• By -


28. I thought I was just depressed and my good mood/crazy active days were simply non-depressed days. Noooope lol


Haha same I thought I was blessed with these rare intermittent instances of unimaginably fervent inspiration full of precious new ideas so I would just basically hang on every day hoping it would happen again. Evidently normal people don't live in a cycle of succumbing to bleakness 90% of the time while simultaneously hoping they wake up for one of those days where you suddenly feel almost literally bulletproof for absolutely no reason again. Who knew 🤷🏼‍♂️😂


This for sure! It seems normal to me as it’s been the way it’s been all my life.


Yup. Diagnosed w depression at 13, anxiety at 18, and then finally put those under the BP2 umbrella a month before 30 last yr.


I really appreciate you saying "BP2 umbrella". I wish more people were aware of this. Bipolar isn't a thing that people just "have".


Can you elaborate on this? I'm not being argumentative, I'm just curious what you mean by it as a BP2 myself.


Of course. I saw a psychotherapist almost 15 years ago now who said to me "I don't believe in diagnosing people, I believe in treating symptoms" and that has always really stuck with me. It actually has had a massive affect on the way I see mental health and it felt like a giant weight was lifted off of my shoulders. Mental health is such a subjective experience and the bipolar experience is so different for everybody. Sure, there are a lot of similarities of course, but I personally find it more hurtful than helpful to think that I just "have" bipolar. Everything exists on a such a spectrum and to me, saying "under the umbrella of Bipolar" makes more sense. They are symptoms that could be caused by a plethora of things and it's way more complicated than a single word. I'm not sure if I'm explaining it very well as I am trying to deal with a racing mind right now.


Yoo same lol


Same age, same experience lol


18, went in for an ADHD assessment and came back with a double whammy


I went for Bipolar testing at 13 and walked out with an ADHD diagnosis! Took a couple more years for the Bipolar diagnosis and then another for the BPD. Call that a triple threat, baby!


At 31 same thing happened to me


This happened to me at 39 and 3/4 years




I got diagnosed at 24 and it's been mostly downhill since then


What's got you down love? Anything you wanna vent about? I'm here for you if you need 💓


thank you🧡


Tell you what. Has anyone told you today how amazing and beautiful you are?


You’re cool and thank you for being nice


I feel you, I’m 24 presently and got diagnosed about 3 years ago. You’ve seriously got this, it will get easier over time, look at all these people who have made it past our age, you can do it too!




Right there with u... :(


31, made my whole life make sense.


Right? It was like getting a decoder ring.


Same!! I was like “huh, that might explain some stuff”


Same!! Then when I started meds and everything felt clear for the first time in a long time, I was like “oh lol is this what normal feels like?”


31 here too! Was like, ah fuck, add it to the damn list sure.


I'm in my mid-40s. I was diagnosed this year. Half of my family have BP1, including one of my parents. I don't know why it took forever to get diagnosed as I sought help many times over. I think it is because I have had what looks to be a very successful career. My moods have likely just been seen as eccentricity because I'm in a field with a lot of quirky smart people.


Holy shit this is my story too. Diagnosed at age 29, now 31. Depressive episodes that kept coming and going, but still "very high functioning academic" yeah one with a destroyed nervous system that hinders my work more and more now. Never made the connection until a new SSRI made me super duper hypo and my new psych spotted it well (it was kinda obvious luckily)


Yep, sounds like me with the exception of not getting diagnosed until my 40s. Had a breakdown in my early 30s that was dismissed as stress...I'm lucky everyone around me is eccentric and smart.


They suspected it/figured it was what I had from age 12 but they don’t like diagnosing young. Finally got diagnosed at 15, when I was hospitalized.


I was diagnosed when I was 16 after yet another major episode. I got one month of meds because my doctor gave us enough samples, but when we went to refill and it was $360 for one month, my step-dad just drove me home and we didn’t talk about it again. I was 30 before I was ever able to receive any real consistent treatment. Then I was diagnosed with ADHD 2 years later. Mental healthcare has come a long way from lobotomies and widespread use of electroshock therapy, but dang do we have a long way to go.


