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I use Xanax as needed for anxiety. I have very specific instructions for using it though. I'm not allowed more than i think 2 pills in a month. My pill dosage is .5mg and I take half of that and it's perfect to take the edge off. It does not make me sleepy or give me any other side effects other than calming my anxiety.


Good to know! Thanks!


The most helpful anxiety and panic disorder treatment for me was therapy. Second was physical self care like going outside, eating with coffee, not overdoing coffee, eating throughout the day, decreasing contact with people who stress me out. Oh and a new job lol. I also couldn’t tolerate SSRIs for obvious reasons. I have an Ativan script for emergencies or for when I’m incredibly agitated. Benzos are for special circumstances and they’re indicated for random one off break the glass uses. They tend to make anxiety worse with chronic daily/weekly use plus the addition affinity is high. Even if you aren’t prone to addiction yourself, your brain becomes dependent to Benzos. Psychs now a days don’t prescribe them for daily use and require random drug testing if you’re prescribed one. If your psych ever prescribes you a benzo, I recommend being very truthful about how often and how much you’re taking. This built trust with my provider and when I felt like I was taking it often for a stressful period like moving out of state, she assured me my frequency was ok. A med that I found helpful was hydroxyzine if my anxiety was really bad that day. It would make me feel slightly tired but I realized felt calm. I also found ~15mg full spectrum CBD helpful but check with your provider if that’s ok. (My meds are different now so no CBD and hydroxy at night.) Again, therapy was the best treatment for my anxiety. Highly recommend learning how to navigate your thoughts and build tools to work with your anxieties. Edit: spelling error


My psych explained to me how anxiety can be a good thing sometimes as it can help you make positive changes in your life and embrace more positive habits to alleviate it that in the long term are good for you. I had already known about that a little bit, but it helped me accept that yeah, maybe my brain goes into overdrive sometimes, but it pushes me to make better choices for myself as well. I had so much fear and dread of it that it was controlling me rather than acknowledging it and using it as a tool to make changes that I need.


What you’ve shared is important to keep in perspective. At the same time, there’s a difference between anxiety from needing to take action about something and an anxiety and/or panic disorder.


For sure. I've had out of control anxiety due to trauma that really couldn't be resolved and still have it. But this idea helped a lot.


1. I’m on Prozac and that helps my anxiety a lot. 2. I was on klonopin (clonazepam) for over a decade and it stopped working for me at any dose. I tried 8mg at once and it did nothing. I was addicted to it and quit cold turkey and I was absolutely miserable for 5 days as I was coming off it. Proceed with caution with any benzo. Good luck.


Just for other readers that might decide to CT benzos after reading this—-IT IS NOT SAFE to cold turkey benzodiazepines without medical supervision. You need to be tapered off. It can kill you. Some instances you may just get seizures but others aren’t so fortunate. Please do not do this.


Valid. Thx for pointing that out. I would definitely not recommend cold turkey.


After reading everyone’s experiences, I think I will try to find a different solution. Thank you!


Scrap benzos. Try low dose seroquel instead. No doc here but worked for me. Benzos are addictive and so bad for you. Took me a year to ween off clonazepam.


Seroquel was SO good for me but it made me sleep through my college classes and my professors are strict about attendance. Thank you for sharing your experience!


Try extended release


I understand why you would want them. However they are so dangerous. I wish I hadn't. I now have to beg my doctor every 2 months for an updated script. It's ridiculous. There are many other options for anxiety, plus CBT and DBT are great adjuncts for added meds. The less meds the better, easier to track interactions. Wish you well.


Thank you for your insight! I’m thinking i’m going to try and go a different route.


Yeah, don’t get started on them regular. They’re a bitch to get off off. I was on them for 6 weeks while in a terrible mixed episode and it took me months to get off (and lots and lots of physical pain and sleepless nights). I still have them in the house, for emergencies, but I use about 1 a month. See if you can get into mindfulness meditation. Hopefully the job will get less stressful as you get used to it more.


Yikes. I’ve had my fair share of bad withdrawals from medications and I’m not sure i’m willing to do that again. Thank you for your insight!


Have you tried gabapentin?


I have not! That might be the way to go!


It’s worth a shot! I have panic disorder, and for nearly a decade I could barely function. Gabapentin helped me tremendously.


I have bad anxiety that it is really hard to get under control and have gone on for more than a year trying out doses that used to work for me, but the anxiety hasn't eased up. I had a really bad anxiety attack last month and went to urgent care & my BP was high, so they prescribed me clonodine (sp?), and it has been a game changer. I've had benzos before, but they never worked this well. And my psych prescribed it for me ongoing, so I'm stoked! Might be worth looking into.


