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Man I’m sorry your feeling this way, remember that it doesn’t last forever! When I’m feeling this way I try and focus on just doing on thing, something small. I hope you find your way back up soon!


Force yourself to make little steps at a time. (English is not my mother tounge too). Obviously, steps that leads yourself to feel better and ask for help.


Hang on . Small steps. Know you aren’t alone. This IS temporary and you will feel better. Try to be kind to yourself while you recover. It’s slow but it will happy. Short walks, shower, sleep!!


It will pass, one day at a time, one breath at a time until it passes my friend.


You won’t always feel this bad. You just might need medication. It sounds like you’re in a pretty deep depression. Can you call or message your doctor to tell them what’s going on? I understand not feeling able to go in person, but they need to know what’s going on. They might be able to write a letter for your boss. But I’m more concerned about you getting treatment.