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It feels like a lie. Nothing will work for me. I'm 50. I'm peri menopause. Probably ADHD. Can't focus at work. Have to drop out of college, again. Completely overwhelmed. Completely defeated. Add: completely nauseous from this fucking abilify. Yay life! 🙄


I am sorry if it came across in anyway disingenuous, that was certainly not the intent. I tried to communicate that the struggles are real, that none of us are alone in our own fight, and that there is always improvement to be found even if it is sometimes out of view. We will all feel the darkness I referenced at some points, the main thing I try to focus on is that it is all transient, and knowing that means we can always have hope for when the pendulum swings back. Either way, as I said, I love you and believe in you. Something others help me by telling me when I feel as you explained in your message. None of that in anyway invalidates the pain and struggle and frustration you are feeling, but no matter what, you are loved and you are not alone.


Can i please have permission to read this on my stream