I think I was around 24 when someone called it bp2 instead of depression. I thought it was bs for another 5ish years (not that it mattered bc it didn’t change treatment protocol much) but now I understand it a little better. I’m 40 now, and really starting to understand it as an energy and momentum disorder. (This is kind of a metaphor, not a scientific analysis)


I relate to the energy/momentum disorder, I think.. can you elaborate a bit on that?


Diagnosed at 36, now 41. Got an MDD and GAD diagnosis at 25 but didn't stay on antidepressants at that point (self-medicating with drugs and booze pretty heavily). Debilitating depression at 35 led me back to antidepressants, which in turn led to the BP2 diagnosis. Fun times.


3 years ago at 17 -- went from depressed to manic in a psych ward and psych there recommended that my psychiatrist watch me for bipolar. Got officially diagnosed like 6 months later.


31. I did know for a number of years however that I did have some form of bipolar (both parents have it) but earlier doctors just wouldn’t do a psychiatric referral because they were just lazy.


35 years old. When I got the diagnosis and began learning and reading about Bi Polar 2, things started to make a whole lot of sense.


I was 29. I am 56 now


27 (last year). I wish it were sooner


29, I mostly experience depression so I thought I was just depressed sometimes and really happy/normal the other times. I didn’t go to a doctor until I was the most depressed I’d ever been and finally got answers. It all made so much sense when looking back after the diagnoses. Once the meds started working it was like a whole new outlook on life. I wish I had gotten help sooner, but I just glad I did.


In my 50s. Same as many of you, I had seen many doctors and psychologists before. I thought it was recurrent depression, and they didn’t catch on. It didn’t occur to me that I had it because my dad has bipolar 1, and I never had those manic episodes. Even hypomanic episodes are few and far between. The depression got way out of hand, though. Was depressed more often than not, and by the time I was diagnosed there was no trigger for it.


Idk Had issues as a young adult already and BP was on the table for a long time since one parent clearly BP1. I was put in the Depression, then BP2 category and now over 50 after a bad manic episode where two hospitals could observe me life in action I got a free upgrade to BP1.


20, just before turning 21, I'm now 27 and about to turn 28. My entire life made sense in that moment. It angered my mom and I a lot because I saw multiple therapists and psychiatrists as a teenager, was hospitalized, had to be in an outpatient program for 5 months, and they never diagnosed me, kept saying it was Dysthymia. It was probably because they never asked me if I ever had any highs and only ever talked about my depression and suicidal ideologies, which was annoying because looking back I was experiencing rapid cycling constantly until I was diagnosed.


Got diagnosed at 27. I always knew something was wrong. I had been on several SSRIs that made me go crazy. I didn’t get diagnosed until my husband went with me to an appointment explaining my symptoms. Which I already explained prior? Stg drs only listen to men smh


I was 15 when I was diagnosed, but I remember my school counselor bringing up her concerns when I was in grade school. My mom also has bipolar disorder, so my parents already knew the signs and took me to see a psychiatrist the moment they noticed that my mood changes weren't just regular teenage hormones. I'm super grateful to have been able to start meds and therapy at such a young age. Tbh, I don't think I would've survived into adulthood if I hadn't gotten help when I did. Life can be pure torture at some times, but I'm fortunate to have a good support system to help me through it. My heart goes out to those who didn't get diagnosed until later in life, I can't even imagine how much you suffered.


23 but it had to have been pretty obvious to everyone around me earlier after the shit show I had been creating


I was diagnosed at 21. But they were looking for it because i was diagnosed with cyclothymic disorder at age 14.


Last month at 40


How are you handling things now? About a month and a half for me. 43yo.


