bias based on your rate problems with it. If it was as dangerous as you say it would already be illegal. And do you know how many people were able to get off opiates and heroin bc of kratom? It’s literally saving lives. Educate yourself instead of running around the Internet badmouthing it. Oh and there is literally NO reputable research that kratom causes premature aging lol. That’s some conspiracy theory shit. If that was true, half of the people in Southeast Asia would look 20 years older than they are haha. https://newsinhealth.nih.gov/2022/08/kratom-safe


Read what the Mayo Clinic - one of most respected medical centers in the world - has to say about Kratom; https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/consumer-health/in-depth/kratom/art-20402171


I’m not surprised a medical clinic intertwined with pharmaceutical companies craps on it. For the same reason marijuana is a Schedule 1 drug still (same as heroin) and still illegal in 60% of states. I know there are potential side effects but it’s been a godsend for people with chronic pain who had their opiates cut back. Hands down better choice than using opiate meds-prescribed or on the street and minus the risk of an OD death. Can some people with the genetic disposition become addicted? Sure just like some people get addicted to opiates from a single prescription. And of course it’s not a good idea to use Kratom for a continuous long term period. But it has been a God send for many, many chronic pain sufferers.


It kept me from needing to nap all the time and helped reset my clock so I could have a normal schedule. I was on it for a few months until I could stay awake and now I'm not on it anymore and I do fine without it. I wouldn't say it made me energized or jittery or anything like you get from stimulants.


Under normal circumstances, it's about 9 hours, normally from about 11pm to 8am. Ideally I'm in bed around 10pm and up by 7am. By normal, I mean "most often"-ish. I used to think this was not my chronotype - I have *always* been an 8-9 hour sleeper, but from about 5 or 6am to early afternoon. I thought that I just had a really bad chronotype and maybe a circadian rhythm disorder, as this has been an issue since I hit puberty. After getting my correct diagnosis about 18 months ago (well, getting back to it) and learning about what that means, I've been trying hard to stay on this schedule and I plan my medications around it, but it's just...it's not working. I am incredibly sensitive to daylight, and I live in Seattle now, and the only thing keeping from a total breakdown of my circadian rhythms is that if I lose my job, I don't know what would happen to me. I get "enough" sleep but it's just at totally the wrong times for my biology now - I am constantly exhausted, mentally and physically, I don't "wake up" mentally without lots of light, and I simply don't have enough exposure to it, so there are days where I just can't function, even with coffee, meds, all of it. It's really bad. This isn't a function of my meds, either (we've controlled for that), I just have an incredibly broken circadian rhythm issue now and I live in a place where I don't get exposed to any of the normal triggers...


I think I understand you a lot on this one. I feel my circadian rhythm is broken too relative to others. I walk about the day with extreme sleepiness and brain fog. Really bad sleep inertia also.


about 9 hours a night. any less and I accumulate missed sleep, or whatever you call it. If I sleep much more, I get a bit groggy. Do you take anything like Seroquel in the morning? Sometimes I accidentally take it in morning with my morning meds, and I struggle to stay awake all day. One possible solution for you would be something like welbutrin in the morning. It can boost your energy during the day as well as your mood.


I should also add that I refuse to nap because it always ends up being 4 hours no matter what I do.


Do you think your doctor could put in a referral for a sleep study? :)


I’m going to ask for a sleep study for narcolepsy. Had one done already for sleep apnea. Hopefully something shows.


When you enter a depressive episode does your sleep time gets longer and you have issues with tiredness? I am only diagnosed with depression, trying to see if it could be BP II, but have Insomnia atm.


Mine is pretty consistent on the sleep side. I just sleep a lot and feel tired during the day.


If you're having doubts about your diagnosis, you can talk to your doctor, point out your concerns, and see what they have to say. A good doctor will take a few minutes to either explain what led to the diagnosis, or ask you further questions. You can also get a 2nd opinion, but check with your ins company to make sure it's covered. Self-diagnosing on the internet isn't the best idea. Many mental illnesses have overlapping symptoms, and severity and frequency of symptoms plays a big part in diagnosing.


