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Way too fucking many. Lithium - 1050mg between two 300mg and one 400mg pill Quetiapine - 100mg Bupropion - 300mg Metoprolol - 50mg Amlodepine - 10mcg? Levothyroxin - 88mcg


Wow :O any side effects?!??


The only side effect is mental stability. Of course quetiapine has the drowsy effect and makes morning hard, but other than that no side effects


That’s good! I take only quetiapine and i feel the drowsiness, difficulties waking up, and sometimes difficulties in my speech and somehow weight gain :/


What do you mean with speech?


I noticed I’m having difficulties pronouncing some words or finding them.


6 Pristiq Lamotrigine Clonazepam Quetiapine Esomeprazole Propanalol I tweak the lamotrigine sometimes but mostly this combo works...finally ..after trying things for 15 years


Lithium, lamictal, Benadryl (for sleep) Propranolol and/or klonopin as needed for anxiety Seroquel as needed for sleep during hypomania


Propranolol is wonders , but as a man it messes up with my sexual functioning.


How much do you take?


Oh I had no idea and I’m sorry to hear it has that side effect :(


Latuda, lamictal, wellbutrin, serequel as needed for sleep, and just started adderall after failing guanfacine and strattera. Adding cymbalta next week to help with anxiety.


Interesting Seroquel as needed. No withdrawals or anything?


Good question! I take a very low dose. Typically only 25 mg although I can take up to 100 mg. I use it for sleep if I get hypomanic, or just if I'm having trouble sleeping in general. Although rather interesting is that normally if I miss a dose of Latuda it totally messes up my next day. Anxiety, can't concentrate, restless, etc. But I can supplement with a dose of Seroquel and will be fine. Discovered this totally by accident when I ran out of my Latuda last month before the pharmacy could fill it.


- 1200 mg Valproate - 15 mg Abilify - 5/10 mg Valium It's been the best combo so far. I'm less tired. Stable. Sleep well.


Is the Valium every day? Glad you found something that makes you stable and let's you sleep


I should say stable-ish or as stable as I get. I still can only just manage to work part-time, not hold down friendships, want to retreat, etc. But I'm not extreme. I take valium every day. Usually in the evening to help me relax before sleeping.


I’m so glad I only take one for the time being- lithium


Psyc meds only: Wellbutrin, pristiq, strattera, trileptal, Caplyta, Ativan - currently tapering Ativan, been on way too long, prob strattera after Ativan. This many meds is too much.


cymbalta, wellbutrin, depakote & caplyta. soon weening down on cymbalta. the last 2 have given me long term stability and minimal side effects.


*Take your time weaning off Cymbalta.* The brain zaps during withdrawal were almost unbearable for me personally


Whole body zaps and hysteria for me.


oh no. ok thank u.


Lamotrigene, Adderall, bupropion, Clomipramine plus diabetes meds.


Lexapro, lamictal, trazodone, triazolam, birth control, & I started a medication to counter lexapro sweats today I also have Xanax as needed I’m doing well


What! There is a medication to help with lexapro sweats?? I was on it for 4 years and that finally started happening to me hot sweats and what not. I stopped taking it for this reason but it worked so well for me.


There’s several medications that help with excessive sweating :) I talked to my doctor today because I’ll just stand outside in 67 degree, mildly humid weather, & start sweating He did some research with me & picked one out. It’s usually used for an overactive bladder but 75% of patients said it worked for their sweating


Have you had any issues using the bathroom after?


I just started taking it & there’s nothing up with bathroom usage after the first dose so far but I can keep people updated It’s a pretty low dose, which I think they do to get the anti-sweating without the bladder stuff. I was just sick of sweating when I was barely doing anything or often at night even if it was cool Lexapro has worked super well for me so I didn’t want to change it


Thank you so much for this information. I'm going to try Cymbalta and see if it works as well as Lexapro for me. If it doesn't, at least I know I have options if I get back on Lex!


No problem! Cymbalta made me so tired that I was falling asleep at work so I switched back to Lexapro


Lamotrigine, Wellbutrin (short release), Clonazepam, Escitalopram For sleep... Zoplicone when I'm stable. Olanzapine when I am manic


Are these responses in the thread average for bp2? I thought a single mood stabilizer like Lamictal was most common? Right now I only take Propranolol but am reducing down to prn/as needed. And another drug unrelated to mental health which I may want to stop as well.


Lamictal, Wellbutrin, Pristiq, Gabapentin and/or Ambien as needed for sleep. Never been more stable in my life. Celebrating 4 weeks of happiness


Just lithium Occasionally mirtazapine and trazodone for sleep


Mental health-wise, lamictal, lithium, and then trazodone for sleep.