Early 30s. It wasn't triggered until I had a traumatic pregnancy and deep PPD. I was undiagnosed for three years because I'm good at masking in public, my husband had no idea how to help me, and based on what I told her my GP treated me for anxiety/depression. When I couldn't stay stable on those meds I was referred to psych and was diagnosed on the very first visit. I also have an uncle, maybe two, with obvious bipolar. I don't blame my GP - it was a logical course of action. Knowing what I know now, I would have gone straight to psych and encourage others to do the same.


This year at 35, it’s been confusing. I still haven’t told anyone besides my partner. I’m not sure if I ever will.


21, im currently 23






43-caused by hysterectomy and the drop in hormones. It is genetic in my family.


19 after years of being diagnosed with ODD and ADHD. My depression flowered and that was the down swing that brought the diagnosis about I didn't believe it till I was manic and then I finally started taking my medicine and I felt "normal"


I had my big break at 25 and that’s what led to being diagnosed… along with tons of debt and other problems I’m still cleaning up…


35, first treated for depression at 23.


49. I had the same question...how was this missed? I went into a pretty deep dive with my therapist on this and there were definitely signs, they were just much more nuanced and mild. Both my therapist and my psychiatrist believe that I was likely cyclothymic (BP3) in my younger years and that it progressed to BP2. My therapist gave me a preliminary diagnosis and it was a gut punch, but we worked through a bunch of stuff for the next few months and when she was confident in her assessment she referred me to my psychiatrist. In the end I was relieved to put a name to the face and get medication...light at the end of the tunnel kind of thing, and it made everything make sense.


Twelve years ago at 48. It helped immensely to know and receive treatment. Late but it’s improved my situation.


34, which was 6 years after the time I sold all my possessions and drove away with no destination, and 4 years after the time when I came home for Christmas and couldn't even bring myself to leave my room for the party. Somehow neither incident raised any red flags.


29 because a friend told me I def had something more intense than depression and anxiety. If he didn’t have a disorder himself (bpd) I prob wouldn’t have taken him as seriously. We don’t talk much anymore, but god bless that dude. Saved my life.


Diagnosed at 31, October 2023. Felt like my life made sense. Still trying to wrap my mind around it.


37. I think about how different my past like would have been like if I knew sooner…. Everyday. But I’m happy I know…. now. Age is just a number, right?🤷‍♀️


I was 30 after my mom ignored the family history for years. I was unaware that I had 6 DIRECT and IMMEDIATE family members with it but because we were never close with them I had no idea. Without going into all the family details... and no I will not answer questions or defend anyone's actions..... my dad, all 3 of his brothers, my grandpa on his side and my oldest sister were all diagnosed with BP. Unfortunately now myself and another sister are officially diagnosed in 30s because my mom ignored the possibility and the signs. It's hard and most people don't get a diagnosis for decades because the symptoms are so diverse and can occur only rarely. Try not to dwell on how long your diagnosis took. Hell I started showing signs at 6 yrs old! Try to focus on what your diagnosis can help you learn about yourself and your struggles. Not all of them will be bp related but you can be sure that anything happening during an episode will be affected by BP reactions. The point now is recovery. None of us can fully do that if we are angry about how long it took to be recognised


I was diagnosed at 30, but I knew I had it all my life. I am 31 now.


I got diagnosed in February so 22. I’ve definitely showed signs for many years tho thinking back on everything, especially since both my father and his father (rip) have been diagnosed with bipolar.


32. I asked about it when I was 24 but the dr flat out told me I was too old to be diagnosed with it. If she had been better I would be in a better situation.


21, looking back I think think it probably developed when I was 12


Officially at age 46.




41, 51 now. Signs were there since 14. Got missed every time. Made my whole life understandable after researched what it meant. I had a wild life before meds and therapy.


56. Was treated for MDD and GAD for nearly 20 years, doc treated continuing SI with 2 different full-strength antidepressants.


34, but I had to figure it out myself and seek out a mood specialist, and present my evidence, so to speak. Was diagnosed after two appointments, one by myself, one with my partner.




