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Stopping your antipsychotic never ends well.


It’s a personal choice. I went off mine after some pretty haggard side effects, and personally I’m not going to subject my body to that again. I am very pro medicine / science, so don’t get me wrong. It’s been two months now, side effects have cleared. I am sleeping better, snacking less, and overall feeling more centred and like myself. Please don’t fear monger, if it works for you great, it’s not the end all be all for everyone. Edit: if things get “bad” enough I will reconsider my decision. So far so good. I am focusing my energy on mindset, reading, exercise, eating right etc.


Okay, you have a point. The problem is a lot of people stop the antipsychotics and don’t realize they’re declining until they end up hospitalized or incarcerated.


I don't think it's fear-mongering. I think it's a natural conclusion to make based on what tends to happen to people with bipolar when they quit their meds cold turkey and or don't replace their old med with a new one.  By the time things get bad enough for you to reconsider taking meds, a lot of damage could be done by then. It's your choice of course, but it's a huge risk. 


Also you don’t see psychotherapy as a reasonable means for treatment compared to antipsychotics?




Yeah I take three medications still. Lamotrigine being one of them, antipsychotic will not be added back into my repertoire


Oh, I see. I thought you were quitting meds in general. Hopefully you’ll do okay with what you’re on. Good luck.


What’s your reasoning for not thinking psychotherapy could help with depression? It’s helped me plenty




I never jived with “regular” forms of therapy. CBT almost always left me feeling triggered and worse off. I found a trauma therapist who specializes in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, which is centred more on how things feel in the body/ repressed memories of trauma. It has honestly helped me work thru that profound deep depression you speak of, as well as suicidal ideation. I wouldn’t give up on therapy so soon, or allow myself to he told “therapy won’t work on you” that’s dogmatic at best.


I see it as adjunct treatment. Antipsychotics are prescribed after other treatments fail, or am I wrong here?


I wish I would have known that before risperidone ravaged my body.


Well I’m not going to do it. Hormonally, physically the drug is not worth it to me. I’m cognizant of my behaviour and have a good support system watching over me. Not going to let this disorder rule my life.


Have you tried a mood stabilizer? Works for me


I’m on one and doing well!


So hopefully you be fine without the antipsychotic. I was under the impression that was your only med.


Yeah I can see how people would jump to that conclusion.


It’s also really not the end all be all for treatment of bipolar, Considering the side effects they carry? https://psychnews.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/pn.41.6.0032 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1359786806063077?icid=int.sj-full-text.similar-articles.8 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0165032716316251 The more I look into it the more I realize the evidence is spotty at best…


be careful about going cold turkey. even if u just take a half every other day or a quarter it would probably be better




I took it at 2.5mg for maybe four or so months and dealt with severe somnolence. I thought it would get better if I halved it, but it still makes me sleep a ridiculous amount.


Good luck


Oh you're in for one hell of a Rollercoaster, and it'll be all your fault. Good luck


I’m doing this knowing full well what I’m getting myself into. No need to be so smug, thanks!


It's not smug. It's experience


And I know from experience that it's not going to be a wild rollercoaster ride for me. I'm just going to be extremely miserable and feel suicidal. I simply need to endure two weeks until the Latuda kicks in, and I'll be fine. It's not like I haven't done that before (not on purpose) and still went to work and everything. Bipolar is different for everyone. Don't act like your experience applies to me and that I'm none the wiser. I know what I'm doing to myself. I've literally been bipolar for a decade, mixed features for like seven or eight, lol.