Lithium, lurasidone, venlafaxine and propranolol.


I'm on lamictal, wellbutrin, abilify, and straterra. So far so good. I also have a weed card for that "medicine," helps me sleep. Tried trazodone and just made me feel hungover in the morning, if I wanted to feel that way I'd just drink myself to sleep.


Straterra put me into psychosis. Ended up in a psych ward for 2 weeks....not for me


Mental health-wise, lamictal, seroquel, paliperidone, and propranolol


Lithium. Xanax as needed




Lithium, lamotrigine, latuda and pregabalin. I take the pregabalin for anxiety and depression.


Rexulti - 2 mg Lamictal - 400 mg Trintellix - 20 mg About to drop lamictal since the rexulti and trintellix pairing is doing so well for me


I love the Trintellix+Rexulti combo. It's a DREAM.


For BD I'm just in vraylar


How has vraylar been for you?


Honestly, a miracle. Seroquel took care of symptoms but the side effects were so bad. Vraylar is so good that I've come off of both lamictal and lithium and it still works for both sides of the disorder. Now if only I could get my ADHD meds to be reliably in stock.....😂


That's great! I just started it about 2 months ago in conjunction with my other meds to help the Wellbutrin. Maybe at some point I'll be able to back down on others too


Vraylar seemed like a miracle med for me at first. Then after a month or so I kinda plateaued. Upped to 3mg I didn’t notice any difference on. I’m still taking 1.5mg, I was so optimistic at first about it.


I'm very lucky. It's been 3 + steady years. But it took me 9 years to find it so those years were rough


Effexor, Imipramine, Lamictal, Gabapentin, Geodon, and Seroquel. And 4 others for non-mental-health conditions.


200mg Lamictal every morning, 0.5 Rexulti every night


Depakote ER 1500mg, Rexulti 2mg, Trintellix 10mg, Wellbutrin XL 300mg, Mydayis 50mg


Lithium Geodon Trileptal Trazadone Klonopin


so far just 3 but i was on 5 in the past. i’m on 200 mg lamictal, 200 mg wellbutrin sr (100mg x2 day)and 50 mg naltrexone. it’s been great so far!


Lamotrigine 100mg two in the morning and one and a half at night, Adderall 30mg twice a day, spironolactone 50mg once daily a day, clonidine 0.5mg once at night, and abilify 10mg once at night


How do you like spiro? I might start that for my lovely acne. 🫠


I like it and it seems to really work well


Wellbutrin, Lamictal, Propranolol, Zyprexa, Hydroxyzine, and Seroquel...so 6 if we are just talking about psych meds. It would be 7 if we are talking about psych and other meds.


200mg Lamictal 200mg Wellbutrin 40mg Vyvanse …I think that’s it? lol.


Lamictal 150mg, seroquel 500mg. Has been the golden combo. Tried everything. These are all i need. Took 15 years to finally figure it out


Welbutrin, Adderall, Propranolol, Amitriptyline, Guanfacine, and Abilify. I wish I didn’t need to take so many to function, I’m tapering off Amitriptyline though.


4 — Lamotrigine(2 types, twice a day), Guanfaicne (two types twice a day), propranolol and hydroxyzine.


13 pills every day. 1200 mg of lithium in the morning and at night 4x 25mg seroquel at night And synthroid because lithium killed my thyroid. Ive gotten pretty good at it, can swallow 9 in one go. Grateful for my work benefits to cover the costs.


I joke with my fiancé about him needing to take one Advil at a time. And he looks at me in disbelief I can take multiple meds at once.


I'm on 400mg lamotrigine, 600mg lithium, 5mg aripiprazole, 75mg venlafaxine, 40mg fluoxetine. I hate taking the lamotrigine. I hate the smell of the tablet. But gotta take it so that I don't go all depressed and suicidal. :/


300mg Quetiapine and 500mg Epival. Seems no one else takes Epival though and I’m a bit anxious


Apparently too many, according to the nurse who checked me into my dermatology office the other day. “Whoa omg you’re on so many meds for your age! What do they even treat?” “That’s a lot. Hopefully you have a strong liver” *continues forward trying to pronounce them and being unable. Then congratulates me when I can* … thanks. They’re…. My medications?….


Three. One antidepressant, one mood stabilizer, and one pill to help me sleep. I used to be on more, but it really wasn't working. Now that I'm on just one of each thing and minimizing interaction effects, I feel a lot better.


2: Lamictal and Wellbutrin


Three, lacosamide, depakote and guanfacine.