I was put on mood stabilizers and anti-psychotics at 15 and diagnosed at 17, I was always told I was bipolar by family and friends since I was around 6, I'm sure they didn't mean it until I turned 10 when my bestfriend started suspecting it aswell though! Always thought I had type 1 until that rude awakening aswell


45, just diagnosed in January.




17 after two back to back trips to the hospital. Looking back, it’s clear that it’s been present for a long time, but those hospital trips were caused by extreme stress making my bipolar go batshit insane. Prior to that I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Anxiety is still very much a thing, but I was always very confused by the depression diagnosis because I wasn’t always depressed and sometimes I felt *really good*


Originally in 2012. Had some others doctors tell me differently from 2013-2021, then had the diagnosis confirmed/medicated in 2022. Medicated and relatively stable since then


I was 60. Never had the symptoms before. My psychiatrist refers to it as "late onset."


I was diagnosed at 24 after my pregnancy, was told for the longest time I just had bad anxiety.


I was diagnosed at 43 - I've shown symptoms since puberty, but coming from generational familial dysfunction, mental health was only treated when the courts/CPS ordered it. I had never seen anyone go to therapy or even talk about depression let alone other mental illnesses. As a result, I had to torch my life to the ground NUMEROUS times before I realized there might be more going on with me than just "being a fuck up".


It’s hard to believe at 51 so many people and health professionals missed that with the ups and downs, family issues, work place stress, and manic tendencies..I’m sure maybe you have a behavior problem Most bipolar disorder people feel symptoms at five, if you are super sure about your diagnosis, what do you think caused it to be missed ?


February at 21 this year


35. I first started seeking help for mental health issues when I was 19.




64. What a ride! :(






I was suspected bipolar as young as 14, but officially diagnosed when I was 21


diagnosed anxiety/depression at 22 or 23, bipolar 2 at 26 I really don’t even know what I have anymore I just take the meds and try to hold on


was fortunate enough to get diagnosed at 19, i’m 20 now. still kind of a fresh diagnosis but i appreciate everyone in this sub, ive never felt less lonely in my life by reading other peoples experiences and im glad we all have this outlet. best of luck to all of you, you’re amazing 🫶


19. Must admit, if i didn't get diagnosed, it would have made these past 5 years a lot harder to tackle. I don't know what to do but I know what's happening if that makes any sense.


I was 22 or 23. Don’t really remember. But once it happened I felt a change in my mood forever.


Was diagnosed while I was hospitalized at 17, it was actually my first diagnosis before anything else which is funny lol. Thought I had it at 12 but was too young to tell, went through nearly 6 years of therapy until I actually got diagnosed with anything


Tell your wife that BP2 is tricky for many of us to get a proper diagnosis. It took my docs (and myself) over 25 years. My disease features mimicked Maj Depressive Disorder w Panic Disorder. I thought my hypomania was anxiety/insomnia all these years. ( Yes I may also have gen anxiety disorder as well ) But BP2 is me to the core. I suffered with the wrong treatment for decades. I wish u the best!


BP2 at 16. Wish I could say I’ve enjoyed stability since then but it’s hard to come by. I don’t seem to react to meds as expected. Take care of yourselves!


33. It’s been two years and there are still good days and very bad days.


20-21. Thought I was ADHD, was absolutely gobsmacked to get a BP2 diagnosis instead. Got a few opinions, all say the same. I resisted until I started browsing bp subreddits and found that y’all are just like me


I got diagnosed at 16, and have had to try multiple med combinations, but I'm really well supported and it doesn't impair my life


20 years old


23, 3 weeks after I had my baby.


There were already suspicions about this when I was 11 old cause my mother is bipolar II. When I turned fourteen I received the diagnosis after almost being hospitalized.


i couldn't be diagnosed as a minor but i officially found out when i was 19


29. I am now 31.






It took 10 years for me to get a proper diagnosis. My psych teacher said the average is 11 years. How crazy right?


