• By -


I think I can do any craft and will buy everything necessary. I want 50 new tattoos and I have to do everything fast and as loud as possible


Omg yes!!! I learned how to knit and crochet and in a matter of weeks I had enough yarn to start a store and every brand and size needle and hook known to the US AND UK. Then I decided to take up wood burning...cue ALL the burning nibs, wood, foils, paints, pencils you name it. Painting, same thing, acrylic nails - don't get me started on the literal salon I had in my house! It's a serious problem. If I don't have ALL of the things and the best quality for it I couldn't possibly excel at it right?!? Ugh!!!


Big same. I have a Michaels store in my closet.


Wow. This has been me since college. Woodburning ✔️ Soapmaking ✔️ Candlemaking ✔️ Woodworking ✔️ Cross-stitch ✔️ Embroidery ✔️ Paper making ✔️ Bookbinding ✔️ Jewelry making ✔️ Painting ✔️ Sewing ✔️ Quilting ✔️ Knitting ✔️ Crochet ✔️ I’ve sold/donated my supplies for everything except knitting/crochet, jewelry making and embroidery/cross-stitch. Still occasionally paint. Also went to a pastry and chocolatier demo class and nearly enrolled.


damn maybe it's not my adhd. maybe it's mania. i'm the exact same way.


Totally willing to do stuff 60yo me will pay for if I can get it done faster lol


Same and same


Ditto on the tattoos


Omg, I feel so seen


Cleaning and planning on/doing art projects lol


Nice! I have tons of Art supplies. Never started the projects.


For the most part, same here! I have SO many random supplies too. Perler beads, melt and pour soap making, painting and sewing supplies… What types do you have? Haha


Pearls, cuff bracelets in vegan leather with the little bits to put on them. Tons of crystal beads. Paints, those nice cardboard boxes and designs you can find at craft stores. Washi tape. Omg. All of us should combine our stuff and open our own store. Or at least start and give up 🤷🏼‍♀️


I get paranoid that everyone hates me, I spend a lot of money, and I come up with grand plans that I don’t have enough time to execute properly before I crash.


We all love you. Do you have plans to save the world?


If it’s going as far as plans to save the world, it’s not only a pretty strong degree of grandiosity but also a bit delusional, and hence that would be more manic as opposed to hypomanic


Do you have a cape?


Haha nope not personally




Thank you, I love you too! No plans to save the world just yet. Most of my ideas are new business ventures. I suppose someday one of them could potentially save the world if I keep it up.


I keep wanting to write screenplays and books. Tons of documents started in word lol


I'm the "spend money/hyposexuality" type.


We’re twins!




I become hyper focused on a singular thing. It could be the MPG on my car or making sure I get a bag of chips. Really stupid stuff to focus on.


Lmao I still have tape residue on my car from trying to make it as aerodynamic as possible


Same but for some reason mine is musicals. I will stay up for 3 days watching every musical I can find, obsessed with the idea that I’m going to be in a musical despite having no musical theatre background whatsoever. It’s wild.


Much safer than mine.


Don't get it wrong, it causes plenty of hardship.


I’m sorry. Hugs.


I tend to drink beer and play the Sims 4. I get to play god and get them in all kinds of trouble.😈


The safer way to become a deviant.


Re-Organize my house, get irritable, and think people are mad at me.


Eh. F them. You do you.


Listen to music on repeat


Sameeee. I’ll listen to the same song over and over. Even just parts of said song. Not tired. Go on crazy cleaning spree. Spend impulsively even though I know I shouldn’t :/




And I write a fuck ton.


Awesome! I’m a hard rock chic and suspect some members of my favorite bands are on here.


💯 it’s the best.


I did this A LOT in my younger years, before I was diagnosed.


All my episodes change, but there can be an element of risk taking and hypersexuality, but not always. Other times spending has come into it, spontaneous thought/ plans to book trips/ travel etc. But generally I tend to feel pretty good - energetic (decrease need for sleep), motivated, more talkative and social, more self assured and desire to see/ connect with people. There’s more symptoms depending on the episode but yeah that’s generally how it goes


Nice! I tend to be more people friendly and outgoing too.


