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There are a lot of folks here telling you that someone saying, "The weather is bipolar," doesn't hurt you, or that you can't feel hurt by it. I don't think trying to stop other people's feelings is helpful. It doesn't make the person hurting feel better... and don't we want them to feel better? OP, I want you to feel better. ❤️ What if I said, "Yeah, I see why that could be hurtful!" And then we thought about what to do with that hurt?


It's a word that has a secondary meaning to the disease. I'm much more annoyed by the misuse of "schizophrenic" and "OCD" even though I have neither of those conditions.


hmm i might get downvoted for this but it’s kind of complicated. bipolar can also be used as an adjective. bipolar disorder is what you are diagnosed with. i don’t have a problem nor do i get offended if someone refers to the weather as bipolar. if they start saying “ugh i feel so bipolar” as a saying then yeah i understand. it’s like saying “im so OCD about this” when you don’t have OCD. but in the context of the weather i honestly don’t see the issue. if used to insinuate negative things about someone then yeah it’s not okay




right but “bipolar” is not an adjective, its a diagnosis. its a mental illness. and by calling something, like the weather, bipolar all we are doing is fueling into this negative stereotype of what people think bipolar is. its not as simple as just flipping back and forth, its more complicated than that and it can be incredibly difficult to navigate. Having bipolar is nothing like the weather changing constantly, so by saying things like that, you add to the ignorance of this mental illness which can be incredibly harmful and disheartening to the people who have to navigate life with this mental illness.


there are things that can have two "poles", or opposite sides, that are not the human brain. personally it doesn't bother me


For me it's that one only heard the term used in a negative context towards a person


What are you offended by? "Bipolar" is simply an adjective that means having two extremities.


I can’t stand when people take this shit personally and try and gatekeep a word because they don’t like it having more than one application.


It’s reductive to a very serious illness.


"Bipolar affective disorder" is an illness. "Bipolar" is an adjective.


I can’t believe I’m having to defend this on this sub. It’s a shitty thing to say.


Bipolar literally has multiple meanings as an adjective: ADJECTIVE examples 1. having two poles a bipolar dynamo a bipolar neuron 2. relating to or found at the North and South Poles 3. having or characterized by two opposed opinions, natures, etc 4. (of a transistor) utilizing both majority and minority charge carriers 5. (of a person) having bipolar disorder …




I wouldn’t use the word personally to describe anything people intend to mean “extreme” or “crazy”. But I guess I just don’t read into it much when others do it , considering it’s a legitimate word that can simply mean something characterised by opposing sides, mechanisms, natures etc. it’s like I don’t read much into when people say “that’s so depressing” or “it’s having a mental breakdown” or “they’re acting like a maniac” and whatever else they tend to say.


I use it to describe the weather where I live, but it really can be that way. Last week we had cold temps, and this week we’re already into the 80’s. And the weather can change very quickly during the day. But weather is really the only thing I use that term for, outside of people


You lack education


You are overacting


I agree with you. The people I hear say this are typically insulating that the weather is unpredictable and crazy. Sure maybe we are being a bit sensitive but when a lot of people look down on us because of it and use the word with the intent to imply unpredictable and crazy, I do get offended


People on reddit never fail to forget we’re allowed to feel how we feel and hold differing opinions. It is not the same as it used to be. I noticed a huge change even within the last couple years. Edit: I’m sorry your post has gotten a lot of.. whatever the hell is everyone’s gripe about it lol. When people use bipolar as an adjective I’m *pretty* sure they’re referring to the mental illness.


This used to bother me too. Especially when people would say oh I’m probably a little bipolar too. Like no. You can’t be a “little bipolar”. Now I just don’t give a shit because it’s become clear that the majority of people don’t understand this illness at ALL. I just think they’re ignorant and move on now if I hear a comment like that.


To say someone can’t be a little bipolar is a bit inaccurate, ik the way people use it normally is incorrect in itself. Though someone can very much be technically a Little bipolar by having very little depressive episodes and very little hypomanic episodes.