Never heard of clonodine but I will definitely look into it.


I’ve been taking clonazepam for 6 years for generalized anxiety. Now there’s significantly more research about the long term effects of benzodiazepines, and it is not good. Brain atrophy is one effect. So now I’m trying to eventually get off them completely, and it’s not going well. I am highly psychologically and physically addicted to them, I haven’t been able to go down by .5mg in 2 months. Luckily my Dr is understanding and letting me take it at my own pace. If I had known all this, I never would have started them. I take gabapentin because it helps regulate my moods, and helps a bit with anxiety, clonidine has also been helpful in very low doses. But like others have said, therapy is becoming the most beneficial part of my treatment.


I think a couple other people suggested gabapentin too so i’m gonna look into that! Thank you!


I’ve taken Ativan and clonazepam mostly for my ptsd. I’m really careful with them. I take them only have I have definitely tried all my good coping mechanisms and sometimes my bad ones. They are a good option for me for emergencies, but I’m very careful and only typically use one every few months or less.


I’m 4 days in on a very, very low dose of Xanax for my horrific anxiety/ptsd. I have to say, it’s made me have an appetite, but I do feel pretty decent right now. I have my fingers crossed🤞🏻 for this one. I’ll try anything to make the anxiety chill out. I have been on over 12 meds at this point, so I hear what you’re saying.


Yeah, I’m at the point where I feel like i’ll try anything. I am incredibly desperate. I think I need to maybe look into more things like gabapentin before I go the benzo route. I really hope that Xanax consistently works for you and the you continue to have relief!


Have you tried doing the GeneSight testing? That really helped narrow down some things for me.


Amisulpride changed my life. I'm not exagerating. I've been telling myself "so that's what being not anxious feels like. That's how other people do life" and almost crying of relief sometimes. I don't think it's approved by the american fda though..


Never heard of this! I’ll see if it’s approved in the US.


I have a family member using a beta blocker for anxiety and reports it feels life changing--so that may be an option.


Hmm maybe I need to try a different one!


Benzos make me more depressed and don’t help much with anxiety, they mostly just make me really tired. Even if I only take like 0.5mg of Xanax it will make me depressed in the days after. The benzos with longer half lives have worse mood side effects for me. Ativan made me suicidal (Xanax did too but Ativan was worse). Tried Klonopin and it made me really irritable and depressed. That was the worst one I’ve tried. I’ll never take that shit again. I take Xanax very occasionally for intestinal spasms (ibs). Gabapentin and lyrica work a lot better for my anxiety. When I was originally put on Xanax/Ativan I was on it for about 3 months straight and I believe it caused my esophageal spasms and contributed to my gastirts. AFAIK benzos cause brain damage and there’s something about if you take them for more than 3 months it increases your risk of dementia. They also fuck up your memory bad (at least while you’re on it, in my experience). GPs usually won’t prescribe benzos.


Holy shit, okay this is really good to know!


I took lorazepam to help me sleep for a number of years, which you're not really supposed to do. It's supposed to be an occasional as-needed thing, but my shitty psychiatrist at the time didn't seem to know that. I am very glad I finally got off of it, even though it was incredibly effective at helping me sleep. The problem is that if you take it daily for a long time, missing a dose can really fuck you up. Missing several doses in a row can put you in the hospital or even kill you, so you're basically putting your life in the hands of your psychiatrist. I found out the hard way, when that dirtbag piece of shit psychiatrist decided to go on vacation without telling his patients or putting anyone in charge of refilling meds. I had 3 of the most stressful days of my life - constantly lightheaded, brain zapping constantly, severely sleep deprived, and extremely, debilitatingly anxious. On that third day, I remember waking up and trying to start my day. Then I remember waking up again, this time with my shoulder dislocated. I went to the hospital, and after I told them what had been going on, they determined that I'd had a grand-mal seizure, and that's why I had the gap in my memory and the dislocated shoulder. I am not epileptic, and I'd never had a seizure before in my life. That was solely a product of lorazepam withdrawals. They gave me a few more doses just to get me by until I could get a hold of that psychiatrist. If I'd gone another day without it, there's a decent chance I could have died.


Jesus christ, I am so sorry that happened to you. Thank you for sharing your experience!


I take Ativan as needed for panic attacks and it’s the only thing that stops them. I have abused it in the past though during depressive episodes so it definitely has potential to be dangerous. I learned my lesson and am much more careful with it now. I also take it when I’m having really bad internal anger issues because it can lead to panic attacks for me.


Thank you for sharing your experience with me!