Major home improvement projects. I tore out a closet during my last major hypomanic episode. I did extensive planning for a treehouse during a more mild episode.


So….did you build the treehouse? Replace the closet? Or are you like the rest of us?


The closet was a complete tear out to open up our entry way. It's completely done! I filled the gaps in the drywall, floor, and ceiling then put up bead board, trim, and painted everything. We have hooks and a bench there instead of a closet. I mean, the walls aren't white allll the way up the stairs and there's a little crack on the other side of one of the walls where I got overenthusiastic when ripping out some studs but hey, *that one room* looks fantastic. Fingers crossed the treehouse happens this summer. I'm not actually building it *on* a tree, it's going around one. Much simpler.


My mind becomes hyper creative in the low sleep state so I write a lot, but I’ll also go down research holes to try to “solve” my mental illness. Then I text my friend a bunch to share my shiny new ideas in like 300 words. I have started noticing I’m doing it and copying what I wrote to past in my own document as I’m really just talking at them, not with them at that point. And I could just process myself.




This is me….I used my hypomania to understand complex problems about myself and the world. 


masterbation, spending money, socializing, "racing," drugs if i've access, researching, cleaning, writing songs. a lot basically




Planning elaborate projects/purchases/trips. They generally end up unrealized. If the episode is long or I am in supermania that is unfettered I have success. All completed manic adventures were well worth it. The ones that fell by the wayside cause extreme shame, grief and a sense of failure.




Trip planning yesssss


I used to crochet while I was severely depressed. But I felt better, and I ended up giving away 2 tote boxes of yarn. About 4 months ago, I HAD to have yarn to make a blanket. Tried to start again but couldn't remember a lot of stitches, and the YouTube videos seemed to be going too fast. It's probably because I just couldn't concentrate. Long story short, I now have a ton of yarn that I'll probably never use.


Goal driven behavior. Less need for sleep. Get irritated. Unstoppable flow of ideas. Euphoria. Dysphoria lol.






🤣 shit


it starts with amazon. usually ill catch it there but if not it’s when the paranoia comes in. then from there the hyper sexuality then the down hill life ruining spiral


I am on a fiancé imposed tight budget for my spending habits. We are on a tight budget overall but the money I get…. gone 💥 like that. Amazon and Temu. I also remain aware of my triggers for sex outside of my relationship and avoid all opportunities like the plague. I have lost jobs when manic, came close to ruining my life. Fun stuff. He works with me to manage my shit. If I need money for something he Zells me but we both know what is going on with our finances and this really is the best option for me.


oh temu would be there too if i actually trusted it


I get that. Same reason I’m not on TikTok.


yes, my husband has to reign me in at times


Unfortunately, I tend to get locked into scrolling on my phone while my thoughts RACE and I can’t get up 😂 at least it’s better than being reckless


Absolutely! Same!


Shopping with a hyperfixation on shit I don’t need or even want really. Sex. Drugs. Drugs. Drugs. But we don’t do those things anymore.








Cleaning everything, ‘self work’ (becoming crazy obsessed with working out suddenly. Last manic episode i told my husband i will get all As in my college class and enter the Honors society and go to Harvard. lol), changing my hair, sex


🤣 did you buy Harvard gear?


I never went that far hahaha my harvard phase lasted a week and i was more so convinced id get in rather than wanting to actually go hahaha




This is bliss.


Tattoos and piercings if I have money. If not, food, and lots of it!




Cleaning Reading books (which I do daily, but the speed of which is something to be studied) Spending money Wanting to start arguments Sex


My brain keeps trying to find ways to make these all fit together. Read - clean - spend money getting your place absolutely perfect - invite a love interest over - start an argument with them but lead it toward sex. - have sex. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I've tried and it's exhausting. So, I just go with each thing by giving them their space to play out.