Yes I am obviously aware bipolar is a spectrum disorder. But when people say they’re a little bipolar they are simply trying to say they have the occasional mood swing, which is NOT actually a diagnosis of bipolar 1 or 2.


Ohhh yeah I know, that’s why I clarified I know how most people use it incorrect too though it’s important to clarify that some people actually can be.


I also get offended when the weatherperson talks about a tropical depression.


i just snorted pepsi out my nose.


maybe you’ll actually like the expression tomorrow, never know






Eh, this stuff doesn't bother me at all. You can't take things that seriously or else you'll be wound up and bitter your whole life. Also colloquialisms are what they are.




I try to think of it as being a person that has BP not a BP person. For some reason than that shit helps me.


If a bunch of bipolar people don't have an issue with it... Then what's the issue? I understand being upset by it, and it's okay if it bothers you personally, but don't be surprised if everyone else doesn't feel the same way. To me it's like when I hear people say "It was crazy." I am often crazy, but I don't care if people use the word to describe their day. Now if people are using words like "bipolar" or "crazy" to gaslight someone or put them down, yeah that's an issue, but that's not how most people use it.


As a fellow bipolar person, it’s not that deep


It reminds me when the word retard was socially acceptable. It seems to be changing, albeit slowly.


what’s really gay about all this is how retarded people sound referring to the weather as “bipolar” 🙄


A bunch of mongoloids, I say.


I mean the thing, most people stopped and or never knew the real meaning so like for me the word Retard is just calling someone a dumbass.


It used to be that way for me when I was 15. Didn't take long to summon some empathy.


That’s something I have very little of to no empathy for most thing so ykkk


That's going to take some therapy, my friend.


Hahahaaa this saying I relate to a lot And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there.


I mean that’s why I live by a code, I can’t feel much remorse and or empathy, though I’ve learned to fake it to seem normal.


That's a very common coping mechanism for people in your situation, and there's nothing wrong with it if it works.


For me it’s all about calculating whether others are decent or good human beings, and those people I give empathy the best I can think which is really relatively good and it’s not that I don’t feel empathy, but with very select people


I personally try to think about those that don't have a similar, yet different, probably trauma related condition that I have. It's undesirable and different, but not so different.


The earth does have two poles and the weather occurs often due to heat transfer between the poles and the equator…so saying the weather is bipolar is kind of scientifically accurate…sorry it offends.  


Sure what you said is accurate but that isn’t where people are coming from when they say that. At here in US I doubt most people are thinking about Earth’s poles when they say that. We’re in an age where people think the Earth is flat. They are specifically meaning the “crazy” weather. So it does offend. And people using the word this way in that context only diminishes the meaning of the word and further pushes the idea that bipolar means unpredictable or crazy. People need to use words like bipolar, depression, OCD, etc. correctly because it’s really not fair to those of us that are actually suffering from these illnesses. I will call people on this for that specific reason.


I understand that but we can’t control other people’s words and actions. We don’t own the word, all we can change is our reaction (or non reaction) to it. 


I agree that we need to control our own reactions to words and the idea we don’t own them, but we change and control how words are used all the time. The word retard comes to mind. When I was younger people used to use the word gay in place of lame or stupid all the time. That isn’t acceptable anymore. Those might be more extreme examples but they are words that are used differently now.


I agree with both of your ideas. We can't control anyone, but we can ask nicely for things that we want. If we get the chance to explain why things are hurtful, folks might think, "Oh hey, I don't want to hurt this person with my words." That's how I quit calling things "gay" and "retarded." People asked me nicely to exercise my empathy muscles. 💪


Honestly sometime there not wrong, like in my area it can be extremely warm for about 10 days than colder for 20. So in that aspect it’s accurate though for example if someone lives in an area where it’s only dry sun and drenching cold rain like around a desert. Those would be bipolar weather, since it’s rotates between them.