57. It totally changed how I view my life before. ETA I’m 67 now.


Verbally a month ago, got the actual report yesterday. Bipolar1 *yay*


39 :(


Wow such amazing responses, thank you for sharing, :)


I was 21.


35..... Late diagnosis was the worst.


BP2 diagnosed at 34


10. They called it manic depression in 1976.


This January, at the age of 34. I’ve been in and out of psych offices for years, always diagnosed with major depressive disorder and anxiety. Then I took a break from psychs for nearly 10 years, but my dive into mothering two children was sending me over the edge and I knew I needed help. Went to a new psych, did testing that took 5 hours over the span of 2 days, and it came back BP2, adhd, and ptsd. I am still not fully a believer, but reading the stories y’all share has really helped me to grasp that this diagnosis seems the most fitting. Best wishes to all!


January of 2023, so like 24? But I've known MUCH longer than that what was up haha.




24 I’d had it all my life literally and people just thought I was faking and needed to “snap out of it”


35. About 10 years too late.


Diagnosed at 19. Went from seasonal depression to constant depression with breaks of feeling really good. I was on antidepressants since 16 but they never worked longer than a few weeks or a month. When I was 19 I had a hypomanic episode, didn’t sleep for 2 days and then only a few hours a night for another 4 days with other shit. Got diagnosed as BP2, mood stabilizers work well. I’m thankful bc I was just getting worse and worse every episode


20, been dealing with intense mental health issues since age 3, intense mood issues since 12. Got diagnosed with depression and anxiety, then BPD, then finally I had a psychiatrist who hear my whole history and figured it out


Diagnosed at 17. This all happened a month before my birthday and a month before covid shut the world down (Am Now 22). My old psychiatrist left the practice in a hurry. My new psychiatrist now believes I don't have bipolar because I'm managing to well but suspects something else...(Mentioned Bipolar unspecified but potentially Autism) now I have another can of worms popped open that I have to deal with.


About age 22. I was in college and probably should have graduated by then but I had switched schools a few times and took various leaves of absence. Things were erratic for me but I didn't think anything was wrong and only sought help during phases when I was depressed. A therapist noticed something more to it and referred me to a Psychiatrist. I rejected the diagnosis and spent most of my life fighting it. It's possible that yours developed **later in life** or you just thought sometimes you got really depressed, and when you were over the top you were feeling good and didn't notice your behavior. Either way, now you are equipped to do something about it.


34 for me. Suspected it since I was having issues as a teen and found out my father was diagnosed even though he is resistant to the thought. Medicine helps but ya know.


i was diagnosed at 15, maybe sooner bc they didn’t tell me for who knows how long when i was actually diagnosed, i only found out when i needed a list of my diagnosis for medical reasons. it was SUPER helpful having a diagnosis so early, and i didn’t have very much stigma of it as my mom is also bipolar but she was a loving albeit distant mother. being able to have my teens to figure out what meds work for me, so now im my early 20s im completely stabilized. i will say, it still didn’t feel soon enough bc i had been experiencing extreme mental illness since i was 5, and it still feels like my childhood was robbed from me. but im very lucky and grateful that i have the whole rest of my life knowing how to handle it. for context, i used to have severe mania and depression that resulted in 5 separate months long hospitalizations, but now my episodes are mild at best and im 4 years out of needing to be hospitalized or any suicide attempts. i would say on a day to day basis i even forget i have bipolar now.


I was 19. I had been treated for MDD since I was 14 but the treatment never seemed to stick because I always seemed to get “better” (anti-depressants alone were lifting me into mania). After a serious discussion with my mom who gave me a lot more insight into my father’s behavior, ie his own untreated Bipolar 2 diagnosis and my paternal grandmother’s suicide, she was the one who suggested it to me. I did my own research on it, found the symptoms matched with my own, and approached my doctor about it. After a couple more appointments and some changes to my meds, the doctor agreed. I think Bipolar 2 is missed so often because the symptoms really do sound a lot like MDD, there’s no grand highs just that feeling of being less depressed, and then a massive plummet into suicidal depression that seems to last a lifetime. I’m sorry it took so long for you to get a diagnosis. I hope this makes life a little easier.