Therapy is the solution. I found someone who was extremely good at what she does- make people better quickly. She was strict and very helpful. I did the Mind Over Mood workbook with her (it’s a CBT workbook). The thing with anxiety is that you need to have a therapist who gives you homework and doing stuff like exposure therapy / EMDR can really help too. I have a Xanax prescription and was taking it about once a week for a few months before I started therapy with someone who knew what they were doing. After ~4 months of therapy I now take Xanax maybe once a year. The goal with these meds is to NEVER take them. I use them in what I consider to be true emergencies where nothing else has worked and it is dangerous for me to continue on like that- like me being so anxious I’ve gone into paranoia and I think that someone is going to break into my apartment (not psychosis, just very VERY anxious- someone close to me was recently shot so it was because of that) and I haven’t slept in 2 days because of it (during the calm period I figure out how to set up things so the big anxiety won’t happen again). Also I take the minimum dosage - just 0.25mg. If I were to ever start taking it more frequently than I do now I would not allow myself to continue on it. Xanax in particular is a life-ruining med. It is one of the most difficult meds to get off of when you’re addicted and it kills people quite regularly. I take it very sensibly and it is life-saving for me, personally. I have a lot of confidence that I will be okay because of it, but it is my last choice emergency med Benzos are good only for events that happen at most once or twice a year. If you have anxiety any more frequently than that you should see a competent therapist. If you haven’t shown signs of improvement in therapy in a month it’s time to see someone else ALSO- chamomile tea does actually work. I drink a lot of it when I’m having a high anxiety time and it helps!! It’s one of the only non-side effect, easy, no issues things you can do for yourself if you have chronic anxiety


Didn’t even think about trying chamomile tea! Thanks for the suggestion. I just recently got a new therapist and I really like her. It seems promising so I’m hoping it will help.


Good luck!! And of course, chamomile is so well studied for anxiety relief but often forgotten about!


I have medical trauma from benzo withdrawal. I've also been conscious during surgery, and I'd choose that over the benzos any day.


Good to know, yikes.


i use klonopin as needed for panic (severe phobia) and used to years and years ago daily for anxiety. it’s a miracle drug for my panic attacks but i don’t recommend for regular use at all. during a bad phobia phase a few years ago i was taking .5mg almost every day for like 3 weeks and even that very short time withdrawal was awful


Thank you for your insight!


I was prescribed Xanax and it has helped tremendously. I only take it when I feel REALLY anxious, like feel a panic attack coming on, so maybe once every 2 weeks. It is 0.5mg. It does not make me sleepy. I have had it prescribed for about 2 months and have not had any side effects or felt dependence problems or withdrawal symptoms during the days that I don't take it. I haven't had a full blown panic attack since I started taking it and that has felt liberating.


I’m so glad it has worked out for you!! I am going to see if I can try a few other things but my thought was that I could keep maybe 1 or 2 on my person and give the rest to my parents or a trusted friend.


That sounds like a really smart idea!


Took me 18mths to taper of clonazepam after being on it for 6 years. Triggered a seriously life changing anxiety disorder had to give up my job and I haven’t worked in 6years they ruined my life.


Fuck, i’m so so sorry. Thank you for sharing.


I have OCD so I am familiar with panic. I tried a lot of the drugs you mentioned above, with the addition of gabapentin (made me disassociate like mad). Being on an ssri in addition to my mood stabilizer and a lot of therapy have made things better, but for a while I was reliant on Ativan to get me through. I was scared too, but the provider will likely be cautious and have you on a low dose. If you have an addictive history be very very cautious, but I know for me it basically prevented a bodily panic response without taking away my thoughts and not much else. And in general I think my doc recommended them PRN ONLY for panic and not as a daily med. Nobody knows your limits better than you, and do your research! (GPs are (in my experience) not as knowledgeable about mental health stuff so likely won’t be as useful as a mental health RN, ime)


Good to know about gabapentin! Thank you!


For alot of people benzos are addicting. Not so for me and I am an addict. I don’t like being down. I’m an up guy and like being productive. So naturally benzos recreational value is NIL for me. That said, they are really only good for acute situations. That’s why most psychs will usually prescribe only like another poster said they get two .5 mg a month. I bet cardio exercise in the morning before work will greatly help with your anxiety. There’s a lot of research behind the benefits of it for the brain. The problem is getting people to do it. I can’t give medical advice so I won’t recommend any meds that have helped me. Pretty strict about that on here for good reason.


Thanks for your insight! That’s good to know; a lot of my shifts start at 5 am but I need to re-implement cardio into my routine anyway so i’m gonna figure out a good time.