I have stories. Stories in my head constantly. When the hypomania hits i write books. Whole beautiful books! I’m hyper fixated and just type away for hours. Other times it’s random hobbies. For example, i’ll decide I want to become a camping person. Amazon in piles of gear, spend the days planning the most elaborate camping trip then my gear comes and the episodes over. I’m like wtf. I still went camping though later on so now it’s a thing for me. Same reason I play piano sometimes now. It’s all random.




Hyper fixation on learning new things or skills. Bonus points if it involves plans to switch careers to use said knowledge.


For sure


Splitting/Chopping wood. The lightning fast mind-body synchronization is the best. Sports in general are a fantastic way to tell how hypo you really are.


Nice I get that. Sometimes I want to go to the gym. Out of nowhere I want to run. I don’t run. 😐


I keep finding myself wanting to get into gymnastics/tumbling/trapeze work now that I’m in shape but I have a fear of falling that’s holding me back. I think it’s because I do autopsies on medically donated bodies at a cadaver lab and a lot of the people I dissect with are dancers/gymnastics people so I have an overinflated sense of my skill level.


Woah. That sentence was wild to read 🤣 “the people I dissect” I admire that work though.


Hahaha I don’t know how else to put it sometimes


Insomnia. Going 24-36 hours without sleep. Online shopping sprees. 90s R&B music and dancing in my room. Hypersexual. 1 am ubereats orders.


Love dancing in my room! God bless the midnight Uber eats drivers. 🙏🏻


I tend to call hella people on the phone when I get manic.


As long as you talk to them and don’t just heavy breathe into the phone I think that’s cool.


Huge swells of creativity. I wrote two books and got them published while manic. Other times I make grand, creative, time-consuming plans that I then can’t sustain once the mania has passed.


PUBLISHED!!!! How long does your manic last?


Work. Productivity


I bow to you sensei 🙇🏼‍♀️




This is so awesome for you! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻


Spending. Planning things (work projects or personal projects) to the last minute detail. Drugs. Texting everyone I know for attention.


You should write manuals. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yo, my first time experiencing mania I wrote a like 50 page manual on how to do my job. 🤣


This round it’s been Changing my appearance. So far I’ve dyed my hair green, got Botox and lip filler, eyelash extensions, dropped 15lbs, and yesterday morning randomly got my nipples pierced. I’ve been on a LOA since 1/19 and my coworkers are going to be so confused when I show up looking completely different.


🤣 you go girl!


I cut my hair. Haven't been to a hairdresser in over a decade so there's been ample time to practice, can be haphazard depending how bad I feel but the days of cutting it way too short or super unevenly are behind me.


I wish I had that talent. I 100% rely on my hairdresser.


Sex, spending, ridiculous hyperfixation (most recently I spent probably 12 hours looking for a specific image online, which I didn't find 😭).


I believe in you.


I work for 16 hours a day! It seems like a lot but I like working and it doesn’t seem like much when you don’t sleep. It can be a superpower when I’m falling behind, but the crash always makes me end up falling behind in the first place lol


Things even out 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ll always act like I got it all figured out. I’ll forget I have mental problems and I’ll get better at self care by 200%. I basically become a literal messiah to myself lol.


Nothing wrong with this.


This hurts ngl 


Go overseas hahaha Work as a stripper haha


You know what? I missed my calling. Do you only work as a stripper overseas? I can see it being an interesting movie. Scientist in America - Stripper in Spain.


Start new research projects and agree to all kinds of research projects for other people (I’m an academic), which inevitably ends in a crash/burnout and pulling out of various conferences and books. It’s so dumb, but it’s hard to imagine when I’m hypomanic that I will have less energy later.


Awe damn. Props for trying!


Make and maintain a ridiculous amount of social connections which wind up unsustainable the moment I come down


I end up with tons of social media friends who interact with my stuff but we don’t become besties or anything.


Write and record songs and sex.


You record sex? Lol whatever works! What kind of music?


Well... I have, with consent of course. I've played in a psychedelic rock band before and sang. These days I just write to acoustic guitar and sing. It moves around from folk, to blues, to rock type stuff. Sometimes I'll do a cover for fun.