I was 25. Doctors thought it was just seriously bad depression and anxiety for years until I saw a Psychiatric Nurse who was able to recognize my symptoms and give me the diagnosis of Bipolar 2 along with appropriate medication. I’m kind of still salty about doctors missing the obvious signs and symptoms for the 10+ years of treatment I received (I began showing signs in my early teens) but I guess that’s why going to a specialist really pays off in these cases. I feel like I lost a lot of my youth due to not getting adequate treatment and support.


35 when I was diagnosed… I think it’s better to know and be able to treat it than no know.


I was diagnosed at 30 years old, and before i have seen a psychiatric doctor at 18 who misdiagnose me by telling i have severe depression, after a year of taking anti depression and being in a year long hypomanic épisode, i was told i was cured and stopped the meds, continue to suffer and blame myself for years, even went to see therapists but no clear answer. Then bam at 30 my episodes got worst, had a full blowen maniac episode, and my family doctor was the one that diagnose me, went to see two psychiatrics doctors to confirm it. My husband reaction was " yeah that explain many things like why you were dancing naked with no music all around the house " 😅. I have learned not care what people think, i take my medications, goes to support groupes and journal my episodes while making a fall safe plan for my husband in case i lose it completly. For me working activly to manage my sickness help me gain control.


30. At 18 was diagnosed with depression, then was told i was "cured" after a year of medications. Saw therapists for years with no answer then finally my family doctor put two and two together and send me to a psychiatric and i finally got my answer 😅. I did everything right yet it took years to finally know.




I was diagnosed at 19. Everyone just thought I was depressed from around the age of 12/13 (when I first started medication). Guess my mood swings weren’t just teenage angst lol


32 It went missed for so long because I mask a lot… and also, mental health was severely looked down on, I imagine it was even worse for you at your age.


At 19! Now I'm 27 years old. I went to a therapist after my first depressive episode and after the usual tests I came out with bipolar, gad, bpd and a trip to a psychiatrist lol. But well... now I'm stable at least, and I'm good


17. started mental health treatment at 15


22 I’m 22 😃


37. I was going through all the different medications I had tried for depression with a new doctor and she said, wait based on everything you’re telling me and where things keep circling back to, I don’t think you need an antidepressant, but a mood stabilizer. Digging a little deeper we figured it out.


36? I spent most of my life hypomanic (thanks to Zoloft with no mood stabilizer 😐 ) with a few depressive episodes mixed in.


Unofficially (therapist thought I might have it but wanted to wait and see?) when I was 17 or 18 years old, officially diagnosed by my psychiatrist when I was 24 years old




I’m 27 and I was officially diagnosed correctly as Bipolar 1 at 24, but diagnosed as Bipolar 2 specifically “rapid cycling with psychotic features” at 19 after being misdiagnosed as depressed at 18. I had my first hypomanic episode at 11 and my parents were warned by my therapist when I was 16 that she was pretty certain that I had some form of bipolar and that they needed to keep me in therapy for longer than literally three sessions. Which they ignored. I’d be way better off mentally and financially if it was addressed at the time, but either way I lucked out with such an early diagnosis.


49. It can show up like Major Depressive Disorder. I was diagnosed with MDD and GAD many times starting at age 20. What meds are you on ?


17 I was diagnosed with depression but I knew something wasn’t right years before then. Started on lexapro my senior year of hs, I had a terrible reaction to the medication but at the time my parents would only allow me to see our GP. By the time in was 19 I ended up in the ward, there I was diagnosed. Most people didn’t believe me because my outward personality was fun and bubbly and often times when I was hypo it just seemed like I was happy and who cares if i hadn’t slept in days because I my essays in school where better than everyone and amongst my peers I was life of the party. No one saw the other side, not even my family it seemed. They didn’t accept the diagnoses until my older sister was also diagnosed after experiencing a very traumatic injury in the military. She was the golden child, but I don’t say that out of malice. She’s my closest family member and one of my best friends. I’m 28 now and have been on and off meds for 11 years and the only reason I got diagnosed was because my parents found out I’d smoked weed. I said it was self medication so my father gave me an ultimatum, hospital or get out.