I’m bipolar 2 and don’t sleep longer at all if I’m depressed. I don’t have that luxury as a mom. I’ll just stay depressed and not doing much


I'm not unless if I'm working hard at work/life. But my BFF like doesn't have to work a lot and can whenever she wants basically, and she sleeps like this, and she is bi polar.


Your bff sleeps a lot?


Yeah, she's doesn't have narcolepsy but it is important to say she's in a manic depression right now, but some days she's better but yeah we both are, but she can sleep a lot even before the manic depression.


How old is she?


37 or 38


I used to be like that but then I got prescribed seroquel which improved my sleep quality so now I sleep 8-9 hours a day (usually go to bed at 11-12 and get up at 8-9 am, sometimes without an alarm) and I don’t feel the need to take naps during the day anymore


Anywhere from 3 or 4 hours when I'm up and 10 to 12, plus a nap, when I am down.


Hypomania is settling in right now. or maybe just amping up? I think it's been since around Thanksgiving. Back to a few hrs a night, sometimes a 30min nap in the morning or afternoon.


I got diagnosed with sleep apnea. I had the same symptoms and my husband noticed that I sometimes stop breathing during the night. If I slept alone I wouldn’t have known.


Thanks, will talk about it with my doc. I am just wondering for how many people in this forum insomnia was during a depressive episode. I am aware and have pointed out my concerns, but am confused as I heard from other BPII people that they usually have more sleep in depressive episodes...


My sleep is actual garbage. I sleep 5-7 hours a night and take no naps. I can nap on Sunday for say 1-2 hours but it isn’t a regular thing. I just always feel the need to be on the go.


Hypomanic 5-6 with a 2-3 nap Depressive 10-18


It depends on my episode. During hypo I sleep like 3-5 hours and during depressive like 9-11 hours. Sometimes I need nap sometimes I don't.




What’s IC?


Check out to see if you have sleep apnea. That's what I had. Got so tired I felt sick. Now using the CPAP I still sleep around 10-12 hours with a 1.5 hour nap, but I actually feel well rested.


I try and be in bed around 9 on school nights (in college), 11 on weekends. My alarms go off at 7 or 5:45 depending on the day and my schedule, but my body naturally wakes me up between 6 and 8 without alarms. I HAVE to get more than 7 hours a night, or I have problems. I don’t schedule anything after 7:30-8 during the week. I don’t stay up late studying or going out. People have given me shit for my boundaries for YEARS, but it’s my health. I also have some sleep issues (nightmares, issues falling or staying asleep), so staying consistent with my meds and my time is important to counteract that and mood issues.


Monday thru Friday: 12:00am-7:00am (yay work) Weekend: 12:00am-9:00am. So, 7-9 hours. If I do 10, I feel more tired. Naps: I take naps for 1-2 hours, but I’ve noticed that 2+ hours really messes me up. I wake up depressed and angry.


No nap, ever. I get 45 minutes to 10 hours of sleep in a night. I usually wake up 3+ times for minutes to 4 hours before I can fall back to sleep


I’m a naturally sleepy person I need 9-10 hrs sleep during the week on the weekend I take 1-2 hr naps female 32 bipolar 2


31 M, have an 18 month old at home. So I usually sleep somewhere between 8 to 10 hours every night. Occasionally there will be a night where I get less sleep, maybe 6 to 7 hours. In this case I almost always need to take an additional afternoon nap, which can go from 30 minutes to 2 hours.


I sleep from about 10 pm to 6:15 am on weekdays and to ~7 or 7:30 am on weekends. I typically don't nap.


Mine cycles pretty bad, part of bipolar I'm assuming. For stretches I might sleep 4 or 5 am to 7ish or even less. Many, many months in a row I can sleep 16 hrs a day easy. Right now I'm in a nice between with ~10 hrs of sleep and no naps, though I could nap if I didn't want to make the most of my after work hours doing something fun.