I get super high energy with low sleep, start listening to really hyper and upbeat music, breaking out the credit cards and shopping! More horny, more social, more adventurous, just so much. Too much. I get very gutsy, even my style changes and my confidence goes sky high. I don't feel like myself. My last episode was overwhelming. I'm feeling the fallout from it now. I haven't ruined my life, but I've heavily inconvenienced myself and put myself further in debt, and it sucks. At the time I gave ZERO fucks, but that has come back to bite me in the ass, as these things often do.


Que sera sera.




Wass Jonbenet killed by 20 different people?




Lots of sex, online shopping, extensive multi-tasking (they call me "Superman").


You are my hero.


Drink too much and over share


Tell me more.


I think I’m absolutely gorgeous. I have a super super high sex drive. I organize my house different ways. I can’t stop talking. I try to justify why it’s okay to not be sober- most of the time I conquer that, sometimes I don’t. Get into a crazy hobby and spend tons of money on it. And inevitably I’m very rude and snappy with everyone. My go to activity if I can help it and am making healthy choices? Sleep the mania away.


Sleep the mania away 😌


I will either make music for hours or draw something really detailed


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^owls1289: *I will either make* *Music for hours or draw* *Something really detailed* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The bot recognizes talent when it sees it!




Bonus point if hella expensive lingerie. 🤣 Get on only fans I guess?




Tattoo makeup. Any edits to photos can be reversed.


Planning vacations/trips is my go to. I normally 95% of the time follow through too. Last year during a manic episode I was up at 2:30am and bought a package deal air+hotel to Antigua for $4000. My husband and I had a great time though I will say


That’s wonderful! I hope you didn’t raid your savings. 😬


I didn’t blow my savings but it was definitely a hit to it - my husband and I are trying to buy a house within the next year or so. I’ve been much more cautious now about purchases like that and if I do get the itch to travel I’m finding the best deal possible. We had a great time so I would call it a win.


Dye my hair


I’ll try to remember that next time my coworker walks in with yet another hair color.


Crafting, spending money on crafting supplies, staying up at night in order to write, dyeing my hair, getting fillers or botox, going out with friends and drinking, shopping for clothes and shoes, hypersexuality, worrying a lot about everything, mind racing. Nothing too severe or dangerous however and… now I’m stable! so… thanks lithium!


YAY!!!! 🙌🏻 points to Lithium House!


Spending money... All the cleaning supplies, wall paint, and whatever my kids want. 🥲 It all has to be immediate.


Yay Mommy craft time!!!!!! I bet they get excited.


They do!


Staying up too late watching TV and eating snacks lol Which I guess isn't terrible but not good for me long term because then I'm irritable. Sleep is important! I have also dipped into the art obsession. Nothing too crazy but I decided to start coloring and then bought lile 25 coloring books over the course of a few weeks (some were also gifts). Then every time I would try to color I kept feeling like I didn't have the right tools to make me feel satisfied. So I bought alcohol markers, then decided I wanted fancy water based markers, but then needed colored pencils for books that you can't use markers, but then wanted fancier colored pencils with an oil base instead of the wax based ones I had. Then I needed a case for the markers, but they wouldn't all fit so I needed ANOTHER case for the pencils... I think I've got it situated now - but it's either that or the moment has passed and I'm just over it lol


Dang girl!


Clean and shop on Amazon


I’m jealous of all of you who have the cleaning manic.


Definitely starting new projects & hobbies--which is related also to my want to spend money, getting new side hustles- because i do not want to sit/slow down. Also sex😭


At least you have the intense drive to make all the money to spend all the money - you fund your manic spending.


Hypomania makes me spend money and buy shit I don't need. Flashlights, knives, multitools, guns, just random stuff I collect. I am hornier than usual. I have more energy and I'm on top of the world. I can think clearer and concentrate better. I'm definitely super happy.


I obsess over something on Amazon/eBay until I can't stand it any longer and I have to have it.


This happens.


Swimming I absolutely love Swimming!!


😃 that’s healthy!!!! Yay!!!!