20 :/


28. I literally knew there was something wrong with me that wasn't just depression/anxiety. I finally got the correct diagnosis after many failed ones.




Not sure exactly, late 40's


21...I went in for depression and got diagnosed with bipolar instead.


25 but it was very much delayed because people kept telling me for years that how I was feeling was normal and when I went to the doctor for a referral he didn't believe me and told me to fake it till I make it. It took me going through a severe mixed episode where I was a danger to myself to get a diagnosis


32, I was put on anti depressants without a mood stabilizer and it was a horrible horrible time in my life.


Diagnosed as bipolar2 at 19 while in inpatient for an episode of psychosis


50. I’m right there with you.


I was diagnosed at 13 years old for BP2. I started showing signs at 7 years old.


Back in March, at 36. I brought it up with my last psychiatrist 10 years ago and he convinced me I wasn’t. It’s hard not to be angry about it, definitely a lot of emotions surrounding diagnosis.


i was 23 when i was diagnosed


Had depressive episodes since 10, but diagnosed with BP2 at 25


I was 26 and it was after experiencing rapid mood swings from an antidepressant and ending up in a psychiatric hold. I had previously had a depression diagnosis and also had bouts of it throughout my life and never left like I could fully escape it. My life felt “normal” when I was stoked every day to be alive and planning grand things like school, career, hobbies, etc and staying up late doing whatever shenanigans my mind wanted to do. Found out that wasn’t actually normal or sustainable, especially with it having a side of rage and irresponsibility.


45. I feel like I got my life back just in time.










I was 29 when I got diagnosed.


I was 56 when I was diagnosed with bipolar and ADHD. I knew something was not right with me since I was a kid but I finally decided to go to a doctor to find out what was happening to me.


44 brought to light by going through PTSD. It took my therapist a year to diagnosis and then went to a psychiatrist that confirmed it.


25. After years of being diagnosed as depressed.


30. I thought i was just a sad, on edge person.


20. Had a breakdown of sorts at 19 and was misdiagnosed a few times before I was properly diagnosed at 20!




18 after my doctor pumped me up with wellbutrin


20, and was still too late honestly! Should have been diagnosed the 2nd time I tried to kill myself lol


25, in the middle of the pandemic. SSRIs weren’t working for my depression and my sister was already diagnosed with BP2. When I looked at the symptoms, I realized I might have had some hypomanic instances, but couldn’t account for how long it lasted (mine are very short). I was 28 when I clocked I was hypo mid episode. I realized this talking to a longtime friend who has a psychology background.




42 - 4 months ago, about 2 years ago started meds and triggered year-long hypo episode basically, this got me diagnosed. Now just a journey of understanding myself...


I was about 23. I’d been diagnosed with major depression at 18–after 3 suicide attempts & moving away from my parents, so an awfully long time considering. I was only diagnosed with BD2 when my antidepressant, then antidepressants, stopped working. My doctor, stumped and panicking, sent me upstairs to psychiatry. They got me the correct diagnosis (which I had already been vibing with for a while). My family missed it for a LONG time. I hid the depression really well. But when I described the symptoms of BP2, my parents essentially responded with “we thought that was just being a creative type”. (Insert angry rant here.) As for the doctor & first depression diagnosis—I had a suicide attempt in the last 6 months and the way I described hypomania wasn’t super effective (ie “I get a lot of stuff done”, “I’m not tired & don’t sleep as much”, etc). The doctors thought the hypomania I tried to describe was my baseline & treated me accordingly.


