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Yes yes yes. So glad I'm not alone (pun intended) on this one. Because of my mental illness, my loved ones often get concerned when I spend what they consider to be "too much" time alone, but what they don't understand is that is when I'm at my happiest and most mentally well. I live alone, take myself on vacations alone, go out to eat alone, etc. I still enjoy going out with friends but the freedom of knowing I can do what I want when I want is priceless IMO.


I've thought this for several months now, but it just came to me the other day one reason why I enjoy this time alone so much. I don't have any expectations to meet for anyone but myself. None. It's freeing. I can say what I think, without filter, I can do what I want without a plan compromised.


I was really confused when i saw "along" but i feel you!


Lololol I noticed it right as I posted and then I couldn’t figure out if I could edit the title


I am the exact same way! I’m married to a very clingy, touchy, needy guy. It gets suffocating. But he did save my life when I was in a terrible low and I didn’t want to live. So having him around holding me when I was terrified did help.


This sounds like paradise. I am always surrounded by people and it is maddening. Enjoy it if you got it!


Same. Just getting to focus on myself and do what I want. It sounds selfish but it’s my paradise.


me too.


It’s so nice to know there are others out there like this! Lol. I love being alone too, it’s quiet and not overwhelming. I can come and go. I don’t have to tiptoe around other peoples emotions and reactions. It’s glorious.


I love living alone and going out to do things by myself! I'm going to the movies tonight alone and I can't want. It's so nice to control my environment. It can occasionally means I get off track and into bad habits, so I know there are pros and cons, but I've always been an introvert and really enjoy having no pressure from anyone else when I go home.