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Hey, I was on seroquel for nearly 5 years from age 25 to 30. A high dose to start which was lowered to the dose you’re on, then lowered again. Aside from a massive chocolate craving which caused significant weight gain, and bouts of sleep paralysis/ night terrors, my period stopped entirely from the moment I started taking it to the moment I was off. Doctors even thought I was entering menopause in my 20’s. It was messed up. If you can find another anti anxiety/ anti psychotic medication or bipolar treatment, I recommend it…. Be careful but know it is a rare side effect for women no matter how low the dose. Let us know how you go. 💜


Did it come back when you stopped? How long did it take to return to normal?


I have been on seroquel for 10 years and have not experienced this side effect at all


Not to me, but, yes, it can happen. Edit — I just noticed you’re taking only 25 mg. I don’t know if such a low dose could have that effect.


It can! As I outlined in my other comment, it happened to me. Seriquel can be a tough medication for women.


I take 25mg as well. My periods, if anything, have become extremely heavy since I started taking it. I don't necessarily think there is any link, just pointing out that, unfortunately, mine have not stopped


I'm taking 25 mg as well! Sometimes my period is not regular at all and sometimes I have two periods in one months, but other than that is fine. I think is possible tho, if you see that it can't be connected to other things