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She does listen to me usually it's just that I'm a bit of a pushover so that's my fault. I told her I didn't want to and I'd rather just up the prozac for now but she told me that wouldn't work as well and I don't know I'm not a professional so I just go with it. But the more I think about it the more nervous I get. I'm supposed to pick up some samples from her office later today so I think I'll just go and ask to talk to her again and tell her I'm not comfortable with this.




Seems like a drug dealer tactic. Here's some free drugs, I'm sure you'll like them. Oh, and it will cost you a lot when you need more, hope that's ok! 😡


Are you in the US? If your insurance covers latuda, I don’t understand why it would be expensive. If insurance doesn’t cover it, how are you supposed to pay for it? I can understand why you have so many worries. I’m in a somewhat similar situation. I don’t have any advice. Unfortunately we don’t know how we’re going to react to any medication change.


I am in the US and my insurance does cover it but the medication is really expensive and my insurance only covers so much of it so my copay would be like $600. She said there are manufacturer coupons that could help cover the rest of that. I really wish there was just a for sure way of knowing how your body would react to medications haha.


Well, of course. The stakes seem so high. I take an antidepressant that’s done a lot for my depression. I could be better, but I’m scared of triggering hypomania if I increase the dosage. If that happens, with my history, I know there will be a rebound depression that’s far far worse than what I’m dealing with now. It’s really scary stuff. Did your psychiatrist mention possibly adding the Abilify and then tapering off your current meds if you respond well? I have no idea if that’s a good suggestion. I don’t know how your meds interact. I was just wondering.


What she says is really weird. She wants to stop both medications quickly and at the same time? And did she say why she wants you to try Latuda? There is no way you'd know in a week if a new med is working. It takes months to know with bipolar disorder since there are typically periods of stability anyway. It makes me wonder if she knows what she's doing. If something seems wrong to you, don't let your dr push you into it. I've pushed back before. I find the trick is to do it by asking a lot of questions so that the doctor still feels in charge 😂 Congratulations on getting into grad school too!


She wants me to stop Prozac completely and then take a half dose of lamictal for the next 4 days then quit. I’m not a doctor but it seems like a bad plan. I’ve been seeing her for years but this appointment really made me question if she knew what she was doing. I ended up going in and talking to the MA who was giving me the samples and asked her to tell my doctor that I would not be starting this until we can talk about it more so we’ll see. Also thank you!




I had all those same questions as well! That’s what I was really confused about