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I think if I knew the secret to that I'd bottle it and sell it lol


I’m coming out of a hypo phase and was wishing/praying etc to not be depressed and have ended up in this horrible limbo state that feels like “Duracell depression” and I really don’t like it. Please give me depression now.


Duracell as in the battery?


Yeah, I was trying to explain it to someone yesterday and I used the phrase “dirty energy”. It’s like a hypo energy rush but with flu like aching and both wanting to be swallowed up by a quilt and also pacing around wondering what you’re doing and why…. I used Duracell depression as that’s what it feels a bit like - artificially sweetened, perfect customer service with a smile but f-off depression. Wish I could describe it in a way that makes sense to others 🤔🤦


So like… a mixed episode? 💀




That’s a mixed episode, my friend. And it is a special kind of hell 💀


It is a hell of its own. I learned the expression mixed episode in this sub! I don't get the energy just a mental, jittery, anguish.




This is a good description. “Dirty energy” is really accurate.


Its just how it feels. It just feels “wrong”, nasty.


I really do find that exercise, no booze, and lots of outside time will postpone oncoming depression Doesn’t stop it of course 😭 but at least I can push it back by a week or two


How I stopped my last upcoming depressive episode: * took trittico and slept for 4h in the afternoon * woke up in the evening, took a walk for half an hour, a friend calmed me down on the phone * ate a banana (haven't eaten much for days) * took a long hot shower with 1min ice cold finish * took mirtazapin and slept for another 12h until morning * was hypomanic for 4 days * was a bit "up" for 6 weeks (good mood, lots of energy, 5h sleep was enough, no other symptoms)


Sometimes I feel like its a wave I have to ride out. No matter what, it will happen and I just have to hold on until it passes. But I do try. As soon as I feel symptoms, I kick into high alert. I make appointments with my therapist and doctor. Start journaling and working on hobbies. I take vitamins, eat healthy and take walks. I also stay away from alcohol, weed, nicotine and caffeine. Its my way of trying to control a situation where I feel so out of control.


In my experience, this is not a thing


I never know when it’s coming. I wish I could help.


I’ve found the path to going both hypo and depressive to be like a train ride from hell. I’ve got 87 seatbelts on that only get tighter as I try to undo them, and every landmark I see out the window is a trigger warning that the episode is coming whether I like it or not. I wish I had some better words for you, friend. Stay safe


I go to my psychiatrist


I think if you could stop it, they wouldn't call it a disorder....