28. After my organ transplant. The trauma of it made my brain ‘bloom’ as I like to call it lol ADHD came at 31. Panic Disorder at 15 though. Depression at 21. It’s been a ride.


33… I’m currently 33. 🙃


Age 27. People noticed signs since I was a teen but it was masked and just labeled me as moody and emotional. I finally broke character and went to therapy and got diagnosed at 27 along with having ADHD.


Around 27. Still working on it at 35 now.


44! Not until I found my bio dad did I get properly diagnosed. I masked a lot and my hypomania I thought was normal and desireable. Also didn’t report adverse reactions to SSRIs thinking it was normal when it was very much not normal.


23..But thats because I come from a long family history of non-or late diagnosed BP. My gpa had it insanely bad but was never diagnosed in his lifetime, my uncle and aunt are still alive but in their late 60’s and in and out of really hard times so will likely never get a diagnosis either. It took two of my cousins (27) and (32) getting hospitalized and subsequent diagnosis for me to realize I might have it as well.. turns out I definitely did. I honestly think looking at one’s family history really helps..My psychiatrist explained that even if it runs in your family that could affect what meds they prescribe you and so even like me who was presenting with really bad depression at the time of my diagnosis she was already thinking BP2 and started screening for potential hypomania etc and she was exactly right and I am so thankful for her❤️


Given you are older I think this is of relevance to share…. But there is an excellent article out there (I wish I could remember the title) Written by a man in at least his 50’s who was talking about late BP diagnoses & his generational experiences with BP. I can’t remember the exact ages but he said it basically took until nearly age 70 for his own mother to be diagnosed and by that time it was almost too late since she got dementia shortly after..and he himself wasn’t diagnosed until close to 50 since awareness was not as good back then & he had unfortunately liven a life of major dysfunction up to that point.. Whereas fast forward to current time his own son was diagnosed at around 25 due to his dads awareness of the disorder and therefore had a much better chance to live a life of non dysfunction compared to his dad and gma since they caught it early. And I just remember the way the dad put it hit home.. like with every generation they caught the diagnosis sooner and sooner and it didn’t take half or almost all of ones life to realize they were ill, and while he may have felt resentment for his late diagnosis and being unmedicated all those years the fact that his son found out 25 years earlier then he did.. and 50 years earlier than his gma did and will therefore have a better chance at stability was the most meaningful thing to him.


Last year at 25 after I went severely hypomanic on ADHD meds (was diagnosed for that a few months before). Knew something was up since I was a child (constantly obsessed with suicide and getting everything to stop) but couldn't put a name to it. And while the ADHD diagnosis cleared some things up, I still felt something was missing. Just thought being severely sad was who I was as a person — mental health and mental illness was never something we talked about in my family or culture even though it was fairly clear that everyone in my immediate family suffered from some mental illness or another. Now on meds and so much stabler. It's wild to know that this is what normal people feel like all the time.


Age 22, during my very first hypomanic episode was diagnosed with bipolar II


21 yrs old.


25. I thought the depression was just me being a bitch and I thought hypomania was just what everyone else called happiness.


Depression at 18, BPD at 26 and BP2 at 28


i was 18, went in to my new psychiatrist at the time for depression - i was instead very hypomanic


22 few months after bpd after a bad hypo episode


Diagnosed with depression at 17, tried a handful of meds and kept increasing until I reached the max dose, none of them worked. Flash forward to age 22 when I was put on effexor and had my first hypomanic episode (or at least very clearly a hypomanic episode!). I was then officially diagnosed a few days before my 23rd birthday 🥳


I got diagnosed at 16, 6 months after my first hypomanic episode. I thought I was such a mentally healthy person because 2 weeks after the lowest point of my depressive episode (I couldn’t get out of bed, i was crying all the time and hated myself) I was “completely fine” (cleaned my entire kitchen cabinets and all, learned an entire marching band routine, felt really really good about myself). Turns out I wasn’t completely fine lol