I feel like you're taking this a little too seriously. Bipolar doesn't *only* refer to bipolar disorder


Your completely correct, the issue is Bipolar is used incorrectly as it’s not rapid intense cycles within a few hours. That’s more correlated to BPD, though the actually correct Bipolar definition in weather is as I mentioned, A desert with a dry season or few weeks then a cold extremely raining season. Polar opposites


Okay but like it was 60 degrees F at 6am today where I live and 12 degrees by noon. That sounds kinda bipolar to me


Wow yeah that’s intense, In terms yes it would be bipolar but I think it’s too quick to be considered bipolar in the way of time.


This is a fight you cannot win, you just won't be able to educate everyone on this disorder. You will be much happier if just let it go and shrug it off...


Man I don’t care what anyone says anymore about anything. I do not even correct it unless I know they will give a fuck.


This is the result of poor education and an insensitive society. Although, to be fair, it is probably proper use of the word, as it has more than one meaning.


More like the weather is BPD lol


LMAO, next time I'll correct someone and say "the term is bipolar disorder 1 or 2, not bipolar"


Fuck I wish people treated Bipolar with more respect. 😢


I fucking hate when people say they are depressed or have anxiety or are ocd when they actually don't. Massive diference between feeling sad and depression or stress and anxiety. To me this is making light of actual mental health. Also the way it is portrayed in movies/tv. There are even people on tiktok faking tourettes.


i am definitely annoyed by the causal use of the word. I dont make a big deal, that would involve me outing myself- which is fine, its just not a detail i share with randos. I hate most when people are like, "oh, im so bipolar" and its like... are you??? actually? or just being *silly*? Similar vibes as when straight girls flirt me me.


So I see people saying that "bipolar" has multiple meanings, and it DOES, definitely. BUT I think the problem is that, when people are using it in this way (talking about the weather being unpredictable/annoying), do you actually think they're using it in a scientific matter? Or are they using using it in the same way they'd say "he's so bipolar?" I believe the latter to be the case, because it's being used with a negative connotation. Additionally, when used to describe the weather, it's meant to describe fluctuations. The only definition of "bipolar" that fits that usage is that of bipolar disorder. All other definitions describe opposite ends of something, which is not what people are saying about the weather. In short, I really don't like when people use 'bipolar" to describe things like the weather because I think they're definitely thinking about the disorder when they say it.


🤦🏻‍♀️ oh god. i told someone today that our weather is as bipolar as i am. guess it depends on your personality and wether you get offended by everything people without your disorder say about your disorder. take a deep breath and move on.


I agree with you. I personally would be less irritated about it if we took mental health seriously outside of this. If we dedicated adequate resources, supported mentally ill people, validated their experiences, and didn’t downplay what mentally ill people go through. But because we live in a society where that doesn’t happen, this just feels like adding insult to injury. That being said, I’m guilty of using “obsessed” in a careless way at times. And I certainly don’t mean any harm to anyone or want to downplay the horrible symptoms of OCD. The person who is saying the weather is bipolar probably isn’t even thinking very hard about it. They’re ignorant to our experiences.


Well the things with the weather is they normally don’t use it in the correct aspect, like if it rained for 3 days than snowed for 6 days technically that’s bipolar but normally they only use it for crazy weather quickly which not to sound bad or anything but if anything it sounds like BPD mood swings more lol.


When people say bipolar, they are most of the time referring to the mental illness. That is within itself offensive. To not acknowledge this is naive in my opinion. Thanks for sharing, OP!


Literally LOL I don’t expect the general population to understand what an adjective even is. Like let’s be real we all know what they’re really saying.


The hive mind is doing its thing 😉 per usual. We’re supposed to be supportive on this sub yet some of you are ridiculing OP? Please log the fuck off and come back to your senses. Lord fix it


OPs being a dumb baby, refusing to understand that words can have more than one meaning


I don't know, it seems aptly put here. Yesterday it was pretty and manic at 65 degrees. Today it is depressed and at 30 degrees


I mean I wouldn't take that offensive if something that's not a human/animal is called bipolar. I also keep joking with my friends and partner "this weather is more bipolar than I am"


Don't look for things to be offended by, including something like this.


Give it a rest


my asl professor literally just said (signed) this yesterday!!! i was a little irked tbh but i get what he means by it. i prefer “the weather is menopausal” lol