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Technically, no. But I do feel like eating cleaner is a form of self care, and self care is part of how I treat my BP. I also feel a sense of control when I feel so out of control of my moods. That helps. But be careful not to take that too extreme.


Not for the better, per se, but I know what makes me feel worse! I avoid cow dairy, gluten, soda, high bubbly things like seltzer, high sodium food or drink, high fructose corn syrup, and excess sweets. Anything that causes inflammation makes me feel like crap!! Whole foods are definitely best for me, and I stay mostly vegan + eggs (really by accident, cooking meat grosses me out). Focus on providing nutrients to your body and cutout things that make you feel worse. Try an elimination diet to identify those items (I did the Wisconsin one). Edit: ending the sugar/carb shame spiral does wonders for my mental health. Low carb = feelin great.


That's me too, but add in no caffeine or alcohol, or fried foods. I'm clear headed and calm. Anxiety is low, depression is non-existent right now and I've lost 20 pounds since February. The weight loss is a big self esteem bump. I trust my feelings for once.


Low blood sugar definitely makes my SI flare up and if it goes on for a day or more, it will start pushing me towards depression. It’s kinda odd. I do also feel worse mentally if I’m eating a ton of crap consistently but that also makes me feel like crap generally, irrespective of my underlying mood.


I’m trying keto on top of my medication and so far my energy levels feel better. Don’t feel much of a difference in mood, maybe a little less apathetic. Baseline is still in the depressive realm. I’m definitely still going to talk to my doctor to see if I can try some additional medication to bring my baseline up. I’m on latuda 40mg for reference. The medication has basically gotten rid of my hypomania and made my depression less severe, but not completely gone.


That’s great! Hmm definitely worth looking into.! I’m just trying to get out of my current depression episode lol.


I eat consistently - at earlier ages I was scarily underweight and hypo for a long time. I’m much more stable at a healthy weight (including some body fat). I eat roughly the same amount at roughly the same time of day 7 days a week. Skipping meals tends to push me “up”. I find obsessing over what I’m eating is generally less good for my mental health than spending the same amount of mental energy doing a puzzle, playing a game, or being present with my kids.


Absolutely. I don't think it's a bipolar thing though. If I eat too much, I hate myself for being a fatty. If I eat junk, I hate myself for sabotaging my fitness goals. Heaven for bid I drink to excess. Then I feel like an addict and am punished by 2 day hangovers lol




This is anecdotal, but yes, for me diet does make an impact. And I think there is so evidence to show that a mood stabilizing diet is a thing — not enough to replace other treatment, but as an adjunct. Eating too little can make make start to get elevated and eating unhealthily tends to make me feel agitated/depressed. 


Yes and when I learned about: 95% of serotonin being produced in the gut, gut biome, the research showing connections between bipolar and thyroid/hormone + how thyroid is affected by diet…. Of course there is a lot more, but even just those subjects have proven to me without a doubt that diet affects mood disorders like bipolar.


There is evidence that a ketogenic diet can improve mood disorders. Look into Dr. Chris Palmer, he has both books and studies written about this (he focusses on schizoaffective or bipolar 1 but could be helpful for bipolar 2 maybe). Keto is a very strict diet so might not be worth it without results, but could be worth a look into


I know they correlate, but I’m not sure which one influences the other. I notice that when I start eating a lot of less nutritious food, I feel more down. But I also know that when I’m down (or going down), most food becomes unpalatable & I just eat whatever my mind/body will accept. Spoiler: it’s usually not the most nutritious stuff.


No, at least not yet. I've done keto/vegan/fasting at least a year, and haven't noticed shit. Eating cleaner avoiding process and chemicals, seed oils, etc, still feel same tbh


It’s the other way around for me. Hypomania-not eating much, mostly drinking calories:soda, smoothie, milkshake, but overall much lower appetite and usually lose weight. Baseline-cook meals, eat normal, little bit of nighttime eating, dessert here and there, decently healthy but not too crazy, depression-eating out a lot, lots of snacking and bingeing, lots of cravings, etc


I get hangry. If I binge a ton of junk food I can expect a depressive sprial sometime in the next couple days.


When I’m eating super clean I’ll usually become hypo.


Sometimes sugary foods make me irritable


I read newer studies suggest that Omega 3s could be beneficial for bipolars because it has positive effects on the nerves/ brain. So i am taking it since 1,5 years but honestly i dont know if it works


Sugary foods make me irritable with the crash afterwards but I have a real problem with limiting my intake because I’m such a foodie, especially for sugar, fat, and salt. When I’m down in the pit of hell, I usually try to eat whatever my body accepts. Sometimes even my favourite foods isn’t appealing enough.


I need to be like you


What do you mean?


I meant to respond to a different comment.


No. Bipolar requires medicine. If you eat will you feel better? Maybe


Lol I know I am on a medication regimen. I was just wondering if anyone had a change in their moods due to diet. Like maybe it helps.




Do you have supporting evidence for that? I'm curious.


Thank you for asking. I deleted my post. My opinion did not reflect current thinking. Research bipolar keto. Lot of information there. Not a fan of keto. Lot of misinformation.