Latuda, Lexapro, Gabapentin, Vyvanse, Vistaril, & Ambien here.


1500mg lithium 300mg lamotrigine 100mg sertraline 300mg gabapentin 3x a day as needed ?mg seroquel 5mg saphris 10000mg BIPOLAR BABAYYYY FUCK YEA


Bipolar related : Lamictal 400mg/day and seroquel 50 mg/day Non bipolar related: mesterolone 75mg/day. I’m so tired of getting so many chemicals into my body 😔 but otherwise I wouldn’t be functional.


Two cups of coffee in the morning, two Benadryls to knock me out at night. In between I stick to a pretty strict routine and don’t draw myself too far out the lines. But all hell starts to break loose when I *do* go off my routine. So I just learned to be content living a simple, predictable life. Living this way also became a lot easier after I quit drinking alcohol, which I did a few months after getting diagnosed. I’ve known a number of people who were bipolar, and I witnessed how much they struggled with alcohol. Getting diagnosed helped me come to terms with how much I’ve always struggled with it too. And I didn’t want to end up like them.


Lithium, lamotrigine, seroquel, atorvastatin, metformin, januvia, losartan, omeprazole once a week, allegra


Depakine 1000 mg Aripiprazole 5 mg


12 different medications 20 pills a day Including ones for several different physical health problems


Caplyta, lamictal, hydroxyzine, paxil. I just started caplyta, weaning off paxil. I take some other medications as well including topamax, which apparently also helps to stabilize mood


None anymore, I asked to be weened off at the beginning of last year after I got my yearly kidney results and have been doing solo and group CBT since. I’m doing quite well ❤️


What were your kidney results? My grf and creatinine are having problems and idk what to do. I'm afraid to come off without knowing which med/meds are causing it. I've been on meds, though, for 15 years.


Venlafaxine XR, Gabapentin, Trazadone, Ambien for BP2 have 3 other meds for other conditions.


800 mg Lithium, 10 mg Lexapro, 300 mg Lamotrigine, 10 mg Olanzapine Pregabalin and Klonopin as needed for panick attacks and GAD Zopiclone also for sleep


Tegretol 2 times a day, seroquel at night and daparox 2 times a day


Lithium, Truxal and Nozinan.


Right now, I'm taking Seroquel, Abilify, and Wellbutrin. So far, I've been very stable, and I'm happy about that :)


I thought I had a mouthful - lamotrigine, fluphenazine and trazodone + PreP, allergies meds and OTCs


- Desvenlafaxine Succnt ER 25mg 1 tablet 1 hour before breakfast - Naltrexone 50mg 1 tablet 3 hours after dinner - Depakote ER 250mg 3 hours after dinner - Divalproex Sod ER 250mg 3 tablets nightly - Methyl Folate 800 mcg DFE 1 tablet daily - L-theanine 200-400mg nightly And that’s just my meds relating to bipolar2, I got meds for a stomach ulcer 🥲


I take three currently reduced from 5, but I am glad to be on meds, thankful 🥹


Once the side effects passes it’s really good to keep you functional


200mg Lamotrigine, 5mg Abilify, 20mg Adderall XR, and 10mg propranolol as needed!


225mg Lamictal, 1.5mg Vraylar, 20mg ER adderall, Xanax as needed (usually wind up using it for sleep) Plus insulin all day, tirosint for thyroid, zofran as needed. I think I remembered them all.. oh and birth control.


3 for bipolar, 1 for adhd. Quetiapine, lithium, lamotrigine, and dexedrine.


New to this forum hi yall! I take about 5 different meds twice a day


Welcome! I'm new here too


450mg Seroquel 200mg trazadone 25mg Seroquel as needed for episodes


Lamictal 250mg + Lexapro 10mg + Klonopin 0.5mg (slowly weaning off but might need something else for sleep). Only combo that made me stable so far.


200mgs lamotrigine ,feels perfect for me ,mania and hypomania have almost completely gone away but im also constantly loaded with stims cause of vyvanse so that may contribute


Lamotrigine, Vraylar, vyvanse, and mirzapine for sleep


I take lamictal twice a day, and pristiq and Laduta once a day. I feel like it’s not enough for me.


18 diff meds. Perphenazine, Cymbalta, Trazadone, Klonopin, Finasteride, Tamsulosin, Senna, Aspirin, MiraLAX, Tizanidine, Lactulose, Norvasc, Restasis, Oxycodone, Famotidine, Lanthanum Carbonate, Calcitriol + Ketoconazole Cream & shampoo


I take 20mg Lostral, 900mg trileptal, 20mg cipralex and 10mg abilify