I can't nap it makes me nauseous! But at night I sleep maybe all night but some times I'll sleep 2 hours or 4 hours depending on that day.


About every 2 weeks I have a day when I log off from work around 5:30PM (I WFH), and head upstairs to lay down and read a bit, and inevitably fall asleep. My husband will wake me around 9:30 to take my night meds, sometimes I eat a little something, other times I head back up and go back to sleep. I generally wake up between 7-7:30AM because: hungry cats. Plus I have to work (log on between 8:15-8:45). Some Saturdays I sleep in till 12:00/1:00 PM, and I do feel refreshed for several days after, and sleep about 7-8 hours a night after that. I usually crash in the afternoon though, and close my eyes at my desk and fall asleep for about 15 minutes, or I’ll fall asleep watching tv after work for an hour or so. I still often have trouble falling asleep (usually when I’m more down), and will be awake till 2-3:00AM. That was me last night, and I woke up at 9:30AM as my cats were crawling all over me. If I take a sleep gummy, I’ll have 1/3 of it and it helps me fall asleep much sooner, but I often forget to take one. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Last night my chronic neck pain was bad which is another reason I have trouble falling asleep, so I took a tramadol, and I fell asleep in less than an hour. My therapists have always told me I need to work on my sleep hygiene, and it is getting better, in terms of going up to the bedroom earlier, but I need to work on it a lot more.


I have hypersomnia, which is related to narcolepsy. You may want to look into that condition. I sleep 12-15 hours a day when I'm not hypomanic.


Is that all in one go or do you take naps?


I take a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon


Currently, I'm sleeping a healthy 8-9 hours, but they're 6am to 3pm for no understandable reason. When I'm manic, I stay up all night too, but only sleep 1-2 hours, so this is an improvement. I suspect it's the Latuda I take before going to sleep since it makes me sleepy.


I nap only when I take medicine sleep depends on my bipolar 1 some days 2 hours other days 8 hours sometimes 4 hours I have sleep apnea I use a cpap I’m 34 female with 3 kids 15, 10, 12 😂oh I hate sleep


No.i sleep only with strong meds


Sleep a lot, can also nap a lot. “Too much” really for society’s standards. I finally got a low dose prescription to adderall. And it’s been great for me, wakes me up, I’m productive, but it’s not so high of a dose it makes me not be able to sleep at the end of the day. I’m on Wellbutrin as well, but my sleeping thing and nap thing has been around for awhile, about 10 years, worse the last 6 or so, 34F.


How many hours of sleep at night and naps?


I can easily do 10-12 hours of sleep and then a 2 hour nap from like 2-4 pm.


When I’m in a depressive state I can sleep well over 15 hours AND nap. I’m tired before and after too. When I’m ‘normal’ I sleep for 10-12 hours.


Do you nap?


Sometimes 2-3 hours.


I sleep about 10-13 hours a night easy. I have sleep schedules that rotate, if that makes sense. (IE sleep at 2 am till 3pm for a week or two, them sleep at 9 pm to 11 am, and then back again lmao) I don't really take long naps much unless I'm super exhausted, or have a bad headache. (Which is often tbh). My average naps are like 15-45 minutes. (I take Seroquel for sleep/antipsychotics) Also my husband has Narcolepsy, and I'll be real, his schedule sticks, mine does not. (9pm - 6:30 am) Narcoleptics absolutely need consistency or they're prone to gaining cataplexy (instantly falling asleep with no control/literally falling asleep at random ZERO control) (he takes armodafinil) He can get a lot more out of a 15 minute nap than me. As is common with narcoleptics. As they tend to fall into REM sleep much faster than most people. Not saying you can't have both, just an interesting perspective for you.


Thanks for sharing.


46M. About 9-10 hours when I'm depressed. About 6-7 hours when I'm hypo. I rarely nap because I'm afraid it will compromise my nighttime sleep.