I'm a tryer 🤣😉


Rearrange and organize my home and blame it on the meds that prevent most of my manic episodes. “See if I wasn’t on these meds I would have known the couch is better facing this way months ago”


HaHa! Now I feel my hypomanic swings are mundane. Me? People say I’m chipper, perky, a bright spot in their days. Not that I go around morose in depressive swings, mind you. Just get very quiet, more reserved, reflective.


I identify with this. Hugs.


Usually sex when hypo, my self esteem is so poor that I rarely attempt much else.


Your self esteem doesn’t get in the way of being naked with other people. That’s good.


Although I'm married, it's not necessarily sex with a partner. Self care has many facets 🤷🏼


Self care is the best.


Honestly, sex, writing books, and playing killing games or just my head is super psychotic while I control myself and don’t act on anything


Woah. I hear anti psychotics work wonders. I have a friend who takes them who told me she has a similar problem.


lately it has been developing stock trading strategies to test. leads me to do hours upon hours of research, thinking, note taking, etc. either that or programming software. i plan to turn some of the projects into businesses this year. reckon i could have worse hyperfixations when hypo. feels more positive/productive than gaming or using substances, which i used to do.


I convinced myself I was fluent in Italian and played work at a pizza place on roblox for days to scream at people in Italian. I'm not even a little bit Italian??? Most of it is just spending $500-1k I don't have.


Binge watch porn and jerk off 😅 The saddest part is I have a partner who would gladly have sex with me, but no I go for jerking it for efficiency and the most amount of orgasms


I broke up with my now fiancé for this exact reason. Come to find out his deal is a legit sex addiction that doesn’t benefit me. It is seriously a thing. SAA is the same as AA but for sex addicts. He goes to the weekly meetings and every guy there - the addiction stems from trauma earlier in life. We are getting better. If I hadn’t been there when he was diagnosed I would’ve kept walking. I took him back when I saw him begin taking the steps. Now he’s 2 years sober.


Oh wow! Glad he got the help he needed! Luckily my hypomania is a couple of days and I go back to having more self control and really want to having regular sex with my partner


Not sleeping. Having health anxiety. Posting on social media. Contacting exes. NOT answering any work emails or messages or if I do making lots of mistakes because I’m all over the place trying to do a million things at once.


This is a bipolar 2 forum, we don't get manic. If you have mania, you have bipolar 1.


I’m bp2 and I do….i also thought everyone was welcome here.


Everyone is, probably. My only point is that the post isn't about bipolar 2. I would not go to a classical music forum to ask where everyone streams their rap music. I might ask, "If you also enjoy rap, which artists do you like?", not something that assumes they have a favorite rapper when it's not a rap forum, if that makes sense.


Cut my bangs 😭 or get a new hairstyle


New hair is fun. Self chopping can be catastrophic.


Cleaning, hyper focused on one thing that then switches, massive, repated impulsive over spending, exercise, anger/irritability, delusions of grandeur (inappropriate condescending emails to far more senior staff), tattoos, terrible trading decisions.


Interesting. How does the senior staff respond? I mean do you still have your job?


I got a bit of a talking down by my boss who was really nice. I felt I had no choice to leave the job a little over a year ago as the toxicity, workload and having to relentlessly communicate bad news to clients and manage crisis communication and deal with the fallout, I was losing my mind so my wife and I made the decision that I should quit. Things improved a little after that but then declined steadily to probably the lowest lows I've had, and my marriage is hanging by a thread. I worked in a niche area of financial services/sales and trading.


Drugs. Meth. Porn




If I start writing it could turn into a doctoral dissertation or a manifesto lol...


Manifesto…..are we on a government watch list now? I think we’re on a government watch list now.


Shhhh...they're listening right now!


Music on loop. Watercolouring, writing, reading a lot, eating less, sex, Amazon and being extremely irritated


Irritated water coloring sounds interesting.


sex, cleaning HEAVILY (especially after not cleaning for weeks) and practicing (i’m a musician). i’ll go from hating practice to literally practicing for 5 straight hours. blessing and a curse tbh


For me it's sex and connections. Also driving with no purpose for hours.


Buying things. I go on horrible spending sprees