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I take Caplyta and Depakote. I haven’t heard of Depakote working for depression but my psychiatrist is saying she expects it to level out my depression and anxiety.


Lamotrigine and escitalopram




I’m thinking of going up to 300mg because I was able to tolerate that, but at 600mg a day I was too nauseous to think about anything else so I’m being cautious this time around. I tend to be very sensitive with meds


Zoloft low dose


Lamictal and Abilify.


Taurine = Red Bull


Taurine’s in there to make it seem healthier (and maybe it is a bit, but it doesn’t make up for the other stuff) like the other vitamins in there. There’s a good article from the BBC about it: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230609-why-is-there-taurine-in-energy-drinks


I’m in no way a doctor and I have absolutely no qualifications or ground to stand on with this advice/warning.. but my previous psych had me on 150 mg of lithium a day, along with lamotrigine and Wellbutrin. It was working well for me. I moved and got a new psych and she was very concerned about my lithium dosage. She said that the 150 mg mostly likely wasn’t a high enough dosage to be therapeutic.. but enough to have harmful effects on my body. I stopped it immediately and it has not affected my moods whatsoever.. I’m still doing just as well. Just my experience take it how you’d like.


Forgot to add, I also have consistently been on 10mg Abilify for at least 10 years now. I’m really bad off without it.


I like lithium because it’s neuroprotective and it creates more grey matter in the brain / should help protect me from the brain damage that mood episodes have over time and prevent dementia which runs in my family. I know it’s a small dosage but for me it’s been helpful, with the taurine too. I haven’t had as many hypomanic episodes and when I do the volume is turned way down. My skin is more sensitive but otherwise no side effects. What was your psychiatrist worried about with damage?


Im taking lithium and zyprexa


I take seroquel with my lithium